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                           How successful

               leaders spent their teenage years

             I don't think I have ever before been compared with Bill Gates,Steve Jobs,etc. 36 But for what it is worth,I’11 give you some traits(品质) that I think are common among most of these people. 


             Read a wide variety of books and articles that stretch(扩展) your imagination. Don’t just read easy books (like Harry Potter) . 37 Those difficult texts can really stretch your mind.

             Because most of the people mentioned grew up in a different era,they spent a big portion of their time just reading the encyclopedia. Many of them would eventually read every encyclopedia volume letter. These people had a strong need to learn new things.


             At an early age,most of these people spent more time play-acting than others. Very few of these people spent their time playing organized sports ... they instead were in their bedroom, backyard,or nearby park playing by themselves. 38 


             It is amazing how many successful people lit things on fire,blew things up,caught and studied bugs,built bird nests,and more. 39 And they were the ones in charge of the experiment.

             Creating vs. consuming 

             Watching wonderful movies,listening to music,etc. are all great ways to spend time.   40 Most of these successful people spent a large percentage of their time creating. They were building things,starting things,etc. This is really important.

   A. Read things that challenge your thought.

   B. Today it is harder to spend time creating.

   C. They were letting their imagination run wild.

   D. They were building,creating,viewing,and observing.

   E. But they are passive — these are consuming functions.

   F. Most of these people had parents that asked them to read less.

   G. I am nowhere near as successful as most of the people on this list.



36. G. G 项中的 I am nowhere near as successful as …与段首的I don't think I have ever before been compared with ...相呼应。

37. A. 由 Don’t just read easy books 和 Those difficult texts can really stretch your mind的对比可知,A项中的things that challenge your thought 指 Those difficult texts。

38. C. 由小标题Play-acting以及列举成功人士小时候常常自由玩耍可知,他们任由想象力自由驰骋。

39. D. 由小标题Experimenting以及列举成功人士喜欢做的实验lit things on fire,blew things up,caught and studied i bugs …可知,D项中的 building,creating,viewing,and observing都是实验中的操作过程。

40. E. 由小标题 Creating vs. consuming以及列举成功人士用大量的时间创造发明可知,看电影、听音乐都是被动地消耗时间。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第45期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           Impressionism is a form of art which began in the 1870s. When you look closely at an impressionist painting,you see little dots of different colored paints. When you move away from the picture,the dots of colors blend together and the painting looks like it has light playing on the people and objects in the picture.

           Impressionist art is different from traditional art. Traditional painters were interested in the form of objects. The impressionists were interested in light and color; The impressionist painters wanted to paint natural light which was lively and bright. They tried to express the feeling of pure sunshine in their paintings. When traditional artists mixed paints,they could not create the feeling of bright,natural light. Therefore,instead of mixing colors,the impressionists used small dots of pure colors.

           The viewers,eyes put these unmixed colors together the same way they add colors in light together. When you look at an impressionist painting,it feels the same as when you look at an object in lively,natural light.

           Traditional painters worked inside. Impressionist painters worked outside because they wanted to p^int the effect of sunlight on objects. Monet (1840-1926) , for example,made a series of paintings of a haystack(干草堆) .Every morning he went to a field with eight or ten paintings. All day,he sat in front of a haystack painting. Every hour he worked on a different picture. All of these paintings are pictures of the haystack. However,they do not look the same because sunlight has different effects on objects at different hours. Monet made his paintings directly from nature. His study of the haystack is an hour-by-hour record of the artistry of light.

28. Why are there many dots on an impressionist painting?

   A. In order to show different painting techniques.

   B. In order to produce the image of different colors.

   C. Because impressionists focused on the form of objects.

   D. Because impressionists wanted to show different figures.

29. Impressionist art differs from traditional art in that .

   A. impressionist paintings have larger dots

   B. impressionist paintings are dark and dull

   C. impressionists paid more attention to light and color

   D. impressionists mixed paints to create bright and natural light

30. Impressionist painters succeeded in .

   A. describing still items

   B. painting indoor objects

   C. working early in the morning

   D. creating the feeling of pure sunshine in paintings

31. Monet worked outside because he wanted to.

   A. paint his haystacks perfectly

   B. work on a different picture every hour

   C. paint the different effects sunlight has on an object

   D. study the different effects sunlight has on the haystack


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。



             For decades,scientists thought the Tandayapa Andean toad (蟾蜍) was extinct. But a group of researchers recently came upon two living Tandayapa Andean toads in the foggy forests of Ecuador (South America) .

             The rare,tiny brown toad was first discovered in 1970 in the Tandayapa Valley,located in Pichincha province in the northern part of Ecuador.

             After finding one toad,biologists spent weeks looking for more. But they did not find any,and the toad was declared extinct almost as soon as it was discovered.

             More than 40 years later,a team of scientists found not one,but two toads similar to the Tandayapa Andean. But these toads were not found in the same place. Instead,scientists found the twosome in the foggy forests of the neighboring Imbabura province.

            “At first sight I couldn’t identify the species 一 it wasn't even on my radar (雷达) , since they hadn’t been seen in …years ,” Ryan Lynch,the lead scientist,told National Geographic. aBut I knew that it was something very rare."

             On a return trip,biologists found many more specimens of the brown toad in the same area. Experts have declared that the species is not at all extinct.

             The Tandayapa toad develops differently from other toads. Most toad babies start life as tadpoles,which have gills (鳃) and live in water. But Tandayapa toad babies,called toadlets,develop on land. These toadlets skip the tadpole stage entirely.

              The Tandayapa's appearance is strange too. As toadlets,they are covered in patterns of copper and gold,with snaking white lines on their bellies. This pattern gets darker as the toads grow. By the time they become adults,they appear completely brown without a pattern and have white bumps (凸起) on their sides. Typical toads don't experience such extreme color and pattern changes.

              Although scientists are excited about the reappearance of the Tandayapa toad,they still worry about the species' survival. Humans have been clearing much of the. forest where the toads live.

However,environmental groups are working to get these forest areas protected. Many hope that the rediscovery of the tiny brown Tandayapa toad may help make their case.

1. The Tandayapa Andean toad discovered in 1970 .

   A. preferred living in pairs

   B. got used to the dry weather

   C. could be spotted everywhere in Ecuador

   D. was considered the only one of this species

2. Ryan Lynch discovered Tandayapa Andean toads .

   A. completely by chance

   B. with the help of his radar

   C. thanks to his return trip to Ecuador

   D. in the same place the first toad was found

3. The Tandayapa Andean toads experience color changes when .

   A. they are threatened

   B. the weather changes

   C. they are growing up

   D. their habitats change

4. What's the present situation of the Tandayapa Andean toads?

   A. They multiply rapidly.

   B. They’ re still in danger.

   C. They,re well protected.

   D. They grow bigger than before.

5. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Living on land

   B. Lost in the forest

   C. Fighting for survival

   D. Back from extinction


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[即学即练]根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词) 。

1. My doctor has  (禁止我吃糖) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



               All parents and schoolteachers know that being able to spell properly is a fundamental skill that young people must develop before they enter the classroom. But,as every parent and teacher also knows,learning spelling can be difficult for children in the early stages. The problem with English spelling is that the letters do not correspond to (与……相对应) speech sounds.

               Good spelling skills are an important part of being able to read and write to a reasonable standard,Reading,writing and spelling are important in the first place because they all help to develop an effective level of literacy (识字).Without this,school coursework would not be completed satisfactorily and end-of-year exams would be failed. Getting good grades in exams,especially towards the end of a person's school life is extremely important if they are looking to go on to college or university before entering the employment market.

               Learning to spell is important because being able to spell correctly adds so much to your skills and abilities,especially when it comes to finding a college or university place,or entering the job market for the first time. Writing a decent CV(简历) and completing the application correctly is vital in the effort to make a good impression. It was reported recently that employers rejected the vast majority of 1 ,000 job applications submitted by graduates simply because of bad spelling.

               Could our use of technology be the reason for bad spelling? Although not proven,there have been concerns in recent years that the rise of text messaging and “chatspeak” used in social media could be leading to a reduction in literacy,as abbreviations(缩写) become commonly used by children. Opinions differ on this possibility. Some research suggests that this may not necessarily be true,but other studies have shown that in some cases it is a cause for concern.

                But the end of school education may be too late. Obviously,the main time for learning is during childhood when most people can achieve a reasonable level of spelling to help their overall literacy. But it is perhaps surprising that many adults have extremely poor spelling and struggle with common words such as embarrass,occasion and restaurant.

6. Children’s difficulty in learning spelling lies in the fact that.

   A. they don't know how to read

   B. the rules are difficult to master

   C. many words are long and complex

   D. the letters don't match speech sounds

7. Students looking to enter college need to .

   A. work hard to get good grades

   B. have job application experiences

   C. reach a high standard of speaking

   D. submit a correctly-spelled application

8. The underlined word “decent” in Paragraph 3 can best be replaced by.

   A. quick    B. good-quality

   C. recent   D. well-meaning

9. We may conclude from Paragraph 4 that .

   A. the use of text messaging leads to good spelling

   B. “chatspeak” helps children develop their literacy

   C. the use of technology has caused increasing concern

   D. common use of abbreviations shows children's literacy level

10. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Why is learning to spell important?

   B. Why do many children have poor spelling?

   C. When should children start to learn spelling?

   D. How should children develop their spelling skills?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The child was killed when a car failed to stop at the (十字路口) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. With a nod of his head he (指示) to me where I should sit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Most of the young men went off to the war,and never came back.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. All those    (赞成这个计划的) ,please raise your hands.

