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At the start of every new year, it is very typical 1 (make) new year’s resolutions. However, do they really work?

Personally, I don’t think so. Firstly, it’s always great to start the new year with a good 2 (intend) and a positive attitude, as it can bring more hope and happiness. However, when life 3 (return) to normal, the enthusiasm of writing a diary, for example, can wear off.

We often choose the goals 4 are unrealistic as resolutions under the false belief that we can just be a 5 (complete) different person in the new year. In fact, changes happen in small steps over time, so why not take a step back and think of something we can benefit 6?

For instance, let’s simply set some achievable goals: smile more at 7 (strange), laugh at least 8 (two) a day or write a positive thing that makes you happy, no matter 9 simple they are. These small gestures are thought 10 (be) effective to make you better on the inside and outside. So, let’s take the pressure away and make a great effort to be a better me!


1to make



4that/ which






10to be


1考查动词不定式。句意:在每一年的开始,制定新年计划是非常典型的。此处it是形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语。故答案为to make。



4考查定语从句。句意:我们经常选择那些不切实际的目标,因为我们错误地认为,在新的一年里,我们可以成为一个完全不同的人。此处the goals是先行词,指物,后面是一个定语从句,从句缺少主语和引导词,故答案为that/which。


6考查固定搭配。句意:事实上,随着时间的推移,变化会随着时间的推移而发生,所以为什么不后退一步,想想我们能从中受益的东西呢?benefit from---中获益,故答案为from。


8考查固定结构。句意:句意:让我们简单地设定一些可实现的目标:对陌生人多微笑,每天至少笑两次,或者写一件让你开心的积极的事情,不管它们有多简单。twice a day一天两次,故答案为twice。

9考查让步状语从句。句意:让我们简单地设定一些可实现的目标:对陌生人多微笑,每天至少笑两次,或者写一件让你开心的积极的事情,不管它们有多简单。结合句意可知此处是no matter how引导的让步状语从句。故答案为how。

10考查动词不定式。句意:这些小动作被认为是有效的,能使你的内心和外在更好。be thought to do sth.被认为做某事,故答案为to be。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I always wondered how people would react if I tried to approach a total stranger for help in a busy place like a street corner or a mall. I have always _________ a stranger who tried to catch my _________ in a busy place.

Yesterday I was in a busy shopping mall buying a large piece of luggage because I just had the _________ to do it after many days of planning. After the _________, I picked up my phone from my pocket to call my driver waiting in the parking lot but my phone was _________.

Then I requested the shop assistant who had _________ sold me the merchandise (which was not cheap), if she could ring my driver for me. She _________ that it was the shop policy that they cannot use _________ while working in the shop.

After I got out of the shop onto the busy street, I _________ a young mother with her two kids to make the same __________. As soon as I said “Excuse me, madam!” she grabbed her kids and ran. I __________ a kidnapper(绑匪).

I stood there wondering how many times I had __________ to strangers like the young __________. I stood there in the __________ street with people rushing by, looking at their faces to see if there was a sign of __________ on their face.

I saw a man pretty shabbily dressed compared to me who __________ to notice me. I just stopped him and made my request. He __________ called my driver and waited till my car came to make sure I was picked up, turned around __________ I could thank him adequately and was gone.

I was __________ by kindness and hope I will do __________ to strangers who try to catch my attention from now on.

1A. helped out B. hurried by C. smiled at D. taken in

2A. attention B. thought C. devotion D. sympathy

3A. right B. time C. ability D. way

4A. rest B. lunch C. bargain D. purchase

5A. lost B. dead C. gone D. wrong

6A. still B. simply C. just D. even

7A. believed B. promised C. replied D. predicted

8A. phones B. clocks C. watches D. computers

9A. noticed B. recognized C. welcomed D. approached

10A. mistake B. request C. apology D. comment

11A. met B. appeared C. felt like D. ran after

12A. referred B. objected C. reacted D. applied

13A. driver B. assistant C. man D. mum

14A. busy B. clean C. deserted D. dark

15A. eagerness B. forgiveness C. thankfulness D. kindness

16A. pretended B. seemed C. managed D. attempted

17A. suddenly B. frequently C. actually D. immediately

18A. before B. when C. unless D. while

19A. disappointed B. puzzled C. surprised D. frightened

20A. similarly B. normal C. quickly D. carefully


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


It was a really painful experience, but I’m feeling better now. I 1 my doctor’ advice and 2 for at least half an hour every day, and eat lots of fruit and 3. People should look after their bodies. My mother is right: don’t 4 your health for a slim and attractive 5. It isn’t 6 it.

He also told us that the best way to 7 respect was to 8 ourselves to study and get high grades. This 9 like my school in China.

We also had different students in some classes, so it was a 10 for me to remember all the faces and names.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What will the woman probably do?

A. Catch a train.B. See the man off.C. Go shopping.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday?

A. Go to a play.B. Stay at home.C. Visit Kingston.

2What is Ariel going to do in Toronto?

A. Attend a party.B. Meet her aunt.C. See a car show.

3Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave?

A. To call up Betty.B. To buy some DVDs.C. To pick up Daniel.

4What might be the relationship between the speakers

A. Classmates.B. Fellow workers.C. Guide and tourist.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Some people love eating food right after it is cooked. I prefer food just taken out from the freezer. Fruit, candies, nuts, chocolate, cake with buttercream frosting(糖霜), even peas, all of them taste delicious when frozen. In fact, I often eat them that way.

I was a kid when I picked up the habit. In my family, lots of things were thrown into the freezer — finally, two freezers — to prevent them from going bad. Among them were some of the candies my sisters and I had collected on Halloween.

If we eat when they are still warm, we’ll find ourselves taking the cookies more than we should. It’s better if we can put them into the freezer and wait. That way we’ll eat less and enjoy them more because they are hard and chewing becomes a slower, more patient effort. That’s the point about frozen buttercream frosting. Put it in your mouth at room temperature, and it’s gone very quickly. But when it’s frozen, you can enjoy the taste much longer as it melts(融化) in your mouth.

The freezer treats a lot of fruit kindly. Take frozen grapes for example, I keep a bowl of grapes in my freezer. They become a little icy, and somehow their sweetness is improved. They are perfect and healthy dessert(点心). This is the same with oranges, apples, bananas…You might think bananas would get superhard when frozen. Wrong! They become cool, creamy and sweet. If you have wisely covered some or all of the bananas with melted chocolate before putting them into the freeze, they will have a double taste.

As long as you aren’t eating anything that truly has to be hot, go ahead and experiment.

1What is the passage intended to tell us?

A. Fruit should be frozen before one eats it.

B. Frozen food is better than hot food.

C. The author prefers frozen food.

D. Hot food is not healthy.

2The author began to enjoy frozen food when he _____________.

A. was young B. learned cooking

C. got married D. got a fever

3Why does the author NOT advise us to take hot cookies?

A. Because they need more time to prepare.

B. Because the taste is not good when they are hot.

C. Because they are too delicious to avoid our overeating.

D. Because we may eat them quickly and enjoy them less.

4What does the underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refer to?

A. The taste. B. Buttercream.

C. The cookie. D. Frozen buttercream frosting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Henry is carried out to sea by a strong wind but 1 (spot) by a ship, on which he earns his passage by working without pay. As a result, he is brought to London. Feeling hungry, he 2 (wander) alone on the streets, hoping for 3 job.

Then unexpectedly he is 4 (invite) to a large and beautiful house by two rich brothers, Roderick and Oliver. They give a(n) envelope 5 a bank note in it to him.

They have made a 6 (secretly) bet on whether a man can 7 (survival) a month in the city with a million-pound bank note. Henry is the person they want.

He feels surprised at first and doesn’t want 8(accept) it, for he just wants an honest job from them, not 9(they) charity. The two brothers persuade him to take it at last, however. Though feeling very 10(surprise) about the matter, Henry promises them not to open the letter until one and a half hours later.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What day is it today?


2What does the man want to buy?

A.Some clothes.B.A necklace.C.Some chicken.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As people often say, "No one knows the value of health 1he loses it." In other words (换句话说), nothing is more important 2health. Good health is beneficial 3your work and study. But how to keep healthy? Here I want to give you some advice.

First, you should go to bed early and get up early. Second, keep a healthy and 4(balance) diet — eat more vegetables and fruits and other food full of energy and fibre; eat sugar and rich food as little as possible. Don’t eat food 5has gone bad. Third, get rid of the bad habits such as 6(smoke), drinking or staying 7 too late. Physical exercise can make your body strong, 8we should exercise every day. In 9word, health is more valuable than anything else. We should do everything we can to keep us 10(health).

