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16.Driving to a friend's house on a recent evening,I was attracted by the sight of the full moon rising just above my friend's roof-tops.I stopped to watch it for a few moments,thinking about what a pity it was that most citizens,myself included,usually miss sights like this because we spend most of our lives indoors.
My friend had also seen it.He grew up living in a forest in Europe,and the moon meant a lot to him then.It had touched much of his life.
I know the feeling.Last December I took my seven-year-old daughter to the mountainous jungle of northern India with some friends.We stayed in a forest rest-house with no electricity or running hot water.Our group had campfires outside every night,and indoors when it was too cold outside.The moon grew to its fullest during our trip.Between me and the high mountains lay three or four valleys.Not a light shone in them and not a sound could be heard.It was one of the quietest places I have ever known,a bottomless well of silence.And above me was the full moon,which struck me deeply.
Today our lives are filled with glass,metal,plastic and fiber-glass.We have televisions,cellphones,pagers,electricity,heaters and ovens and air-conditioners,cars,computers.
Struggling through traffic that evening at the end of a tiring day,most of which was spent in doors,I thought that before long I would like to live in a small cottage.There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains,and perhaps write,but not in anger.I may become an old man there,and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons.But I will be able to walk outside on a cold silent night and touch the moon.
1.The best title for the passage would beB.
A.The pleasures of modern life
B.Touched by the moon
C.A bottomless well of silence
D.Break away from modern life
2.What impressed the writer most in the mountainous jungle of northern India?C
A.No modern equipment
B.Complete silence.
C.The nice moonlight
D.The high mountains.
3.Modern things (Paragraph 4)are mentioned mainly toC.
A.show that the writer liker city life very much
B.tell us that people greatly benefit from modern life
C.explain that people have less chances to enjoy nature
D.show that we can also enjoy nature at home through them
4.The author wrote the passage toA.
A.express the feeling of returning to nature
B.show the love for the moonlight
C.advise modern people to learn to live
D.want to communicate longing for modern life.

分析 本文作者借描写月色来表现了一种渴望回归自然、寻找闲适生活的愿望.

解答 1.B 主旨大意题.文章通过描绘了月亮的美丽,表达了作者对月亮所代表的自然美的敬畏之情,同时美丽的月色也触动了作者的心灵.B选项Touched by the moon简洁明了,点出了文章的主旨.故选B.
2.C 细节理解题.由第三段最后一句And above me was the full moon,which struck me deeply.可知作者在为月色所动.  故选C.
3.C 推理判断题.由第四段Today our lives are filled with glass,metal,plastic and fiber-glass.We have televisions,cellphones,pagers,electricity,heaters and ovens and air-conditioners,cars,computers作者列举了一系列现代发明,其目的是说人类在享受这些现代发明所带来的好处的同时,也减少了接触大自然、享受月色的机会,表达了淡淡的惋惜之情.故选C.
4.A 写作意图题.本文作者借描写月色来表现了一种渴望回归自然、寻找闲适生活的愿望.故选A.

点评 本篇阅读较为简单.文章内容,所出题目以及选项也较短,因此考生只要阅读详略结合,细心理解,就能快速得出正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The engineer Camillo Oliver was 40years old when he started the company in 1908.
At his factory in Ivrea,he designed and produced the first Italian typewriter,Today the company's head office s still in Ivrea,near Turin,but the company is much larger than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world.
By 1930there was 1staff of 700and the company turned out 13,000machines a year.Some went to customers in Italy,but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries.
Camillo's son,Adriano,started working for the company in 1924and later he became the boss.He introduced a standard speed for the production line and he employed technology and design specialists.The company developed new and better typewriters and then calculators.In 1959it produced the ELEA computer in Italy.
After Adriano died in 1960,the company had a period of financial problems.Other companies,especially the Japanese,made faster progress in electronic technology than the Italian company.
In 1978,Carlo de Benedetti became the new boss.Olivetti increased its marking and service networks and made agreements with other companies to design and produce more advanced office equipment.Soon it became one of the world's leading companies in information technology and communications.There are now five independent companies in the Olivetti group-one for personal computers,one for Systems and services,and two for telecommunications.
25.From the text we learn thatA.
A.by 1930Olivetti produced 13,000typewriters a year
B.Olivetti earned more in the 1960s than in the 1950s
C.some of Olivetti's 700staff regularly visited customers in Italy
D.Olivetti set up offices in other countries from the very beginning
26.What was probably the direct result of Olivetti's falling behind in electronic technology?B
A.Adriano's death.
B.A period of financial problems.
C.Its faster progress.
D.Its agreements with other companies.
27.What do we know about Olivetti?D
A.It produced the best typewriter in the world.
B.It designed the world's first mainframe computer.
C.It exported more typewriters than other companies.
D.It has five independent companies with its head office in Ivrea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.We areinterested(interest) in theinteresting (interest) story.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.In Western countries,bread is one of the most important foods.When they get up in the morning many people eat toast (烤面包).They spread butter and jam on their toast.People eat bread at other times of the day too.For example,at main meals,they often eat bread with soup.
It's also very common to eat sandwiches.A sandwich is two pieces of bread with a filling inside-salad,cheese or fish.A hamburger is a kind of sandwich.
There are many different kinds of bread.Some are special to some countries.For example,the baguette (法国棍子面包) is a long,thin loaf that began in France.
There is also white bread and whole-wheat (全麦面) bread.What's the difference?White bread is refined (精制的).It has things taken out of it to make it softer and easier to eat.The trouble is,white bread also has lots of goodness taken out.Although some people dislike the taste of whole-wheat bread,it is much healthier.
Some kinds of bread have additives (添加剂).They are put into the bread for many reasons.Some additives are good for you-for example vitamin C.Others are there to make the bread last longer.Still others to make it taste better-but they do not necessarily make the bread healthier to eat!
53.People in the west haveB as their main food.
54.The fourth paragraph tells usC
A.how to make white bread           
B.how to make whole-wheat bread
C.the difference between white bread and whole-wheat bread
D.people dislike the taste of whole-wheat bread
55.Which of the statements about additives(添加剂) is WRONG?B
A.Not all the additives are good for our health.
B.Vitamin C makes the bread last longer.
C.Some additives are put into bread to make bread healthier.
D.To make bread taste better,some additives can be put into bread.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Who decided that blue jeans and T-shirts are"cool"for kids to wear today?Who designs the clothes you see for sale in stores?All of these questions concern the world of fashion.
Fashion refers to the styles of dress that are currently popular.Fashion goes beyond just clothes,though.It's important for some people to wear only the latest fashions and styles.For others,though,keeping up with trends isn't that important.The one thing that stays the same with fashion is this:it always changes!
In the 1960s and 1970s,hippies made bell-bottomed blue jeans popular.In the 1980s,Michael Jackson made parachute pants (降落伞裤) all the fashion.Now try to find these items in today's clothing stores!
Why do fashions change?The answer is probably as simple as the fact that people change.Over time,the new replaces the old.People are influenced greatly by popular culture,including athletes,musicians,movie stars,as well as popular films,television shows,books and music.We are also influenced by the fashion industry's advertising.
The stars of popular culture are always searching for a new angle to maintain (保持) their popularity.Often these new angles come in the form of new clothing or hairstyles.When people see these new styles,they often want to imitate their favorite stars.To do so,they seek out the latest fashions to make themselves look like the people they want to imitate.In this way,fashions evolve and change over time.
For years,clothes have been used to separate people into groups.Even today,brand-name clothing that is more expensive than other types of clothing can be used by some people to distinguish themselves from others.
Unfortunately,this can often have the effect of distancing certain groups from others.Don't forget that it's always OK to develop your own sense of style that is unique and separate from what the fashion world determines!Stay true to yourself and let your personality-not your clothes-speak for who you are!
32.The examples of bell-bottomed blue jeans and parachute pants in Paragraph 3suggest thatA.
A.fashion always changes    
B.stars are always influential
C.people have different dressing styles
D.hippies and Michael Jackson are good designers
33.Fashions change mainly becauseB.
A.advertisements change rapidly      
B.popular culture influences people
C.movie stars are changing over time  
D.new films and shows replace the old
34.In the last paragraph,the author mainly wants to stressD.
A.the advantages of staying unique   
B.the bad effects of following fashion
C.the good influences of popular styles
D.the importance of having one's own personality
35.We can learn from the text thatC.
A.fashion is all about clothes    
B.the author has gone out of fashion
C.clothes may separate and distance people
D.people like imitating others'dressing style.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.I recently attended a special service called Night of Kindness.This night was about a project called Kindness Water,which was (41)A by Phillip Wagner.
One day he was reading the newspaper and(42D a story about Africa,and was(43)B to learn that limited access to clean drinking water kills 3.6million people per year.He knew he had to help.He(44)Cdonations from friends,family and churches to help dig a well in a Malawai village,then created a bottled water company that donates 100% of the(45)Bto building more wells.Within a year,sales of Kindness water supported two projects in Uganda.Since then,Kindness Water has (46)C550 wells in 19 countries,helping more than 325,000 people.What a(n)(47)D!
But here is what really (48)B me:It all started with one man,Phillip Wagner,and his desire to make a difference.He saw a need and (49)A with,"I have to help."Thousands of others who read the same (50)Cthat morning might have also been surprised and (51)Daffected deeply when they learned the fact.But all those people didn't (52)A.They thought,"Oh well.That's too bad.(53)D somebody will help those people who don't have any clean water."
Phillip Wagner decided to be that somebody,and(54)C the help of thousands of others who have joined he is making a difference to the world.You see,(55)Achange starts with ordinary people doing their part.I want to be one of those(56)D makers.
As a video of children smiling and swimming in clean water rolled in the background,Phillip Wagner said,I just want you to know that I(57)Bmy all,did my best,brought happiness to someone and(58)B this world a little better just because I was here."
Let's live out those words today.(59)Byou choose to volunteer at homeless shelters or(60)Cany other good deeds for those in need,let's be difference makers.Let's leave this world a little better.
42.A.figure outB.commented onC.made upD.came across


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.What kind of music do you like(61)best(good)?My(62)favourite(favour) is pop music.It really took off in the 1950s,when the electric guitar(63)was invented(invent).When someone had the bright idea of putting a microphone inside the guitar,a whole new range (64)ofsounds became possible.The origins of pop music lie in jazz-a type of music which became (65)increasingly(increase) popular among young people.The first real pop superstar is Elvis Presley,(66)theking of rock music.He was (67)followed(follow) in the 1960s and 70s by the rock supergroups.And I was still a little child when the Beatles had the first hit of (68)theirs(their).It was amazing!Suddenly,pop music came to life and everyone wanted to be part of it.After the Beatles came the heavy rock:the Rolling Stones,Led Zeppelin,and Queen,and then rock music (69)spread(spread) across the world.Young people (70)who/thatlive in the countries as far apart as Canada and Japan have been influenced by American and British pop music for over 40 years now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.It's a brand new world-a world built around brands.Hard charging,noise making,culture shaping brands are everywhere.They're on supermarket shelves,of course,but also in business plans for dotcom startups and in the names of sports complexes.Brands are infiltrating(渗透)people's everyday lives-by sticking their logos on clothes,in concert programs,on subway station walls,even in elementary school classrooms.
We live in an age in which CBS newscasters wear Nike jackets on the air,in which Burger King and McDonald's open newsstands in elementary-school lunchrooms,in which schools like Stanford University are endowed with a Yahoo!Founders Chair.But as brands reach (and then overreach)into every aspect of our lives,the companies behind them invite more questions,deeper examination-and an inevitable backlash (强烈反应) by consumers.
"Our intellectual lives and our public spaces are being taken over by marketing-and that has real implications for citizenship,"says author and activist Naomi Klein."It's important for any healthy culture to have public space-a place where people are treated as citizens instead of as consumers.We've completely lost that space."
Since the mid-1980s,as more and more companies have shiftedfrom being about products to being about ideas-Starbucks isn't selling coffee;it's selling community!-those companies have poured more and more resources into marketing campaigns.
To pay for those campaigns,those same companies figured out ways to cut costs else where-for example,by using contract labor at home and low-wage labor in developing countries.Contract laborers are hired on a temporary,per-assignment basis,and employers have no obligation to provide any benefits(such as health insurance)or long-term job security.This saves companies money but obviously puts workers in vulnerable situations.In the United States,contract labor has given rise to so-called McJobs,which employers and workers alike pretend are temporary-even though these jobs are usually held by adults who are trying to support families.
The massive expansionof marketing campaigns in the 1980s coincided with the reduction of government spending for schools and for museums.This made those institutions much too willing,even eager,to partner with private companies.But companies took advantage of the needs of those institutions,reaching too far,and overwhelming the civic space with their marketing agendas.

31.What does the passage intend to tell us?D
A.The problems with current corporate practices.
B.The nature of current marketing campaigns and strategies.
C.The importance of brands in American culture.
D.The excessive presence of brands and marketing in people's lives.
32.What is Naomi Klein's attitude towards the infiltration of brands into public spaces?A
33.The passage suggests that most contract laborers in the U.S.B.
A.pretend to be permanent workers
B.may have trouble supporting their families financially
C.have work conditions comparable to those of low-wage workers overseas
D.are likely to receive health benefits from their employers
34.We may infer from the last paragraph thatC.
A.inadequate federal funding facilitated the privatization of schools and museums
B.government reduced spending for schools and museums for their cooperation with companies
C.public institutions were only too anxious to accept corporate marketing as a source of funding
D.by the 1980s,very few public institutions were not being funded by corporations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I made a big mistake in the chemical lesson last Friday.When we were in the lab,my head was still filled with the informations of a football match.Saw the others beginning the experiment.I just copied them without considering that the teacher had said.All of the sudden,the material in the cup on my desk was caught fire.I was shocked,and didn't know what to do.Unluckily,my teacher helped me put out the fire on sand quickly.I feel very ashamed.Not until then I realize that carelessness was harmful in science.

