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“Family” is of course an elastic word. But when British people say that their society is based on family life, they are thinking of “family” in its narrow, peculiarly European sense of mother, father and children living together alone in their own house as an economic and social unit. Thus, every British marriage indicates the beginning of a new and independent family—hence the tremendous importance of marriage in British life. For both the man and the woman, marriage means leaving one?s parents and starting one?s own life. The man?s first duty will then be to his wife, and the wife?s to her husband. He will be entirely responsible for her financial support, and she for the running of the new home. Their children will be their common responsibility and theirs alone. Neither the wife?s parents nor the husband?s, nor their brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles, have any right to interfere with them—they are their own masters.?
Readers of novels like Jane Austen?s Pride and Prejudice will know that in former times marriage among wealthy families were arranged by the girl?s parents, that is, it was the parents? duty to find a suitable husband for their daughter, preferably a rich one, and by skillful encouragement to lead him eventually to ask their permission to marry her. Until that time, the girl was protected and maintained in the parents? home, and the financial relief of getting rid of her could be seen in their giving the newly married pair a sum of money called a dowry. It is very different today. Most girls of today get a job when they leave school and become financially independent before their marriage. This has had two results. A girl chooses her own husband, and she gets no dowry.

  1. 1.

    What does the author mean by “Family is of course an elastic word”?

    1. A.
      Different families have different ways of life.
    2. B.
      Different definitions could be given to the word.
    3. C.
      Different nations have different families.
    4. D.
      Different times produce different families.
  2. 2.

    For an English family, the husband?s duty is ____.

    1. A.
      supporting the family while the wife is financial?
    2. B.
      defending the family while the wife is running the home
    3. C.
      financial while the wife is running the home?
    4. D.
      independent while the wife is dependent
  3. 3.

    Everything is decided in a family ____.

    1. A.
      by the couple
    2. B.
      with the help of their parents
    3. C.
      by brothers and sisters
    4. D.
      with the help of aunts and uncles
  4. 4.

    What is true concerning the book  Pride and Prejudice?

    1. A.
      It is the best book on marriage.
    2. B.
      It is a handbook of marriage.
    3. C.
      It gives quite some idea of English social life in the past.
    4. D.
      It provides a lot of information of former?time wealthy families.
  5. 5.

    With regard to marriage in Britain, present-day girls differ from former time girls in ____.

    1. A.
      the right marry                     
    2. B.
      more parental support
    3. C.
      choosing husbands                     
    4. D.
      social position?

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Around twenty years ago I was living in Seattle and going through hard times. I could not find   36  work and I found this especially difficult as I had a lot of experience and a Master’s degree.

To my   37   I was driving a school bus to   38   my family. I had been through five   39   with a company and one day they   40   to say I did not get the job. I went to the bus barn, feeling   41  .

Later that afternoon,   42   doing my rounds through a quiet suburban neighborhood I had an inner wave   43   from deep inside me and I thought “Why has my   44   become so hard?” “Give me a sign, I asked, a physical sign, not some inner   45   type of thing.”

Immediately after this internal(内心的) scream I   46   the bus over to drop off a little girl and as she   47   she handed me an earring saying I should keep it   48   somebody looked for it. The   49   was stamped metal, painted black and said “BE HAPPY”. Then it struck me. I had been putting all of my   50   into what was wrong with my life   51   than what was right! 

One night there was a phone call for me from the   52   at a large hospital. She asked me whether I   53   do a report for 200 hospital workers. I said   54   and got the job.

My day with the hospital workers   55   very well. I got a great welcome and many more days of work. To this day I KNOW that it was because I changed my attitude to gratitude.

A. satisfying      B. probable       particular       D. considerate

 A. joy                    B. luck               shame             D. surprise

 A. meet                  B. supply           C. provide               D. support

 A. meetings            B. interviews      conferences         D. reports

 A. came                 B. hoped            called                 D. expected

 A. excited               B. worried          disappointed              D. frightened

 A. though               B. while             unless                 D. until

 A. rise                    B. shout             raise                   D. cry

  A. work                 B. situation         life                 D. position

A. sound                B. voice             noise                  D. thought

A. pulled                B. carried                  brought                     D. held

A. took off             B. put off                  gave off             D. got off

A. as long as           B. now that         in case                D. as soon as

A. earring               B. watch             necklace             D. bag

A. money               B. ideas              energies              D. strength

A. rather                B. other              more                  D. less

A. nurse                 B. work              patient                D. manager

A. should               B. would            must                  D. ought

A. no                            B. hello              yes                     D. nothing

A. went                  B. looked                  seemed               D. appeared


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省沈阳二中等重点中学协作体高三领航高考预测(九)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. My parents, although sharing my love of music, didn’t __36__ it as a profession. My grandfather, having taught music for years at college and, though much __37__, earned merely enough to support his family. As a result of this _38___in the family, I went to college -----quite __39__, for although I loved my violin and spent most of my spare time practicing, I had many other _40___. Before my graduation from Columbia, I felt _41___my duty to leave college and take a job. Aside from the satisfaction of being able to ___42__the family, money is all I got out of it. My only ambition was to save enough to _43___ the job and go to Europe to study __44___. I used to get up at dawn to practice_45__ I left for “downtown “to work. . I continued to make money, and _46__, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to ___47_.
The situation of my family improved, and my help was _48___necessary, so I resigned from my __49__and, feeling like a man released from jail, sailed for _50___. I stayed four years, worked harder than I had ever dreamed of working before and _51___every minute of it. I was a _52__man and I was doing what I__53__ to do and what I was meant to do. If I had stayed in business, I might be a quite wealthy man today, __54__ I wouldn’t have made a success of living . I would have _55__all those that money can never buy.
Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high price on it.

A.give upB.give inC.go onD.throw away
A.afterB.in caseC.beforeD.the moment
A.go backB.go homeC.go abroadD.go down
A.no longerB.of courseC.in factD.much too
A.AsiaB.EuropeC.AfricaD.North America


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届广东省揭阳市高三3月第一次高考模拟英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Like many men at some point, I dream about opening a bar. I plan to call it Work Out. It will cater to married women in need of a little fun. On Friday nights, they will be able to come here and enjoy themselves.
See, I have a gift for business. I am, as my wife Zsa Zsa likes to note, “A man with a million ideas, none of them very good.” Speaking of Zsa Zsa, she is fed up with this plain little life I’ve made for us——too many kids, too many chores, mind – numbing debt. The other day, she said she thought we needed a new family car. “Sure. How about an 87 Lincoln?” I said, and saw my dear Zsa Zsa age about 20 years, and become her mother right before my eyes.
Yes, money is our madness. Last year, we thought we had found a little cushion when I published a book about the life here in suburban America. It sold 12 copies——six of them to my mother. Four other copies went to various aunts and uncles, who used them for martini coasters (杯垫), then sold them at yard sales. The two remaining copies went to perfect strangers. (I think I owe you dinner, whoever you are. Call me, OK? We’ll arrange something.)
When the book didn’t take off, I wrote a TV show. Then I penned a short novel based on the earlier TV idea that didn’t sell. Currently, I am at work on a set of encyclopedias(百科全书). In a month, I plan to sell them door – to – door.
Such is the life of a writer, sending off the most personal thoughts possible to his hard drive. I am a writer, but also the breadwinner in my family. I’m at the keyboard at 6 almost every morning, hoping to tap out one idea——just one——that will take us up the hill, to the mountain, to the top.
【小题1】According to the passage, the author is leading a/an         life.

【小题2】By saying “Sure. How about an 87 Lincoln?”, the author          .
A.promised it to his wifeB.was showing off their fortune
C.thought his wife would like itD.was just joking
【小题3】What was the result of the book the author mentioned in the 3rd paragraph?
A.It didn’t sell well at all.
B.He sold it door – to – door.
C.He made a lot of money from it.
D.It was really a cushion for his family.
【小题4】What does the underlined word “cushion” mean ?
A.Comfortable seat.
B.Financial help.
C.Unexpected success.
D.Best-selling book.
【小题5】From the account above, which of the following statements is true?
A.He has a real gift for business.
B.He isn’t serious enough about life.
C.He is a hard – working writer.
D.His wife is satisfied with their plain life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2013学年山东省济宁市汶上一中高一下学期3月质量检测英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Boris,
After I had spent a week with my English family, I slowly began to understand their English a little better.    2   Students in my group are from different cities of Britain and their dialects are different too!  Some of their accents are quite strong and they also have their own words and expressions.
3    Before I came to England I had thought that fish and chips were eaten every day.  That’s quite wrong!  I get rather annoyed now when I hear all the foolish words about typical English food.
I had expected to see “London fog”.  Do you remember our texts about it? We had no idea that most of this “thick fog” disappeared many years ago when people stopped using coal in their homes.  But the idea to speak about weather was very helpful.   4  On the other hand, habits are different.  People tell me what is typical British here in London is not always typical in Wales or Scotland.   5  
But what is ordinary for all British is that they follow traditions(传统).  Probably Britain has more living signs of its past than many other countries.  And people have always been proud of having ancient (古老的) buildings in capitals, big cities and the countryside.
I will tell you more about Britain in my other letters.
Love from Britain.

A.The weather in London is really changeable.
B.I have difficulty in understanding my classmates.
C.Thanks for your nice letter.
D.The family I live with are friendly.
E. It’s very different from what I learned at school.
F. Local habits and traditions are not the same as what we knew.
G. But it’s not the language that’s different and surprising.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届度江苏省高一第二次月考英语题 题型:书面表达

假如你是某英语报社“烦恼和我说”栏目的编辑Linda,收到中学生David 的来信。请你阅读这封信后,给他回信。词数:120左右。

Dear Ms Linda,

  Though living in a wealthy family, I don’t feel as happy as other boys because I’m forbidden to do what I want to ,such as surfing the Internet, playing with my friends, buying what I want , and so on. My parents ask me to study all day. I feel they are too hard on me . I often feel upset as I have no freedom. What shall I do ? I will greatly appreciate it if you could give me some advice.



回信应包括以下两个要点: 1。简述自己的类似的经历;



