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2.The English class is really interesting.The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman (31)called(call) Ms Shen.We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen's method of (32)teaching (teach) is nothing like (33)that of the teachers at my Junior High school.She thinks that reading (34)comprehension (comprehend) is important,but we speak a lot in class,too.And we have fun.I don't think I will be (35)bored(bore) in Ms Shen's class!

分析 本文主要讲述作者的英语老师是一个叫Ms Shen很热心的女人.她的教学方法不同于其他的老师,她认为阅读很重要,让学生在课堂说很多英语.所以,作者认为她的课并不烦人.

解答 31.called 32.teaching 33.that 34.comprehension 35.bored
31.called 考查过去分词.woman与call之间是动宾关系,用过去分词短语called Ms Shen作定语修饰woman.
32.teaching 考查动名词.of是介词,后接动词时,用动名词形式teaching.
33.that 考查代词.为避免重复,用that代替method of teaching.
34.comprehension 考查名词.根据句意:她认为阅读理解很重要.reading comprehension意为"阅读理解".
35.bored 考查过去分词.过去分词作表语表示人物所处的心理状态或情感变化.

点评 语法填空旨在考查学生理解语篇的能力、分析句子结构的能力及熟练运用语法的能力.从总体上来说对学生的要求还是提高了,学生必须对整个语篇有总体的把握,然后根据上下文的逻辑关系进行分析的基础上确定每个空要填的是什么,解题时既需要有充足的词汇量,又需要对语法知识有比较明晰的理解和掌握,可以说综合性更强一些,更需要学生有合适的答题技巧.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.It was not until he fled with a large sum of moneythat he was accused of taking bribes.(accuse)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13._____ first voyage of the ship  Titanic was not ______ success.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.About three years ago,something terrible happened to me.One day,my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands,our boat full of fish.(62)All at once,the sky was covered with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm.An enormous wave covered our boat  and my younger brother fell into the sea.With the wind and waves we were going (63)in the direction of the whirlpool,and nothing could save us!Suddenly we went over the edge of the whirlpool.I thought my life was over.But (64)moment after moment passed,and I was still safe.And I noticed that the heavier objects went down more quickly than the smaller,lighter ones.So I tied myself to a barrel to help me float and then dived into the sea to try and escape.In the end,a fishing boat (65)picked me up.When I told the fishermen my story,they didn't believe me.And I cannot expect you to believe more.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Unfortunately,many people were buried ______ in the earthquake which happened in Tai Wan just a few days ago.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Amy thought it was __________ to read English newspapers every day so she subscribed to(订阅)the 21st Century.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.---Judging from _______ number of the cars,there must be many people in the park.
---Yes,I think so.All the people want to go out and enjoy the beautiful scenery in _______ good weather.(  )
A.the;/B.a;/C.the; aD.a; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.The revolution was over by the time Tom Ford started working in the fashion world.The expensive fashion design houses such as Channel,Yves Saint Laurent,and Christian Dior,which earned money by designing and making very expensive custom clothes,had lost many of their wealthy customers.To stay in business,they started selling more reasonably priced ready-to-wear clothing along with a wide range of accessories(配件),that is,related products such as shoes,bags,watches.All of these products needed to blend(融合) with the clothing and with each other so that they made up a brand that everyone would recognize and wanted to buy.Though they did not use that name,each company needed a"master designer."
Born in Texas and growing up in Santa Fe,New Mexico,Ford had a diverse background in the arts.Soon after completing high school,he moved to New York,where he studied art history,trained as an actor,and worked as a model.Following that,Ford completed a program in indoor design,but later decided that he was more interested in designing clothes than in decorating house.He was hired by the firm Cathy Hardwick in 1986,where he began to work as a fashion designer.His talent stood out from the rest and soon he moved to Perry Ellis,where he became design director.Then in 1990he made an important move by taking a position with the New York branch of Gucci,the famous design house based in Milan,Italy.
During his first years at Gucci,the company was going through a very difficult period.Its products were once considered highly desirable,and were worn by famous women such as Grace Kelly,Audrey Hepburn,and Jacqueline Kennedy.However,by the early 1990s they had lost their reputation for quality.Other producers had started making cheap,widely available imitations of the brand,and the sales of Gucci's own products had dropped.Things were so bad at one point that Ford was almost fired.However,some people at the company believed in his talent,and in 1994they hired him to work in Milan as the creative director for the entire company.In this position Ford had artistic control over all of the company's products,as well as its advertising and the design of its stores.Under Ford's direction,Gucci's reputation for cutting-edge style soon returned,and the company began to recover.The style shows starting in 1994were wildly successful.People loved the low-cut velvet pants,unbuttoned silk shirts,and shiny boots in metallic colors.By 1999Gucci,which had almost gone out of business,was worth over $4billion.
When Gucci bought Yves Saint Laurent,Ford became creative director for that fashion house while continuing to design for Gucci.When asked how he would be able to keep the two styles apart,Ford said it wasn't a problem and offered a comparison.Yves Saint Laurent was like Catherine Deneuve,he said while Gucci was more like Sophia Loren.Both are sexy and beautiful women,but with very different styles.
Ford left Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent in 2004to form his own company called simply"Tom Ford".Not long after,he was working together with cosmetics producer Estee Lauder to bring out new beauty products,and then developed and sold a perfume(香水) under his own name.His plans for the future?Ford says that someday he'd definitely like to make a film.He puts it his way:"That is the main design project.You don't just get to design what people wear,but you design the whole world and whether characters get to live or die.There is what fashion lacks.
66.Why did the author most likely write this passage?B
A.To describe the career of Tom Ford.
B.To show why Tom Ford is the world's greatest fashion designer.
C.To explain why Tom Ford was constantly changing jobs.
D.To show the fierce competition Tom had in the fashion world.
67.Why did the famous design houses need a"master designer"?C
A.To make clothes for their wealthy customers.
B.To start a revolution in the fashion world.
C.To blend a range of accessories with ready-to-wear clothing.
D.To save a company from its difficult times.
68.The passage doesn't mention that Ford received any training inC.
A.acting           B.modeling            C.photography      D.designing
69.In the 1990s,what company was Ford able to help recover from an unsuccessful period?A
A.Gucci           B.Yves Saint Laurent    C.Perry Ellis        D.Tom Ford
70.In the future,Tom Ford hopes toB.
A.create a perfume                        B.make a movie
C.write a book                           D.start a company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.During the 19th century,scientists found that when certain parts of the brain of a person were hurt,he would lose the power of doing certain things.And so,people thought that each part of the brain does a different job.But modern research has discovered that this is not so,for it is not easy to show exactly what each part of the brain does.
   In the past fifty years there has been a great increase in the amount of researches done on the brain.Scientists have found out the way the brain works is not so simple as people in general may think.Chemists tell us that about 100,000 chemical changes take place in the brain every second.Some recent researches also suggest that we can remember everything that happens to us.We may not be able to think of the thing that happens to us.We may not be able to think of the things we have heard and seen,but they're all kept there in the storehouse of the human mind.
Earlier scientists thought that the power of one's brain got weaker and weaker as one grows older.But it is now thought that that is not true.As long as the brain is given plenty of exercise,it keeps its power.It has been proved that an old person who has always been active in the mind has a quicker mind than a young person who has only done physical work without using much of his brain.
60.In the 19th century,scientists found that a person would lose the power to do certain thingsD.
A.when he had drunk too much
B.after he did a quite different job
C.if he had been greatly frightened
D.if certain parts of his brain were hurt
61.Scientists today are still unable to show exactlyA.
A.what each part of the brain is doing
B.which part of the brain is the most important
C.whether each part of the brain does the same work
D.how many chemical changes take place in the brain each second
62.It has been found that the brain usually worksC.
A.in a very simple way
B.a little now and a little then
C.without any rest all day long
D.in a fairly complicated (复杂的) way
63.Which of the following is NOT true?C
A.Scientists are working hard to solve the mysteries of the brain. 
B.As many as six million changes take place in the brain every minute.
C.A young man doing physical work is sure to have a much slower mind.
D.Even an old man may have a quick mind only if his brain is given much exercise.

