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In most cities,   1   or poor, it is the less well off that are most at risk from floods and natural disasters. It was the poor of New Orleans, nearly a   2   (three) of the population, who lived in the lowest-lying parts of the city and   3   (suffer) most from Katrina’s (卡特里娜飓风) wrath (愤怒).   4   (similar), it was the urban poor of Honduras (洪都拉斯) and its neighbors who were struck hardest   5   Hurricane Mitch in 1998. And it is the people of the slums (贫民窟) more widely in Latin America   6   are most capable of being attacked.

In some places, too little water, not too much, is the problem. China’s thirst for industry and   7   ( irrigate) has combined with climate change to drain the aquifers(蓄水层). Droughts seem to be ever more frequent in northern China, and southern cities such as Guangzhou are also affected. Rivers are drying up: the Yellow River now flows to the sea for only   8   few weeks a year. And the rain, when it comes, is intensely acid. To make matters   9   (bad), the glaciers on which both China   10   India partly depend are melting. Any benefits from extra water supplies will be short-term, and damaged by floods.

1. rich      2. third    3. suffered    4. Similarly   5. by  

6. that/who   7. irrigation   8. a    9. worse    10. and


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省实验中学2009届高三上学期第四次月考英语试题 题型:050


  China has a wealth of classical literature dating from as far back as the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and including the Classics, whose compilation(收集,选编)is attributed to Confucius.Among these, the most important classics in Chinese literature include the Yijing, the Shijing, the Shujing, the Liji, the Chunqiu and the Lunyu.

  The earliest and most influential poetic collection was the Chuci, made up mainly of poems by Qu Yuan and his follower Song Yu.The songs in this collection are more lyrical and romantic and represent a different tradition from the earlier written Shijing.During the Han Dynasty, this form developed into the fu, a poem usually composed in rhymed verse except for the introductory and concluding passages, which are often in the form of questions and answers.

  Classical poetry in China reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty.The early Tang period was best known for a number of poetic styles including the lushi, an eight-line poem with five or seven words in each line; and the jueju, a four-line poem with five or seven words in each line.The two best-known poets of this period were Li Bai and Du Fu.Li Bai was known for the romanticism in his poetry, while Du Fu was seen as a Confucian moralist with a strict sense of duty toward society.

  Later Tang poets developed greater realism and social criticism within their work and improved the art of narration.One of the best known of the later Tang poets was Bai Juyi, whose poems were an inspired yet critical comment of the society of his time.

  As the classical style of poetry became redundant(多余的), a more flexible poetic medium, the ci, arrived on the scene.The ci, a poetic form of Central Asian origin based on the tunes of popular songs, was developed to its fullest by the poets of the Song Dynasty.


According to the passage, in contrast to the Shijing, the Chuciwas ________.

[  ]


different in terms of style and tradition


created earlier and considered more influential


made up of poems by a larger range of poets


more different from the fu during the Han Dynasty


Among the poets mentioned in the passage, whose poems were considered to be romantic?

[  ]


Li Bai and Du Fu.


Bai Juyi and Li Bai.


Qu Yuan and Li Bai.


Du Fu and Qu Yuan.


Compared with poets of early Tang, Bai Juyi’s poems were more ________.

[  ]


flexible and lyrical


practical and romantic


pessimistic and realistic


realistic and critical


Unlike the classical poetic forms, the ci of the Song Dynasty was ________.

[  ]


often in the form of questions and answers


based on the popular poems at that time


a little more flexible poetic form


similar to the earliest style of poetry


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省湛江市第二中学2009-2010学年度高一下学期3月月考 题型:阅读理解

I went to the Chinatown market in London last Sunday. The first thing I did was to go to one of the Chinese green grocers’ shops. As soon as I entered the shop, I smelt mixtures of Chinese spices and saw the new season’s fruits. My son wanted a bag of sweets, so we popped into the shop next door which sells many kinds of candy.
There’s a lot of noise in the Chinatown market and you will see many tourists too. There are a lot of cars and trucks that never stop beeping. While people are loading and unloading their goods, most of them have their cars and trucks parked in the middle of the road. This causes great inconvenience for other drivers. Can you imagine that?
After we had done all our shopping, my son and I went to a restaurant for lunch. We enjoyed our meal very much. But the shopping made us both very tired at the end. We headed down the road to catch our bus home. My son and I enjoyed riding in the bus. We also enjoyed looking at different buildings and people walking by dressed in fancy outfits. Although Chinatown can be a busy place to shop, I do enjoy going there now and then. I can buy some of my necessities, and I can also look and browse around the other shops and department stores where I can indulge (使沉迷) myself with some nice things. Chinatown is located in the heart of central London where you can find tons of shops and other places to amuse you. And for me, I certainly don’t mind going back there again soon.
51. The underlined words “popped into” most probably could be replaced by “_____”.
A. broke into            B. rushed into      C. pushed into                 D. walked into
52. The author probably didn’t go to a ______.
A. restaurant         B. grocery         C. clothing store            D. sweets shop
53. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Rich people won’t go to Chinatown for shopping.
B. The traffic conditions in Chinatown are not very good.
C. The food that the author ate in Chinatown didn’t taste good.
D. Chinatown has changed a lot since the author’s last visit.
54. From the passage, we can infer that the author most probably went to Chinatown by _____.
A. bike                    B. car             C. bus              D. motorbike
55. What does the last sentence of the passage imply?
A. The writer doesn’t have a good impression on Chinatown.
B. The writer won’t go to Chinatown for a long time.
C. The writer likes Chinatown because it’s near.
D. The writer will come to Chinatown again before long.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省平顶山新乡许昌2010届高三第三次调研考试英语 题型:阅读理解

I go to interview a great man. "What surprises you most in your life?" I ask. The great man answers, "People don't like to be children; when they grow up, they wish to be children again. They lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health. They think anxiously about the future, but they forget the present, so they live neither for the present nor the future. "
I have never heard of these words. I am silent for a while, write these words down, and then I ask the second question prepared ahead of time, "As a parent, what lessons do you want your children to learn from life?"
The great man answers with a smile, "I want them to learn that they cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to let themselves be loved. I want them to learn that the most valuable thing is not what they have in their lives, but who they have in their lives. I want them to learn that it is not good to compare themselves with others. I want them to learn that a rich person is not the one who has the most, but is the one who needs the least. I want them to learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness. I want them to learn that there are persons that love them dearly, but do not know how to express their feelings. I want them to learn that money can buy everything but happiness. I want them to learn that two people can look at the same thing and see it differently. I want them to learn that a true friend is someone who likes them anyway. I want them to learn that it is not always enough that they are forgiven by others, but that they have to forgive themselves. "
64. What makes the great man feel puzzled most in his life?
A. People don't like to be a child nor a grown-up.
B. People don't try their best to keep healthy.
C. People don't live a meaningful life.
D. People don't treasure what they own today.
65. Why is the writer silent for a while after having asked the first question?
A. Because he can't hear the great man's words clearly.
B. Because he wants to have enough time to write the answers down.
C. Because he is touched by what the great man says.
D. Because he needs time to think over what to ask next.
66. From the last paragraph, we can learn that______.
A. letting all the people like you is possible as long as you try your best
B. the things in your life is more important than the people in your life
C. the more a person loves you, the more clearly the person can express himself/herself
D. different people have different viewpoints on the same thing
67. After reading the whole passage, we can conclude that the passage is______.
A. educational      B. funny          C. strange          D. interesting


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年广东省中山市实验高级中学高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

Reply letter A
Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We have decided to show the Chinese character along with the Hanyu Pinyin for names of Chinese personages, places and specific things as from the next issue.
Reply letter B
Thank you for your suggestions. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. One of our staff reporters has just returned from Xinjiang and written a long article about her trip. Next year, we will have even more coverage of Xinjiang.
Reply letter C
Other readers have asked us for similar information and we have so far answered them individually. In this issue, we will print an open reply. We discovered after making a survey that there are few books to be found on China printed in English. Most are published by the Foreign Languages Press and China International press, from where it is possible to buy books directly.
Reply letter D
A majority of Chinese tourists travel abroad in order to see different landscapes and various cultures, to appreciate an exotic atmosphere and to get to know local customs. Some Chinese tourists nevertheless go to China towns, because they can eat Chinese food there. For those who don’t know English or the native language of the country they visit, it is convenient to go shopping or find entertainment in a Chinatown.
Reply letter E
We have taken on your suggestions to start a column on personalities. There are kinds of reports, such as movie stars, directors, businessmen, singers and so on. Our reports not only introduce their achievements, but also report their inner world. We hope you will enjoy it.
Reply letter F
Thanks for your appreciation of our magazine. We have mailed your letter and your e-mail address to Tingting. Since both of her two letters were sent by ordinary mail and did not give her e-mail address or telephone number. We could not get in touch with her any other way.
Letter A
I have just started reading your magazine regularly and enjoy the articles very much. I have one comment to make. Can you include the Chinese characters for the names of people, places, etc that you mention with the Hanyu Pinyin of Romanized phonetic system that you use? For example, what is “Emei” or “Qitaihe”or “Shaoxing” in Chinese? It’s also helpful for those of us who are learning Chinese.
Letter B.
It was interesting to read the magazine. I wonder if you could start a column which introduces the Chinese elites of art, business, sports, politics, especially directors, actors, anchors(主持人)and singers. I believe readers will also appreciate a livelier style.
Letter C
I am a civil servant in Xinjiang, a region relatively underdeveloped in comparison with other provinces. But this does not mean it belong to another world. Xinjiang could benefit from overseas exchanges as well as contact with people living in other regions. Could you include articles about Xinjiang and its people? I suggest magazines report more about the western regions, especially exotic and charming Xinjiang.
Letter D
I am an avid(热衷的)reader of your magazine and it has helped me to introduce China to foreign friends. Thank you for great efforts to bring New China to the world. Next month, I may get the opportunity to go to Nigeria, so I must learn more about China’s history and culture. Could you kindly recommend a suitable book in English?
Letter E
It was interesting to read “Chinese Travelers Step out”. It seems a large percentage of Chinese tourists visit the West. In Indonesia, Chinese New Year is an official holiday. How would you assess the level of interest Chinese tourists have in Indonesia? Would they like to visit Chinatowns or other unique attractions in Indonesia?
信函                                         回函
【小题1】LetterA                                  A. Reply letter A
【小题2】LetterB                                  B. Reply letter B
【小题3】LetterC                                  C. reply letter C
【小题4】LetterD                                   D. Reply letter D
【小题5】LetterE                                  E. Reply letter E


科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

Reply letter A
Thank you for your valuable suggestions. We have decided to show the Chinese character along with the Hanyu Pinyin for names of Chinese personages, places and specific things as from the next issue.
Reply letter B
Thank you for your suggestions. Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Xinjiang
Uygur Autonomous Region. One of our staff reporters has just returned from Xinjiang and written a long
article about her trip. Next year, we will have even more coverage of Xinjiang.
Reply letter C
Other readers have asked us for similar information and we have so far answered them individually. In this
issue, we will print an open reply. We discovered after making a survey that there are few books to be
found on China printed in English. Most are published by the Foreign Languages Press and China
International press, from where it is possible to buy books directly.
Reply letter D
A majority of Chinese tourists travel abroad in order to see different landscapes and various cultures, to
appreciate an exotic atmosphere and to get to know local customs. Some Chinese tourists nevertheless
go to China towns, because they can eat Chinese food there. For those who don't know English or the
native language of the country they visit, it is convenient to go shopping or find entertainment in a
Reply letter E
We have taken on your suggestions to start a column on personalities. There are kinds of reports, such
as movie stars, directors, businessmen, singers and so on. Our reports not only introduce their
achievements, but also report their inner world. We hope you will enjoy it.
Reply letter F
Thanks for your appreciation of our magazine. We have mailed your letter and your e-mail address to
Tingting. Since both of her two letters were sent by ordinary mail and did not give her e-mail address or
telephone number. We could not get in touch with her any other way.
Letter A
I have just started reading your magazine regularly and enjoy the articles very much. I have one comment
to make. Can you include the Chinese characters for the names of people, places, etc that you mention
with the Hanyu Pinyin of Romanized phonetic system that you use? For example, what is "Emei" or
"Qitaihe"or "Shaoxing" in Chinese? It's also helpful for those of us who are learning Chinese.
Letter B.
It was interesting to read the magazine. I wonder if you could start a column which introduces the
Chinese elites of art, business, sports, politics, especially directors, actors, anchors(主持人)and singers.
I believe readers will also appreciate a livelier style.
Letter C
I am a civil servant in Xinjiang, a region relatively underdeveloped in comparison with other provinces.
But this does not mean it belong to another world. Xinjiang could benefit from overseas exchanges as
well as contact with people living in other regions. Could you include articles about Xinjiang and its
people? I suggest magazines report more about the western regions, especially exotic and charming
Letter D
I am an avid(热衷的)reader of your magazine and it has helped me to introduce China to foreign friends.
Thank you for great efforts to bring New China to the world. Next month, I may get the opportunity to
go to Nigeria, so I must learn more about China's history and culture. Could you kindly recommend a
suitable book in English?
Letter E
It was interesting to read "Chinese Travelers Step out". It seems a large percentage of Chinese tourists
visit the West. In Indonesia, Chinese New Year is an official holiday. How would you assess the level
of interest Chinese tourists have in Indonesia? Would they like to visit Chinatowns or other unique
attractions in Indonesia?
信函                                          回函
1.LetterA                                     A. Reply letter A
2.LetterB                                     B. Reply letter B
3.LetterC                                     C. reply letter C
4.LetterD                                     D. Reply letter D
5.LetterE                                     E. Reply letter E
                                                   F. Reply letter F.

