精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


  There are advantage for students to work
(1) ________
while studying at school. One of them was that
(2) ________
they can earn money. For the most part,
(3) ________
students working to earn money for their own
(4) ________
use. Earning their own money allow them
(5) ________
to spend on anything as if they please.
(6) ________
They would have to ask their parents for
(7) ________
money or for permission to do things by
(8) ________
the money. Some students may also to save
(9) ________
up for our college or future use.
(10) ________


(1) advantageadvantages advantage为可数名词,There are中的are提示应该用复数形式。

(2) wasis 全文时态为现在时,应该将过去时态的谓语动词变为现在时。


(4) workingwork 由句子结构可知,该行中的working应该作谓语动词使用,不能用working

(5) allowallows 该句主语为Earning their own money,为动词-ing形式,该形式作主语,谓语动词用单数。

(6) 去掉if 该行中as应该引导方式状语从句。

(7) would后加not 由上下文的逻辑意义可知该句应该表示否定含义。

(8) bywith by表示抽象含义,而此处表示具体含义。

(9) 去掉to 该句中may为情态动词,其后用动词原形作谓语。

(10) ourtheir 由于该句中主语为Some students为第三人称,所以该句中our为指代错误。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009

短文改错:   Almost every one begins very early in life to communicate with                              1. __________                             body language. In fact, each of us learn body language as                               2. __________  well as speaking language. We don't even think about it. As                              3. __________ children we learn that move the head up and down means "yes."                              4. __________                             We learn that moving the head left and right mean "no."                               5. __________ Sometime the same body language sign can mean      6. __________ different things. You knew that a police officer raises hand                              7. __________            means "stop". But raise your hand in your classroom has different                              8. __________                              meaning. There it tells the teacher you want to    9. __________ either ask something or answering a question.     10. __________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009



 Mr Brown worked to the government during 


1 ______



the war. He was doing very secret work,


and noboby was all owed to know 


2 ______


how important he was besides a very few people. 


3 ______


One day he had to fly to Edinburgh to make a lecture 


4 ______


to a few top people there, but an important army officer 


5 ______


came to the airport at last minute, and 


6 ______


the Mr Brown's seat was given to him, so he couldn't fly 


7 ______


to the city.


    It was not until he reached the city


where the important officer discovered 


8 ______


the man whose seat he took was the one 


9 ______


who's lecture he had flown there to hear. 

10 ______


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009



 For thousands of years, the Nile River has made


the land around it richer But the ancient people of 


(1) ______


Egypt could not control river Often the river over- 


(2) ______


flowed(泛滥). Then there were floods Other times


there was too little water from the Nile Then the crops


(3) ______


died, and the people went hunger The people said these


(4) ______


things were happened because the river god was angry  


(5) ______


They threw beautiful girls in the river They hoped 


(6) ______


these gifts would make the river happy Today, we know


(7) ______


that dry seasons can make a river run dry and wet


seasons make a river overflow


Dams(提坝)    stop the flow of river    Dams store water 


(8) ______


in wet seasons for useful in dry seasons Egypt began to 


(9) ______


build its Awan High Dam in 1960 This dam is 3 miles long


and 350 feet height It can coutrol floods on the river  




The Egyptians of today don't need to try to keep a river god happy



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:009



 Before he was a teacher, Bob told me that


he would like to be a lawyerSo he tried her


(1) ______


best to enter into the universityBut he failed


(2) ______


At that time, something unhappy happened in his


family, which made necessary for him to work


(3) ______


in the societyMary is a helpfully and good-


(4) ______


mannered girlAfter she left a school, she


(5) ______


worked in a hospitalShe wished to be a good nurse


The last ones I want to tell you of is AnnLike


(6) ______


her classmates, she has many wishesYet she


(7) ______


failed the exams three timeBecause she didn't


(8) ______


become a film star, she felt very sad, and


hid herself at home for several monthsUnder the


(9) ______


help of her friends, she finally passed through it


Young people are full of wishes and hopes after




they step into the society


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:009


  I felt sadly yesterday when our teacher told us something   (1)

about the Project Hope(希望工程)in class. It has set up to help the                                                     (2)

children in the countryside who can’t pay to go to           (3)

school. After school I came home. I was wondering if         (4)

I could do something for the Project then I caught sight      (5)

of money-collecting box on the table. Then I made            (6)

up my minds to send my pocket money which I had              (7)

saved for almost one year to the children who                (8)

wanted to go to school. I wrote a letter to them and          (9)

hurried to the post office. Together with the letter I posted the money and sent with my best wishes to them.                       (10)



