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The other day I happen to read an eighty-word passage about details. I found it prettily good.
One who wants to achieve great success should pay attentions to details. Sometimes it is the details in that determine our success, for it has a great impact on what we’re doing. We should form the habit of being careful, so a careful person rarely overlooks details. What’s more, we should learn to keep balance of quantity and quality. When facing with lots of work, the faster we do them, the more mistakes we usually make. In that case we are possible to neglect the details. So we should remember that quality comes first, without that quantity is of no importance.

【小题1】happen -happened
【小题3】attentions- attention
【小题4】details in去掉in
【小题6】keep∧ balance 之间加the
【小题7】facing- faced或把with去掉
【小题8】them- it
【小题9】possible- likely
【小题10】that- which

解析试题分析:【小题1】文章有The other day 前几天,表示的过去的时间,故happen -happened
【小题2】我发现它特别的好,pretty 可以作为副词,修饰形容词,故prettily-pretty
【小题3】一个想要实现伟大成功的人必须注意细节,pay attention to注意,固定短语,故attentions- attention
【小题4】有时候就是细节决定我们的成功,it is …that,强调句型,故details in去掉in
【小题6】我们应该保持质与量的平衡,the balance of固定结构,故keep∧ balance 之间加the
【小题7】当我们面对许多工作的时候,be faced with sth或是face sth,when引导的时间状语从句省略了主语和be动词,故facing- faced或把with去掉
【小题8】我们做的越快,我们犯的错误就越多,it指代work ,故them- it
【小题9】在这种情况下我们很有可能忽视细节,sb be likely to do sth某人很有可能做某事,故possible- likely
【小题10】我们应该记住质量第一,没有质量,再多的数量也是无用的,which引导非限制性定语从句,放在介词之后,that不可以引导非限制性定语从句,故that- which


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省大同五中2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:填空题

I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two        76.           
weks ago . I have been thinking about a question you aked      77.           
me . In my opinion, you should go back after you finish your      78.           
stuides abroad. For  one reason, that you are studying si badly   79.           
needed nowadays in our country, It will be quite  easily for you   80           
to find a good job , In fact , I know a few bitg company here in    81           
our city hopes to hire people like you , For another reason, .        82           
I think it will be very much more convenient for you ot look         83.           
after your parents as they are getting old, Therefore this is only     84.           
my point of view, It is up for you to make right choice.             85.           


科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:改错题

     假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。
     It was my birthday last Friday. I invite some friends to have dinner with me m one ot my favorite
restaurants. It was complete full when we went in, so we had to wait. Luckily, after what seemed ten
minutes, a group of tourist at a comer table got up and left off. As we sat down at the table, I noticed
a larger brown envelope on one of the chairs. I picked up. It felt very heavy. Probably it were full of
important papers. I handed the envelope to one of the waiters. They hurried down the street after the
tourists but managed to catch up with them before they were disappeared.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two        76.           

weks ago . I have been thinking about a question you aked      77.           

me . In my opinion, you should go back after you finish your      78.           

stuides abroad. For  one reason, that you are studying si badly   79.           

needed nowadays in our country, It will be quite  easily for you   80           

to find a good job , In fact , I know a few bitg company here in    81           

our city hopes to hire people like you , For another reason, .        82           

I think it will be very much more convenient for you ot look         83.           

after your parents as they are getting old, Therefore this is only     84.           

my point of view, It is up for you to make right choice.             85.           

