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【小题1】He's trying to i________ (说明) that there are things that we can't really know in a scientific way but we can glimpse.   
【小题2】They may ________ (申请) to join the organization.   
【小题3】Since 1978 our country has been adopting the opening and ________ (改革) policy.
【小题4】It ________ (想起) me that he's right a tough nut to crack. 
【小题5】Turkin tapped him on the shoulder. "Sorry to________ (插话) , Colonel."   
【小题6】Many people feared that the governor would use the troops to________(逮捕) the leaders.   
【小题7】Test 1 will be a week from________(星期三) , and I will say something about that later in the week.  
【小题8】His ________(志向) is to sail around the world.  
【小题9】It was not surprising that the North showed little ________(同情心) when the fighting stopped and the South lay in ruins.  
【小题10】He is ________(年纪轻的) to me by two years.  


解析【小题1】indicate 指示,说明
【小题2】apply to do 申请做某事
【小题3】the opening and reform policy改革开放政策
【小题4】It strikes sb. that…某人想起某事="It" ccours to sb. that…
【小题5】interrupt 打断(某人的话)
【小题9】show little sympathy 没有同情心
【小题10】be junior to比…年轻


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江西省白鹭洲中学高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】Did you d______ my message to your father?  
【小题2】The discussion f_____ on three main problems.   
【小题3】Suddenly it h____ me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.  
【小题4】She ________(使相信) me that her father was innocent. 
【小题5】Mind your________(举止)!It’s bad manners to speak like that.
【小题6】It is________(考虑周到的) of you to call on your relatives from time to time.
【小题7】You should be modest as a________(专家) .
【小题8】Born into a poor family,Jonna has a h_____to get to the top of the society.
【小题9】The bad weather has________(减少)grain harvests in the last couple of years.
【小题10】It is not w_______ to discuss the question again and again. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年天津市天津一中高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】Modern people must learn to live in h_______________ with nature.
【小题2】With a good state of mind, she soon a_______________ herself to the new environment.
【小题3】It’s a local c_____________ for girls to marry young.
【小题4】The government is trying to raise public a_______________ about the protection of cultural heritage.
【小题5】Reading widely helps to e_______________ your vocabulary when learning a second language.
【小题6】Even though we’re working around the clock, I’m afraid the _____________ (最后期限) is hard to meet.
【小题7】A lazy man will never a_______________ (完成) anything that’s meaningful.
【小题8】Although we are close friends, I don’t want to show my _______________ (关心) for her before so many people.
【小题9】After entering the country _______________ (非法地),he settled down in a remote area and found work in a small restaurant.
【小题10】It’s _______________ (令人耳目一新的) to have such a funny and humorous partner.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年陕西西安音乐学院附中高二下期末考试英语卷(A卷)(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】He went through all kinds of h_______(苦难) in the old society.
【小题2】We decided that we should e_______ (选举)a new sales manager.
【小题3】The brothers d________(不同;相异) widely in their tastes.
【小题4】She u______(承担) full responsibility for the failure of the project..
【小题5】The a ______(突然的) change of the schedule gave me lots of trouble.
【小题6】I cannot b______(忍受) the smell of burnt sausage on the barbecue.
【小题7】You are very much m________(错误的) if you think that people will agree to these changes.
【小题8】People work in libraries spend a lot of time c______(分类) books..
【小题9】I’m sorry to i______(打断) you but how could they live there?
【小题10】Some flat mates are neat and tidy while others are very m_______(脏乱的).


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年吉林省吉林一中高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】More and more e    are included in today’s Olympic Games, such as table tennis, badminton and boxing.
【小题2】Words and i         are being sent throughout the world.
【小题3】Polluted water and air are h       to our health.
【小题4】It is good m        to wait in line when buying tickets.
【小题5】You should give a brief        (介绍)to all the people present.
【小题6】He, who is making a speech now, r         China in the conference.
【小题7】You should learn to         (适应)to your new life.
【小题8】The police found a       (线索)which will help them catch the robber.
【小题9】The patient was asked to ring the bell in an           (紧急情况).
【小题10】I offered him a drink but he didn’t        (回应)


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省东阳市南马高级中学高一第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】G              changes of climate may have been responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
【小题2】Too much salt can be h              to a young baby.
【小题3】With the d              of science, more and more new technologies are playing important roles in people’s life.
【小题4】She grew up in a w              family, which resulted in the fact that she cared little about money.
【小题5】The postman has to get up before d              every day in order to deliver the letters in time.
【小题6】The skirt is too f              for me. I prefer a plain one.
【小题7】We have found further scientific e              for his experiment.
【小题8】We left the forest hungry, so we went to Calistoga in s              of a place to eat. Unfortunately, it took us almost two hours to find one.
【小题9】The main e              to the park is on Gongyuan Road, near the City Railway Station. Admission is free for children under 12.
【小题10】After the v              quarrel, the young couple realized that their marriage had come to an end.

