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1. She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its c______.
2. U______, my computer system broke down again.
3. He e______ us for hours with his stories and jokes.
4. You'll need to c______ them of your enthusiasm for the job.
5. Traffic is bad, p______ in the city centre.
6. The competition attracted over 5,000 athletes r______ 18 countries.
7. The school has decided to adopt a different a______ to discipline (纪律).
8. There must be some m______ - I thought I ordered the smaller model.
9. Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to f______ normally.
10. Well, really and t______, things weren't quite how she described them.
1. contents   2. Unfortunately   3. entertained   4. convince   5. particularly
6. representing   7. approach   8. misunderstanding   9. function   10. truly

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

―What do you think of my composition?

    ―It _____ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.

A. reads; except for      B. read; besides

C. is read; except for    D. is read; besides


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

In this composition spelling mistakes ______ while grammatical ones are not so obvious.

A. stick out         B. stick  to        C. stick up      D. stick around


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Her composition is well written ___ some spelling mistakes.

A. except         B. besides         C. beside D. except for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is on e extra heading which you do not need.

You’re probably most familiar with college dictionaries, often called abridged dictionaries. Although abridged means “shortened”, these dictionaries contain more than 150.000 entries and provide detailed definitions that are sufficient for most college students and general users. College dictionaries also contain separate lists of abbreviations. Biographical and geographical names, foreign words and phrases. And tables of measures. Webster’s Ⅱ New Riverside University Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language are college dictionaries.

unabridged dictionaries contain as many as 500,000 entries and provide detailed definitions and extensive word histories (etymologies). These dictionaries, possibly in several volumes and mostly found in libraries, are excellent sources for scholarly inquiries. Unabridged dictionaries include the Oxford English Dictionary and the Random House Dictionary of the English Language.

A dictionary entry has many elements: multiple definitions, syllabication, preferred spelling and pronunciation (some word have more than one acceptable spelling and pronunciation), and part-of-speech labels. Some entries also include plurals and capitalized forms. Synonyms, antonyms, and derivatives. Americanisms and etymologies may be provide along with usage notes, cross-references, and idioms.

If you prefer using the dictionary on a computer, you can obtain CD-ROM versions of many major dictionaries. In addition, you can access numerous dictionaries, such as WWWebster’s Dictionary, on the Internet. Online dictionaries allow you to enter a search word (you even get help with spelling ) to see a definition, and sometimes even an illustration. Online dictionaries also offer additional features, such as word games. Language tips, and amusing facts about words. Some online dictionary services allow you to access numerous dictionaries, both general and specialized, in on search.

Specialized dictionaries provide in-depth information about a certain field. For example there are dictionaries for the specialized vocabularies of law, computer technology, and medicine. In addition, there are dictionaries of synonyms, clichés, slang, and even regional expressions. Such as the Dictionary of American Regional English(DARE). There are also dictionaries of foreign languages, famous people’s names, literary characters’ names and place names.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏淮安涟水金城外国语学校高一下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The English language is changing fast, thanks to the rapid progress of technology. We all have a rapid choice: we can either bury our heads in the sand and spend the rest of our lives wishing Shakespeare were alive and well. Or we can embrace (拥抱) the new English, enter into the spirit of the Internet age called Weblish.

       “You can’t avoid it, for the simple reason that whenever a new variety of language comes along, it inevitably (不可避免的) impacts(冲击)on the language as a whole.” says Dr. David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics(语言学)at the University of Wales in Bangor, whose book Language and the Internet has just been published.

       The trouble with keeping up with the new English is not so much that there are so many new words but that the old words no longer mean what we thought they did. In the past, if someone said they did not have Windows, you would have to suppose they lived in a cave. These days, it is probably because they use a Mac (which is a computer, not a rain coat). Spam is as disliked as it ever was ,but it once meant an unappetizing(引不起食欲的)canned meat. It now stands for unwanted “junk” email. Spellings are changing, too. Not only is text-messaging playing “hvc wth vrbs” (havoc(混乱)with verbs), but the conventions of email communication place little emphasis on “perfect speaking”.

       Weblish loves to see nouns happily become verbs (“please bookmark this site”), and verbs become nouns (“Send me the download”). Verbs and prepositions are regularly thrown together to become new nouns or adjectives (e.g. dial-up, logon, print-on-demand, pull-down, upload), while others are created from simply pairing nouns: cyberspace, Etl, hyperlink, netspeak.

1.The best title of this passage would be ______.

A. Keep Up with the Latest Weblish      B. Keep Up with the Latest Development      

C. Newly Invented English Words        D. Technology and English

2.We can infer(推断)from the first paragraph that ______.

A. Some people wish Shakespeare were still alive

B. people may have different attitudes towards Weblish

C. all people welcome Weblish

D. Weblish is not popular among people

3.The author thinks the main difficulty for people in keeping up with Weblish is that ______.

A. old words have new meanings

B. there are so many new words

C. the technology is changing too fast

D. Weblish words are full of spelling mistakes

4.Dr. David Crystal would probably agree that ______.

A. people should not accept Weblish

B. Weblish can cause misunderstandings among people

C. Weblish will destroy the English language

D. people should know something about Weblish


