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     Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being
corrected all the time; if corrected too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times
a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit
by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's. In the same
way, children learn to do all the other things without being taught to walk, run, climb, whistle,
ride a bicycle…They compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and
slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his
mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he
would never notice a mistake. If it is a matter in mathematics or science, give him the answer book.
Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time in such routine(日常的)work?
Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can't find the way to get the right answer.
Let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own
understanding, how to know what he does not know.

1. According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by_____.

A. listening to skilled people's advice.
B. asking older people many questions
C. making mistakes and having them corrected
D. doing what other people do

2. Which of the following does the writer think teachers should NOT do?

A. Give children correct answers
B. Allow children to mark mistakes.
C. Point out children's mistakes to them.
D. Let children mark their own work

3. According to the writer, teachers in school should _____

A. allow children to learn from each other
B. point out children's mistakes whenever found
C. correct children's mistakes as soon as possible
D. give children more book knowledge

4. The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are____

A. different from learning other skills
B. the same as learning skills
C. more important than other skills
D. not really important skills

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    科目:高中英语 来源:新疆兵团二中2012届高三第五次月考英语试题 题型:050


      Le Whif, an inhaler(吸入剂)that allows chocolate lovers to meet their needs whenever they please without putting on weight, is to be on market in British stores.The invention, called the world's first breatheable food, lets consumers suck in the taste of chocolate or coffee while taking on less than one calorie.Its makers claim it will enable dieters to enjoy their favorite snacks without worrying about their waistline.

      The lip-stick-style tube contains hundreds of milligrams of tiny food particles(粒子)which are small enough to be carried by air, but too large to enter the lungs.Each Le Whif contains enough flavor for about eight to ten whiffs(一阵气味)and costs $1.99 on its own, or $4.99 for a pack of three.The inhaler is available in chocolate as well as coffee flavor.

      It was invented by Prof.David Edwards.He said Le Whif was not designed to replace food but could be used to increase dining experiences, such as allowing people to try a variety of dishes from restaurant menus before ordering their meal.

      He said, “In terms of living on whiffing, we aren't even close to being there.But there clearly has been a revolution over the last few years where we are eating smaller amounts of food more frequently, and choosing food for its aesthetic(审美的)pleasure.We will be launching new whiffing experiences probably every six months.It is reasonable to predict that the next line of whiffing products will be even more health centered.”

      The product came onto market in Paris in 2009 and the first production run of 25,000 inhalers were sold out within a month.It has since been made available across France and in the US.In Britain Le Whif is to be sold firstly in House of Fraser for a month, after which it could become more widely distributed.


    We can learn from Paragraph 1 that ________.

    [  ]


    Le Whif isn't availabe in British stores yet


    Le Whif can help dieters to lose weight


    Le Whif is calorie-free


    Le Whif is popular with British chocolate lovers


    What's the main purpose of inventing Le Whif?

    [  ]


    To replace food.


    To help people stop drinking coffee.


    To replace the traditional chocolate.


    To increase people's dining experiences.


    Which of the following statements does David Edwards agree with?

    [  ]


    His new products will come out once a year.


    The whiffing products in the future will be improved.


    Le Whif can make people eat less food.


    Le Whif is a revolution that will change people's life.


    科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省09-10学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解


    第三部分   阅读(共两节,满分40分)

    第一节   阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


    Weighed down(压得喘不过气来) by study? Pushed to the limit by the fast pace of life? Frightened by the possible war? Well, you’re not alone. Men and women in France are seeking relief using the world’s best medicine─laughter.

    In the past year, more than 25 laughter clubs have been set up across the country. People of all ages release their stress with an hour of group laughs. “People telephoned me and said they have forgotten what it is to laugh. They want to find a place where they can escape all their problems for a while. So they come,” said 40-year-old Jocelyn Le Moan. She usually takes a class of around 60 people through a series of laughter techniques.

    Her pupils range from teenagers to 70 years old, but most are middle-aged white collars seeking 60 minutes of relaxation at the end of a busy day.

    Le Moan takes them through the “Lion Laugh” and the “Laugh Contest”, where participants “speak” to each other in different ways. And instead of talking, they break into fits of laughter. At the end there are 15 minutes of “meditation”(沉思),when they lie on their backs and let the laughs burst out of their mouths.

    “I love it. It’s an experience that has changed my life. Through it I rediscovered the child’s laugh inside me,” said Romain Jourffroy, 24.

    Like Jourffroy, many laughter club members find themselves changed into children again, and why not? The average preschooler laughs up to 400 times a day. The average adult only a sad seven to fifteen.

    The physical benefits of laughter are already well-recognized. Doctors say the act of laughing releases good chemicals into the blood-stream, while the quick breathing that accompanies it helps massage(按摩)the digestive organs and strengthens the heart.

    “A full hour is like having your insides go jogging! One finishes out of breath, but feels revitalized (产生新活力). And on top of that, you’ve had a laugh,” said doctor Alexisd Estaing.

    And many participants in Paris also emphasize the psychological benefits. They believe that laughter is a way of making oneself feel more confident.

    “Maybe it is because we are surrounded by so many troubles that we feel the need to keep laughing,” said Anne Maurigiano, a 29-year-old filmmaker.

    1.      From the passage, we can conclude the following but __________.

           A. Jocelyn Le Moan is a teacher of the club.

           B. the members are mostly middle-aged white collars.

           C. people always need some way to relax in life.

           D. laugh freely and everything goes well.

    2.    The writer suggested that you should __________.

           A. have a good laugh after a busy day

           B. talk to each other about what troubles you

           C. learn series of laughter techniques

           D. take the world’s best medicine

    3.      Which of the following is NOT included among the benefits of laughing ?

           A. It can make people rediscover their children’s laugh.

           B. It can release good chemical into blood-stream.

           C. It can make you feel self-confident.

           D. It can cure the illness of people.

    4. What does the phrase “on the top of that ” mean?

           A. besides                                                       B. on the top of tiredness

    C. above all                                                        D. on the top of your energy



    科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    第三部分   阅读(共两节,满分40分)

    第一节   阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


    Weighed down(压得喘不过气来) by study? Pushed to the limit by the fast pace of life? Frightened by the possible war? Well, you’re not alone. Men and women in France are seeking relief using the world’s best medicine─laughter.

    In the past year, more than 25 laughter clubs have been set up across the country. People of all ages release their stress with an hour of group laughs. “People telephoned me and said they have forgotten what it is to laugh. They want to find a place where they can escape all their problems for a while. So they come,” said 40-year-old Jocelyn Le Moan. She usually takes a class of around 60 people through a series of laughter techniques.

    Her pupils range from teenagers to 70 years old, but most are middle-aged white collars seeking 60 minutes of relaxation at the end of a busy day.

    Le Moan takes them through the “Lion Laugh” and the “Laugh Contest”, where participants “speak” to each other in different ways. And instead of talking, they break into fits of laughter. At the end there are 15 minutes of “meditation”(沉思),when they lie on their backs and let the laughs burst out of their mouths.

    “I love it. It’s an experience that has changed my life. Through it I rediscovered the child’s laugh inside me,” said Romain Jourffroy, 24.

    Like Jourffroy, many laughter club members find themselves changed into children again, and why not? The average preschooler laughs up to 400 times a day. The average adult only a sad seven to fifteen.

    The physical benefits of laughter are already well-recognized. Doctors say the act of laughing releases good chemicals into the blood-stream, while the quick breathing that accompanies it helps massage(按摩)the digestive organs and strengthens the heart.

    “A full hour is like having your insides go jogging! One finishes out of breath, but feels revitalized (产生新活力). And on top of that, you’ve had a laugh,” said doctor Alexisd Estaing.

    And many participants in Paris also emphasize the psychological benefits. They believe that laughter is a way of making oneself feel more confident.

    “Maybe it is because we are surrounded by so many troubles that we feel the need to keep laughing,” said Anne Maurigiano, a 29-year-old filmmaker.

    1.    From the passage, we can conclude the following but __________.

          A. Jocelyn Le Moan is a teacher of the club.

          B. the members are mostly middle-aged white collars.

          C. people always need some way to relax in life.

          D. laugh freely and everything goes well.

    2.    The writer suggested that you should __________.

          A. have a good laugh after a busy day

          B. talk to each other about what troubles you

          C. learn series of laughter techniques

          D. take the world’s best medicine

    3.    Which of the following is NOT included among the benefits of laughing ?

          A. It can make people rediscover their children’s laugh.

          B. It can release good chemical into blood-stream.

          C. It can make you feel self-confident.

          D. It can cure the illness of people.

    4. What does the phrase “on the top of that ” mean?

          A. besides                                           B. on the top of tiredness

    C. above all                                          D. on the top of your energy


    科目:高中英语 来源:0103 期中题 题型:阅读理解

                           Sunny English Club
          For students
          16:00 - 18:00
         Every Saturday
         200 Yuan a month
          9 Zhou Yu Street
          Tel: 3785290
         Foreign teachers, English songs and films
    and more!

                         Ocean Museum
          9:00-17:00 From Thursday to Sunday
         Ticket: 50 yuan
         132 Xue Yuan Street
         Tel: 5439871
         Show you a full picture of sea lives!

                         Health Centre
          9:00-17:30 16
         Yong Le Street
         Tel: 3801451
         Free examinations for those over 70
    Give you good advice to keep healthy!
    1. Sunny English Club is for ______.
    A. nurses
    B. policemen
    C. businessmen
    D. students
    2. You will pay _______ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.
    A. 300 yuan
    B. 600 yuan
    C. 1200 yuan
    D. 2400 yuan
    3. You can visit Ocean Museum _______.
    A. on Saturday
    B. on Wednesday
    C. on Monday
    D. anytime
    4. One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is _______.
    A. 9
    B. 17
    C. 67
    D. 73
    5. If you are interested in the life of fish, you should go to______.
    A. Health Centre
    B. Ocean Museum
    C. Sunny English Club
    D. 16 Yong Le Street


    科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市月考题 题型:阅读理解

         When most people think of giant pandas, the pictures of the cute, black-and-white bears from China that
    eat bamboo will immediately jump into their mind. Scientists from Mississippi State University, however, are
    interested in what the bears leave behind; their poop (排泄物). At a recent meeting in Denver, Professor Brown
    at the university presented her research showing how panda poop could inspire a new way to obtain energy
    from plants, which are a renewable energy source. Usually, plants can be called biomass (有机燃料) when
    they are used as an energy source.
         Burning biomass is one way to capture its energy, but Brown hopes panda poop can teach scientists
    something about breaking down biomass. Pandas - or at least the bacteria in their stomachs - are very good at
    getting energy out of bamboo. Unlike cows, which use 4 stomachs to digest large amounts of grass, a panda
    has only one stomach. Bamboo comes in, and poop goes out.
         Every day for 14 months, Brown and her team on this project, counted the bacteria in the poop of the two
    pandas. Ya Ya and Le Le living at the Memphis Zoo. Her studies turned up 12 species of bacteria that break
    down biomass, including one that had never been found in pandas. Brown says that because the poop contains
    bacteria that break down biomass, it could also be used to break down other types of biomass.
         Now the scientists hope to identify the chemicals that help with the process of breaking down biomass and
    then figure out how the bacteria work. If those chemicals can be made in the lab, they could be used to turn
    biomass - like grass or other plants - into fuel.
         Brown says she doesn't mind handling panda poop."It's probably the most pleasant material to work with,"
    she says,"My colleagues and I have been working with other poop for a long time, and we can assure you it
    has a fairly pleasant smell associated with it."
    1. The importance of studying panda poop is _______.
    A. to explore a new way to get energy from plants
    B. to create a renewable energy from plants
    C. to learn a lesson of energy from panda poop
    D. to figure out how the bacteria work for us mankind
    2. The process of the panda poop project can be described as ______.
    a. Identify the chemicals helpful to break down biomass.
    b. Find the bacteria in panda poop which break down bamboo.
    c. Reproduce the chemicals in the lab to turn biomass into energy.
    d. Analyze how the bacteria in panda poop work in panda's stomach.
    A. a, b, d, e
    B. a, d, c, b
    C. b, d, a, c
    D. b, a, d, c
    3. What does the author mainly want to express in the 2nd paragraph?
    A. Pandas don't digest bamboo the same way as cows.
    B. Pandas are capable of getting energy using stomachs.
    C. Scientists have learn something new from panda poop.
    D. Pandas can get energy from bamboo more efficiently.
    4. What does Professor Brown think of working with panda poop?
    A. Enjoyable.
    B. Challenging.
    C. Inspiring.
    D. Sick.

