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【题目】 It's tough to see or hear of a friend in crisis. One idea to keep in mind is that it is healthy for the distressed person to feel what he or she feels in the moment. When a person in crisis feels understood, he or she feels less alone and connected to the person who understands.

A person who experiences empathy(同理心)from a friend who can “go there”for a few minutes in order to authentically understand while still maintaining a strong and supportive attitude may be relieving and healing. While a friend is telling you about the circumstance, the first and most important step is to listen for feelings, not ways to solve the problem.

For example, a friend is terribly upset because her husband is threatening to leave her. After fully honoring the feelings, it is important to ask the friend what would help. Maybe it is a good cry and some ice cream. Perhaps it's a glass of wine and a walk. Everyone has different ways of dealing. Be respectful and ask the friend what she needs or wants, not what you prescribe.

Take a second example, say a close friend is being misrepresented by other friends. The friends are gossiping about her. During a conversation with her, listen for feelings. Honor her hurt and shock. The same equation is useful with a partner.

Helping a friend or partner in crisis not only helps the person, but creates closeness and trust in the relationship, making opening up in the probable future. In addition, the person who is empathizing feels positive because he or she was able to help. When a person is truly able to comfort and reassure a loved one, he or she feels vital and useful, strengthening the relationship.

1What should we do first when we know a friend is in crisis

A.Keep away from him/her.

B.Buy him/her a glass of wine.

C.Understand how he/she feels.

D.Show him/her ways to solve the problem.

2What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to

A.A way to solve the crisis.B.A way to relieve a bad mood.

C.A way to listen for feelings.D.A way to honor the feelings.

3How does the author prove his/her idea

A.By listing data.B.By quoting sayings.

C.By giving examples.D.By conducting surveys.

4What does the text mainly talk about

A.How to keep a loved one.B.How to make new friends.

C.How to work with your partner.D.How to help a friend in trouble.









细节理解题。根据第二段的While a friend is telling you about the circumstance, the first and most important step is to listen for feelings, not ways to solve the problem.(当朋友告诉你关于这种情况的时候,第一步也是最重要的一步是倾听感情,而不是解决问题的方法)可知,当我们知道一个朋友处于危机中时,我们首先应该理解他或她的感觉。故选C


词句猜测题。根据上文After fully honoring the feelings, it is important to ask the friend what would help(在充分尊重感情之后,重要的是问问朋友需要什么帮助)可推断,下文Maybe it is a good cry and some ice cream. Perhaps it's a glass of wine and a walk. Everyone has different ways of dealing. 阐述也许它是好好的哭一场和一些冰淇淋,也许是一杯酒和散散步,每个人有不同的处理方法,因此推断it指的是缓解坏心情的方法。故选B


推理判断题。文章一、二两段作者提出了自己的想法,理解和倾听处于危机的朋友是困难的,重要的是倾听他或她的感觉,而不是给予解决问题的办法,根据第三段的For example, a friend is terribly upset...和第四段的Take a second example可知,作者接下来通过两个例子证明了这个想法。故选C


主旨大意题。纵观全文,第一段作者提出了文章的中心,由It's tough to see or hear of a friend in crisis. One idea to keep in mind is that it is healthy for the distressed person to feel what he or she feels in the moment.(很难理解或倾听处于危机中的朋友。 要记住的一个想法是,对于痛苦的人感受此刻他或她的感受是健康的。)以及第二段的While a friend is telling you about the circumstance, the first and most important step is to listen for feelings, not ways to solve the problem.(当朋友告诉你情况的时候,第一步也是最重要的一步是倾听感情,而不是解决问题的方法。)可知,本文主要讲述如何帮助有困难的朋友。故选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 With summer break coming up for children across the United Statesnow it 's time to plan a fantastic summer trip for your family.Her are a few of the best places you can take your family to this year and any year for that matter.


Montgomery is an important site for learning about the history of the Civil Rights Move-ment. Children with their families can visit the Civil Rights Memorial Center to take a tour of the exhibits and learn about the hopes and dreams and the struggle for equality in the country.

Kenai PeninsulaAlaska

If you are looking for a wonderful outdoor adventurethe Kenai Peninsula in Alaska is a fantastic trip. While visiting this region of Alaskayou can explore the Kenai Mountains in Kenai Fjords(峡湾)National Parkwhere your kids can see glaciersfjords and especially the Harding Icefield Fishing is another wonderful activity to enjoy at this destination.

Channel IslandsCalifornia

The Channel Islands are an amazing archipelago (群岛)) off the coast of California. Here visitors can enjoy the Channel Islands National Park. The Channel Islands National Park protects five of the islands. Within the protection of the park there is a wide variety of wildlifeas well as natural and cultural resources. You should keep an eye out for sealssea lionsdolphins,and many more.


Memphis is a fantastic destination for families that enjoy music. This city played a great role in the evolution of Blues music. You certainly won't want to miss out on a trip to Graceland while exploring Memphis.The home of Elvis Presley is open to visitors for tours,where you can travel through the life and rise of Elvis.

1Where can you enjoy exhibitions during your trip?

A.Montgomery.B.Kenai Peninsula.

C.Channel Islands.D.Memphis.

2What can you do in the Kenai Peninsula?

A.Listen to some music.

B.Explore various wildlife.

C.Try risking outdoors.

D.Watch all kinds of fishes.

3What’s the main purpose of the text?

A.To give children some instructions.

B.To introduce some trip sites for families.

C.To advertise some famous attractions.

D.To encourage children to learn in summer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 表示遗憾;

2. 推迟原因;

3. 新的安排。

提示:中国园林博物馆:the Museum of Chinese Gardens and Landscape Architecture

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The student said there were a few points in the essay he_________impossible to comprehend.

A.has foundB.was findingC.had foundD.would find


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It was when the private company successfully launched astronauts into space__________I knew it would open up more opportunities in the space industry.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华, 夏至将近, 中国有“冬至饺子夏至面”的传统,请写信邀请你校外教Andy参加你班举行的制作面条活动。内容包括:






参考词汇:夏至the summer solstice



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 5G has the potential to disrupt a huge number of industries, including one of the world’s oldest: Farming. Next-generation 5G networks can be 100 times faster than 4G, making communication between devices and servers much quicker. 5G can also carry much more data than other networks. That makes the technology ideal for transmitting information from remote sensors and drones, key tools that are being tested by farmers. 5G is also helping to automate farming processes.

UK initiative 5G RuralFirst launched a smartphone app in March called Me+Moo, which lets farmers track a “connected” cow and receive daily updates on the animal’s health and behavior. The system, which is being tested on cows at the Agri-Epi Center in Somerset, England, is funded in part by UK government and supported by the tech company Cisco (CSCO). The cows wear 5G-connected collars that send data to the app on everything from what they’re eating to how they’re sleeping. Farmers can see the information instantly. “This provides peace of mind that the cows are happy, healthy and behaving normally, as well as early warning if they are getting sick, are pregnant or need to be checked,” said project manager Duncan Forbes.

Yet to make a difference, 5G will first need to be installed in rural areas. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) predicts that in order to provide for the world’s rapidly rising population, the planet will need to grow 70% more food in 2050 than it did in 2009. “To respond to those demands, farmers will need new technologies to produce more from less land, with fewer hands,” reads one report from the organization.

In 2017, another 5G RuralFirst project became the first in the world to successfully plant, tend and harvest a crop without a single human stepping foot in the field. Autonomous Automatic tractors sowed the seeds, drones with sensors monitored the crops, and smaller machines took samples from fields to assess what fertilizers and pesticides to apply.

1Why can 5G help the farming?

A.Because it can carry more information.

B.Because it can be equipped with sensors.

C.Because it can disrupt a lot of industries.

D.Because it can be installed in rural areas.

2What did farmers do firstly if they wanted to use Me+Moo?

A.They founded a tech company.

B.They let the cows wear 5G-connected collars.

C.They kept cows behaving normally.

D.They made sure the cows were checked often.

3According to FAO, how will the world solve the food problem?

A.People should control the rising population.

B.People should find more and more land.

C.People should turn to the new technology.

D.People should learn to get more money.

4How did RuralFirst decide what kind of fertilizer to apply?

A.It analyzed the soil.

B.It dug earth with tractors.

C.It employed experts.

D.It hired drones with sensors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 推荐线路;

2. 推荐理由(历史、文化等角度);

3. 你的祝愿。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Robert Vallieres hikes for miles, often three times a week, climbing the high mountains, just to get a glimpse of his beloved birds.

Many years ago, as a young engineer in the army, Vallieres was struck in the head in a task in Gulf War, which ended his military career and left him fighting for his life. He was 28 years old and battled stress, survivor’s guilt and PTSD (创伤后应激障碍). “When you’re disabled and you really can’t move too much, you’re wondering if death is nearby.” he said.

Despite his condition, Vallieres still had to be a father to his little boy-a curious child who helped jump start his love for birds.

One day, his three-year-old son noticed a bird and asked his father what kind it was. Vallieres bought a bird identification book and started learning along with his son. He bought some small telescopes and the two began observing birds together near their home in New Hampshire.

Then came another turning point. Vallieres saw an ad in the newspaper for a birding trip in New Hampshire’s White Mountains and signed up.

Now it’s his joy and renewed purpose to track and save the peregrine falcon and the bald eagle-two species nearly wiped out by the chemicals used for killing pests. It’s hard physical work for anyone, which needs patience, keen observation skills and time. But Vallieres is a natural at it, because his military training made him a perfect match, especially in reading maps and navigating.

Vallieres says not only does his volunteering help with physical fitness, but also his mental state. “To find rhythm or purpose in life besides myself,” says Vallieres, “I shouldn’t get stuck on myself but have a way out.”

1What led to Vallieres leaving the army?

A.Life failure.B.Severe injury.

C.His son.D.Love for birds.

2How did Vallieres start his new rhythm in life?

A.By climbing mountains often.

B.By buying some small telescopes.

C.By strengthening the military training.

D.By signing up for protecting birds.

3Why is Vallieres suitable for the volunteer work?

A.For his habit of reading.B.For his experience in army.

C.For his devotion to career.D.For his talent in drawing maps.

4What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.A Volunteer’s Story of Saving Birds

B.An Inspiring Story of Self-motivation

C.A Soldier’s Story of Healing through Birds

D.A Moving Story Between a Father and His Son

