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10.Are you looking for a tech gift for a kid?Here are some good choices.
Fuhu Nabi DreamTab,﹩200for a computer with 16GB memory
It has content that is suitable for kids,And this is one of the major draws for parents who their are thinking of buying a tablet (平板)for  their  kids.The Nabi DreamTab comes with  many apps (应用)and games.It includes  Dream  Works'attractive movie characters,making the apps and games a lot of fun  to use.too.
LeapFrog LeapBand,﹩40
Children aged 4to 7now have their own activity tracker(跟踪者).And this one is a lot more colorful and has more fun than those made for grown-ups.Kids can design their own lovely on-screen pet.The pet gives activity challenges?such as"Pretend to ice skate!"and"Leap like a frog!"When the LeapBand is connected to a computer,parents can see their child's daily activity and progress over time.
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX30,﹩200
Does your child like taking photos?This camera is a good choice for your kid.It's a Consumer Reports Best Buy,and it's waterproof(防水的).It's thinner and lighter than most cameras,and it takes very good flash shots and videos.This Cyber-shot model even has a burst mode(突发模式)that takes 10pictures per second.So it is good for young photographers who want to shoot the perfect soccer moment.
Sphero Ollie.﹩100
It looks like a soda can on wheels,but Ollie is actually an app-controlled robot:It rolls very fast in all directions,and you control everything it does through a free app.You can race Ollie,and make it do tricks and jumps.Battery life for Ollie is about an hour; it recharges through a USB.

24.Why do parents want to buy Fuhu Nabi DreamTab?C
A.It has attractive movie characters;
B.It has many games.
C.It is suitable for kids.
D.It is really cheap.
25.Who would most probably buy a LeapFrog LeapBand?A
A.Parents who want to encourage their kids to exercise.
B.Adults who are going to track their everyday activities.
C.Parents who intend to have fun with their children.
D.Children who are addicted to computer games.
26.What is the most suitable gift for a kid who wants to take pictures of those playing  football?B
A.Sphero Ollie.
B.Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX30
C.LeapFrog LeapBand.
D.Fuhu Nabi DreamTab.
27.What is the author's purpose in writing this passage?D
A.To advertise some hi-tech products.
B.To tell parents how to choose gifts for kids.
C.To show the fun of some tech products.
D.To introduce some tech gifts for kids.

分析 本文为广告应用文,是写给那些想给孩子买礼物的父母,给他们介绍了几款适合孩子的礼物.

解答 24---27 CABD
24.答案C.细节理解题.根据Fuhu Nabi DreamTab,﹩200for a computer with 16GB memory部分的It has content that is suitable for kids可知,它很适合孩子玩.故选C.
25.答案A.推理判断题.根据LeapFrog LeapBand,﹩40部分的When the LeapBand is connected to a computer,parents can see their child's daily activity and progress over time可知,这个可以用来追踪孩子的日常活动.推测适合于想鼓励孩子锻炼的父母,故选A.
26.答案B.细节理解题.根据Sony Cyber-shot DSC-TX30,﹩200部分的So it is good for young photographers who want to shoot the perfect soccer moment可知,这款相机可以很好地捕捉足球运动的瞬间.故选B.
27.答案D.主旨大意题.根据第一段Are you looking for a tech gift for a kid?Here are some good choices可知,本文是写给那些想给孩子买礼物的父母,给他们介绍了几款适合孩子的礼物.故选D.

点评 做广告应用文时,先略读题目,再浏览题干,然后带着问题找答案.在阅读时又要特殊留意文中以黑体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是文章的核心或至少是一部分内容的概括.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Suppose you work in a big firm and find English very important for your job because you often deal with foreign businessmen.Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English,especially your spoken English.Here are some advertisements(广告) about English language training from newspapers.You may find the information you need.
Global English Centre
General English in all four skills:listening,speaking,reading,and writing.
3-month (700yuan),6-month (1,200yuan) and one-year (2,000yuan) courses.
Choice of morning or evening classes,3hours per day.Mon.~Fri.
Experienced college English teachers.
Close to city centre and bus stops.
Add:105Zhongshan Road,100082
Modern Language School
Special courses in English for business,travel,banking,hotel management and office skills.
Small classes (12~16students) on Sat.& Sun.from 2:00~5:00p.m.
Native English teachers from Canada and USA.
Language lab and computers supplied.
3-month course:1,050yuan; 6-month course:1,850yuan.
Write or phone:Modern Language School,675Park Road,100056
The 21st Century English Training Centre
We specialize in effective teaching at all levels.
We offer morning or afternoon classes,both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800yuan.
We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation class during winter and summer holidays.
Entrance exams:June 1and Dec.1.
Only 15-minute walk from city centre.
Call 67801642for more information.
The International House of English
Three/Six-month English courses for students of all levels at a very low cost:60yuan for 12hours per week,convenient (方便的) class hours:
9:00~12:00a.m.and 2:00~5:00p.m.
A four-month evening programme for developing speaking skills (same cost as day classes).
Well-trained Chinese and foreign teachers with experience in teaching English as a second foreign language.
Free sightseeing and social activities.
Very close to the Central Park.
For further information call 674322308.
51.You work from 9:00a.m.to 5:00p.m.every day.Which school will you choose?B
A.Global English Centre and Modern Language School.
B.Global English Centre and The International House of English.
C.Modern English Centre School and The 21st Century English Training Centre.
D.The 21st Century English Training Centre and The International House of English.
52.The 21st Century English Training Centre is different from the other three schools in thatD.
A.its teaching quality is betterB.it is near to the city centre
C.its courses are more advancedD.it requires an entrance examination
53.If you take the evening programme at The International House of English,you will payD.
A.60yuan           B.240yuanC.720yuan        D.960yuan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.When parents talk about school safety these days,they're usually referring to the increase in violence(暴力)at schools.But research shows that school-age children are actually nine times more likely to suffer an injury while doing sports than to be the victim of violence while at school.Accidents can be prevented if parents are on the lookout for potential(潜在的)dangers.To help you keep your kids free from harm,here are some safety tips:
a.Teach your child never to talk to strangers or accept rides or gifts from strangers.Remember,a stranger is anyone you or your child doesn't know well or trust.
b.Be sure that your child walks to and from school with a sibling,friend or neighbor.
c.Teach your kid,whether walking,biking or riding a bus to school,to obey all traffic signals,signs and traffic officers.Remind him to be extra careful in bad weather.
d.When driving your kid,deliver and pick them up as close to the school as possible.Don't leave until they are in the schoolyard or building.
e.If your child rides a bike to school,make sure he wears a standard helmet(头盔).Research shows that a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by 85%.
f.Teach your kid to arrive at the bus stop earlier,stay off the street,and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop.
g.Be sure that your kid knows his or her home phone number and address,your work number,the number of another trusted adult and how to call 911for emergencies(紧急情况).
56.The underlined word"sibling"probably means"D".
A.stranger     B.neighbor     C.friend     D.brother or sister
57.If your kid walks to school,tell him or her toD.
A.wear a helmet             
B.go alone every day
C.walk as fast as possible      
D.be more careful in bad weather
58.Which of the following statements is Not True according to the text?C
A.Kids should be taught never to talk to strangers.
B.Kids should obey the traffic rules.
C.Kids should be taught to call 911for anything.
D.Kids should stay off the street while waiting for the bus.
59.The intended readers of the text areB.
A.teachers    B.parents    C.children    D.officers
60.the main purpose of the text is toD.
A.talk about school safety        
B.call on readers to fight against school violence
C.discuss the injuries at school    
D.give advice on school-age children's safety.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.Learning toexpress(表达)oneself well is an important part of education.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Jamie Oliver,the famous chef,thinks it's time for a revolution,one that takes place right on your plate.
Today is the fourth annual Food Revolution Day,a day of healthy-eating awareness.It is part of his global campaign to make schools around the world teach healthy cooking and eating as a must of their courses.
"I think that all you guys,should be taught how to cook delicious,fresh food from scratch----not complicated food,but nice,simple,everyday meals that are going to inspire,uplift,and make you and your future families live happier,healthier lives,"Oliver told TFK in an e-mail.
According to the global statistic that 42million children under the age of five are overweight,Oliver believes that this right is more important than ever.
Parts of Oliver's goal with this year's Food Revolution Day is to get one-and-a-half million people to sign his online petition(请愿书) for food education.Along with Oliver,musicians Ed Sheeran and Paul McCartney are urging people to read the petition,sign it,and share it to help reach their goal.
In the United Kingdom,Oliver and other activists found that food served in schools was often just unhealthy.The School Food Plan was created to address  the problem.It took effect in 2013and requires the UK's 22,000schools to serve healthy lunches while making food education a required part of classroom education for students aged 5-14.Free school lunches are also provided for all 5-,6-,and 7-year-olds under this plan.
Students at Charlton Manor Primary School get a cooking lesson in their school kitchen.Tim Baker,head of this school,always believes in the importance of teaching healthy eating,and wants to share his beliefs with students.He says the School Food Plan helped him put pressure on school food providers to improve food quality and healthiness.
"The School Food Plan has been fantastic,"Jamie Oliver says."I'm hoping we're at a point where the UK can take the lead on food education,and as we start to see more and more British kids with a real knowledge and understanding of food and cooking,I see other countries starting to follow us."

25.What's aim of Food Revolution Day?D
A.To obtain basic human rights.
B.To promote a healthy lifestyle.
C.To making eating at school more fun.
D.To raise people's healthy-eating awareness.
26.We can learn from paragraph 5that online petitionB.
A.has existed for two years
B.involves millions of persons
C.is started by two musicians
D.provides free food education course
27.The underlined word"address"in paragraph 6most probably meansC.
A.come across       B.go for
C.deal with         D.look after
28.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A
A.Food Revolution Day                 
B.A Big Online Petition.
C.Green School Kitchen Plan.
D.A Great Moving in Keeping Healthy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Jennifer's Hurricane Experience
I have evacuated(疏散)lots of times in my life.To make sure everything is safe,my family have to move a lot of things.I usually help my mom and my brothers help my dad.Mom and I take all of the special keepsakes(纪念品)to low safe places.Another thing we have to do is to take our sailboat out into deep water and anchor it really well.When it's time to anchor the sailboat,Scott,my father's brother,comes over.I just need to wait in the car with my mom and brothers before we evacuate.
John's Hurricane Experience
My family evacuated for hurricane Opal in 1995.We left two days early because we were going to my dad's 35th High School Reunion(聚会).There was a lot of traffic getting out of town.But we didn't get into trouble as we had arrived at the school.During hurricane Georges,I slept.But there was a lot of lightning,thunder and rain at that night.The next morning,there were a lot of branches,twigs and leaves everywhere.
Catherine's Hurricane Experience
This year,we experienced two hurricanes,Earl and Georges.We did the same thing in both hurricanes.We would always be watching the news.There was a lot of rain …a whole lot of rain.The hurricane never really got close enough to do very much damage.I have never evacuated,and I don't think that I ever will.
Ryan's Hurricane Experience 
I am a police officer on an island in the Texas Gulf Coast.I was directly affected by the violent weather throughout the hurricane season.Our department was ordered to stay on the island while all the other citizens were evacuating.I didn't feel at all prepared for the situation.So I went to the grocery store and purchased some food.I thought a survival kit would have helped ease some of the tension in my mind.
56.Who fixed the sailboat with Jennifer's father?C
A.Jennifer.B.Jennifer's mother.C.Jennifer's uncle.D.Jennifer's brothers.
57.Which of the following is NOT true about the hurricanes?C
A.Hurricane Opal hit in 1995.
B.Hurricane Georges hit at night.
C.Hurricane Opal hit on John's way to the school.
D.Hurricane Georges blew down many branches.
58.When Catherine's family heard hurricanes were coming,theyB.
A.purchased some food
B.paid attention to the hurricanes news
C.took special keepsakes to low safe places
D.moved out of the place where they lived
59.What can we know about Ryan?A
A.He was nervous before the hurricane.
B.He did little preparation for the hurricane.
C.He was confident to overcome the hurricane.
D.He was busy helping citizens evacuate before the hurricane.
60.Who didn't evacuate before the hurricanes?D
A.Jennifer and John.
B.Catherine and John.
C.Jennifer and Ryan.
D.Catherine and Ryan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Guided Walking Week April 2016
Dates:April 30th-May 7th 2016
Location:Abdet,Costa Blanca
A week of guided walking in the mountains around Abdet.Highlights include the climbing of Valencia's highest summit (Sierra de Aitana),traveling completely around the impressive Puig Campana,and several explorations in the Sierra de Aitana.Ancient trails lead through spectacular canyons(峡谷) to abandoned settlements situated high in the mountains.You will discover the snow trader routes which lead from the incredible snow holes high in the mountains down to the villages and towns on the coast.These years,golden eagles have made a return to this area,and you may also see other animals-wild goats,foxes,wild pigs and red squirrels.
As part of the week you are invited to help clear some local walking paths.This involves clearing collapsed walls and rocks,cutting back fallen trees.This is of course optional and is just for half a day,it's actually great fun!
•Accommodation in the beautiful mountain village of Abdet
•All food-good home cooking
•Beer,wine,soft drinks
•Snacks and post walk treats
•Packed lunches & drinks(except café/bar visits)
•Expert guiding
•Photos/Videos of your days in the mountains
•Airport pick-up/return﹩25each way(fly to Alicante)
•Single room supplement﹩75
To book or get further information,please contact info@abdet.com.

29.What will you find during the guided walking?C
A.Climbing Sierra de Aitana is the most exciting
B.Ancient trails have changed into highways.
C.The environment in Abdet is getting better.
D.Traders live in incredible snow holes.
30.What may you enjoy if you pay﹩499?D
A.Packed lunches including bar visits.
B.Good home cooking breakfast only.
C.Bus stop pick-up/return each way.
D.Pictures and professional guiding
31.What do the details presented in the ad suggest?B
A.Clearing walking paths is a must
B.People can book the walking online.
C.Accommodation conditions are tough.
D.The walking ends on April 30th 2016.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.The Best Time to Visit SydneyIf you prefer the cold to heat,especially if seeking to escape the northern summer,the best time to visit Sydney could be in the Australian winter from June 1to August 31.
The Sydney winter isn't really harsh and the weather's generally pleasant.It's great for touring the city on foot and for bushwalking.And the ski slopes are not too far away.
Holiday time
You get the Queen's Birthday holiday weekend in June and the school holidays in July.Aside from within those periods,accommodation costs in the city will generally be lower.
Winter weather
Expect generally cool conditions.The average temperature should range from around 8°C (46°F) at night to 16°C (61°F) in the daytime in mid-winter.Expect from 80mm to 131mm of rainin a month,with the most rain in June tapering into August.
Winter accommodation
Outside of the holiday periods,Sydney accommodation will usually be available and should be relatively cheaper.
Winter activities
•The weather's fine for a walking tour of Sydney.Visit The Rocks,the Sydney Opera House,the Royal Botanic Gardens,Art Gallery of New South Wales,Australian Museum,Hyde Park,Chinatown,Darling Harbour.
•Go on a harbor cruise.At the very least,take a Sydney ferry and cross the harbor to Manly.
•Take a daytrip north,south and west of Sydney.
•Spot the whales as they travel north in the whale migration season.
•Go bushwalking at the Royal National Park.

56.Considering weather and accommodation,the best time to visit Sydney is inC.
57.Which of the following activities is NOT recommended in the passage?B
A.Going skiing near Sydney.
B.Hunting whales in the Royal Botanic Gardens.
C.Touring Sydney on foot.
D.Bushwalking at the Royal National Park.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Russia holds the view that MH17crash tragedy happened in Ukraine's airspace and it should be_________ for that.(  )
A.to be blamedB.blamingC.to blameD.being blamed

