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David: Hi,Tony,I'm moving on Sunday. 1. (Could / Should) you help me?

Tony: I 2. (should / would) like to help you,but I have a bad back. I went to my doctor and he suggested me that I

3. (shouldn,t / can't) lift anything heavy for a while. 4. (Would /Can) I help you in any other way?

David: Yes. I need some boxes. 5. (Should/Would) you please help me find some?

Tony: Sure. I have to go shopping tomorrow. I 6. (can / should) pick up some at the supermarket.

David: Boxes 7. (can / will) be heavy.You,d  better not lift them yourself.

Tony: Don’t worry. I’ 11 have someone put them in my car for me.

David: Thanks. I have another favour to ask.8. (May / lyíust) I borrow your car on Saturday?

Tony: I have to work on Saturday. Let me ask my brother. He has a car,too. He 9. (will / might) be able to let you use his car.

David: Thanks,rd  appreciate it if you 10.(could / might) ask him. I 11. (must / shall) go now. I 12.(couldn’t / can't) go to class all last week. There's so much work to do.

Tony: I know what you mean. You 13.,(can’ t / must) be very tired.

David: Yes.

1. cfould   2. would   3. shouldn t  4. Can   5. Would   6. can   7. Can

8. May   9. might.   10. could   11. must

12. couldn’t    13. must

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第31期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



           Tourists and animal lovers hoping to see a bear in Sequoia National Park this fall probably stand a better chance of spotting one in this tiny town at the park’s  entrance. Three Rivers is crawling with hungry bears driven down from the mountains by drought in search of food to fatten up for winter. Everyone seems to have photos of the creatures on their phones.

           There's no doubt a bear invasion is going on in this town of 2 ,200 that is home to a mix of park employees,businessmen, artists and so on. It is also a place for retirement for Hollywood types that include Anjelica Huston and William Shatner. Most seem delighted by the visiting black bears.

           The four-year drought has destroyed the berry crop in the Sierra Nevada and led to fewer flcwws (橡子),forcing the bears into the valleys carved by the branches of the Kaweah River that give this town its name.

           Bears have climbed on roofs for acoms and one was found exploring a bathroom under restoration in a house.A bear tore apart the outer walls of a resident's pump house and a music studio to get at acoms.

           The Kaweah Commonwealth reported that bears have been slaughtered,but game wardens (野生动物保把区的管理员) said it was a lie because of a lack of evidence,such as names of suspects,vehicle descriptions and dead bears. The account,however,has caused conflict between nature lovers and those who think it's unbelievable. I'm upset and sad,and I just question,‘Why?”,said Kathleen McCleary. “I don't see any reason to shoot them."

13. Bears have come down from the mountains because.

   A. the park doesn't feed them

   B. they want to seek for water

   C. they lack food resources there

   D. they need a warm place for winter

14. What does the underlined word ^slaughtered^ in the last paragraph probably mean?

   A. Defeated. B. Limited.

   G. Raised.   D. Killed.

15. The author writes the text mainly to .

   A. show where to find bears

   B. call on people to protect bears

   C. introduce a bear invasion in a town

   D. explain how to solve the problem of bears

16. The text probably comes from.

   A. a lesson plan         B. a news report

   C. a tourist guidebook   D. a geography textbook


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          Prashant Mandal shares a small house with his wife and four kids,and survives on less than $2 a day. Yet,despite Mandal' s  modest income,he spends 20 percent of his income on solar energy,an expenditure (支出) which he says is key to helping his children to study.

          Across the globe,about 1. 2  billion people live without electricity. Such limitations are not only inconvenient,but also put people in low-income countries at greater risk of having serious health conditions. People living without electricity typically rely on kerosene lamps,and other harmful light sources,which can lead to bums,injuries,poisoning and other risks.

          Realizing the need for a more efficient energy source,a lot of companies have developed business models that enable poor people to purchase solar energy.

          SimpaNetworks,which focuses its efforts on rural India,is one such company that's found a way to make solar energy affordable and accessible to people in need. Customers are charged a small down payment for a high-quality solar system. Then,through its “progressive purchase^ model,they pay in advance for a designated (指定的) amount of energy consumption. Each payment counts toward the final purchase price.

          A number of other companies have found ways to get solar energy into the hands,anci homes of people who typically can’t  afford electricity. MPOWER D. a New ork-based company,invented an (充气式的) solar light in 2012 that is powered by the sun,and is also able to store solar energy.

          “Energy poverty is solvable if we all work together,” says John Salzinger,MPOWERD’s  co-founder. “Every single consumer purchase helps us reduce costs,and then we pass those savings on to those who need affordable light most. We automatically enable our customers to help others,while helping the environment,by simply making a purchase."

  1. Why does the author mention Prashant Mandal in Paragraph 1 ?

   A. To show that electricity is precioub.

   B. To bring up the topic of the text.

   C. To introduce his poor family.

   D. To tell an interesting story.

2. What can we infer from Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Kerosene lamps are healthy light sources.

   B. There are few people living without electricity.

   C. Poor countries are at greater risk of spreading .


   D. People living without electricity may face serious risks.

3. Paragraph 4  mainly tells us .

   A. how customers pay for SimpaNetworks solar

   B. how impaNetworks invented the inflatable solar

   C. how customers use electricity in rural India 

   D. how solar system works in rural India 

4. How does John Salzinger feel about energy poverty?

   A. Uncaring.     B. Surprising.

   C. Disappointed. D. Optimistic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. (P2)




③ because引导的原因状语从句由and连接的两个知为分句 their food is gathered for the winter whe agricultural work is over 构成。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


                          ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

        (I wrote a letter to the future of me recently. And here is the letter.)

Dear Taylor,

        First of all,let's get this straight: I would much rather visit you in person,but I have yet to discover time travel. Seriously,though,I have some things to say to you.

        To begin with,change is good. As my time in high school is coming to a close,I realize this now more than ever. If it weren't  for change,you would still be the same awkward twelve-year-old. I do think you would be somewhat shocked at how far you’ve come since the beginning of high school. Like,guess what? You’ve stopppd wearing makeup and straightening your hair to impress people. You have better things to do (like sleep) . Also,you haven’t lost all your weight,but you’ve gained the self-confidence you've been missing for a very long time.

        You’re probably not looking for advice because you want to be able to do everything on your own,but I'm going to tell you a few things anyway.

        ● Don’t apologize for your opinion* In fact,stop apologizing for so many things. It's unfair to yourself.

        ● Forgiveness is good,but you are not a doormat. Don’t be afraid not to let someone back in.

        ● Tell your grandparents you love them all the time.

        ● Put down that salad and pick up the cheeseburger. You hate salad,and you know it.

        You should also know that you will lose parts of yourself. You will stop believing in lots of things,people,and ideas,but vou are still left whole. You are still you- even more so.

         But,sadly,the world is going to let you down a lot. You are going to see awful things happen on the news,and you’ re going to feel frustrated because you can't do anything. However,the most important thing that you will come to realize is that your voice matters. You,just like everyone else,have some amazing things to say.

         Lastly,I want to tell you I love you,and I believe in you.                                                            Love,


1. Compared to herself at the beginning of high school,now Taylor.

   A. looks a bit fatter

   B. sleeps much less

   C. feels more confident

   D. tries harder to impress others

2. Taylor hopes that in the future she'11.

   A. eat much more healthily

   B. do everything on her own

   C. apologize less than before

   D. let her parents know she loves them

3. What does Taylor want herself to do by saying she isn't a doormat?

   A. Not to live a lazy life.

   B. To always be cautious.

   C. Not to be afraid of talking to others.

   D. To just forgive those who are worth it.

4. What does Taylor think,is the most important thing for her to realize?

   A. She’ 11 change a lot.

   B. She is really amazing.

   C. What she says matters.

   D. She can change the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. In that country,it's the (风俗) for women to get married in white.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The three (hunt) decided to camp in the thick forest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. I loved staying with my grandparents when I was a child. They let me read all their

books and told me I (could /was able to) go to bed as late as I wanted.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假设你的叔叔在纽约开了一家 名为“Dumpling Tree”的饺子馆。请为该餐厅写 

—则英文广告,以吸引更多的 顾客。要点如下:

  1. 餐馆特色 2. 服务质量。

