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 The sunlight came in ______ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

   A. through      B .across          C. on           D. over


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The sunlight came in____________ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A. through        B. across        C. by hour         D. each hour


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Since long ago,greeting cards have been considered a time-saver.More than 150 years ago,a busy Englishman,Sir Henry,asked a friend to design a card so that he didn't have to labour to write holiday letters to his friends at the end of the year.Those paper cards are now the tradition.

But time,like sunlight,is still in short supply for December.That's why the Internet is ready to make a change in holiday greeting customs.Already,those,who are always busy,like sending video greetings by e-mail.So,don't be surprised to find a lively card in your electronic mail box at the end of the year or at any time you should have one.

A recent survey by the Shared Greetings Company found 50 percent of all the Internet users will send online cards especially during the holiday seasons.“That is a lot easier,and it is lively,”said Carol,a New Yorker,who had stopped at the Shared Greetings Company demonstration() online.With her children's help,she sent her first e-card before Thanksgiving Day.“It was the first time I had done something like this;it's quite enjoyable,”she said.

“I will send online Christmas cards to my friends,”said Marcos,a 22-year-old student.“It costs so little and you can even send numbers of greetings at a time.”But he added “the e-card also has its limits,and I don't think it is ready to replace the paper card for the more formal or traditional occasions.For some people,I would rather buy paper cards and mail them traditionally.I believe it is more personal and respectful in that way,”he said.

Well,for those who are very busy but still prefer to do a lot of greetings to different receivers in the holiday season,the Internet may have another way.“Now you can use the Net to decide and send as many as 50 beautiful cards,which allows the buyer to choose the inside saying,as well as the ink colour and typeface,only costing about 30 minutes,”said Julie,vice-president of marketing for an electronic card company-Hallmark Company.“And if you are in less of a hurry,you can spend another 30 minutes sitting in your home or office to create a photo card,showing off your kids,your pets or even your new house-anything as your favorite design for your relatives and friends.”

How can we understand “But time,like sunlight,is still in short supply for December”in Paragraph 2?

A.December cannot supply enough time for people because the sunlight in this month is short.

B.People are always busy at the end of the year,so time is precious like the sunlight in winter.

C.Time is short at the end of the year,like the sunlight in December.

D.Time passes quickly like the sunlight in winter as December comes.

According to the 22-year-old student,he would probably mail e-cards to everyone except_________.

A.the members of his family

B.his girlfriend

C.the teachers who have taught him

D.his schoolmates

If you are quite busy,but having many greetings to send,which of the following is your best choice?

A.Ordering a lot of cards you like online and sending them from the post office.

B.Getting as many cards from your electronic mail box and mailing them on the Net.

C.Sitting and writing lots of beautiful cards at home and sending them just in a traditional way.

D.Choosing personalized cards in numbers and mailing them directly on the Net.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The sunlight is white and blinding _______ hard-edged shadows on the ground.

A. throwing                         B. being thrown                C. to throw                    D. to be thrown



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届甘肃省高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Dark glasses can _____ your eyes ______ the sunlight.

A.prevent; from

B.save; from

C.stop; from

D.protect; from



科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2009-2010学年度高二下学期周练二英语试卷(B) 题型:阅读理解


RIDING in school buses in the early morning,then sitting in poorly lit classrooms,are the main reasons students have trouble getting to sleep at night,according to new research.

Teenagers,like everyone else,need bright light in the morning to allow their circadian rhythms(生理节奏)to get into step with nature's cycles of day and night.

If they don't get blue 1ight in the morning,they get to sleep an average of six minutes later at night,until their bodies are completely out of sync(同步) with the school day,researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York said last month.

The finding was made by fitting goggles(护目镜)that block blue light from the sun to a group of students.The researchers discovered that their circadian rhythms were greatly affected.

Parents and teachers have been complaining in recent years that teens stay up too late at night,then fall asleep in class the next morning and do poorly in school.The new findings provide a possible explanation for the problem.

At the root of the research is the circadian rhythm, the body's natural sleep and waking cycle.Even though the Earth makes a full rotation(旋转)in 24 hours,the body's circadian cycle is about 24 hours and six minutes 1ong.The cycle is mediated(调节)by a chemical called melatonin(褪黑激素).The body starts to produce it about two hours before it is time to sleep and, in the absence of blue 1ight,the body produces about six minutes later each day.

In the study, the researchers studied 11 students at Smith Middle School in New York, which was designed so that a lot of sunlight  reaches classrooms.

On a Friday night,the researchers measured what time the 11 students’ bodies began releasing melatonin.On Monday morning,the students were sent to school with orange goggles that blocked most blue light from their eyes to mimic(模拟) the conditions found in many---if not most--schools.

By the end of the week,the students were releasing melatonin 30 minutes 1ater in the evening---an average of six minutes a day--and going to sleep correspondingly(相应的) later.

“This is our first field study,”said lead author Mariana G.Figueiro.He said they would like to repeat it in larger studies and for longer periods of time。

If the findings are repeated,a variety of solutions are available.Ideally, new schools would be built to allow more natural sunlight into the classrooms.Students could also be exposed to more sunlight outside.

68. According to the findings related in this article, many teenagers stay up late because_______

A. they lack melatonin in their bodies

B. they have to get up so early to catch the school bus

C. their circadian rhythms are in disorder

D. they do not get enough blue light in the morning

69. According to the findings, a student who normally slept at 10:00 pm, but who spent 10 days in a poorly lit classroom, would probably be falling asleep at___________after the period.

A. 12:00pm   B. 11:30pm   C. 11:00pm   D. 10:00pm

70. What does the article tell us?

A. Unlike adults, teenagers tend to feel sleepy during daytime.

B. The sunlight is the only thing that can affect our circadian rhythms.

C. If the findings prove correct, solutions could be found to teen sleeping problems.

D. Most schools have small windows and the classrooms are poorly lit.

71. The main point of the article is to___________

A. warn teenagers not to stay up late or sleep in class

B. report on some new findings related to teenagers' sleeping problems

C. give suggestions on how to build schools

D. advertise goggles which can protect the eyes from the sun


