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【题目】 We look ahead to London’s art and exhibition openings and select the must ─ see shows.

Double science

It’s a big month for the Science Museum, with a new gallery and an exhibition opening. The Science City gallery tells the story of London between 1550 and 1800 when major scientific breakthroughs were happening across the city──from Newton’s laws of physics to the birth of microscopes allowing us to see the tiny creatures that live among us. If that isn’t enough, there’s also an exhibition on how art and science have worked closely together over the centuries and continue to do so today.

Science City 1550──1800: The Linbury Gallery at the Science Museum. Opens 12 September──13 October, free.

The Art of Innovation: From Enlightenment to Dark Matter at the Science Museum. 25 September──26 January, free but ticketed.

Are you worried yet?

We all suffer from anxiety. Artists look into this through artworks that bring to light their own anxieties or how people living with anxiety manage. The exhibition also covers what anxiety would look like if it could be visualised in light or sound──something we imagine to be impossible.

On Edge: Living in an Age of Anxiety at Science Gallery. 19 September──19 January, free.

Climbing the walls

No artist has made a bigger career out of placing sculptures of human figures all over the place. Antony Gormley, the artist behind the Angel of the North and sculptures standing all over London, takes over the Royal Academy of Arts with a blockbusting(轰动一时的) exhibition. This is the hot art ticket in town.

Antony Gormley at Royal Academy of Arts. 21 October──3 December, 18──22.

1What is on show in the Science City gallery?

A.Some of the greatest physicists.

B.The stories of the London development.

C.The prediction of the future science.

D.Some of the great achievements in history.

2Which exhibition allows visitors to know about a negative mood in a new way?

A.The Art of Innovation.B.On Edge.

C.Royal Academy of Arts.D.Science City 1550 ─ 1800.

3When can visitors see these four exhibitions altogether?

A.In January.B.In September.

C.In October.D.In December.








细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The Science City gallery tells the story of London between 1550 and 1800 when major scientific breakthroughs were happening across the city可知,科学城画廊讲述了伦敦在1550年到1800年间发生的重大科学突破。故选D


细节理解题。根据倒数第二个标题中的“The exhibition also covers what anxiety would look like if it could be visualised in light or sound──something we imagine to be impossible. On Edge: Living in an Age of Anxiety at Science Gallery. 19 September──19 January, free”可知,这这次展览还展示了如果焦虑可以通过光线或声音表现出来,会是什么样子——这是我们认为不可能的事情。所以On Edge展览让参观者以一种新的方式了解负面情绪。故选B


细节理解题。根据这几个展览的时间:12 September──13 October25 September──26 January19 September──19 January21 October──3 December可知,10月份是它们共同开放的时间。故选C

细心审题,直接就题找答案。解答此类试题时,不必通篇细看原文,而应采取带着问题找答案的方法,先从问题中抓住关键性词语(题眼),然后以此为线索,运用略读及查读的技巧快速在文章中寻找与此问题相关的:段落、语句,仔细品味,对照比较,确定答案。例如第1题,考生可以根据题干中的the Science City gallery锁定信息。根据第二段中的“The Science City gallery tells the story of London between 1550 and 1800 when major scientific breakthroughs were happening across the city” 可知,科学城画廊讲述了伦敦在1550年到1800年间发生的重大科学突破。故选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Mya Le Thai is a scientist studying at the University of California. She recently discovered a process that may result in batteries that last forever. Thai said she had been frustrated that the batteries for her wireless devices degrade(退化). Over time, they fail to charge fully. She decided to do something about that problem.

At first, she and her team thought about inventing a new battery. But as they experimented, Thai discovered something that might permit lithium-ion batteries(锂电池) to last forever. Lithium-ion batteries power most wireless devices. Over time, the batteries lose the ability to hold a charge. One of the reasons lithium-ion batteries degrade is their use of nanowires(纳米线) to carry electricity. Nanowires are extremely thin. Nanowires are extremely efficient carriers of electricity, which makes them useful in batteries. But Thai said their thinness also makes them weak. “Nanowires break over time,” she said. “That’s why they lose capacity.”

But, Thai had a theory: The nanowires might last longer if covered with a gel(凝胶). She and the team tested her theory. The team tried many coverings for the wires. PMMA was one of them. The PMMA coated nanowires showed no evidence of damage. The results suggest that batteries could last forever, without losing charging ability. Thai hopes to continue her research to understand why this gel works so well and to see if any other gel could create better results.

Mya Le Thai told VOA she is enjoying the publicity about her discovery. She said she never expected her research to get media coverage. “It’s kind of cool,” she said. “I’m really glad people are showing interest in my work and not just in the work itself, but also in technology and energy.”

1Why did Mya Le Thai make up her mind to settle the problem about her wireless devices degrade?

A.Because her wireless devices couldn’t work at all.

B.Because she discovered a new kind of battery.

C.Because the batteries for her wireless devices couldn’t last long.

D.Because she wanted to show her new research.

2What prevents lithium-ion batteries from lasting forever?



3How can the scientist make the nanowires last longer?

A.By using a gel to cover them.B.By cutting them shorter.

C.By making them longer.D.By using a gel to make wire.

4What kind of person is Mya Le Thai?

A.Generous and wise.B.Honest and wise.

C.Honest and hard-working.D.Modest and creative.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Where Technology Shapes Tomorrow

Marketing @Ramco.comewww.Ramco.com

TO: Rachel Mohler, Vice President

Harrison Fontentot, Public Relations

FROM: Mike Gonzalez

SUBJECT: Three Ways to Increase Ramco’s Community Involvement

DATE: March 5, 2019

At our planning session in early February, our division managers stressed the need to generate favourable publicity for our new Ramco facility in Mayfield. Knowing that such publicity will highlight Ramco’s visibility in Mayfield, I think the company’s image might be enhanced in the following three ways.


Ramco would receive favourable publicity by creating a scholarship at Mayfield Community College for any student interested in a career in technology. A one-year scholarship would cost $6,800. The scholarship could be awarded by a committee composed of Ramco executives. Such a scholarship would emphasize Ramco’s enthusiastic support for the latest technical education at a local college.


Guided tours of the Mayfield facility would introduce the community to Ramco’s innovative technology. These tours might be organized for academic, community, and civic groups. Individuals would see the care we take in protecting the environment in our production and equipment choices and the speed with which we ship our products. Of special interest to visitors would be Ramco’s use of industrial robots working alongside our employees. Since these tours would be scheduled in advance, they should not conflict with our production schedules.


Many of our employees would be excellent guest speakers at civic and educational meetings in the Mayfield area. Possible topics include the advances Ramco has made in designing and engineering and how these advances have helped consumers and the local economy.

Thanks for giving me your comments as soon as possible. If we are going to put one or more of these suggestions into practice before the facility opens in mid-April, we’ll need to act before the end of the month.

1If Ramco establishes a scholarship, it will _____.

A.benefit students at colleges in Mayfield

B.highlight Ramco’s support for the latest technical advances

C.be offered to MCC students interested in a career in technology

D.be jointly awarded by Ramco executives and college professors

2Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Site tours of Mayfield facility can be arranged at any time.

B.The three measures are scheduled to be carried out in mid-April.

C.The three measures are sure to create favourable image for Mayfield.

D.Guest speakers will talk about Ramco’s advances in designing and engineering.

3What type of writing is this passage?

A.A letter of introduction.B.A letter of proposal.

C.A letter of recommendation.D.A letter of complaints.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 On account of the government shutdown, many of the city’s best attractions, such as the national museums, are closed. It may affect your social plans. That’s especially true if you have out-of-town visitors coming to the District. Don’t worry! For every closed museum, we’ve offered up a suitable substitute that is privately run, thus not subject to the shutdown. Here’s where you can go instead.

Anacostia Community Museum and the National Museum of African American History and Culture

Alternatives: Banneker-Douglass Museum or Alexandria Black History Museum

The National Museum of African American History and Culture is one of the hottest draws on the National Mall, with free tickets taken weeks in advance. Its sister museum, the Anacostia Community (社区) Museum, takes a community-focused look at African American history. So does the Banneker- Douglass Museum in Annapolis, which traces (追溯) the African American experience in Maryland, and the Alexandria Black History Museum, where exhibitions honor local activists and explore the inuence of slavery in the area. And unlike the African American Museum, neither requires you to plan ahead.

Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Alternative: Glenstone

Wandering through the galleries at Glenstone, you’ll come across some of the biggest names in 20th century art — Jackson Pollock, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Robert Rauschenberg. Glenstone sits on a 230-acre estate (土地) that doubles as an outdoor sculpture garden. Free tickets for Glenstone are often reserved weeks in advance, but 72 free tickets are available every day for anyone who takes a Montgomery County Ride-On Bus from Rockville Metro Station to the museum.

National Museum of African Art

Alternative: The African Art Museum of Maryland

Masks, musical instruments and jewelry can be found in Fulton, where the African Art Museum of Maryland houses a collection of traditional and contemporary African artworks and objects. And the best part, for visitors on a budget? Admission is free.

1Where can visitors go to explore the history of African Americans during the shutdown?

A.National Museum of African Art.

B.Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

C.The African American Museum.

D.Banneker-Douglass Museum.

2What can visitors do at Glenstone?

A.Make sculptures in the outdoor garden.

B.Get access to works of famous artists.

C.Take a Montgomery County Ride-On Bus.

D.Enjoy a collection of contemporary African artworks.

3What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To introduce different kinds of art exhibitions.

B.To advertise some private museums in the area.

C.To compare public museums with private ones.

D.To provide a guide to museums during the shutdown.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Public speaking is a great way of building personal development on many levels. You may want to gain confidence in front of an audience. Or you may want to join in political debate. 1To encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and sign up to speak at a few events in the future, we’ve listed the top benefits of public speaking.

Public speaking can significantly increase your confidence. 2Your confidence levels will grow during this process. Overcoming the fears and insecurities that accompany public speaking will benefit you not just on stage, but in everyday day life as well, whether it may be in a meeting or on a date.

Effective public speaking skills are beneficial to career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills, and leadership abilities. All these qualities are very valuable for the job market. They can also get you to stand out at work. 3

When you write a speech, you have to think carefully about the best framework, persuasive strategies, and words to communicate your message to the audience. 4You’ll learn to calmly take up an opposing view, to present your ideas. in an organized manner, and to defend your views against others.

5It’s no secret that people throughout history have used the power to make a difference. You won’t change the world with every speech, but you can easily impact someone in some small way.

A.It’ll make you stand out in any debate.

B.This type of thinking improves your communication skills.

C.Whatever your goal is, public speaking can help you meet it.

D.You may feel nervous to find the audiences fix their attention on you.

E.You’ll learn to speak up in meetings and present yourself as a professional.

F.Connecting with audiences is a reminder that you have valuable opinions to share.

G.Public speaking is a powerful way to unite people and motivate them to take action.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to be Cool on Instagram(抓拍神器)

Instagram is a game. Gaining likes and followers is no easy task unless you’re a beauty. But your social media luck is about to change, because a social media talent can help you to step up your Instagram game.

1. My teenage sister, Grace, routinely breaks 150 likes on Instagram, no sweat, because she just gets it. 2.

1. Timing is everything

You can’t post photos willy-nilly. So when do you actually post? Sunday evening is “prime time” for likes, because everyone is bored and not doing homework. And it also implies to the real world.

2. 3

People don’t care how much you’re feeling your look. No one needs to see eight pictures from your date night out. Remember, as my sister recommends, “You can’t give the people too much or they will be over it very quickly.”

3. Selfies(自拍)have strict rules

Basically, don’t just go around throwing up random selfies like the world is ending tomorrow. It’s not a cute look. Here’s what my sister had to say about selfies: Be spontaneous(自然率真)and fun. TBTs (Throwback Thursday) have to actually be TBTs. 4. Instead, use TBTs for cute baby pictures and awkward middle school photos. It’s funny, according to the resident teens.

4. Putting your account on private is unnecessary

You should set your profile to public because you should have nothing to hide. Also, it gets you more followers, which is what you’re after. 5. For it’s Instagram, after all. In the wise words of the teen, “Life is too short. Eat dessert first.”

A.Here’s what to do and, more importantly, what not to do

B.Most importantly, have fun and don’t take it too seriously

C.Gaining likes and followers is very interesting

D.Teenagers are tastemakers

E.Don’t post too much

F.Don’t be selfish

G.You aren’t fooling anyone if you TBT a recent photo


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the woman think of herself?

A.She has a weight problem.

B.She will join a fitness center.

C.She has a big income.

2What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Do yoga at home.

B.Watch free movies online.

C.Keep running outside every day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was so proud that I heard my team won the ice hockey competition. It made me feeling like I could achieve anything. Only three years before, I was terrified of walking or skating on ice. To deal with this, I decided to join skating club. My teacher was great but before I knew it, I was able to skate. He then persuades me to try ice hockey. I loved it and was soon practising with my local team on almost every evening. We’re now training hardly for national competitions and hope to be champion one day, but his ultimate goal is to be an ice hockey teacher and help people learn to play this game.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你叫李华。你班外教Peter是中国武侠(China martial arts)迷,正在做有关研究,他请你帮他收集这方面的资料。你在学校图书馆找到了一本中国武侠研究杂志,但是电话联系不上他。请你用英语给他写封邮件,告知有关资料情况及图书借阅规定。




