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2.Facebook(脸谱网)类似我们中国的QQ,在成立后很短的时间内,就拥有了众多的用户.Jane 是其中的一名用户,她谈到了Facebook的一些情况.请从下列A、B、C、D、E、F中选出与她的描述相匹配的主题.选项中有一项是多余选项.
A.Facebook's advertising 
B.Typical activities on Facebook
C.Suggestions about the future of Facebook
D.Trust with Facebook in personal information
E.Product purchase following Facebook's friends  
F.People's attitude towards the development of Facebook
Jane's description:The most common activity I use Facebook for is to see what people are up to.I like to look through friends'photo albums to see where they've been and who they're with.It's also a nice way to message friends casually.1 created a Facebook group for a certain club,so I just send out messages to the group when a meeting or event is coming up.
Jane's description:When Facebook was first started,everyone in my age wanted to be on it.The first version didn't have any of the fancy things-we could just message,play poke and befriend.It was too Hat.When they started to add new features like the wall,photo albums,video capabilities,and groups,people became more interested.But then Facebook took it too far.Now I find Facebook has quite a few useless features'prefer an older version of just the basics-messaging,walls,photos-and groups.
Jane's description:I don't add anything too personal to my profile.My only concern is that friends can post pictures of me that I don't want to share.I download them but they will still be on the Internet.I don't think that's a good idea.I think when you don't want a photo to be shared,it should be deleted from the photo album.
Jane's description:It wouldn't bother me one bit.It's the same as any other recommendation method.I think it's a good place to sell/buy.You see your friends are into it,so you feel the connection right there-it seems like a great time to make a purchase.If Facebook had this service setup,people could just go on to see what new songs their friends are listening to-one click and they can purchase the songs on music websites,or rent new movies on movie websites etc.
Jane's description:If Facebook keeps trying to stick in useless applications to attract advertisers,it may sink in the future.But if it allows users to go to music or movie websites directly from their friends profiles,it may become the new social networking search engine that people use to look through their friends stuff when they need advice about what to buy.If they include a feature like favorite stores to shop at,they will definitely expand on the possibilities.

分析 文章分别介绍了脸谱网有代表性的活动,人们对脸谱网发展态度的转变,对脸谱网保护个人信息方面是否值得信任的质疑,跟着朋友进脸谱网买东西,以及对脸谱网的将来发展提出了建议.

61.B 抓住关键句,The most common activity I use Facebook for is to see what people are up to.句意:我使用脸谱网最常见的活动是看人们在做什么,所以此部分是Typical activities on Facebook关于脸谱网有代表性的活动,所以选B,
62.F文章细节,When Facebook was first started,everyone in my age wanted to be on it.When they started to add new features,people became more interested.But then Facebook took it too far.Now I find Facebook has quite a few useless features,脸谱网才开始时,人民兴趣很浓,后来增添新特点,人们更感兴趣了,但现在我发现它有很多无用的东西,可见是人们对脸谱网发展态度的转变,People's attitude towards the development of Facebook,所以选F,
63.D 深层理解,I download them but they will still be on the Internet.I don't think that's a good idea.I think when you don't want a photo to be shared,it should be deleted from the photo album.我下载了图片但他们还在网上.我认为这不是好主意,我认为当人们不想照片共享时,他应该可以从相册中删除.所以此部分是对脸谱网保护个人信息方面是否值得信任的质疑,故选D.
64.E 抓住关键句,It's the same as any other recommendation method.I think it's a good place to sell/buy.脸谱网和其他推荐方法一样,是个买卖东西的好地方,people could just go on to see what new songs their friends are listening to-one click and they can purchase the songs因此可见是跟着朋友进脸谱网买东西Product purchase following Facebook's friends,所以选E,
65.C理解归纳,If Facebook keeps trying to stick in useless applications to attract advertisers,it may sink in the future.If they include a feature like favorite stores to shop at,they will definitely expand on the possibilities.两种情况的假设,如果继续用没用的程序的话,市场衰落.如果改良人们喜欢的网店,无疑会发展,所以选C,Suggestions about the future of Facebook就 脸谱网的将来提出了建议

点评 本文考查了考生的归纳整理能力,要求能抓住段落中的中心句和关键词准确的把握段落大意.要求抓住文章和主旨相关的关键句,进行归纳.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.He is a strong-minded person,so he never      to any difficulty.(  )
A.gives inB.gives upC.gives awayD.gives out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.If you know me well,you know I don't like birthday parties.At least,I don't like birthday parties given for me.I enjoy them when they're for other people,but when they're for me,I just don't like them.
I remember one birthday party some friends of mine had for me when I was a student at the university.Of course,I had told my best friend Henry that I didn't want a party and I made him promise he wouldn't do anything.He agreed.I should have known better than to believe him.
On the day of my birthday,we got home from school at about,oh,I don't know,three or half past three.We went inside and as usual I went into the bathroom and started to close the door when suddenly from behind the shower curtain (浴帘),a kind of strange female(女) voice started singing,"Happy birthday to you,happy birthday to you."
And then from all over the room,people joined in.There were about fifteen people hiding everywhere in the room.
They had got my roommate's key and got in earlier.They had all planned to come out of the hiding place just at the same time while singing.I guess I really upset their plans by going in just to wash my hands.
33.Which of the following sentences is NOT true?D
A.I got home from school at 3or 3:30on the day of my birthday.
B.I dislike birthday parties held for me.
C.Henry agreed that he would not do anything on my birthday.
D.I knew there were some of my friends hiding in my room.
34.I usually went into theC when I got home from school.
A.living room    
D.dining room
35.What did my friends plan to do?D
A.They planned to leave the room as soon as possible.
B.They planned to sing as loudly as they could.
C.They planned to eat in the bathroom.
D.They had planned to come out of hiding places together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The young man,_____ in heavy traffic on the way,got home an hour later than usual.(  )
A.catchingB.caughtC.having caughtD.to be caught


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I was completely free then,so I'll to say"yes".I'll arrive in Bristol at around 8p.m.in/on  Friday evening Animation means making things which are lifeless coming alive.From earliest times,people have always attracted by movement,but it is not until this century we have managed to capture movement and to record them.In the world of cartoon animation,nothing is impossible.You can make the creating characters do exactly which you want them.A famous early cartoon character was Felix the Cat.Felix was a nice cat,who could do all sorts of things no natural cat could do like taking off his tail,using it as handle and then putting it back.Most of the great early animators lived and worked in America,the home of the moving picture industry.Thus,to be an animator,you don't have to be a professional.It is impossible for anyone to make a simple animated film without using a camera at all.All you have to do is draw direct on to blank film and then run a projector.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

7.近年来我市大力打造旅游产业,以此推动经济的发展.现请你根据表格内容,谈谈 你的看法并就此提出建议.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The wide spread of super hybrid rice around the world ______ the lives of millions and millions of people suffering from hunger to a great level.(  )
A.has improvedB.is improving
C.improvedD.has been improving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.With hard work over the past few decades,China         great progress in many fields,specially in high technology.(  )
A.achievedB.has achievedC.had achievedD.is achieving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Nowadays,no country can successfully       the global problems alone.(  )
A.deal withB.make use ofC.come up withD.go through

