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【题目】 Long plane trips can be tiring. Luckily, there are things you can do both during and after a long flight that can help reduce (减轻) your discomfort.

During the flight

1 Boredom gives you the chance to pay attention to your discomfort. Instead, help pass the time by watching a movie, reading a book, writing a letter, walking up and down the aisle (过道), or listening to music.

Drink a lot and eat just a little. The longer the flight, the more the air dries out. 2 Stay away from wine and coffee because they can make you lose more water. Eat lightly.

Make yourself comfortable. Wear loose-fitting clothing and sit comfortably. 3 Avoid crossing your legs, and get any hard subjects out of your back pockets.

Get a good seat. Request a seat over the wing or the wheels. 4 Sitting in an aisle seat will make it easier for you to get up from your seat and will give you more legroom.

Sleep. If possible, sleep during night flights, and just take a very short sleep on day flights.

After arrival

There is no useful way to deal with jet lag (时差综合症). 5 For example, you can reset your watch when you take off, and you can eat and sleep at the local time right away.

A.Keep busy.

B.Avoid ear pain.

C.However, environmental treatment may help.

D.This is where you will hardly feel the moving or shaking.

E.Proper sitting helps reduce aches, pains and back soreness.

F.Drinking about one glass of water each hour can reduce this dryness.

G.Reduce ear pressure during takeoff and landing by having hard candy.









1根据下文Instead, help pass the time by watching a movie, reading a book, writing a letter, walking up and down the aisle (过道), or listening to music. (相反,通过看电影、读书、写信、在过道上走动或者听音乐来帮助度过时间)可知,本段主要讲述让自己处于繁忙的状态。A. Keep busy. (保持繁忙)可以作为本段小标题,故选A项。

2上文The longer the flight, the more the air dries out.(飞行时间越长,空气越干燥)F. Drinking about one glass of water each hour can reduce this dryness. (每小时喝一杯水可以减少你的干燥)承接自然,选项是解决上文问题的方法,drydryness是关键词,故选F项。

3E. Proper sitting helps reduce aches, pains and back soreness. (适当的坐姿帮助减少疼痛和北部酸痛)符合本段小标题Make yourself comfortable.(让你自己舒适)的话题,故选E项。

4上文Request a seat over the wing or the wheels.(要求一个机翼或者轮子上方的座位)D. This is where you will hardly feel the moving or shaking.(这是你几乎感觉不到移动或晃动的地方)承接自然,选项中的this就是前文提到的a seat over the wing or the wheels,故选D项。

5上文There is no useful way to deal with jet lag (时差综合症). (几乎没有有用的方法可以处理视察综合症)C. However, environmental treatment may help. (然而,环境的治疗可能有用)承接自然,上下文构成明显的转折关系,故选C项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 School success means different things to different people. No matter what success means to you, strong study skills, confidence and goals are key components. 1. Therefore, why not try the following tips to achieve it?

Organize yourself

When a student lacks organization, he struggles to complete schoolwork on time, or find time to study. 2. When you sit down to study, you need to organize your time well by allowing enough time for each task. You also need an organized backpack that allows you to transport materials to and from classes.


Spending time with friends, working a part-time job and pursuing other interests has a place. However, you also need to leave time to achieve academic goals, or else your studies will be affected negatively. For example, working too many hours at a job reduces study and sleep time, possibly meaning missed school and difficulty concentrating due to being tired.

Look for support

Whether or not you struggle in school, a support network helps you succeed. So communicate with your teacher outside of class time to ask for help when you struggle. 4. If your friends think school is a waste of time, you may be influenced to think so.

Go beyond the classroom

Learning doesn’t stop at the classroom doors. 5. When a topic in the classroom interests you, you should do a little research on your own. For example, set up your own experiment based on something you learned in science class.

A.Balance activities and your studies

B.It isn’t limited to the information on the next exam

C.Never miss school

D.Surround yourself with classmates who also want to succeed in school

E.For students who struggle in school, additional support is necessary for success

F.You need an organized study place at home for completing homework and studying

G.School success opens up doors for future achievements for students at all grade levels


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Happiness is a state of being happy, 1 it does not mean to be happy all the time. Happiness is a feeling of something good that is happening in our life. We become happy when we feel 2 (accept) by others. Some people find true happiness in playing 3 their pets, while some may find happiness in doing hard work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 表示理解;

2. 提出建议;

3. 表达祝愿。

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Ann,

I am sorry to hear that you’re having trouble in getting along with your classmates in your new school.



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Best Ways to Make Money Online

Sell Digital Products

Selling digital products means never having to keep physical goods. You can sell such items as WordPress themes, audiobooks, and PowerPoint templates (模板) through a marketplace like ClickBank.

The amount of money you can make will vary greatly from just a few dollars a month to several hundred or even thousand dollars. It depends on the success of your products and how you market them.

Run an Etsy Store

Do you enjoy working with arts and crafts? Sell your unique creations through Etsy, an online marketplace for all things handmade. Etsy sellers list such items as pillowcases, dream catchers, canvas prints, custom shower curtains and more. You set your own pricing and Etsy takes a small cut from your sales.

Work for Mechanical Turk

If you are just looking for a way to earn a little extra pocket money, Amazon Mechanical Turk could be a great solution. You can work from home, writing video descriptions, translating a paper, or performing online research. The barrier to entry is really low and you can start making money right away.

Make Money Through Your Podcasts (播客)

Many people start podcasting as a hobby, but these audio shows can also be a reliable source of income. Similar to blogging and YouTube channels, podcasts can be changed into money through advertisements. One of the greatest challenges will be growing your audience through podcast directories like iTunes. The potential is there if your audience is large enough and you attract the right partnerships.

1What do you need to make much money by selling digital products?

A.Plenty of patience to sell them.

B.A large warehouse to store goods.

C.Your creativity and marketing skills.

D.Enough time to make digital products.

2What’s the advantage of Mechanical Turk?

A.Doing tasks that need no skill.

B.Attracting many young people.

C.Working with flexibility.

D.Making money easily.

3What should you do to earn good money through podcasts?

A.To extend your influence.

B.To create excellent products.

C.To put forward unique ideas.

D.To treat podcasts as a good career.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Getting up in a cold winter morning is even a difficult thing to do and doing some exercise outdoors seems a tough task. 1 . People who run outdoors simply need to dress in the appropriate clothing.

Running in the cold actually helps burn more calories compared to the same activity done indoors. Cold weather basically requires the body to work harder to achieve perfect temperature for efficient functioning.

Cold winter weather is a common excuse for people to get lazy and stay indoors. Some people also eat a whole lot when it’s cold outside. 2. With these, the body’s metabolism(新陈代谢) will also slow down and eventually result in weight gain. When running is done, possible weight gain may be prevented.

3 When the temperatures are freezing and low, the body’s metabolism will also slow down and the only way to promote blood circulation is to do some exercise like running.

Having depression or a sad mood is common during the winter months. 4 Doing some running will also help to lift spirits up and make people happier.

Running activities basically help the body become healthy and strong regardless of indoors or outdoors. The additional thing is that the body needs extra work to knock back the freezing temperatures. 5.

A.Good blood circulation promotes metabolism

B.Running outdoors is also good exercise for the heart

C.With this, people will not only become healthier but also happier

D.The changes lead to people feeling down during the cold winter months

E.However, running outdoors in winter may actually provide various benefits

F.Other people meanwhile tend to watch TV all day or sleep for longer periods

G.These feelings are regarded as a common phenomenon with those living in the north


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 It has been two months since I moved to China, but its digital advancement hasn’t stopped impressing me ever since. One of the major things that I cannot imagine living without anymore is mobile payment. There are two major mobile payment apps here, Alipay and Wechat Pay. Both have similar payment features, though Wechat is more like a social media. That’s why I will focus on this “super app”.

So far, I’ve been overwhelmed by how convenient life can be with Wechat. It is present in every aspect of people’s daily life, from paying water and electricity bills, meals, cinema tickets to hailing a taxi, following news, and chatting with friends. Most merchants have adopted it, from tiny local street food stalls to high-end stores. A cashier may be surprised if you do not pay with Wechat or Alipay at the grocers or in restaurants. And it seems like the entire payment industry has encouraged this shift to mobile payment, equipping payment terminals (终端) with QR code scanners to simplify payments. Mobile payments are so common here that I realize that I can perfectly survive if I forget my wallet at home one day because most days I just don’t take it out of my bag!

As mentioned earlier, Wechat is also a major social media platform with about one billion daily users, which is more than the entire population of the European Union. So I have to say Chinese technological and digital development is a real miracle.

1What does the underlined word mean in Paragragh 2?



2What can we learn from the passage?

A.Wechat is more a social media than Alipay.

B.All merchants have adopted mobile payment.

C.A cashier may be surprised if you pay with Wechat or Alipay.

D.It causes trouble if you don’t take your wallet with you.

3The best title of the passage might be ________.

A.The Different Pinions About Mobile Payment

B.The Development of Mobile Payment

C.The Popularity of Chinese Mobile Payment

D.Two Major Apps of Mobile Payment


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Earth Day is a yearly event celebrated on April 22. Various activities1( hold ) worldwide to show support for environmental protection. Here is a brief history of2event.

In the 1960s, Americans were becoming aware of the effects of pollution3the environment. In 1969, Senator (参议员) Gaylord Nelson,4( consider )one of the leaders of the modern environmental movement, developed the idea of Earth Day. His idea really raised5(aware )about the environment. On April 22, 1970, over 20 million people turned up for the first Earth Day. They believed it was important6( keep ) the planet safe.

In 1990, Earth Day went global, with 200 million people in over 140 nations 7( participate ). In 2000, Earth Day focused on clean energy and involved hundreds of millions of people in 184 countries and 5000 environmental8( group ). Activities ranged from a traveling to a gathering of hundreds of thousands of people at the National Mall in Washington, D. C. Today, the holiday is a global celebration9is sometimes extended (延长) into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focusing on green living. In 2018, more than 1 billion people were involved in Earth Day activities, making it one of the10(large)events in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是高三学生李华,写信建议你的美国朋友Tom参加21世纪学生英文报(21st Century Teens)专门为外国人举办的2018“最美中国(Amazing China手机摄影大赛。信的内容包括:







