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Don’t say any more; we all believe the facts than your words. What you have explained doesn’t make _____.

A. sense B. fun   C. use   D. meaning



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

— You haven’t said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?

   — I’ m sorry I __ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you.

A. wasn’t saying    B. don’t say       C. won’t say       D. didn’t say


科目:高中英语 来源:2013年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江西卷解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The light from the campfire brightened the darkness, but it could not prevent the damp cold of Dennis’s Swamp (沼泽地) creeping into their bones. It was a strange place. Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted Jack’s dare. They liked camping, but not near this swamp.

“So,” Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals. “How did this place get its name?”

“Are you sure you want to hear it ? It’s a scary story,” warned Jack.

“Of course!” cried out Tom. “If there were anything to be scared of, you wouldn’t have chosen this place!”

“Ok, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” said Jack, and he began this tale.

“Way back in time, a man called Dennis tried to start a farm here. He built that cottage over there to live in. In those days, the area looked quite different ---- it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal-clear river. After three hard years, Dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops. He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.

“‘You are clearing too much land,’ warned one old man. ‘ The land is a living thing. It will hit back at you if you abuse it. ’

“‘Silly fool,’ said Dennis to himself. ‘If I clear more land, I can grow more crops. I’ll become wealthier. He’s just jealous!’”

“Dennis continued to chop down trees. Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed. He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door. He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land. He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”

“What happened?” Martin asked. It was growing colder. He trembled, twisting his body closer to the fire.

“The land hit back ---- just as the old man warned,” Jack shrugged. “Dennis disappeared. Old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater. His body was never found.”

“What a stupid story,” laughed Tom. “Plants can’t …” Before he had finished speaking, he screamed and fainted (晕倒). The other two boys jumped up with fright, staring at Tom. Suddenly, they burst out laughing. Some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered Tom’s face. It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.

1.The underlined word “dare” in Paragraph 1 is closed in meaning to ________.

A.courage          B.assistance         C.instruction         D.challenge

2.Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story?

A.To frighten them.

B.To satisfy their curiosity.

C.To warn them of the danger of the place.

D.To persuade them to camp in the swamp.

3.Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man?

A.The old man envied him.                  B.The old man was foolish

C.He was too busy to listen to others.          D.He was greedy for more crops.

4.Why did Tom scream and faint?

A.He saw Dennis’s shadow                 B.He was scared by a plant

C.His friends played a joke on him.            D.The weather became extremely cold.

5.What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis?

A.Grasp all, lose all

B.No sweat, no sweet.

C.It is no use crying over spilt milk

D.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省湖州市高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

John keeps a record of new words and expressions in English. He usually writes them in a note-book. Then, later in the day, he asks his teacher about them. “Mrs. Thomas, these expressions are new to me. ‘She’s blue today.’, ‘You’re yellow’, ‘A little white lie’, ‘She has green fingers’.” After looking at the note-book, Mrs. Thomas says, “In everyday English, John,‘blue’ sometimes means sad.  ‘Yellow’ means afraid. A person with ‘green fingers’ grows plants successfully. And ‘a white lie’ is not a bad lie.” “I don’t understand. Please give me an example.” “ For example, I offer you some cake. The truth is that you don’t like my cake. You don’t say that. Instead, you say, ‘No, thanks, I'm not hungry.’ That’s a white lie.” John says, “I see , thanks for the explanation!”

1.“Blue” sometimes means in spoken English “_____”.





2.A person with “green fingers” is one who _____ planting.

A.is a new hand in

B.is good at

C.works hard at

D.is interested in

3.“You’re yellow to fight.” means “_____.”

A.You dare not fight

B.You dare to fight

C.You're afraid to see a fight

D.You’re able to fight

4.If you say “It’s a white lie.”, it means that someone _____.

A.says something unreal and harmful

B.is unfriendly to talk to others

C.refuses to tell the truth in a polite way

D.is telling a big lie



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西省高一10月月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A mouse looked through a hole in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package. What food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap!

  Running to the farmyard, the mouse shouted, warning, “There is a mouse trap in the house; there is a mouse trap in the house.” The chicken with her head high, said, “Shut up, Little Ugly. This is a great concern to you, but it has nothing to do with me; I cannot be bothered by it.”

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house.” “I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse,” said the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray; you are always  in my prayers.”

  The mouse turned to the cow, who said, “A mouse trap; am I in great danger, huh?”

So the mouse had to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone.

  That very night a sound was heard through the house, like the sound of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was a poisonous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital.

She returned home with a fever. It is said that drinking fresh chicken soup will help treat fever, so the farmer took his sharp knife to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer killed the pig.   The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral. The farmer had the cow killed to provide meat for all of them to eat.

So next time someone is facing a problem, don’t say that has nothing to do with you.

1.We could see from the passage that the mouse was______.

A.good at cheating others


C.kind and warm-hearted


2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The others helped the farmer kill the cow.

B.The mouse trap was very practical.

C.The pig is more friendly than the other animals .

D.The farmer’s family had no friends at all

3.What can we learn from the story?

A.Traps can always cause chain reactions

B.Sometimes when the least of us are threatened, we all might be at risk.

C.It is better to be safe than to be sorry.

D.To keep the balance of nature is the duty of us all.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届陕西省高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I can’t thank you enough for the gift you sent me.


A.With pleasure

B.No, thanks

C.Please don’t say so

D.My pleasure


