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第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 

                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

              Recently,the idea that listening to classical music can increase intelligence,especially in 41, has caught the attention of the media,researchers,and parents around the globe. In the early 1990s,researchers from France and the US published articles that said 42  Mozart for 10 minutes temporarily 43 performance on IQ tests and challenging tasks. 44 ,the media quickly began reporting on the “Mozart effect”.

              In 1997,Don Campbell published a book about this 45 phenomenon. Campbell said that classical 46 could improve health and memory,prevent mental and physical disorders,and 47 stress and depression. He soon 48 with The Mozart Effect for Children,as well as CDs and products for parents of young children. Today,a wide selection of similar products is 49 ,including Baby Mozart and Baby Bach,two bestselling DVDs in the popular Baby Einstein series. There are even music players specially 50 forexpectant(预产期的) mothers to wear on their stomachs. 51 ,babies can listen to classical music before they’ re even 52 .

               53 ,there is some doubt surrounding the “Mozart effect”. Parents  54  whether it is a proven reality or just a fad (潮流) designed to make money. Frances H. Rauscher,a psychologist and author of one of the original studies,is 55 . Much of the original 56 pointed to temporary improvements on specific tasks. She 57 these findings have been incorrectly described as a general increase in 58 . “I don't think it can hurt,” Rauscher said. Yet she added that 59 may still want to think twice 60 spending a fortune trying to make a genius(天才) out of their baby.

41. A. scientists   B. musicians  C. adults   D. babies

42. A. joining in      B. dreaming of  

    C. talking about   D. listening to

43. A. improved   B. measured  C. provided   D. enjoyed

44. A. On the whole      B. As a result

    C. On the contrary   D. In other words

45. A. common   B. natural   C. interesting   D. alarming

46. A. literature   B. music   C. world   D. education

47. A. cause   B. place   C. reduce   D. limit

48. A. began   B. dealt   C. agreed   D. followed

49. A. useless   B. priceless   C. available   D. changeable

50. A. tested   B. designed   C. searched   D. collected

51. A. By the way   B. In this way   C. On the way   D. All the way

52. A. bom   B. lost   C. trained   D. invited

53. A. Besides   B. Therefore   C. Instead   D. However

54. A. check   B. question   C. determine   D. evaluate

55. A. real   B. right   C. normal   D. doubtful

56. Ar anxiety   B. material   C. research   D. argument

57. A. cheers   B. expects   C. remembers   D. believes

58. A. costs   B. health   C. disorders   D. intelligence

59. A. teachers   B. experts   C. parents   D. players

60. A. after   B. unless   C. before   D. as

41. D 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. C 50. B 51. B 52. A 53. D 54. B 55. D 56. C 57. D 58. D 59. C 60. C


41. D. 由下文多次出现的children和 babies可知.,本文主要介绍的是古典乐 对“婴儿(babies) ”智力的影响。

42. D. 

43. A. 由上文的 listening to classical music can increase intelligence可知,此处指“聆听(1 istening to)”十分钟莫扎特的音乐可以暂时“提高 (improved) ”智力。

44. B. “媒体争相报道‘莫扎特效应’”是 “研究学者发表听音乐有助于提禽智力的文章”的结果,故此处用As a result。

45. C. 此处的phenomenon指代上文“人们研究听音乐提高智力并对此争相报道” 这一现象,再由Don Campbell在其书中指出听古典音乐的各种好处可知,他认为此现象“有趣(interesting)”。

46. B. 

47. C. 此处指古典“音乐(music) ” 的各种好处——改善健康与记忆,对抗身心失调,“减轻(reduce) ”压力与抑郁。

48. D. 研究“听古典音乐提高智力”的 Don Campbell很快又“接着”(followed)”推出The Mozart EJfect for Children —书以及针对幼儿父母发行的CD和相关产品。

49. C. 由下文的 bestselling 和 popular 可知,如今有大量可提高婴儿智力的同性质音乐产品“可供选用(available) ”。

50. B. 由 expectant mothers to wear on j their stomachs可知,还有特别为怀孕的准妈妈“设计(designed)”的音乐播放

51. B. 

52. A. 此处指通过把音乐播放器放在准妈妈的肚子上“这种方式(In this way) ”,让婴儿在“出生(bom) ”前就听'音乐。

53. D. 上文是人们对“莫扎特效应”的推崇,而下文则指出一些人对此效应的怀疑,故此处用However。

54. B. 由 whether it is a proven reality or just a fad designed to make money 可知,一些父母“质疑(question) ”“莫扎特效应”。

55. D. 由上文的some doubt和下文的 incorrectly described as ...可知,最初研 究“莫扎特效应”的心理学家Frances H. Rauscher 对此表不了“怀疑(doubtfbl) ”。

56. C. 由上文的此the original studies和下文的these findings可知,此处指对“莫扎 特效应”最早的“研究(research) ”大多指向特定任务的短期成效。

57. D. 

58. D. 由下文心理学家Frances H. Rauscher给出听古典乐的建议可知,她 “认为Cbelieves) ”最早的研究被错误描述成能普遍提高“智商(intelligence) '

59. C. 

60. C. 由下文的 make a genius out of their baby 可知,心理学家 Frances H. Rauscher建议“父母(parents) ”在砸钱创造天才孩子“前(before) ”要三思。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第36期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James,and when we approached him,I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom. (P21)




③后一分句中,when引导时间状语从句, being firmly held up作宾语补足语。


[仿写]我们花了一个小时才到达这片森林。当我们发现比尔的时候,戒看到他正被 三头狼围着。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,备出最佳逸项。


          Our tiny boat was ploughing through(费力穿过) the waves across the Indian Ocean and I was absolutely freezing. The further we got from the shelter of the land,the more I thought how foolish I'd been to come along on this trip.

          The pilot of the boat looked almost 60 but,perhaps because of a lifetime on the open sea in the hot sun,was very fit and strbng. I was wondering how he managed to find his way. To me,it seemed difficult enough to navigate a boat without any electronic equipment even on a sunny day.

           So at least we were safe. But this was not what we had come along for. A look at the other diversfaces suggested that now they were also doubtflil that we'd ever get the chancy to see a whale shark — these weather conditions were totally unsuitable for diving!None of us spoke. It seemed too much of an effort. Then suddenly the boatman stopped the engine. He said a few words in his own language to the diving instructor,who immediately jumped up from his seat and told us to get ready to dive.

           When I jumped into the grey sea,I was sure I wouldn’t  see anything. But then …there it was!An enormous whale shark,slowly swimming  through the water. I couldnt believe my eyes — my first whale shark!I hardly dared breathe — I was afraid my streams of bubbles(气泡) might scare the huge creature away. And the other divers were equally awed. Slowly we approached this huge animal. It was swimming quite slowly and we were able to swim with it,looking at the beautiful markings on its back. I was still holding my breath,telling myself that this huge fish was harmless!Then I reached out and touched it'stroking (轻抚) its thick skin. It was amazing how this giant suddenly gained speed — we watched it as it swam away from us,and a few moments later it was gone.

21. While riding a tiny boat across the Indian Ocean,the author.

   A. volunteered to act as,a pilot

   B. felt regret about his decision

   C. enjoyed the beautiful sunshine

   D. talked with other people happily

22. The author probably wanted to know how the boatman .

   A. kept fit in his spare time

   B. spent his life on the boat

   C. navigated his boat at sea

   D. communicated with others ,

23. What was the purpose of the author's trip?

   A. To see a whale shark.

   B. To learn how to dive.

   C. To swim the Indian Ocean.

   D. To save underwater creatures.

24. How did the author feel after he jumped into the sea?

   A. Rather anxious and angry.

   B. A little scared but excited.

   C. Doubtful and disappointed.

   D. A bit tired but later relaxed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



               As a sculptor,Gregory Kloehn often felt his sculptures that stayed in one place for years on end,lacked a meaningful purpose. So he decided to channel his artistic energies into creating homes.

               Over the years,he built lots of small houses,bars and restaurants from recycled shipping containers. But the thought of doing the same for the homeless never occurred to him. That idea hit in 2013 when a homeless couple in search of a tarp(防水布) ,knocked at his door. While Gregory did not have a tarp,he did have a small wooden structure complete with a water tank and built-in kitchen that he offered them. They were so grateful for his generosity that Gregory decided to build more for other people in similar situations.

               Since starting the Homeless Homes Project in 2013,Gregory has donated ten homes to the most needy. The brightly colored houses that are the size of a regular sofa,are not fancy,but they do provide a safe place for the homeless to sleep in.

               Gregory often goes hunting for raw materials by digging through dumpsters(垃圾箱) in an industrial area of Oakland. Everything he finds is usable — refrigerator doors become house doors,pizza delivery bags turn into insulators (隔热层) , while washing machine doors often serve as windows. Wheels at the bottom allow the homes to move around easily,while pitched roofs (斜屋顶) help make the shelters rain-proof. Gregory says that each mobile shelter which is built with a team of volunteers,costs between $30-$50 in screws,nails,glue,and the gas that he uses to search for materials.

                Like any other project,Gregory has seen his fair share of challenges. The original house which inspired the whole movement was firebombed,while another was stolen. One homeless recipient (接受者) sold his home for $80,which has since been used as a dog house. But those incidents are few and far between. Most are thrilled with their houses. A woman named Wonder calls her new home,which is made from an unwanted picnic table,the best one she has had in five years.

6. Gregory decided to create homes because.

   A. he had no house of his own

   B. he was inspired by other artists 

   C. he wanted to become an architect

   D. he would like to try something different

7. How did Gregory treat the homeless couple who knocked at his door?

   A. He invited them to dinner.

   B. He gave them some money.

   C. He provided a house for them.

   D. He offered them what they wanted.

8. The houses Gregory has donated .

   A. are made of high-quality material

   B. can move around with their owners

   C. are built completely by Gregory himself

   D. have refrigerators and washing machines inside

9. What can we learn about the Homeless Homes Project?

   A. It receives much support from the public.

   B. Its (Jonations are all kept in good condition.

   C. It was actually created by a homeless couple.

   D. Its donations are unpopular with the homeless.

10. How does Wonder feel about her new home?

   A. It needs improving.

   B. It truly meets her needs.

   C. It isn't worth a penny.

   D. It should be sold at a good price.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内 容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

           Many leading companies offer “buy now,pay later” finance deals and this can be an attractive choice for anyone 61.

(look) for a more flexible way 62. (pay) for goods. However,if you dont repay the entire amount in time,you could face excessive charges.

           For example,if youre buying something

expensive such as a car,you may 63. (offer) a hire purchase agreement by the company. 64. (typical) , this can work well if you set money aside each month. And you must never lose sight of the fact 65. you do not actually own the goods until you have made all of the payments.

           There are 66. (person) contract (合同) purchases too. Here,you are effectively hiring the car — with the choice to return it, buy it in the end,67. return it and make another deal 一 but the car's end value is decided in the 68. (begin). If the cars not in good condition 69. the end of the agreement this could hit your pocket. Besides,the finance agreement will be for 70  agreed period of time and it’11 be expensive if you want to end it early.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. He,s always willing to (帮助我们摆脱困境) when we’re short of staff.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. If he's only interested in your looks,that shows how (肤浅的) he is.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. It's been so hot this year that the pond has       completely.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Bring your baby to the (诊所) and we’11 take a look at her.

