精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

    Haikou: A shark was killed after being dragged to shore at Yalong Berth beach in Sanya, South China’s Hainan Province, on Sunday afternoon.

    It was the first time a shark had been caught in the beach area, a popular tourist site in Hainan.

    Local fishermen said they caught the 3-meter-long, l-ton shark by chance When they were fishing in sea water 1,000 metres deep near the beach.

    Police temporarily(暂时)protected the shark while oceanographers decided whether it was a species belonging to State protection.

    Fishermen later killed and sold the shark after oceanographers confirmed that it was a whale shark and therefore not under State protection.

    The shark was believed to have drifted into the area from the deep sea due to strong waves caused last week by Typhoon Imbudo. It had no open injuries but experts said they believed it suffered from internal(内部的)bleeding.

    Local police officer Fu Chenggeng said beachgoers should not feel threatened by sharks because the fish never attack human beings on their own initiative. Fu said he had never heard of any shark attacks at the Sanya beach since he first started work there eight years ago.

    However, police said they will improve the security system to safeguard tourists’ safety on the beach.

64.A possible title of the article should be   .

  A.Tourists in Danger                  B.Killing Whale Shark

  C.Shark Caught in Beach Area           D.Whale Shark in Danger

65.From the article it can be learned   .

  A.the shark was caught because of obvious injuries

B.the number of the whale shark may be small

  C.typhoon Imbudo may have brought the shark to the area

  D.it’s not unusual to see a shark on the beach

66.The underlined word“confirmed”probably means   .

A.said B.believed C.thought        D.made sure



科目:高中英语 来源:训练必修二英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


  Live Music-Late Night Jazz

  Enjoy real American Jazz(爵士乐)from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player(号手).He is known to play well into the early hours, so don’t want to get much sleep.

  PLACE:The Jazz Club DATES:15-23 June

  PRICE:¥160 TIME:10 p. m. till late


  Scottish Dancing

  Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn.The wonderful dance from England will be given.

  PLACE:Jack Stein’s DATES:10-20 May

  PRICE:¥160 TIME:10 a. m.-10 p. m.


  Shows-Haikou Museum

  There are 12 000 pieces on show here.You can see the whole of Chinese history.

  PLACE:Haikou Museum DATES:30 Mar.-30 June

  PRICE:¥60(half for students)

  TIME:Mon.-Fri.9 a. m.-5 p. m.

  Weekends 9 a. m.-9 p. m.


  Your friend will come and stay with you from May 15th to June 15th.Finish the Activity table for her using the information above.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省师大附中、西工大附中2011届高三第五次适应性训练英语试题 题型:050


  Here are four pieces of news from China Daily.

  SHANGHAI-The Huachen Group, which has put 83 million yuan in the development of the commerce market since its official registration(注册)late last year, recently held a meeting in Shanghai to show the use of its newly opened tourism business payment network.The network aims to serve tourists from all over the world, but especially from Europe and the United States where credit cards are popularly used.After opening the www.ehinaeonet.Com website, netizens can get information about hotels and tourism services on tourism page.Hotels and services can be reserved(预定)and payment made through credit cards.The network opened in February in Beijing.

  SYDNEY-The Sydney Olympic flame will travel underwater on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef during the torch(火炬)relay following a successful test.

  Scuba diver Wendy Craig, a marine biologist, will carry the torch on three-to-four-minute underwater journey at Agincourt Reef on June 27, creating Olympic history, organizers said yesterday.

  Burning at 2,000 degrees, the torch is expected to remain alight three meters underwater because of a special kind of technology which creates a “fierce flame”--- too powerful to be drowned out by water.Charles Tegner, managing director of torch creator, said the flame would burn like a flame from oxygen-producing chemicals.

  BEIJING-The election of a new leader in Taiwan can not change the fact that Taiwan is part of China.“Taiwan Independence” in whatever form will never be allowed, according to a statesman of China’s central government.

  “We should listen to what the new leader in Taiwan says and watch what he does.We will observe where he will lead Cross-Straits relations.We are willing to exchange views on Cross-Straits relations and peaceful reunification(重新统一)with all parties, organizations and people in Taiwan who favor the one-China principle,” says the statesman, from Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee.

  HAIKOU-Customs officers in Haikou, capital of South China’s Hainan Province, recently stopped a boat loaded with 781 cases of foreign-brand cigarettes being smuggling(走私)into China.The cigarettes are estimated to be worth more than 1.8 million yuan, said a customs officer.They discovered the smuggling boat as they were going around the northern sea area of Yangpu Port.

  The smuggled cigarettes cases, packed into two containers, were disguised to avoid being examined.The boat was registered(注册)in the coastal city Xiamen in East China’s Fujian Province.All eight suspects(嫌疑犯)aboard the boat were kept by the police in Haikou.


Why does the network aim to serve tourists especially from Europe and the USA?

[  ]


Because they are from developed countries.


Because the payments of hotels and services are usually made through credit cards in these places.


Because people in these countries travel much more than those in other countries.


Because they have more computers than others.


Which is the best title for the third piece of news?

[  ]


Ready to Fight


No Good End


Wait and See


Peace Comes First


Which of the following best explains the underlined word “disguised” in the last piece of news?

[  ]


Made different from the normal so as to hide the truth.


Designed for a good purpose.


Hidden out of people’s sight.


Covered with unattractive things.


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省聊城市水城中学2011-2012学年高二下学期阶段测试(二)英语试题 题型:050


  Haikou:A shark was killed after being dragged to shore at Yalong Berth beach in Sanya, South China's Hainan Province, on Sunday afternoon.

  It was the first time a shark had been caught in the beach area, a popular tourist site in Hainan.

  Local fishermen said they caught the 3-meter-long, l-ton shark by chance when they were fishing in sea water 1, 000 metres deep near the beach.

  Police temporarily(暂时)protected the shark while oceanographers decided whether it was a species belonging to State protection.

  Fishermen later killed and sold the shark after oceanographers confirmed that it was a whale shark and therefore not under State protection.

  The shark was believed to have drifted into the area from the deep sea due to strong waves caused last week by Typhoon Imbudo.It had no open injuries but experts said they believed it suffered from internal(内部的)bleeding.

  Local police officer Fu Chenggeng said beachgoers should not feel threatened by sharks because the fish never attack human beings on their own initiative.Fu said he had never heard of any shark attacks at the Sanya beach since he first started work there eight years ago.

  However, police said they will improve the security system to safeguard tourists’ safety on the beach.


A possible title of the article should be ________.

[  ]


Tourists in Danger


Killing Whale Shark


Shark Caught in Beach Area


Whale Shark in Danger


From the article it can be learned ________.

[  ]


the shark was caught because of obvious injuries


typhoon Imbudo may have brought the shark to the area


the number of the whale shark may be small


it's not unusual to see a shark on the beach


The underlined word“confirmed”probably means ________.

[  ]


made sure








科目:高中英语 来源:山东省聊城市东阿一中2011-2012学年高二下学期阶段性测试(二)英语试题 题型:050


  Haikou:A shark was killed after being dragged to shore at Yalong Berth beach in Sanya, South China's Hainan Province, on Sunday afternoon.

  It was the first time a shark had been caught in the beach area, a popular tourist site in Hainan.

  Local fishermen said they caught the 3-meter-long, l-ton shark by chance when they were fishing in sea water 1, 000 metres deep near the beach.

  Police temporarily(暂时)protected the shark while oceanographers decided whether it was a species belonging to State protection.

  Fishermen later killed and sold the shark after oceanographers confirmed that it was a whale shark and therefore not under State protection.

  The shark was believed to have drifted into the area from the deep sea due to strong waves caused last week by Typhoon Imbudo.It had no open injuries but experts said they believed it suffered from internal(内部的)bleeding.

  Local police officer Fu Chenggeng said beachgoers should not feel threatened by sharks because the fish never attack human beings on their own initiative.Fu said he had never heard of any shark attacks at the Sanya beach since he first started work there eight years ago.

  However, police said they will improve the security system to safeguard tourists’ safety on the beach.


A possible title of the article should be ________.

[  ]


Tourists in Danger


Killing Whale Shark


Shark Caught in Beach Area


Whale Shark in Danger


From the article it can be learned ________.

[  ]


the shark was caught because of obvious injuries


typhoon Imbudo may have brought the shark to the area


the number of the whale shark may be small


it's not unusual to see a shark on the beach


The underlined word“confirmed”probably means ________.

[  ]


made sure







