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He felt a little n_________ when it was his turn to speak at the meeting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Smith is well known in Washington because of his many social blunders. He always likes to attend the various so??cial functions because he wants to expand his circle of friends. Whenever he is invited, he goes, unless he is ill.

Recently he received an invitation to a fashionable ban??quet. Although he did not know the hostess, he accepted the invitation. He was secretly very pleased, because he felt that his reputation as a desirable guest was growing.

When he arrived at the banquet hall, he found that about one hundred people had been invited. He began to move a-round the hall. He spoke to other guests whether he knew them or not. He soon realized that he had never met any of the other people present, although they seemed to know each other.

At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman. The woman tried to be friendly even though she had never met Mr. Smith before. She spoke politely whenever he spoke to her. Between the first and the second course of the meal, she, turned to Mr. Smith and said, “Do you see that gray-haired man at the end of the table? The one with glasses.”

“Ah, yes. Who is he?”

“He’s the Secretary of the Interior!” she replied.

Mr. Smith said, “So that’s the secretary of the Interior! I’ m afraid that I find very little to admire about him, although he is the Secretary.”

The woman stiffened and did not reply. Mr. Smith contin??ued in spite of her coldness. “I really can’t see how he re??ceived his appointment unless he is perhaps a relative of the President.”

“It hardly matters whether you like the Secretary or not,” she said. “He was chosen because the President thought he was the man for the job. If he does the job well, you should have no complaint.”

“That’s just it,” persisted Mr. Smith. “No one does the things he does, unless he is a complete fool!”

“Sir!” said the woman in all her dignity. “Do you know who I am?” “No,” replied Mr. Smith.

“I am the Secretary’s wife,” she said coldly. Mr. Smith was shocked, but he went on in spite of his embarrassment. “Madam, do you know who I am?”

“No, I don’t,” the woman replied.

“Thank goodness!” exclaimed Mr. Smith, as he quickly left the table.

Why is Mr. Smith well known in Washington?

A. He’s the Secretary of the Interior.

B. He has more friends than other people.

C. He always makes foolish mistakes on social occasions.

D. He likes to go to all kinds of parties.

At dinner he was seated beside a very dignified woman. The underlined part means ________.

A. beautiful          B. serious             C. noble                D. kind-hearted

When Mr. Smith learned that the woman didn’t know who he was, he felt ________.

A. shocked            B. worried          C. embarrassed   D. relieved


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东省肇庆市高二上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Imagine someone has crossed the seas joining five continents by swimming. It is a major success for anyone. But it is an even greater success for Philippe Croizon, who has no arms, and no legs! His achievements show that we can all achieve great things—no matter who we are.

Philippe Croizon was 26 years old when he had an accident. The doctors had to remove both of his arms and legs. “When they cut off my last leg I wanted to die. I suffered great depression and my spirit was as low as you can get. But you have to choose—and I chose to live!” said Croizon.

While he was recovering in hospital, Croizon saw a television programme about a woman who had been swimming across the English Channel. After watching the programme Croizon decided to do it. He began to exercise every day to make him strong and it took him two years to prepare.

Finally in 2010, Croizon was ready. He entered the cold, grey sea of the English Channel. He was now 42 years old. It took him from early morning until night to swim the distance. He felt a lot of pain. But he had become the first person without arms and legs to swim between France and England. Croizon had achieved his dream, but he did not stop there. He looked for a new goal.

Early in 2012 he planned to swim across the seas that join five major continents. During the next few months he swam between the four continents of Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe and finally in the cold waters of the Bering Strait between the continents of Asia and the Americas.

“We want to show people something. If disabled people have courage and a lot of training they can do the same things as those who are not disabled,” said Croizon.

1.According to the passage, Philippe Croizon _____.

A. was born with disability                      

B. suffered a lot from the accident

C. chose to live because of a TV programme        

D. was fond of swimming since he was young

2.What do we know about Philippe Croizon’s swimming across the English Channel?

A. It took him two years to finish it.            

B. He was the first person to achieve it.

C. It was easy for him to finish the swim.        

D. He spent a lot of time preparing for it.

3.Philippe Croizon’s crossing the seas joining five continents______.

A. lasted a month                             

B. ended in the Bering Strait

C. happened when he was 42 years old       

D. was inspired by a television programme

4.Which of the following can best describe Philippe Croizon’s story?

A. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.           

B. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

C. Actions speak louder than words.          

D. The finest diamond must be cut.

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Hope in the corner                        

B. A disabled man’s dream

C. Challenges to Philippe Croizon              

D. Philippe Croizon’s amazing swim



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖北省襄阳市四校高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I woke up this morning. There is an empty feeling that I have had so many times before and it seems to be coming back into my mind. What is it? I can’t figure it out.

I got ready for work. On the way I decide to stop and get a cheese from the little shop just down the road. I have never been there before but I was hungry and it would be 5 hours before I got off work.

    The owner of the store took my order. He asked me what I wanted and I told him I heard he made a great cheese. He seemed pleased to hear that.

    As I was sitting in the small space,there was an elderly gentleman finishing his breakfast. He paid the waitress, received this change and made a small joke. As he turned to get up, which was quite a difficult feat for this gentleman, he looked over at me. I gave a small smile.

    He looked again in my direction for a moment and said to me, “Has anyone ever told you, you have the most beautiful brown eyes?”

    Seeing as I have blue eyes, I can’t say I have ever heard that before. I humored him and said, “No, I can’t say anyone has ever told me that before.”

    He smiled, and said,“Well since they are blue you wouldn’t have heard that, but you have beautiful blue eyes.”

    I laughed and said thank you very much. He began to tell me a few one liner jokes so I smiled and laughed at his jokes.

    He tried to get up to leave again and looked at me and said“Your smile really brightens a room, do you know that?”I said,“Thank you very much.”

    He proceeded to get up, which took him quite some time. As he got up he said,“Take care of that smile.”

    I felt a sense of comfort wash over me and I reflected on my morning and that empty feeling I had. For a moment in time it seemed to be filled.

1.Before the writer went to work, he felt________.

A. sleepy          B. energetic           C. sick          D. unhappy

2.From the text, we can infer the old man __________.

A. was optimistic about life                B. liked to play a joke on others

C. was unwilling to leave                  D. had difficulty in hearing

3.By saying“since they are blue”, the old man meant“_____________”.

A. because they feel cold                  B. because they are sad

C. because they have blue eyes             D. because they are hungry

4.What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. We should find comfort from stranger.

B. We should pay attention to our own business.

C. We should laugh off our worries in life

D. We should show respect to the old people.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届黑龙江哈尔滨第十二中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Once an Arab was traveling in the desert. When the sun went down in the west, he stopped and _36_ his tent then, made a fire and have a _37_ meal. When night fell, he_38_ down to sleep.

He had_39_ fallen asleep when he felt a soft _40_ on his elbow(手肘). He woke up to find that his camel had put his head inside the tent. The camel said: “Would you please let me keep my head in the tent to get warm? It is so cold outside. I will not take up too much  41  .”

The Arab was a  42  man, “All right, do as you  43  .” he said. Then he turned on his _44_  and went back to sleep.

It wasn’t long  45  he felt a push on his shoulder. It was the camel again. “Dear master,” the camel said, “my head is quite warm now, but my neck is still cold. Do you mind  46  I keep it inside the tent, too?”

_47_ .” the man said. But this time he felt a bit  48  , as camel had such a long neck.

No sooner had he shut his eyes  49  he got a harder push in his side. This time the camel said, “will you please allow me to bring my front legs inside and warm then a little?”

The Arab_ 50_ over to one side of the tent. He made _51_ as small as he could. It was not _52_ comfortable, and sleep was now out of  53  .Soon after that the camel gave his a rough push and said, “The tent is too small for the two of us.  54  , my two hind legs are still left in the cold. It is only_55_ that you should leave the tent wholly to me.” And with that, the camel kicked the poor man out.

1.                A.built           B.made          C.put up    D.set


2.                A.simple         B.rich            C.excellent D.ordinary


3.                A.laid            B.lay             C.lied  D.went


4.                A.seldom         B.not            C.almost    D.hardly


5.                A.touch          B.beat           C.kick  D.bite


6.                A.place          B.tent            C.room D.blanket


7.                A.hard-hearted    B.kind-hearted     C.absent-mined  D.careless


8.                A.please         B.willing          C.are like   D.want


9.                A.light           B.head           C.arm  D.side


10.               A.after           B.before         C.since D.then


11.               A.whether        B.as             C.that  D.if


12.                                A.Yes, of course    B.No, not at all

C.Don’t, please                    D.No, you can


13.               A.crowded       B.comfortable     C.warmer   D.narrower


14.               A.than           B.then           C.when D.after


15.               A.went          B.walked         C.climbed   D.moved


16.               A.the tent.        B.himself         C.room D.ground


17.               A.very           B.much          C.a bit  D.a little


18.               A.question        B.the question     C.quite possible   D.possibility


19.               A.Except         B.Besides         C.After all   D.But


20.               A.fair            B.wrong          C.satisfied   D.right




科目:高中英语 来源:外研版新课标必修一Module1myfirstdayatse 题型:完型填空



Once an Arab was traveling in the desert. When the sun went down in the west, he stopped and 36 his tent then, made a fire and have a37 meal. When night fell, he 38 down to sleep.

He had 39 fallen asleep when he felt a soft 40 on his elbow(手肘). He woke up to find that his camel had put his head inside the tent. The camel said: “Would you please let me keep my head in the tent to get warm? It is so cold outside. I will not take up too much 41 .”

The Arab was a 42 man, “All right, do as you 43 .” he said. Then he turned on his 44 and went back to sleep.

It wasn’t long 45 he felt a push on his shoulder. It was the camel again. “Dear master,” the camel said, “my head is quite warm now, but my neck is still cold. Do you mind 46 I keep it inside the tent, too?”

“ 47 .” the man said. But this time he felt a bit 48, as camel had such a long neck.

No sooner had he shut his eyes 49 he got a harder push in his side. This time the camel said, “will you please allow me to bring my front legs inside and warm then a little?”

The Arab 50 over to one side of the tent. He made 51 as small as he could. It was not 52 comfortable, and sleep was now out of 53 .Soon after that the camel gave his a rough push and said, “The tent is too small for the two of us. 54 , my two hind legs are still left in the cold. It is only 55 that you should leave the tent wholly to me.” And with that, the camel kicked the poor man out.

16. A. built                   B. made                       C. put up               D. set

17 A. simple                 B. rich                         C. excellent               D. ordinary

18. A. laid                    B. lay                           C. lied                       D. went

19. A. seldom               B. not                          C. almost                   D. hardly

20. A. touch                  B. beat                         C. kick                      D. bite

21. A. place                  B. tent                          C. room                    D. blanket

22. A. hard-hearted     B. kind-hearted             C. absent-mined         D. careless

23. A. please                 B. willing                     C. are like                 D. want

24. A. light                   B. head                        C. arm                      D. side

25. A. after                   B. before                      C. since                     D. then

26. A. whether                 B. as                            C. that                       D. if

27. A. Yes, of course      B. No, not at all           C. Don’t. please         D. No, you can.

28. A. crowded             B. comfortable           C. warmer             D. narrower

29. A. than           B. then                         C. when               D. after

30. A. went                   B. walked                     C. climbed              D. moved

31. A. the tent.                 B. himself                    C. room               D. ground

32. A. very                   B. much                       C. a lot                D. a little

33. A. question              B. the question              C. quite possible        D. possibility

34. A. Except                B. Besides                    C. After all             D. But

35. A. unfair                 B. wrong                      C. reasonable          D. right


