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  He held out the little red felt pillow and pointed to its tiny pocket,which held a quarter,instead of a tooth. "Look,mom!Look what the tooth fairy 1        me. Twentyfive cents!"

  I 2       his excitement,and we chatted for a few minutes about the 3        to which he would put his new wealth. I returned to my kitchen 4       ,but he lingered ,silent,a thoughtful look on his face. "Mom ," he 5      ,"is there really a tooth fairy,or do you put this money in my tooth pillow and take away my tooth?"

  6       I knew I would have to answer such questions,but in spite of seven years of preparation,I hadn't really thought through a 7       reply. I stalled (拖延) for time by asking, "What do you think,Simon?"

  "Could be 8      ," he reasoned. "It seems like something you would do,but I know some things are 9       ,too."

  "What would you like to think?" I 10,still uncertain about whether or not I was about to 11        his heart.

  "It doesn't really matter," he said with 12       "I like it either way. If there is a tooth fairy,that's pretty exciting,and if it's you,that's pretty nice,too."

  I concluded that no disappointment would 13        my answer,so I confessed to being his benefactor,and he 14        satisfyingly. I then cautioned him not to say 15        to his younger brother,explaining , " Each child is entitled to the magic 16        he or she is ready to ask the question that you did today. Do you understand that?"

  "Yes ," he said,17       He took great pride in his older brother 18       ,and I knew he would never spoil anything 19       . I considered the matter closed,but still he lingered in the kitchen.

  "Is there something else,Simon?" I asked.

  "Just one 20        question,mom. Does dad know?"

(   ) 1. A. gave   B. left   C. put   D. laid

(   ) 2. A. shared   B. accepted   C. understood   D. refused

(   ) 3. A. source   B. amount   C. purpose   D. quality

(   ) 4. A. games   B. activities   C. sports   D. lessons

(   ) 5. A. sighed   B. considered   C. confirmed   D. hesitated

(   ) 6. A. In surprise   B. Of course   C. In excitement   D. To my joy

(   ) 7. A. correct   B. wonderful   C. suitable   D. quick

(   ) 8. A. either   B. neither   C. both   D. none

(   ) 9. A. false   B. magic   C. true   D. bad

(   ) 10. A. said   B. paused   C. started   D. continued

(   ) 11. A. mend   B. break   C. kill   D. capture

(   ) 12. A. confidence   B. excitement   C. sadness   D. disappointment

(   ) 13. A. make for   B. result from   C. lead to   D. get from

(   ) 14. A. smiled   B. responded   C. wondered   D. murmured

(   ) 15. A. nothing   B. everything   C. anything   D. something

(   ) 16. A. before   B. when   C. until   D. after

(   ) 17. A. thinking   B. nodding   C. smiling   D. moving

(   ) 18. A. power   B. height   C. grade   D. role

(   ) 19. A. accidently   B. intentionally   

       C. continuously   D. contentedly

(   ) 20. A. much   B. many   C. more   D. most

1. B leave此处意为"留给",表结果。

2. A我也和他一起分享(share) 兴奋。

3. C根据上下文可知他们在讨论如何安排这些wealth ,所以是谈论"目的"。

4. B我回到厨房做事,activity指日常活动,其他几个词不合适。

5. D从后面的选择问句可见他说话时犹豫了。

6. B我很早就预料到孩子会提出这个问题,所以应该是当然of course

7. C我没有想到一个合适(suitable) ~的答案。

8. A从后文可知孩子知道是两者其中之一。

9. B有些事情很有魔力,很神奇(magic;) 。

10. D我接着继续问。

11. B我不知道是否要伤他的心(break one's heart) 0

12. A孩子回答的时候很有信心,没有犹豫。

13. B从上文孩子的回答,我得出结论no disappointment would result from my answer (我的回答不会使孩子遗憾) 。

14. A 从satisfyingly一词得知是smile。

15. C我提醒孩子不要告诉弟弟。

16. C我解释孩子只有到了能提出上述问题,即长大到一定的时候才会给予魔力。

17. B孩子答应了,所以是点头nod,nodding表示伴随状态。

18. D孩子对自己是哥哥的角色(role) ,很满意。

19. B既然孩子向我承诺不告诉弟弟,所以我知道他不会有意(intentionally) 说出一切。

20. C 再提一个问题(one more question) 。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(完形填空 +阅读理解) > 组合训练31-40


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 长江三峡闻名于全世界;

2. 沿三峡有许多美丽的风景名胜;

3. 在三峡的人口处建有葛洲坝水电站;

4. 改革开放以来,长江三峡发生了巨大变化,呈现出新面貌;

5. 现在长江三峡已建成一座大型水利枢纽工程——三峡大坝工程;

6. 三峡的建设将会更加有益于人民,为中国做出更大贡献。词数:120词左右。击生词提示

be situated(in) 位于.... ;reach、河段;places of interest名胜古迹;the reform and openingup policies改革开放政策;large multipurpose water conservancy project大型水利枢纽工程; construct建造,修建;benefit有益于;make contributions做贡献


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. You would wonder how such a large animal         . (get)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. It's great pleasure to have the honour         . (acquaintance)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 In white shirt,blue pants,black cloth shoes and two pigtails,Jingqiu gives off an air of great "pure beauty" in Zhang Yimou's new movie Under the Hawthorn Tree.

  The film tells the story of the sad romance of Jingqiu and a handsome young man named Laosan. Set at the end of the "cultural revolution" (1966-1976) ,the pair managed to fall in love although they came from different political environments.

  Before it was released,moviegoers speculated on just what this "pure beauty" could be. Director Zhang complained of how long it had taken him to find the right girl for the part of Jingqiu―a character so innocent that she believed simply lying on the same bed with a man would make her pregnant.

  It was 18-year-old Zhou Dongyu who stood out from the crowd. According to Zhang,Zhou had "eyes that are clear like a fountain on a mountainside". Born of an ordinary worker's family,the Shijiazhuang girl was in her final year of high school and working hard for a place in an art college.

  While some teenagers consider such " pure beauty" illusory,others believe that it speaks of something soulful.

  Purity is all about the innocence that shines through from within,thinks 16-year-old Tan Mengxi of Nanjing.

  "Being pure can be simple,not having complicated thoughts and being inexperienced. However,it doesn't mean an ignorant or naive person. So,a person is pure in his or her nature if he or she is always enthusiastic and able to deal with difficult matters independently. This purity doesn't pass with time," she said. 

(   ) 5. What image does Jingqiu give to audiences in the movie Under the Hawthorn Tree"!

   A. A simple girl. B. A pure girl.

   C. A romantic girl. D. A silent girl.

(   ) 6. What kind of girls looks pure according to the passage?

   A. A girl in white shirt,blue pants,black cloth shoes and two pigtails.

   B. A girl has eyes that are clear like a fountain on a mountainside.

   C. A girl who was born into an ordinary worker's family.

   D. A girl wears accessories and makeup.

(   ) 7. What's the opinion of Tan Mengxi about purity?

   A. It is of whether someone is ignorant or naive.

   B. Being pure can be simple,not having complicated thoughts and being inexperi?enced.

   C. It is of whether someone is always enthusiastic.

   D. Purity is a matter of internal quality and doesn't pass with time.

(   ) 8. Which do you think is the best title for the passage?

   A. What Makes a Pure Girl?

   B. A Debate on the Movie Under the Hawthorn Tree

   C. Opinions on the Character Jingqiu

   D. It's Hard to Find the Character Jingqiu


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   There's more misery in people's lives than a decade ago. So says a new study on life's negatives from the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center,which conducts social science research for government agencies,educational institutions,nonprofit organizations and private corporations.

  The researchers surveyed 1,340 people about negative life events and found that the 2004 respondents had more troubles than those who were surveyed in 1991.

  "The expectation would have been that problems would have been down," says Tom Smith,the study's author. He says good economic years during the 90s would have brought an expectation of fewer problems,not more.

  Overall,the percentage that reported at least one significant negative life event increased from 88% to 92% . Most of the problems were related to increased incidents of illness and the inability to afford medical care,unemployment,and troubled romantic relationships.

  On a more positive note,fewer of those surveyed reported having trouble with crime or the law.

  Some of the problems outlined in the study were more complicated than just a single bad event. For instance,the inability to afford health care rose from 7% in 1991 to 11% in 2004. Those who said they lacked health insurance increased from 12% to 18% . On the romantic front,the percentage that reported breaking up with a steady partner doubled from 4% to 8% .

  But people shouldn't despair even if there is trouble around them. Bad experiences don't necessarily make people unhappy,says Jonathan Haidt,an associate professor of psychology at the University of Virginia and author of the new book The Happiness Hypothesis.

  He advises a threepoint checkup on the state of personal relationships,the work environment and control over daily life,because improving those areas will boost happiness.

(   ) 5. Which of the following verbs can be used instead of "boost" in the last paragraph?

   A. Increase. B. Reduce. C. Make. D. Find.

(   ) 6. It can be inferred from the passage that         .

   A. the economy has nothing to do with people's happiness

   B. people's problems were probably not only one single bad event

   C. most of the people's personal problems are related to the money

   D. people have a lot of trouble with crime or law

(   ) 7. Which of the following statements may NOT be found in the book The Happiness Hypothesis?

   A. When you come across the trouble,do not lose heart.

   B. Working environment and daily life should be paid much attention to.

   C. It is unnecessary for us to think about the conditions of personal relationships.

   D. Unhappy experience may not surely make people upset all the time.

(   ) 8. In your opinion,the best title for this passage may be         .

   A. Unhappiness Has Risen in the Past Decade

   B. The Problems,the Solutions

   C. The Biggest Problems in the World

   D. What's Your Life Look Like


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Soon it would be the holidays,but before that,there were year exams. All the students had been working 1        for some time,reviewing their lessons for the exams. If they didn't 2      ,they would have to retake them in September. There were usually a few who 3       ,but Jane didn't want to be one of them. She had worked hard all year,4       just before the exams she was working so hard that her sister Barbara was 5        about her. She went to bed too 6       . The night before the first exam,Barbara 7       that she should have an early night and take a 8       pill. She promised to wake her up in the morning.

  As she was falling asleep,Jane was 9        that she might oversleep. Her 10       kept jumping from subject to subject. At last,with the help of 11      ,she went to sleep. In no time at all,she was sitting in the examination hall,looking at the examination 12       ,but she couldn't answer any of the questions. 13       around her was writing pages and pages. 14       she thought hard,she couldn't find anything to write 15       . She kept looking at her 16       . Time was running out. There was only an hour left. She started one question,wrote two sentences,17 and tried another one. With only half an hour left she wrote another two sentences. By this time she was so worried that she started 18       . Her whole body shook. It shook so much that she 19        up. She was still in bed and it had all been a 20       dream. A minute later,Barbara called her name.

(   ) 1. A. universally   B. hard   C. unconditionally   D. unwillingly

(   ) 2. A. prepare   B. miss   C. join   D. pass

(   ) 3. A. succeeded   B. failed   C. passed   D. sneezed

(   ) 4. A. but   B. so   C. and   D. because

(   ) 5. A. excited   B. frightened   C. worried   D. delighted

(   ) 6. A. early   B. late   C. unconsciously   D. eagerly

(   ) 7. A. insisted   B. hoped   C. ordered   D. wished

(   ) 8. A. sleeping   B. resting   C. exciting   D. breathing

(   ) 9. A. sure   B. afraid   C. happy   D. pleased

(   ) 10. A. hand   B. eye   C. mind   D. body

(   ) 11. A. her sister   B. her parents   C. the lessons   D. the medicine

(   ) 12. A. result   B. marks   C. desk   D. paper

(   ) 13. A. The teacher   B. The students   C. No one   D. Everyone

(   ) 14. A. If   B. Though   C. So   D. How

(   ) 15. A. with       B. about   C. on   D. to

(   ) 16. A. watch   B. textbook   C. sister   D. subject

(   ) 17. A. gave up   B. put off   C. looked around   D. thought over

(   ) 18. A. examining   B. leaving   C. copying   D. crying

(   ) 19. A. raised   B. woke   C. stood   D. cheered

(   ) 20. A. nice   B. wonderful   C. terrible   D. special


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A machine which makes water out of air could become the greatest household invention since the microwave.

Using the same technology as a dehumidifier (除湿器) ,the Water Mill is able to create a ready supply of drinking water by getting it from a limitless source―the air.

The company behind the machine says not only does it offer an alternative to bottled water in developed countries,but it is a solution for the millions who face a daily water shortage.

The machine works by drawing in damp air through a filter and over a cooling element which changes it into water droplets. It call produce up to 12        liters a day. The Water Mill will also produce more water when storms pass over,as the humidity (湿度) in the air increases. In keeping with its ecodevelopment,the machine uses the same amount of electricity as three light bulbs.

Inventor Jonathan Ritchey said, "The demand for water is off the chart. People ar looking for freedom from water distribution systems that are shaky and unreliable."

The machine,which is about 3        feet wide,is likely to cost £800 when it goes on sale her in the spring. Its maker,Canadian firm Element Four,estimates that a liter of water will cos around 20        pence to produce.

Environmentalists claim half the world's population will face water shortage because o        climate change by 2080. One in five humans is said to lack access to safe drinking water.

The Water Mill is not effective in areas with below about 30 percent relative humidity but with average relative humidity in England of more than 70 percent that won't be much o        an issue here.

(   ) 5. According to the author,the biggest advantage of the machine is its        .

   A. little power use   B. proper size

   C. unlimited source   D. high production

(   ) 6. We can conclude from the passage that the machine        .

   A. can be used everywhere

   B. has not been on sale

   C. will replace the water distribution system

   D. will solve the problem of water shortage

(   ) 7. What is necessary for the machine to work?

   A. Enough air. B. Enough humidity.

   C. Enough water. D. Enough containers.

(   ) 8. What is the best title for this passage?

   A. Machine to Make Water Out of Air

   B. Microwave for Household Use

   C. Filter to Draw in Damp Air

   D. Modern Dehumidifier on Sale


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Well,when a huge wave hit the boat,my safety belt broke and I was swept overboard. I don't really understand how it happened,but it 1        I heard someone yell out,but then my boat,Wild One,2       into the darkness and I was alone in a very 3        sea. Then,I spent five and a half hours in the 4       . The place where it happened was about 50 kilometers from 5       . It was likely that I wouldn't see another day,but I 6        thought Fd overcome the difficulties. 7      I was watching out for Wild One. If the rest of the 8        knew I had been gone,they were sure to come back and look for me. After a while,I saw the boat's 9        when it came looking for me. It was within about 300 meters of me,but the spotlight just 10        me. The reason why they didn't see me was that the 11        were too huge. You kno\y,I started sailing when I was seven,and 12       ocean racing when I was about eighteen,but Fd never been 13        before. I believed I was going to 14       ,but it was very cold,and as the hours passed I started to get desperate一and frozen!It was 15       5 a.m. when I saw the lights of a tanker coming towards me. I figured it was probably my 16        chance. At first,I thought they were going to miss me,and then they made a slight turn and I 17        out for help and they heard me. Then a 18       appeared. These guys were 19       . They gave me dry clothes,and then one jumped into the bunk and hugged me. They covered me with as much 20        clothing as they could,and the guy with me stayed to transfer his body heat to me.

(   ) 1. A. hit   B. made   C. did   D. had

(   ) 2. A. went off   B. gave away   C. gave in   D. got together

(   ) 3. A. calm   B. rough   C. dark   D. deep

(   ) 4. A. ship   B. field   C. wildness   D. water

(   ) 5. A. abroad   B. shore   C. island   D. home

(   ) 6. A. also   B. almost   C. still   D. indeed

(   ) 7. A. As usual   B. All the time   C. In the end   D. At first

(   ) 8. A. crew   B. passengers   C. divers   D. pilots

(   ) 9. A. poles   B. captains   C. marks   D. lights

(   ) 10. A. struck   B. missed   C. shocked   D. delighted

(   ) 11. A. sea   B. darkness   C. waves   D. winds

(   ) 12. A. advised   B. started   C. forbade   D. considered

(   ) 13. A. overseas   B. overboard   C. overthrown   D. overloaded

(   ) 14. A. survive   B. swim   C. die   D. sink

(   ) 15. A. beyond   B. around   C. at   D. before

(   ) 16. A. weak   B. sudden   C. last   D. opposite

(   ) 17. A. cried   B. went   C. wiped   D. let

(   ) 18. A. time   B. boat   C. struggle   D. team

(   ) 19. A. painful   B. strong   C. terrific   D. excited

(   ) 20. A. suitable   B. heavy   C. expensive   D. dry

