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          The “e”in e-sports stands for electronic. Instead of playing physical games,people play games on a computer. Most of these games are played on the Internet.

          People love e-sports for the same reasons as people love many other sports. The competition is fun. The play is exciting to watch. The players are highly skilled. However,people like e-sports for another key reason. The sport of video games creates new,exciting worlds. In the games,people can do things that they cannot do in normal life.

          South Korea is the global center for professional e-sports. In South Korea,places called PC Bangs are Very popular. They usually have one big room filled with many computers. There are no windows. People pay to play the games. They can also buy energy drinks and food. Young people spend many hours there.

          Many people are concerned about the problems that can come with e-sports. One main problem is technology addiction (瘾) . Young people can especially play so many games that they cannot stop. Some experts believe that half of South Korean children have problems because of using computers and the Internet too much. Therefore,the South Korean government made a special Shutdown Law in 2011. According to the law,children under 16 are not permitted to use the Internet between midnight and six in the morning. Today,parents are responsible for setting rules for their own children. Also,the government established technology addiction treatment centers,which treat millions of people every year.

         One of the biggest problems in e-sports is drugs. Many players often take drugs to improve their performance. However,using drugs can be very dangerous. Bjoem Franzen worked in the e-sport business for many years. He wrote in his blog, “Using drugs in e-sports is one of the industry’s  secrets. It is a natural thing for some League of Legends players to take different kinds of drugs before a game. They will even do this to extend their training for a few extra hours.”

5. According to Paragraph 2, people are more attracted by e-sports particularly because .

   A. it is creative

   B. it is full of competition

   C. it has no time limitation

   D. its players are professional

6. What do PC Bailgs in South Korea mainly aim at?

   A. Selling popular drinks and snacks.

   B. Providing people with computer games.

   C. Displaying different types of computers.

   D. Instructing kids under 16 to surf the Internet.

7. What did the South Korean government do about technology addiction?

   A. They shut down some e-sports centers.

   B. They urged parents not to use computers at home.

   C. They passed a law to limit the time kids spend on the Internet.

   D. They planned to set up technology addiction treatment centers.

8. What can we learn from Bjoren Franzen's words in the last Paragraph?

   A. It is confusing for some players to take drugs after a game.

   B. It is common for some players to take drugs before a game.

   C. It is unexpected for some players to take drugs in their Gaining.

   D. It is dangerous for some players to take drugs while playing e-sports.

5. A 6. B 7. C 11. A 8. B


本文介绍了电子竞技的特点、世界电子竞技中心 以及电子竞技所带来的一些问题。

5. A.细节理解题。根据第二段中的Thesportof video games creates new,exciting worlds. In the games,people can do things that they cannot do in normal life可知,与其他运动相比,人们喜欢电子竞技主要是因为它富有创造性,可以让人们做现实生活中无法做的一些事。

6. B.细节理解题。根据第云段内容可知,韩国的PC Bangs是专门提供给人们玩电子游戏的地方。

7. C.细节理解题。根据第四段中的the South Korean government made a special Shutdown Law in 2011. According to the law,children under 16 are not permitted to use the Internet between midnight and six in the morning可知,针对孩子们沉迷于电脑和互联网这个问题,韩国政府颁布了法律来限制他们使用互联网的时间。

8. B.推理判断题。根据最后一段中Bjoem Franzen 所说的 It is a natural thing for some League of Legends players to take different kinds of drugs before a game可推知,对于一些电子竞技运动员来说,比赛前服用药物很平常。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第33期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,出最佳选项。


                             ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

          Celebrities often have their own extraordinary life stories about their childhoods and their dramatic rises to fame. And here we have one example: Ella Fitzgerald,a girl from Harlem who became one of the most celebrated female jazz singer of the 20th century.

          Bom in Newport News,Virginia in 1917,Ella didnt want to be a singer at first. At 17,she entered a contest with a dream of becoming a professional dancer. But watching other dancers perform,Ella changed her mind right before going on stage ^ this was a turning point in her life^ She performed as a singer and won first prize.

          After tliis unexpected debut(初次登台) ,people began to hear about the girl with a pure singing voice,great rhythm,and perfect (音高) .And in 1935,Ella had a major breakthrough when the famous drummer Chick Webb decided to hire her for his band. Together they produced many hit songs,including “A-Tisket,A-Tasket/' which became Ella* s' first million-record seller. She also had a striking ability to make her voice imitate other musical instruments. This special talent made Ella begin to shine as she helped to pioneer a style called “scat” in the early 1940s. Scat,or wordless singing,uses random vocal sounds to copy the sounds of real musical instruments. Basically,scat singing is replacing the lyrics of a song with such nonsense syllables as “do be do be dos” while it keeps the tune (曲调) . Ella was a master of scat,elevating the style to a form of art.

           After Webb's death,Ella continued her active singing career,touring with different jazz orchestras throughout the world. Celebrated as the top female singer of her time,she sold more than 40 million records. Ella received numerous awards and honors for her outstanding performance and talent. She died in 1996,but her music lives on,enchanting generations of jazz lovers.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about scat?

   A. It is done by using nonsense syllables.

   B. It is a style of singing with real words.

   C. It is intended to improve musical instruments.

   D. It is a rhythmic form of speech without musical backing.

2. What do we know about Ella Fitzgerald?

   A. She made her stage debut as a dancer.

   B. She helped Chick Webb to form his band.

   C. She contributed greatly to the style of scat singing.

   D. She became very famous immediately after her debut.

3. The underlined word “enchanting” in the last paragraph

probably means.

   A. slightly surprising   B. easily controlling

   C. clearly explaining    D. strongly atfracting

4. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The family life of Ella Fitzgerald

   B. Ella Fitzgerald: The queen of jazz

   C. Famous songs by Ella Fitzgerald 

   D. Ella Fitzgerald: A talented dancer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


                            ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

            I grew up in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania with my mother and elder sister. While we weren't rich,my mother managed to provide us with more than we needed and quite a bit of what we wanted. We had ups and downs,but mostly ups. One of my mother's favorite things to say was, “Well,try it and see." As a carefUl little girl,her words didn't do much to make me a real explorer of anything other than good books. However,my mother's  words encouraging me to try harder,to climb and to reach new heights finally worked one day.

           In December,2015,I had the extreme pleasure of visiting the South Pole,Antarctica to be exact. I once thought it would be the last place on the earth that I'd  ever visit. First of all,I didn't vacation in a cold place. Second,if I did,it would be more like a lodge(乡间小屋) on a mountain with a hot bathtub and a warm fire. But I went there.

          It was a ten-day cruise that .produced more highs than I could have ever imagined. It was the longest time I'd ever been away from my children. I missed them so much that I had a few mild meltdowns(崩溃) ,but I recovered quickly after seeing a family of four crabeater seals swim right up below my deck. Somehow that moment of missing my children was soothed(抚慰) by God's wonderful works.

          When I reached the highest point of Cuverville Island, after a scary and long trip up,I felt I had done something very meaningful. It was a journey for moms,for new entrepreneurs(企业家) and for the little girls who would dream bigger and do better because we showed them they could.

1. When the author was young,her mother liked .

   A. reading books   B. complaining a lot

   C. encouraging her   D. exploring new places

2. What did the author once show no interest in?

   A. Going on vacation.  B. Going to Antarctica.

   C. Getting new things. D. Reading good books.

3. How did the author react when seeing the four crabeater seals?

   A. She felt a lot better.

   B. She burst into tears.

   C. She wanted to touch them.

   D. She missed her children even more.

4. What did the author think of her journey?

   A. Costly.     B. Relaxing.

   C. Inspiring.  D. Disappointing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        The next (绣球花) you grow could really save your life. A biologist at Colorado State University has taught plant proteins how to spot exp/osfves1 (炸药) . 

        Picture this at an airport: A terrorist rolls through the sliding doors of a station with a bomb packed into his luggage. All of a sudden,the leafy,green hydrangea ringing the gates goes white 往s a sheet. That's  the proteins inside the plants telling the authorities that they* ve picked up the chemical trace of the terrorist's  explosive.

       “Plants can't run and hide,” says June Medford,the biologist who's spent the last seven years figuring out how to get the plant to fight against terrorism. “If an insect comes by,it has to respond to it. And it already has its own particular way to respond.”

        That would be the “receptor (受体)” proteins in its DNA. which respond naturally to threats. If an insect chews on a leaf,for instance,the plant releases a series of chemical signals called terpenoids,Medford says,that thickens the surface of the leaf in defense.

         Medford and her team designed a computer model to direct the receptors: Basically,the computer program instructs the protein to react when it comes in contact with chemicals found in explosives or common air or water pollutants.

Right now,Medford's  labs have genetically designed plants going white when they come into contact with explosives. But that's in a research lab,where the amount of light is constant.

Medford says her goal is to get her plants as sensitive as a dog's nose. But there is one big problem: Medford probably thinks it's   not easy to get the plants to react to ammonium nitrate,a common chemical used for home-made bombs.

9. If the hydrangea discovers explosives,it will .

   A. change color              B. produce flowers

   C. make its leaves thinner   D. give off a special smell

10. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to.

   A. the explosive     B. the plant

   C. the insect        D. the terrorist

11. What do we learn about Medford's  technology?

   A. It will come into use in two years.

   B. It has been studied for seven years.

   G. It is chiefly based on medical science.

   D. It can help spot ammonium nitrate easily.

12. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Fight against terrorism in your garden

   B. Plants know how to respond to threats

   C. Biologist develops bomb-spotting plants

   D. Plant proteins hav^ been used to attract insects


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            In 2014 and 2015,a Gallup World Poll surveyed people m 119 countries. A group of scientists analyzed how people answered two of the questions: How much do you know about global warming,and how serious was it to you and your family? And they were surprised.

            Most scientists think the world's  climate changing fast,yet many people do not share the scientists,view.What's  more,how people responded depended on various reasons. These included where people livd,how;many years they'd  gone to school,how much money they earned,their gender — even things such as how polluted the air was in the place where they lived. It's the first time those have been studied for their possible link to people' s thoughts on climate change.

            Many people were not even aware of global warming. Most people in Africa and the Middle East had!never heard of the concept. In contrast,people in the wealthier and more highly educated nations were quite familiar with global warming. Among people who were : aware of global warming,those in the poorer nations i tended to judge it as a far bigger threat. And in Latin Amenca and Europe people were more likely to see global warming as a bigger menace (威胁) when they understood the role that humans have played in that : warming. In Africa people were more likely to see :

climate change as a risk if it was tied to local temperatures or air pollution.

          “To our knowledge,this is the first and only truly global study,”according to the study's  lead author Lee.; Lee says the new analysis indicates that there's  still much work to do to get the word out about global warming. Indeed,helping people in different parts of the globe  understand it may require explaining the data and risks in;very different ways. Those explanations might have to differ from one neighboring country to another.

5. What surprises scientists according to the text?

   A. People's different opinions on climate change.

   B. Different causes of global warming.

   C. The seriousness of global warming.

   D. The fast pace of climate change. t

6. What can we infer from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Africa has suffered severe air pollution.

   B. In Europe most people have studied climate change.

   C. Most people knew about the reasons for global;warming.

   D. Highly educated people were more aware of global wanning.

7. What does Lee learn from the research findings?

   A. It takes more effort to popularize global warming.

   B. Global warming will need more data to prove.

   C. Global warming puts people at great risk.

   D. It's difficult to stop global warming.

8. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A lesson plan.        B. A news report.

   C. A fashion magazine.   D. A tourist guidebook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


         Hip-hop music doesn’t typically remind us of the description “kid-friendly”. But Syracuse musicians Samar Moseley and Tyrone Jackson have found inspiration in their work as bus drivers for the Syracuse City School District. While other performers may rap about street violence or ill-gotten riches,this pair — known as 1306 — apply catchy beats to cautionary raps on bus safety and working toward graduation.

         Last year,1306 put out a three-song record,Mr. Bus Driver,with positive raps on school-related issues. They also performed at city schools. In an interview,Moseley said that he thought 1306 could find a sizable market for its positive messages. Moseley is the songwriter while Jackson handles the beats and engineering. The pair,who started driving buses in 2011,are enthusiastic about what the foture holds.

         They met during their bus driver training. The name 1306 came from Moseley's Bus Route 13 and Jackson's Bus Route 06. The concept behind that is going down a new journey and taking a new route to success. The first songs they did were club songs. One day,they both had a bad day on the bus,so they started talking about what happened and came up with the Mr. Bus Driver song.

        “Driving a school bus isn’t  an easy job. You have to let kids on the bus know that there are rules they should follow. The best way to teach something is to make it constructive and fun. Kids can learn the rules and have fun singing songs and dancing. It's a good feeling,” Jackson said. .

        Their CDs have now become popular in other states. In Minneapolis,people play them in day care centers. After more than a year,1306 is still the only thing the kids in the centers want to listen to.

9. What makes 1306 different from other rappers?

   A. Their club songs.

   B. Their sunny smiles.

   C. Their special experiences.

   D. The themes of their songs.

10. Why did Moseley and Jackson choose the name 1306?

   A. It was their new bus route number.

   B. It combined their bus route numbers.

   C. It reminded them of their bad days.

   D. It is the combination of their birthday dates.

11. What's the purpose of 1306’s songs according to Jackson?

   A. To comfort bored drivers.

   B. To make kids learn music.

   C. To teach people how to drive.

   D. To help,kids behave themselves.

12. How is the last paragraph developed?

   A. By time.       B. By contrast.

   C. By example.    D. By space.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



         Reading is important for children to grow up. If you want touching or funny or unusual or classic picture books,there are some books to excite your interest.

The Day the Crayons Came Home 

by Drew Daywalt,illustrated by Oliver Jeffers 

        Duncan has some interesting crayons. Mine just sit there until I use them to color things. Duncan's crayons,however,get fed up and leave home or take adventures. They* re anything but dull. If your child loved The Day the Crayons Quit,this newest colorful adventure should be at the top of your reading list.

Little Red Gliding Hood 

by Tara Lazar,illustrated by Troy Cummings 

        The newest take on Little Red Riding Hood is a fairy tale full of fun. Little Red needs a new pair of ice skates,but the only way to get them is to win a competition. With most of the fictional characters having partners,she may need to team up with someone unexpected.

Finding Winnie 

by Lindsay Mattick,illustrated by Sophie Blackall 

         Most of us are familiar with Christopher Robin and Pooh Bear,but few people realize that Pooh grew out of the imagination of A. A. Milne who was a playwright and was inspired to write stories for his son Christopher Robin. In 1914,a vet named Harry Coleboum rescued a baby bear,took it to war with him,and later brought him back to England and then to the London Zoo where the bear met the real Christopher Robin. The rest,as they say,is history.

Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova 

by Laurel Snyder,illustrated by Julie Morstaa 

Aspiring dancers will be fascinated by both the story and artwork of Swan. The story captures a small girl's enchantment(着迷) with ballet and her rise to become one of the world's most respected woman dancer in ballet.

13.Which of the following books is illustrated by Troy Cummings?

   A. Swan: The Life and Dance of Anna Pavlova.

   B. The Day the Crayons Came Home.

   C. Little Red Gliding Hood.

   D. Finding Winnie.

14. The book Finding Winnie tells the story of.

   A. a little girl   B. a baby bear

   C. some swans      D. A.A. Milne 

15. Who wrote the book about a ballet dancer?

   A. Lindsay Mattick.  B. Drew Daywalt.

   C. Laurel Snyder.    D. Tara Lazar.

16. The main purpose of the text is to .

   A. introduce four picture books

   B. inspire us to write a picture book

   C. encourage children to buy the picture books

   D. tell us the importance of reading picture books


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据短文内容,从方框i选择恰当的单词或短语 填空,有的需要变换形式。

excite,or so,adult,marry,wild,smile,shine,protect 

    The town of Longview has a very busy street. Many cars use it every day. In the past squirrels (松鼠) tried to cross the street and were killed.Amos Peters wanted (1) these lovely animals,so he built a bridge for them — one that would let them cross above the traffic.

    Now I'm standing on the bridge. The weather is fine. The sun is (2) bright.Around me I only see lots of (3) squirrels. Some are (4) squirrels and some are baby squirrels. They all look at me with(5) . Some of them even (6) at me. It seems that they say, “Hey,young manf Where are you from?”

    The bridge has been a symbol of the town for over 40 years (7) Some young couples come here to take photos before they get(8) ! . And every Christmas,the local (当地的) people add a small Christmas tree to the center of the bridge. How lovely!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The (起源) of these words are unknown.

