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His business failure left him at the edge of desperation, but,         , he managed to go out of the shadow through years of efforts.

       A. time and tide wait for no man    B. don’t count your chickens before they are hatched

       C. no pains, no gains             D. time heals all wounds


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省罗定中学2010届高三下学期5月月考试题(英语) 题型:写作题

第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)
It is reported that two 66-year-old men graduated this summer from Sun Yat-sen University, a well-known university in Guangzhou.
Li Yiquan, a Chinese-Singaporean, earned a postgraduate(研究生) degree in software engineering, while Ang Toon Aun, a Chinese-Malaysian, earned a bachelor's degree with a major in Chinese as a foreign language.
Li, a retired engineer, now lives in Hong Kong. His daughter also received a postgraduate degree this year, but from a British university. So she participated in his graduation ceremony in Guangzhou. Li said he had a special feeling for Sun Yat-sen University because his parents and brother graduated from there.
It wasn't easy for Li to return to school while in his 60s, he said. He failed math exams several times after beginning classes, even though he had a good foundation in math; he graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University majoring in physics 40 years ago and worked as an engineer before retiring.
Ang Toon Aun, 66, was tired of his business career, so he decided to study Chinese at the university and passed level 9, the highest level of the Chinese Test.
"There's nothing in the world that makes me happier than study," said Aun. Many old people in Malaysia were encouraged to keep studying after retirement, but few of them chose to study on campus for a degree as he did.
1. 以约30个词概括两位老人上大学的理由;
2. 然后以约120个词就以“上大学”这个话题进行讨论,内容包括:
1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年甘肃省河西五市高三上学期1月第一次联合考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Henry Edwards Huntington

Henry Edwards Huntington was born in 1850 in OneontaNew YorkIn 1872 he went to work for his uncleone of the owners of the Central Pacific RailroadTwenty years laterHuntington moved to San Francisco at his uncle's request to share management of the Southern Pacific RailroadOn the way to San Franciscohe visited San Marinoand later bought itwhich is home to his collections today

In 1902Huntington moved his business operations to Los Angeleswhere he developed the street railway system that created the structure of the Los Angeles areaHe greatly expanded the existing electric railway linescreating an extensive inter-urban system providing the transportation necessaryHuntington’s business interests continued to grow particularly in the areas of waterpowerand land developmentat one time he served on as many as 60 corporate boards throughout the United States

At the age of 60he announced his decision to retire in order to devote time to his book and art collections and the landscaping of the 600acre farmIn 1911 the large Beaux Arts buildingin the charge of the architect Myron Huntwas completed

In 1913Huntington married Arabella Duval HuntingtonShe shared his interests in collectingAs one of the most important art collectors of her generationshe was highly influential in the development of the art collection now shown in the former building

In 1919Henry and Arabella Huntington signed the agreement that conveyed their San Marino property and collections to a nonprofit educational trustcreating the Huntingtonone of the world’s great culturalresearchand educational centers

Henry EHuntington died in 1927leaving his great treasures the Huntingtonincluding the world—famous H untington LibraryArt Galleryand Botanical Gardens in San MarinoCalifornia to the publicwhich hosts more than 500000 visitors each year.

1.What can you learn about Huntington from the first two paragraphs?

AHe worked in many fields before he came to Los Angeles

BHe built a house to store his art collection in San Marino

CH e did a lot to the USA railway development

DHe founded the Central Pacific Railroad

2.What did Huntington do after his retirement?

AHe devoted himself to his personal interests

BHe worked part time for non—profit business

CH e was in charge of an educational center

DH e shared his wife’s interests with her

3.Which of the following can best describe Huntington?

AAn excellent artist????????????? BA talented architect

CAn ambitious educator????????????? DA successful businessman

4.This passage is most probably taken from

Aa science fiction????? ????????????? Ba newspaper report

Ca novel????????????? ????????????? ????????????? Da biography



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东佛山市高一第一学段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At five he was collecting old newspapers to make money. And when he was 15 he signed his schoolmates up to start a baby-sitting circle.

Now 20, third-year Cambridge University student, Peter Blackburn is managing director of a company with a £ 30,000 plan. And he thinks it will make more than $15,000 by next summer. He set up Peter Blackburn Ltd last year to bring out a new, color term-planner that now students all over the UK are using.

"I felt that most of the planners going around were pretty unimaginative," he says, "I believed that I could do a better job and decided to have a go".

Blackburn admits that he is putting far more effort into business than his computer studies course at university. While fellow students are out with their friends, he keeps in touch with his business office in Lancashire by movable phone. Before he set up the company he spent one holiday preparing a plan that would persuade his bank to lend him money.

"Most students work hard for a good degree because they believe that will help them get a job to support themselves," he says "I work hard at my company, because that is what will support me next year, after I leave college."

Friends believe that Blackburn will make £ 1 million within 5 years. He is not quite so sure, however. "There's a lot to be done yet," he says.

1.Choose the right order of the facts given in the passage.

a. He spent his holiday preparing a plan.   b. He collected newspapers.

c. He set up his own company.           d. He asked the bank for money.

e. He set up a babysitting circle.

A.e, b, c, a, d

B.b, e, a, d, c

C.b, e, d, a, c

D.b, e, c, a, d

2.When he was quite young, Blackburn _______ .

A.already made a lot of money

B.already had a business brain

C.was already managing director of a company

D.already set up his own business

3.The underlined expression in the fourth paragraph "have a go," here means _______ .

A.give up this job and have a new one

B.leave the company

C.have a try

D.develop my business quickly

4.In spite of(尽管) a college student, Blackburn _______ .

A.spends more time on his business than on his studies course

B.keeps in touch with his business office by movable phone

C.seldom goes out with his friends

D.often spends whole holiday preparing business plan

5.Which of the following best explain why Blackburn works hard at his company?

A.He wants to do more business practice before he leaves college.

B.He wants to make more money before he leaves college.

C.He wants to get a good job like most students after he leaves the college.

D.he depends on the company for his living in the future.



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省方城二高2009-2010学年高一下学期期末模拟试题(英语) 题型:完形填空




There was a rich foreign merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife most and  36  her with best clothes and  37  her to delicious food.

  He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He’s very proud of her and always wanted to  38  his 3rd wife to his friends.

  He too, loved his 2nd wife. 39  the merchant faced some 40  , he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out.

  Now, the merchant’s first wife had made great  41  to his business. However, the merchant did not love her and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.

  One day, the merchant fell ill. He knew that he was going to die  42  . He told himself, “ Now I have 4 wives with me. 43  when I die, I’ll be alone. How  44  I’ll be!”

  Thus, he asked the 4th wife, “ I  45 you most. Now that I’m dying will you 46  me and keep me company?” “No way!” replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word.

  The  47  merchant then asked the 3rd wife, “ I have loved you so much for all my life. Will you follow me and keep me company?” “ 48  !” replied the 3rd wife. “ Life is so good over here! I’m going to 49  when you die!”

  He then asked the 2nd  wife, “ I 50 turned to you for help. Now I need your help again. Will you follow me and keep me company?” “I’m sorry, I can’t  51  you out this time!” replied the 2nd wife.

  Then a 52 pulled out, “ I’ll leave with you. I’ll follow you no matter  53  you go.” Broken-hearted, the merchant said, “ I should have taken much better  54  of you while I could have.”

 Actually, we all have 4 wives in our life: our body, our possessions, our friends, and our 55  . We should take good care of our soul all our life.

36 A wore                          B bought            C dressed                D shared

37 A gave                      B treated           C provided           D sent

38 A show off            B turn off            C show out               D turn out

39 A Wherever             B However           C Whether                D Whenever

40 A requests          B exercises           C problems               D duties

41 A friends              B contributions    C differences           D attempts

42 A soon                  B fast              C easily                  D bitterly

43 A So                          B And                         C But                                   D For

44 A lonely                    B friendly                  C lovely                          D lively

45 A respected                 B missed                   C wanted                           D loved

46 A like                    B catch                 C take                                 D follow

47 A sad                                 B hopeless                C anxious                           D lucky

48 A Yes               B No                           C Sure                                 D OK

49 A work                     B leave                 C remarry                          D stay

50 A seldom            B always                   C sometimes               D never

51 A advise            B demand                 C suggest                           D help

52 A voice                B sound                C shout                          D laugh

53 A how                       B where               C when                          D why

54 A advantage       B pity                          C care                                 D control

55 A wealth            B health               C power                        D soul



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省山一0910学年高二第一次段考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

A well-dressed man entered a famous jewelry shop. He explained that he wished to buy a pearl for his wife’s birthday. The price didn’t matter. Since business had been very good for him that year. After examining a nice black one that cost $5000, he paid for the pearl in cash, shook hands with the jeweler, and left.

A few days later the man returned and said that his wife liked the pearl so much that she wanted another one just like it. It had to be exactly the same size and quality, as she wanted a pair of earrings made, “Can you give me any advice on how to get such a pearl?” said the man. The jeweler regretfully replied, “I would say it’s exactly impossible to find one exactly like that pearl.”

The rich man insisted that the jeweler advertise in the newspapers, offering $ 25,000 for the matching pearl. Many people answered the advertisement but nobody had a pearl that was just right.

Just when the jeweler had given up hope, a little old lady came into his store. To his great surprise, she pulled the perfect pearl from her purse. “I don’t like to part with it,” she said sadly, “I inherited it from my mother, and my mother inherited it from hers. But I really need the money.”

The jeweler was quick to pay her before she changed her mind. Then he called the rich man’s hotel to tell him the good news. The man, however, was nowhere to be found.

1. The man said he wanted to buy a pearl for ______.

A. his wife   B. his mother-in–law  C. his own mother   D. no one

2. He paid $ 5,000 for the black pearl without bargaining because ______.

A. he was very rich    B. he wanted to make the jeweler believe him

C. he was anxious to get it   D. his business had been successful

3. He told the jeweler to get him another pearl that must be ______.

A. exactly the same size as the black on

B. exactly the same quality as the black one

C. worth no more than $ 25,000

D. exactly as big and nice as the black one

4. Many people answered the advertisement because they wanted _______.

A. to see the perfect pearl

B. to buy some beautiful pearls too

C. to get in touch with the rich man

D. to sell their own pearl at a high price

5. The jeweler couldn’t find the man anywhere because ______.

A. he died suddenly.

B. He happened to be out

C. He got $ 20,000 by cheating and had run away with the money.

D. He wouldn’t show up until the jeweler called him a second time.


