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In July 1768 the Endeavour ________ for the Pacific Ocean.

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A. set up   B. set out   C. set about   D. set back


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届河南省六市高三第二次联考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

I met Jane Black in university, and soon we became friends.The first time I went to her home I found her family quite different from my own.
In my family, it was always important to place   1 when anything bad happened.
"Who did this? "my mother would scream about a dirty kitchen.
" This is all your  2 , Katharine, " my father would insist when the cat got out or the dishwasher  3 .
From the time we were little, my sister, brothers and I told on each other.We set a place for blame at the dinner table.
,the Whites didn't worry about who had done what.They picked up the pieces and with their lives.The beauty of this was driven home to me the summer Jane died.
In July, the White sisters and I decided to take a car  6 from their home in Florida to New York.The two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, were college students, and the youngest, Amy, had recently  7 sixteen.Proud of having a new driver' s license, Amy was excited about practicing her driving on the trip.She  8 her license to everyone she met.
The big sisters  9 the driving of Sarah' s new car during the first part of the trip, but when they reached _10_ crowded areas, they let Amy  11 .Somewhere in South Carolina, we pulled off the highway to eat.After lunch, Amy got behind the wheel.She came to a crossroads with a stop sign.Whether she was nervous or just didn't see the sign no one would  12 know, but Amy continued into the crossroads without stopping.The driver of a large truck, unable to stop in time, ran into our car.
Jane was killed immediately.I was only  13 injured.The most difficult thing that I’ve ever done was to call the Whites to tell them about the accident and that Jane had died.Painful __14_ it was for me to lose a good friend, I knew that it was far worse for them to lose a child.
When Mr.and Mrs.White arrived at the hospital, they found their two daughters sharing a room.Sarah had a few cuts on the head and Amy' s leg was broken.They hugged us all and cried tears of   15 and of joy at seeing their daughters.They  16 away the girls' tears and made a few jokes at Amy as she learned to use her crutches (拐仗).
To both of their daughters, and especially to Amy, over and over they simply said, "We' re so glad that you' re alive."
I was  17 .No blame.No accusations.
Later, I asked the Whites why they never talked about the fact that Amy was driving and had run a stop sign.
Mrs. White said, "Jane' s gone, and we miss her  18 .Nothing we say or do will ever bring her back.But Amy has her whole life ahead of her.How can she _19____ a full and happy life if she feels we blame her for her sister' s death?"
They were right.Amy graduated from the University of California and got married several years ago.She works   20  a teacher of learning-disabled students.She' s also a mother of two little girls of her own, the oldest named Jane.

A.had onB.put onC.got onD.moved on
A.showed offB.turned upC.brought outD.took off
A.turn upB.get downC.take overD.take up


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年陕西省宝鸡中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

When I began planning to move to Auckland to study, my mother was worried about a lack of jobs and cultural differences. Ignoring these   1   I got there in July 2010.   2  I arrived, I realized the importance of getting a job   3 my living  experience. Determined to do this ,  I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job, but found   5  response(回应)
One afternoon, I walked into a building to ask  6  there were any job opportunities(机会),The people there advised me not to continue my job search in that   7 . As I was about to   8 , a man who had been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside   9 . Nearly ten minutes later, he   10 ,He asked me about my plans and encouraged me to stay   11  . Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to  12 a job.
I was a little surprised, but had a  13  feeling about him. Along the way ,I realized that I had   14  resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man  15 at his business partner’s office to make me fifteen   16  copies. He also gave me some      17  on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resume and went home feeling very 18  . The following day, I received a   19  from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.
It seems that the world always  20  to you when you need it .And this time, it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.

A.Even ifB.Every timeC.Now thatD.Soon after
A.on my ownB.on my wayC.by any chanceD.by the day
A.for everB.at any timeC.as usualD.for a while
A.pick outB.hunt forC.take onD.give up
A.made use ofB.taken care ofC.run out ofD.become tired of
A.stoppedB.knocked C.glancedD.appeared
A.turns offB.goes overC.gives backD.looks up


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东汕头金山中学高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

As the first woman Chancellor(总理) in German’s history, Angela Merkel topped Forbes magazine’s list of “The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women” in 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.She has even been compared to Margaret Thatcher and many people called her  “Iron Lady”.
Merkel was born in Hamburg, West Germany, on July 17, 1954.Six weeks after she was born, her family moved to Templin. As a small child, Merkel quickly learned to speak but took longer to walk. “I was a stupid person when it came to moving?” Merkel said. “A normal person could do something naturally, but I had to think about it in my mind and practice.” As a teenager, she was the top student and graduated from high school with perfect marks. In 1973, Merkel went to the University of Leipzig, where she studied physics. At 32, she got her doctor’s degree in physics.
She stepped_into_politics in 1989.In her first big political job as Minister for the Environment in 1994, her scientific background and strong will proved very useful. In 2005 she became Germany’s Chancellor. She has been reelected to a second term as German Chancellor on September 27, 2009.
Through her political career, Merkel’s persistence (坚持) and patience helped her a lot. “She’s bright and open­minded,” said Hubert Markl. “She is the person who wants to know exactly what is going on, and how never giving up will influence our society and future.”
【小题1】As a small child, Merkel was slow in ________.

【小题2】The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 most probably means “________”.
A.fought the governmentB.began her scientific career
C.offered political guidanceD.became a government official
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that Angela Merkel ________.
A.is a powerful woman with a strong will and determination
B.got her doctor’s degree in politics in University of Leipzig
C.has worked as German Chancellor since Sep.27, 2009
D.showed her best talent as Minister for the Environment
【小题4】In the last paragraph the author mainly wants to express ________.
A.one must be brave in the political career
B.one should be patient when making decisions
C.persistence can help one’s dream come true
D.one can have a strong will when others haven’t
【小题5】What’s the author’s attitude toward Angela Merkel?
A.Admiring.B.Thankful.C.Pitiful .D.Dull.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届天津市高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:填空题


Big storms, high waves, technical failures, loneliness, After battling hard times and danger for over nine months. British teenager Mike Perham made history last month as the youngest person to sail solo (单独) around the world.

     The 17-year-old made the record after he cleared the Panama Canal ( 巴拿马运河) and then sailed through the Caribbean and home across the Atlantic.

     Mike is only three months younger than Zac Sunderland. the 17-year-old American boy who had taken the crown as the youngest solo around-the-world sailor in July.

     The two youngsters met in Cape Town in South Africa as they crossed the globe in different directions. Mike insisted they were not rival (竞争对手). "No. It's two teenagers going out there, living their dream and having the adventure of a lifetime." he said.

     Mike may be young, but he is no stranger to sailing adventures. He picked up the hobby at age 6 when his father took him out in a small boat on a local lake. Father and son sailed separate boats across the Atlantic when Mike was 14, making him the youngest person to cross that ocean solo. That record gave him the taste for this even greater challenge.

     On the recent journey. the scariest moment for Mike came when his sailboat was hit by storms in the southem Indian Ocean.

     "We were picked up by what felt like a 60-foot wave and threw down on our side at 90 degrees," he said.

     "It felt like I was going right over. Stuff was flying around and I just thought 'Oh no'".

     At other times, he had to dive into the Pacific and fix problems. He tied himself to the boat, jumped into the water and went to work with a knife in 30-second dives undemeath (在......之下) the boat to cut a rope away.

     Mike said he felt proud that he made his dream come true. "You've got to have confidence in yourself that you will make it." he said.

1.What's the main idea of the passage?  (No more than 15 words)

2.Which canal did Mike Perham cross? (No more than 3 words)

3.What does the underlined word "taste" in the fifth paragraph mean? (1 word)

4.What did Mike believe in? (No more than lO words)

5.What do you think of Mike Perham? (No more than 10 words)



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江苏省盐城市高三摸底考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

China launched its fifth Beidou orbiter into space on Sunday morning, moving it one step closer to its goal of building a navigation(导航) and positioning satellite network.

       The Beidou, or Compass, system is being built to rival the US-developed GPS, the European Union's Galileo and Russia's Global Navigation Satellite System. It can allow travelers, drivers and military officials to know their locations.

       The fifth orbiter was launched on top of a Long March 3A carrier rocket at 5:30 am on Sunday from Xichang of Southwest China's Sichuan province.

       It is the third Compass satellite launched this year, following launches on Jan 17 and June 2.

       The short interval of less than two months since the last launch demonstrated that "the country is stepping into a busy period of launching the Compass satellites", an unnamed official in charge of the project said last month.

       The first two orbiters were launched in 2007 and 2009 respectively.

       Sun Jiadong, the Beidou program's chief designer, said on June 21 in a TV interview that China would launch 13 to 15 Beidou navigation satellites into orbit by 2012 to form a network that provides regional service covering the neighboring areas.

       And in about 10 years, the network would be expanded to include more than 30 satellites covering the globe, he said.

      The system is a crucial part of the country's space infrastructure for providing navigation and positioning services in transportation, meteorology, petroleum prospecting, forest fire monitoring, disaster forecasting, telecommunications and public security.

       In addition, a global positioning system is crucial to any country's national security and defense, said Ran Chengqi, an official in charge of the program, referring to the fact that the US initially built its GPS system for military purposes.

       It is unimaginable for China to go without such a system, he said.

       Earlier reports cited(引用) Song Xiaojun, a Beijing-based military expert, as saying that 90 percent of the world's current weapons systems need a global positioning system.

1.This news report was probably released            .

       A.in January, 2010  B.in June, 2010       C.in July, 2010      D.in August, 2010

2.The Compass System is expected to finally cover      in the future.

       A.China                                                 B.China and its neigh boring areas

       C.Asia, Europe and Oceania                     D.the earth

3.At the very beginning, the GPS system was built to help       .

       A.military officers to judge their locations B.travelers to know their locations

       C.drivers to reach their destinations easily D.hunters to find wild animals smoothly


