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To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their ______ and weaknesses.

A. flaw B. criticism C. strengths D. Energy




试题分析:考查名词辨析。句意:为了让队里的每个成员表现更好,训练者最重要的是要知道他们的优点和缺点。Strengths and weaknesses优点和缺点,故选C项。

考点 : 考查名词辨析



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届长春外国语学校高三第一次诊断性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

If you are interested to find a part-­time job or learn something different during your spare time, you can have a look at the following jobs offered by the DC Public Library.

Teens of Distinction Program

The DC Public Library offers part-­time jobs for teens through the Teens of Distinction Program. Teens work 10­-12 hours per week all year long, helping the library with important tasks and projects. The Teens of Distinction Program is now hiring! To apply, you have to:

● be a DC resident

● have and maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average

● be 16 to 18 years old

● be able to work 10­-12 hours per week

● be able to work for DCPL for at least 9 months

Oh, and of course you have to impress us with your wonderful personality!

Teen Volunteer Opportunities

If you want to earn community service hours for school, Youth202 is a good choice.

Youth202 is a radio program created by youth and for youth. You can learn radio production skills, interview people around you, and help keep other teens to learn news, events, and anything else you think is important.

Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)

Every summer, teens can work here to help library customers organize books and learn lots of new skills, such as program planning, writing and media production.

On Friday, January 25 at 12:15 pm, the application for the 2014 SYEP will be open to teens between the ages of 14 and 21.

Applications will be processed on a first­come, first­served basis. Space is limited this year, so teens are encouraged to apply early, and remember not to miss the deadline, Saturday, February 16.

1.Working for the Teens of Distinction Program, teenagers will ________.

①become a DC resident

②work 10­-12 hours per week

③work for DCPL for at least 9 months

④have a wonderful personality

A. ③④ B. ②③ C. ①②③ D. ①③④

2.Who has the biggest chance to work for the 2014 SYEP?

A. A teenager who applies early.

B. A teenager who is popular.

C. A teenager who is smart.

D. A teenager who gets high grades in exams.

3.The aim of text is to ________.

A. introduce the DC Public Library

B. describe the job of library workers

C. offer teenager part-time jobs in the DC Public Library

D. teach how to apply for part-­time jobs



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十一单元练习卷2(解析版) 题型:完形填空

There’s always been a debate on whether human beings are born good or bad.Depending on how you view the world,you can think of all the crimes and injustice and conclude that we’re bad,so we need a system of laws to keep us in check.However,there are also a lot of stories of good deeds.I think we’re all born good.

Today,I took a trip to South Bend to attend my friends’ wedding reception.I had____the night before at the forecast and it said we were going to get about 3 inches of snow,so I thought,“That’s not so____”I set out on my journey and it was completely clear until I____to get towards Niles,M1...

I was____with this ominous (不祥的) cloud,I thought to myself,“Hmm,this can’t be a good____.” Soon enough,the highway became a snow?packed wall of white.I should have remembered that such severe changes in____are common in this part of America.I then tried to get to the populous area of South Bend and got____in the snow,____to turn left onto a street,I____for 20 minutes to dig myself out with only a scraper (刮刀).

It wasn’t a very____street,so I didn’t see many people.Just as I was starting to give up,a few people stopped by my car and then helped push me out of the snow bank.It was one person at first,and then a few others.

Then,on the way to my destination,another lady got stuck.____,I got out and was____to offer the same help that I had received.At least five others joined me in my____to get her car unstuck.It is kind of storm that makes roads undrivable.South Bend____up getting over 3 feet of snow.

In these____of kindness though,I was once again____of my belief that all people are born good.These people didn’t have to stop and help me out.They ran the____of having their own cars stuck.Even for myself,it was a(an)____reaction to get out and push the lady’s car out too.I didn’t think about it____a second.

I believe these situations really helped remind me that this world is a good place.Real life situations can____good deeds.It happened today,and it will happen again and again.

1.A.spent B.checked C.observed D.looked

2.A.late B.cold C.bad D.far

3.A.hoped B.stopped C.started D.planned

4.A.concerned B.met C.involved D.pointed

5.A.way B.event C.result D.sign

6.A.weather B.direction C.position D.system

7.A.frozen B.stuck C.hurt D.lost

8.A.attempting B.needing C.realizing D.having

9.A.waited B.stayed C. insisted D.struggled

10.A.long B.smooth C.busy D.quiet

11.A.Immediately B.Carefully C.Eventually D.Obviously

12.A.requested B.attracted C.inspired D.convinced

13.A.efforts B.group C.donation D.spirits

14.A.made B.ended C.came D.grew

15.A.attitudes B.characters C.manners D.acts

16.A.informed B.reminded C.warned D.told

17.A.favor B.course C.caution D.risk

18.A.automatic B.generous C.valuable D.accurate

19.A.with B.by C.for D.in

20.A.find B.produce C.admire D.judge



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆铜梁中学校高一下月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

(This selection was originally published in 1992. Pluto (冥王星) is no longer classified as a planet.)

Pluto is in many ways the strangest of the planets. It is small and has a large moon(called Charon). Its orbit(轨道) is unusual, which may cause it to have seasons in the sense that when it is close to the sun, the liquid (液体)methane(甲烷)on its surface boils to form a kind of atmospheric haze(烟雾). When the planet moves farther away from the sun, it starts to snow solid(固体) methane.

Pluto is not dark. Despite its great distance from the sun, the surface of Pluto is probably as bright as a moonlit night on Earth. The reason is all that methane, which is as white as newly fallen snow.

The discovery of Pluto was more accident than design. The American astronomer Percival Lowell had predicted the existence of a ninth planet(he called it Planet X)based on what he took to be irregularities in the orbit of Neptune. Today astronomers argue that these "irregularities" weren't real, but the result of instrumental error. Nevertheless, Lowell produced predictions about where Planet X ought to be(although, to be honest, the predictions changed occasionally when he redid the calculations).In any case, in 1930 Clyde Tombaugh, doing a systemic sky survey that would have found the planet no matter where it was, discovered the planet we now call Pluto. By coincidence, its position was pretty close to where Lowell's last prediction said it should be. Was it just luck? We'll never know.

1.On Pluto's surface, liquid methane boils to form an atmospheric haze, which would be most similar to ____.

A. light B. darkness

C. liquid D. steam(水蒸气)

2.What effect is produced by including the question "Was it just luck?" at the end of the text?

A. The question encourages the reader to think about why Pluto is a strange planet.

B. The question encourages the reader to think about how planets are discovered.

C .The question suggests that all discoveries are luck, not just design.

D. The question suggests that other planets were found in different ways.

3.What contributes to the brightness of Pluto?

A. Methane on its surface. B. Its great distance from the sun.

C. Light from its moon, Charon. D. Its closeness to the sun.

4.The text mainly wants to ____.

A. give a brief introduction of Pluto

B. talk about the discovery of Pluto

C. prove the exact position of Pluto

D. describe the strangeness of Pluto



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆铜梁中学校高一下月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

–Are you going to Tom’s birthday party?

-_____. I might have to work.

A. It depends B. Thank you

C.Sounds great D. Don’t mention it.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆铜梁中学校高一下月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

– _____ you be so noisy now? Can’t you see I’m busy doing my homework?

– Sorry, sister, but I didn’t notice that.

A. Must B. Need C. Can D. Shall



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北黄梅华宁高级中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Most people today think of chocolate as something sweet to eat or drink and can be easily found in stores around the world. It might surprise you that chocolate was once highly treasured.

The wealthy people of Spain first enjoyed a sweetened chocolate drink. Later, the popularity of the drink spread throughout Europe. Chocolate remained a drink that only wealthy people could afford to drink until the eighteenth century. During the period known as the Industrial Revolution, new technologies helped make chocolate less costly to produce.

Farmers grow cacao trees in many countries in Africa, Central and South America, but these trees are difficult to grow. They require an exact amount of water, warmth, soil and protection. After about five years, cacao trees start producing large fruits called pods, which grow near the trunk of the tree. The seeds inside these pods are harvested to make chocolate. Growing cacao is very hard work for farmers. Today, chocolate industry officials, activists, and scientists are working with farmers. They are trying to make sure that cacao can be grown in a way that is easy for the farmers and safe for the environment.

The market value of the yearly cacao crop around the world is more than five billion dollars. Chocolate is especially popular in Europe and the United States. Each year, Americans eat an average of more than 5 kilograms of chocolate per person. Specialty shops that sell costly chocolate are also very popular. Many offer chocolate lovers the chance to taste chocolate grown in different areas of the world.

1.We can learn from the passage that chocolate was .

A.served with a drink in old times

B.popular with people around the world

C.a drink enjoyed by the rich in old times

D.bought easily in stores in old times

2.What made it possible to produce chocolate inexpensively?

A.A warm climate. B.Official aid.

C.New technologies. D.Scientific protection.

3.What should ideal cacao farming be like?

A.Simple and time-saving.

B.Safe and labour-saving

C.Easy and labour-saving

D.Easy and environment-friendly.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Scientists are trying to help people find various cacaos.

B.The chocolate industry is developing rapidly only in European countries.

C.People in America love to produce dear chocolate.

D.Chocolate making is probably a big international business.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江富阳第二中学高一下期中质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.We had a music evening with the whole family g____________ round the piano yesterday.

2.Chocolate can offer you some e_________ when you are tired or hungry.

3.She is s _____________ with her son’s progress in his study.

4.What I need is a book that c _________ the ABC of oil painting.

5.When they discovered that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought tickets for the p _______________。

6.He p___________ to be reading an important document when the boss came in.

7.Once he has made up his mind, nothing can a_________ his decision.

8.We’re having a dinner in c____________ of our parents’ thirtieth wedding anniversary.

9.A__________,my goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.

10.Bob is t ___________ different from his father, who is very tall.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏淮安涟水中学高一下第一次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

______ the little kid wanted to do something himself made his parents very happy.

A. That B. /

C. What D. Where


