精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Every fast-food employee knows that the drive-through window is the worst position. The window sticks with constant ice; the roar of engines hurts your     ; your words are lost in the howling wind.
On a        afternoon, everything changed.
Every once in a while, the sub-zero temperatures seal a        windows shut. Drivers don’t exactly enjoy having to stand outside in the cold,       their orders into a speaker box, when they expect to drive through on their heated leather seats. In such cases, most customers tend to show their annoyance to the employees.
This woman was       .
“I’ll get the next car’s        as well,” she said as she came up to the window to pay. She stood outside,        much snow on her hair. Though she was obviously freezing, her bright        lit up her face like a fire.
“You can’t        their drinks,” I said, confused and tired.
“No, but I’ll buy them,” she said. “Pay it forward and all that.”
Completely puzzled, I charged her as       , and when the next customer arrived at the window I explained what had just happened. I watched as his         changed — first angry to be out in the cold, then        at the random act of kindness, and finally, delighted by his     .
“I suppose I’ll pay for the next order then,” he replied, nodding and waving at the impatient driver       him. He        over the cash and received his pre-paid hot drink.
The trend continued. Customers arrived annoyed, only to leave        and pleased. Some were shocked to spend much more than they had expected,        others ended up receiving their order for less than half the price.
Five vehicles passed, then ten, then twenty. No one refused to pay. Customers stood at my window          a fist-full of change to buy drinks for a complete stranger. Cars drove off, honking (鸣笛) and          their thanks.
It only takes one customer, one person, to change the entire        of traffic. It only takes one moment, one smile, to warm up even the coldest of days.



【小题1】考查名词辨析:A. ears耳朵,B. hands手,C. feet脚,D. back后面,发动机的轰鸣声伤害你的耳朵,选A
【小题2】考查形容词辨析:A. freezing寒冷的,B. sunny晴朗的,C. warm温暖的,D. usual通常的,从下文的:Drivers don’t exactly enjoy having to stand outside in the cold,可知这是一个寒冷的下午,选A
【小题3】考查名词辨析:A. truck’s卡车的,B. vehicle’s车辆的,C. car’s汽车的,D. lorry’s货车的,从下文的:Drivers don’t exactly enjoy having to stand outside in the cold, 从下文的:Five vehicles passed,可知寒冷的温度将车辆的窗户关了起来,选B
【小题4】考查动词辨析:A. offering提供,B. throwing扔,C. screaming   尖叫,D. cancelling取消,因为是在汽车里面,所以他们对着话筒大声尖叫订单,选C
【小题5】考查形容词辨析:A. polite礼貌的,B. angry生气的,C. popular流行的,D. different不同的,从下文的描述,可知这个妇女和其他人不一样,选D
【小题6】考查名词辨析:A. number数量,B. coffee咖啡,C. fee费用,D. order命令,订单,从下文的:“You can’t   49   their drinks,” I said, confused and tired. 可知这个妇女要帮下一个顾客拿点的食物,选D
【小题7】考查动词辨析:A. covering覆盖,B. increasing增加,C. gathering聚集,D. falling落下,她站在外面,头上聚集了很多的雪,选C
【小题8】考查名词辨析:A. eyes眼睛,B. smile微笑,C. hair头发,D. annoyance生气,她灿烂的微笑点亮的她的脸,选B
【小题9】考查动词辨析:A. pay付钱,B. take拿走,花费,C. buy买,D. bring带来,你不能拿走他们的饮料,选B
【小题10】考查动词辨析: A. instructed 指导,B. requested 要求,C. directed指导,D. suggested建议,我象她要求的那样给她结账,选B
【小题11】考查名词辨析:A. gesture手势,B. expression表达,表情,C. figure 数字,人影,D. feeling感觉,从下文的:first angry to be out in the cold, then    52   at the random act of kindness, and finally, delighted by his  53  .可知这些顾客的脸上表情的变化,选B
【小题12】考查形容词辨析: A. inspired激发,B. upset不安,C. surprised惊讶的,D. disappointed失望的,先是生气,然后惊讶,最后是高兴,选C
【小题13】考查动词辨析:A. turn转弯,B. sense 感觉,C. deed事情,D. luck幸运,从上文的:then    52   at the random act of kindness, and finally,可知得到免费的食物是很幸运的,选D
【小题14】考查介词辨析:A. beyond超过,B. before在…前面,C. beside在…旁边,D. behind在…后面,向后面的不耐烦的司机挥手,选D
【小题15】考查动词辨析:A. took拿走,B. looked看,C. handed递交,D. thought想,他递交的现金,接受了之前付过钱的饮料,选C
【小题16】考查形容词辨析:A. shy   害羞,B. calm冷静的,C. anxious焦虑的,D. regretful遗憾的,顾客来的时候,都很生气,走的时候都是很冷静和高兴的,选B
【小题17】考查连词辨析:A. while   然而,B. since自从,C. as正如,D. unless除非,有的人很惊讶花的钱比他们预想的多,然而有的人付的钱只有一半。这里表示对比,选A
【小题18】考查动词辨析:A. making制作,B. emptying倒空,C. lying躺,D. holding持有,顾客将一手的零钱倒空为陌生人买饮料,选B
【小题19】考查动词辨析:A. explaining解释,B. sending送,C. introducing介绍,D. casting投掷,汽车开走了,鸣笛发送感谢,选B
【小题20】考查名词辨析:A. jam果酱,B. row排,C. flow流动,D. line线,只是一个顾客就改变了车流,只要片刻就温暖了最冷的日子。选C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

It is a true story behind a well­known piece of art.
In a village near Nuremberg lived a family with eighteen children. Merely to keep food on the table, the father worked eighteen hours a day. Despite their ___ condition, two of the children had a dream to seek their talent for ____ but they knew well their father would never be able to send ____ of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.
The two boys finally worked out an agreement. They would toss (扔) a coin. The ____ would work in the nearby mines to support his brother. Albrecht ____ the toss and went off to Nuremberg. Albert went into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother, ____ work at the academy was almost a(n ) ____ success. Albecht's woodcut and oils were much ____ than those of his professors and he soon was earning considerable fees ____ his works.
When the young ____ returned home, the family held a festive dinner. Albrecht rose to toast to his beloved brother, “Now, Albert, it is your ____ to seek your dream and l will support you”.
All heads turned to the far end of the table, where Albert sat, tears streaming down his pale face, while he ____ and repeated, “No...no.” Finally, Albert rose and ____  the tears from his cheeks. He said softly, “I ____ go to Nuremberg, brother. It is too late for me. Look what four years in the mines have done to my hands! The bones in every finger have been smashed at least once, and I cannot even hold a glass to ____ your toast.”
Today, Albrecht's masterful works ____ in every great museum in the world, but chances are great ____ you, like most people, are familiar with only one of them. Albrecht drew his brother's abused hands with palms together and the ____ stretched skyward. He called it simply “Hands”, but the entire world almost immediately opened their hearts to his great masterpiece and ____ his tribute (敬意) of love “The Praying Hands”.
Next time you see that touching creation, take a second look. Let it be your reminder, if you still need one, that no one ever makes it ____!

A.hopeful         B.lucky
C.disappointed D.hopeless
A.music B.art
C.mining D.farming
A.all B.both
C.each D.either
A.painter B.loser
C.winner D.failure
A.lost B.got
C.won D.beat
A.who B.his
C.whom D.whose
A.random B.immediate
C.attractive D.ordinary
A.smaller B.worse
C.faster D.better
A.for B.to
C.in D.at
A.miner B.worker
C.artist D.professor
A.luck B.turn
C.move D.moment
A.sobbed B.nodded
C.smiled D.laughed
A.recovered B.swept
C.wiped D.handed
A.can't B.shouldn't
C.can D.should
A.hold B.return
C.move D.turn
A.hang B.represent
C.present D.visit
A.when B.that
C.which D.as
A.figures B.hands
C.fingers D.arms
A.said B.loved
C.renamed D.called
A.yet B.out
C.alone D.before


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Maybe you've lost your job.Maybe you didn't get the ____ in your job.Maybe your sweetheart ____ with you.People say “Don't take it personally”and “Don't let it get to you”,but that's very ____ to do.
If you're feeling disheartened,___ are some strategies (策略) for making yourself feel better?It's pretty clear that ____“I'm the greatest!”or winning a prize along with every other second­grade soccer player isn't a good way to ____  healthy self­respect.
Then what can you do to feel better?Here are some ____ to follow:
Do a good deed.This is as selfish as it is selfless;you'll ____ as much as the person you're helping.I had a friend who ____ a period of vast rejection:she was fired from her ____,she didn't get into the graduate program to which she'd ____,and her boyfriend split up with her.Everything worked out fine ____,and I asked her how she got through such a(n) ____ time.She said,“I was ___ addicted to doing good deeds for other people.It was the only way I could make myself feel like I wasn't a total loser.”
Keep a resolution (决心).Not only will you benefit from exercising or ____ out your garage,but you'll also get a boost (激励)from the mere fact that you made a ____ and stuck to it.
Boost your ____.Studies show that when you're feeling energetic,you're much more likely to feel good about yourself.Most important:get enough sleep.
Challenge yourself ____.This strategy doesn't work for me,but I know that many people feel great ___ white­water rafting,bungee jumping,or roller­coaster­riding.For the less daring,a great run,or bike ride can do the ____.

A.promotion  B.gift 
C.match D.break 
A.kept up B.put up 
C.broke up D.made up 
A.easy B.hard 
C.dangerous  D.pleasant 
A.which B.how 
C.where D.what 
A.hearing B.praising 
C.knowing D.repeating 
A.have B.lose 
C.build D.hurt 
A.ideas B.tips 
C.plans D.methods 
A.benefit B.repay 
C.reject  D.demand 
A.went through B.came across 
C.looked for D.waited for 
A.house B.incident 
C.job D.boss 
A.appealed B.listened 
C.reacted D.applied 
A.in the beginning B.in the end 
C.in a moment D.in a sense 
A.wonderful B.tough 
C.unforgettable D.busy 
A.practically B.hardly 
C.carefully D.unwillingly 
A.working B.leaving 
C.finding D.cleaning 
A.bet B.difference 
C.promise D.record 
A.energy B.confidence 
C.courage D.ability 
A.mentally B.physically 
C.successfully  D.naturally 
A.before B.upon 
C.until D.after 
A.service B.business 
C.trick D.favor 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee. ____ I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed ____. I saw their bodies, but I couldn’t feel their souls ____ their souls belonged to the ____.
I stood up and walked _______the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man _____ in front of it. “I’m Steve,” he ______ answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “I can’t talk with you. I’m ____,” he said. He was chatting online and, ____, he was playing a computer game – a war game. I was ______.
Why didn’t Steve want to talk with me? I tried ____ to speak to that computer geek (怪人),____ not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction. I was _____. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “____!”
I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me. I raised my head, and saw nobody showed any interest.
      , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more interested in having a relationship with the      , particularly Steve. I wouldn’t want to         the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines         with people.
I was worried and sank in my thoughts. I didn’t even ____ that the coffee was bad, ____ Steve didn’t notice there was a person next to him.

A.first of allB.just thenC.at the same timeD.by that time
A.Shut upB.Enjoy yourselfC.Leave me aloneD.Help me out
A.From then onB.At that momentC.In allD.Above all
A.other thanB.instead ofC.except forD.as well as
A.as ifB.just asC.so thatD.even though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

How many of us can really ever thank our mothers for what they do for us? I am now 40 years old, so it's been a lot of years that I've had my mom's loving     and direction behind me pushing me gently when I need it.
When I was ill, mom would take care of me    . When I had a terrible dream, she would never    me  for stealing into her bed. When I graduated from college, she took      in me as I walked across that stage. When life would get me down, she would tell me that ,it's always dark     the down ,She's always been my greatest     keeping-me up when life tried to defeat me. She never told me that anything was impossible or that I set my goals too high. With a gentle guiding hand she got me back on the right:,   if I faltered (摇晃) .
A    thank you will never be enough for the kindness and love she has shown to us over the years. My mom     _ more than flowers, candy or other gifts. There isn't a gift in the world that could ever        my thanks for everything she has done for me over the years.

A.guidance B.respect C.criticism D.punishment  
A.regularly B.happily C.unconditionally D.occasionally 
A.turn to B.yell at C.hold up D.look after 
A.interest B.comfort C.pride D.pity 
A.after B.behind C.through D.before 
A.belief B.challenge C.concern D.support 
A.track B.attitude C.sense D.choice  
A.special B.worthwhile C.funny D.simple  
A.expects B.appreciates C.deserves D.receives. 
A.replace B.express C.contribute D.cover 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Sometimes people come into your life .You know that they will help you  out who you
are or who you want to become·You never know   these people may be,possibly your roommate,neighbor,or even a complete stranger.But when you  eyes with them,you know at that very moment they will   your life in some way.
And sometimes things happen to you that may seem  at first,but in reflection you find that without them you would have never  your potential ability.
Everything happens for a   .Nothing happens by chance or  good luck.Illness,injury,love all occur to test the  of your soul.Without these small tests,life would be like  a  road to nowhere .The people affecting your life,and the  and failure you experience,help to create who you are and who you become.   the bad experiences can be learned from,for they are  the most important ones·If someone loves you,love them back unconditionally,because they are  you to love.If someone hurts you,  them,for they have helped you learn about  and the
importance of being cautious.
Make every day   .Appreciate every moment,for you may never be able to 53 it again·Tell yourself you are a great individual and  yourself. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no  . Most importantly,if you LOVE someone,tell him or her,for you never know what tomorrow
may have in store.

A.figure   B.take   C.give   D.speak
A.where  B.how   C.who   D.what
A.fill   B.lock   C.cover   D.close
A.value   B.affect   C.love   D.waste
A.exciting   B.inspiring C.inviting   D.challenging
A.realized   B.lacked   C.controlled D.tested
A.profit   B.fact   C.reason   D.result
A.in need of B.on behalf of C.on account of D.by means of
A.degrees   B.limits   C.influence D.condition
A.smooth   B.snowy   C.busy   D.heavy
A.sense   B.incident   C.success D.feeling
A.So  B.Yet  C.Thus   D.Even
A.probably  B.exactly   C.certainly D.rarely
A.persuading B.allowing C.teaching D.forcing
A.warn B.forgive   C.scold  D.charge
A.agreement B.society   C.right   D.trust
A.count   B.mean   C.go D.change
A.save   B.experience C.share D.miss
A.hold on B.care for   C.think of D.believe in
A.efforts   B.beliefs   C.regrets D.directions


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Last year, for a nationwide teacher conference, I was asked to make a presentation about my classroom. I immediately        to offer to the conference photo collections and mementos (纪念物)that would prove how meaningful teachers’ work was in the world of classroom.
So, for weeks, I looked        the drawers, boxes, and cupboard, hoping to find just the right prints that would tell of the spirit of my school and my community. All through September, I sought photos of lessons activties and accounts I had put away        in my house. I asked my colleagues to help me find images or objects that would        our most famous community members. By mid-October, I had made a list of them. But, I had also found something       , something much more dear, and very rare.
I found photos of Craig, a high school senior, who gave up two weeks one summer to help little kids draw pictures at a camp. I found notes from Calvin whom I had taught for almost six years, and remembered how he always made sure every classmate felt accepted. I found a resume written by Carrie who        herself without the help of parents, and who took night class, and never        one. I found a copy of Macbeth in Portuguese, which belonged to an exchange student who read it first in her own       , before reading it in ours. Thus she could be sure she wasn’t missing anything important in the       . I found all my students, the students who had made me laugh, the students who had        me with their courage and kindness, the students who had        me to question what I knew of the world outside my own world, the students who had inspired me to expect more from them and from myself.
There I was, standing at my filing cupboard reviewing        —not those I had taught, but the many I had learned.
I came to teaching,        most teachers do, hoping to touch the hearts and minds of my students. What I never expected was how        they would touch mine.
Today I walk through the door of my classroom ready to teach, but also        to learn from the young people who are excited to teach me about them —their insights and interests, problems and anxieties, hopes and expectations.

A.decided B.managed C.preferred D.remembered 
A.at B.over C.for D.through 
A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere 
A.recognize B.represent C.regard D.replace 
A.unknown B.familiar C.unexpected D.funny 
A.abandoned B.enjoyed C.relaxed D.supported 
A.changed B.missed C.took D.forgot 
A.language B.way C.voice D.mind 
A.translation B.paper C.expression D.copy 
A.trusted B.filled C.provided D.moved 
A.ordered B.consulted C.recommended D.challenged 
A.documents B.lessons C.essays D.classes 
A.as B.since C.even if D.now that 
A.carefully B.seriously C.powerfully D.slightly 
A.nervous B.eager C.confident D.lucky 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Standing on the top of a church tower not far from our home in Rome, Father said to me, "Look down, Elsa." I gathered all my         and looked down. I saw the crisscross(十字形)of twisting, turning streets         to the square in the centre of the village.
“See, my dear,” Father said gently. "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get where you want to go by one road, try      ."
Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the       lunches that were served at school. But she       because she could not believe the lunches were so bad.
When I turned to Father for help, he would not      . Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a(n)      .
At school the next day, I secretly       my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I       the cook into serving it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked      . She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered(喷溅), "The cook must have gone mad!" Quickly I told her what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would       the matter of lunches at school the next day!
In the years that followed I often remembered the      Father taught me. I knew where I wanted to go in life — to be a fashion designer. And on the way to my first small success I found the road      .
I was busy getting ready to         my winter fashions. Then just 13 days before the presentation the sewing girls were called out on strike. I felt so depressed that I was         that we would have to cancel the presentation         show the clothes unfinished. Then it dawned on me. Why not show the clothes unfinished?
We worked hurriedly and the showing took place as       . Some coats had no sleeves; others had only one. Many of our clothes were only         made of heavy cotton cloth. But on these we pinned sketches and pieces of material. In this way we were able to show what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished. It was our        showing that caught the attention of the public, and         for the clothes poured in.
Father’s wise words had guided me once again. There is more than one way to the square always.

A.eachB.anotherC.noneD.the other
A.drank B.spatC.pouredD.flowed
A.get throughB.take upC.look intoD.make up
A.occupied B.smoothedC.blockedD.widened
A.apart fromB.or elseC.rather thanD.or rather
A.meaningfulB.commonC.ordinary D.unusual


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Most adults want to return to their childhood, because they believe how happy it is to be a child. But they forget that times have changed a great deal, and they never honestly change places with a child. Think of the years at _   __ ;the year spent living in   _fear of examinations and school reports. Every movement you made was _   _  by some adults. Think of the    _ _ when you had to go to bed early, you had to eat _     things that were supposed to be good for you. Remember how “gentle”   _ was given to you with words like “If you don’t do what, I say, I will…”.I’m sure you will _  _ forget!
_  __ , these are only part of children’s trouble. No matter how kind and loving parents may be, children often    _  from some terrible and illogical fears since they can’t understand the world around them. They often have such   _  __ in the dark or in the dream. _   __ can share their fears with other adults while children have to face their fears _   __ .
But the most _   __ part of childhood is the period when you begin to go out of it, the period when you go into _   _ _ .Teenagers start to be _   __ their parents and this causes them great unhappiness. There is a complete _   _  of self-confidence during this time. Adolescents pay much attention to their appearance and the _   _ _ they make on others. They feel shy, awkward and clumsy(笨拙的). _   _ _ are strong but hearts are easily broken. Teenagers __ moments of great happiness or black despair, _   _ _ through this period, adults seem to be more unkind than ever.

A.home B.school C.table D.hand 
A.content B.forgetful C.absurd D.constant 
A.observed B.disturbed C.stopped D.appreciated 
A.pleasure B.goods C.time D.fun 
A.delicious B.nutritious C.tasty D.hateful 
A.pressure B.care C.issue D.exploration 
A.ever B.never C.still D.somewhat 
A.Thus B.As a result C.Even so D.Above all 
A.suffer B.free C.die D.differ 
A.views B.fears C.regrets D.spirits 
A.Children B.Experts C.Adults D.Teenagers 
A.regularly B.alone  C.doubtfully D.comfortably 
A.painful B.reliable C.inspiring D.imaginary 
A.adulthood B.adolescence C.youth D.period 
A.in B.through C.for D.against 
A.need B.short C.lack D.abundance 
A.expression B.explanation C.possession D.impression 
A.Bones B.Feelings C.Wills D.Ideas 
A.ensure B.indicate C.experience D.comfort 
A.and B.but C.even D.instead 

