精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情



1.How much does the woman have to pay for two shirts?

[  ]




2.How's Doctor Smith?

[  ]

A.She is sorry.

B.She is angry.

C.She is ill .

3.Where are they talking?

[  ]

A.In an office.

B.In a shop.

C.In a bookstore.

4.What's the population of Hawaii?

[  ]

A.About 1,000,000.

B.About 100,000.

C.About 10,000,000.

5.What does the woman mean?

[  ]

A.The film is helpful to her to learn English.

B.The film is helpful to the man to learn Chinese.

C.The film is helpful to both of them to learn Chinese.



6.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

[  ]

A.At a home.

B.On a train.

C.At a restaurant.

7.What is the man waiting for?

[  ]

A.A train.

B.A bus.

C.His order.

8.What's the relationship between the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.Boas and clerk.

B.Customer and waitress.

C.Manager and secretary.


9.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

[  ]

A.At home.

B.At a shop.

C.At a bar.

10.What's an Alexander?

[  ]

A.A kind of drink.

B.A kind of food .

C.A kind of fresh cream .

11.What does the woman want?

[  ]

A.An Alexander.

B.Fresh cream .

C.Orange juice.


12.How many reasons are there why the man likes San Francisco best?

[  ]




13.What is the most important thing for which the man thinks San Francisco the best place?

[  ]

A.Good weather all the year round.

B.Many kinds of fresh fruit.

C.Family members and friends there.


14.Where do you think they ate talking?

[  ]

A.In Tim's house .

B.In a hospital.

C.In an office.

15.What most probably is Tim?

[  ]

A.A driver.

B.A worker.

C.A fire fighter.

16.What does the woman want the man to do?

[  ]

A.She wants him not to save anyone any more.

B.She wants him to find another job.

C.She wants him to change his resting place.


17.When and where was the competition held?

[  ]

A.Last Friday morning not far from Cincinnati.

B.Last Friday afternoon in Cincinnati.

C.Last Friday afternoon in a small town near Cincinnati.

18.Who won the competition?

[  ]

A.Allan Knit.

B.Alice Clarke.

C.Alex Baker.

19.How many geese did the winner eat?

[  ]




20.How did the winner feel after the competition?

[  ]

A.He felt sick.

B.He didn't feel full.

C.He felt very proud of himself.



  Text 1

  W: There are very nice shirts. How much are they?

  M: Five dollars each. For two, 9 dollars. They're on sale today.

  Text 2

  M: Hello, I want to speak to Doctor Smith.

  W: Sony, she's gone to see a doctor.

  Text 3

  W: What can I do for you, sir?

  M: I'd like some bread and two cakes.

  Text 4

  W: How big is Hawaii?

  M: It's rot very big. It's got a population of about a million.

  W: I see. And what's the capital?

  M: Honolulu. It's on the island of Oahu.

  Text 5

  M: Who's the man you were with at the theatre last night?

  W: Oh, he's Martin, my English teacher. He's learning Chime from me now. The film was my lesson for him.

  Text 6

  M: What's happened to my order? I've been kept waiting for over half an hour already.

  W: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll see to it now.

  M: Well, please hurry up. I can't wait any longer.

  W: Just a minute, please. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long, air. Your order will he here right away.

  M: I have a train to catch.

  W: Yes, sir. Oh, here is your order. Once again, our deepest apologies.

  Text 7

  M: What's your pleasure, madam?

  W: I want a drink that's not too strong.

  M: An Alexander. A cocktail made up of fresh cream, orange juice, some cocoa, and a jigger of gin(杜松子酒)or brandy.

  W: It sounds wonderful. I'll have it.

  M: Anything else, madam?

  Text 8

  M: Of all the places I have lived in, including Paris, Rome and New York, I like San Francisco best.

  W : Can you tell me why?

  M: First, the weather is good all year round. Second, you can eat many kinds of fresh food there. Third, and most importantly, it's where my home is. My family and friends are there.

  W: No wonder you like it so much.

  Text 9

  W: Oh, Tim! What happened to you?

  M: It isn't anything serious.

  W: It's serious for you to be here.

  M: Just a little too much smoke. I'll be heck home this evening.

  W :How did this happen?

  M: I had to go into a house that was on fire. There was still someone inside.

  W: Did you get him out?

  M: It was a little girl. Yes, I got her out.

  W : But there was a lot of smoke.

  M: Yes, a lot. I had some trouble breathing, so they sent me here for the doctors to take a look at my lunge.

  W: And now you tell me that it's all just part of the job.

  M: Well, it is. You shouldn't worry all the time.

  W: But I do .I hope you'll leave your jab.

  M: Leave my jab? No, not because of a little smoke. I'm really all right.

  Text 10

  You're listening to the Voice of America. VOA's Alice Clarke reports from Cincinnati . A public competition was held last Friday afternoon in a small town near Cincinnati to find out who could eat the roost in the shortest time. A man named Alex Baker succeeded in setting a new record. In a time given by the judges, Alex ate 2 big bowls of fish soup, a whole chicken, half a goose, 10 eggs cooked in different ways with 10 pieces of bread and a large cake. Besides all these, Alex finished drinking 20 glasses of beer. After winning the competition, the winner went home with Allan Knit, a friend of his. As they were coming near his house. Alex suddenly stopped and said . “I say, my friend. Don't tell my wife about the competition until after dinner. I'm afraid she won't give me anything to eat.”

  Alice Clarke, reporter of VOA .


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语·下 题型:001



1.What will Amid Brown do?

[  ]

A.See the man.

B.Go to teach in the man's school .

C.Ask the woman to introduce him to the man.

2.What did the man do in Sally Oak?

[  ]

A.He used to pass through it almost every day.

B.He was a stranger there.

C.He lived there when he was a student.

3.What can we know about George?

[  ]

A.He isn't doing well with his work.

B.He doesn't like his work.

C.He is doing all right now.

4.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Tom's parents have gone to Los Angeles .

B.The woman speaker called on Tom's parents last night.

C.Tom's parents have left Los Angeles.

5.Who owns the house now?

[  ]

A.The Smiths.

B.A man from Arizona.

C.A man from New York.



6.Where does the conversation probably take place?

[  ]

A.At school.
B.In the office.
C.At home.

7.How many hours will the woman work a day?

[  ]


8.How much could she get in a week?

[  ]

A.120 dollars.
B.80 dollars.
C.24 dollars.


9.What does the man want?

[  ]

A.Less work.

B.More fun.

C.A holiday.

10.How does the man feel?

[  ]


11.What does the man think of the way of life of his older generation?

[  ]

A.There was no variety in life.

B.They were dissatisfying.

C.They had more fun.


12.Where do you think the conversation takes place?

[  ]

A.At the doctor's.

B.In a hospital.

C.At home.

13.What can we conclude about the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.The woman is a nurse .

B.The man has caught a bad cold .

C.The man doesn't have a cold at all .

14.What did the woman do with the men's trouble?

[  ]

A.She told him to go to bed.

B.She got some hot water far him to use.

C.She called the doctor at last.


15.Why does the man take a drive in the country?

[  ]

A.Because he has something important to do.

B.Because he is free for some time.

C.Because he wants to see some people this morning.

16.Why doesn't the man stay aver for a meal?

[  ]

A.Because he has something else to do.

B.Because he doesn't have enough time .

C.Because it is still early for lunch.

17.What do the men finally have?

[  ]

A.A cup of coffee.

B.A glass of milk.

C.Stay for a meal.


18.How old was he when he wanted to find a plant to produce rubber?

[  ]

A.At the age of eight.

B.At eighty-four.

C.At twelve.

19.What effect did his deafness have on him?

[  ]

A.It was very bad for his life.

B.It helped him in a way.

C.It prevented him from doing good things for people.

20.How did the Americans honor him on the day he was buried?

[  ]

A.Turning off all the lights for one minute.

B.Stopping the work of the nation for a moment.

C.Turning certain lights down a little .


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.Why can’t Mary go to the party?

A.Because she’s not feeling well.

B.Because she’s not free all day.

C.Because she’s planning to stay home.

2.When will Henry make another party?

A.The day after tomorrow.

B.The next week.

C.The next month.


3.When will David have an appointment with Dr.Smith?




4.What’s the relationship between Dr.Smith and David?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Manager and employee.

C.Doctor and patient.


5.When does the early flight arrive in Paris?




6.When should the man arrive at the airport if he takes the 7∶50 flight to Paris?




7.How much money does the man pay for 5 single tickets to Paris?




8.How long does it take for the man to get to the city centre from the Paris airport by bus?

A.60 minutes.

B.50 minutes.

C.40 minutes.


9.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a hotel.

B.In a store.

C.In a restaurant.

10.What room does the man want to order?

A.One single room.

B.One double room.

C.One suit room.

11.How many nights does the man want to spend?

A.One night.

B.Two nights.

C.Three nights.

12.How much money will the man pay for his nights in all?

A.Two hundred yuan

B.Three hundred yuan

C.Four hundred yuan


13.What is the lecture about?




14.Where is Mr Hunter staying?

A.At home.

B.At hotel.

C.At university.

15.Where does Mr Hunter going?

A.The hotel.

B.The post office.

C.The Science Palace.


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.What did the man think of the movie?

A.He liked the movie very much.

B.He didn’t like the beginning of the movie.

C.He didn’t like the ending of the movie.

2.Why did the woman watch the movie three times?

A.Because she liked the sweet love.

B.Because she enjoyed the movie very much.

C.Because she liked the music and songs.

3.What did the woman think of the man’s opinion?

A.He was romantic.

B.He was fastidious(挑剔的).

C.He was too serious and strict.


4.What does the woman think of her work in the insurance company?

A.She likes her work very much.

B.She is tired of her work.

C.She wants to change her work at once.

5.What would the woman like to start?

A.Her own insurance company.

B.Her own painting company.

C.Her own pottery business.

6.Why doesn’t the woman leave the insurance company now?

A.Because she is short of money.

B.Because she is short of technology.

C.Because she is short of labouring force.


7.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a bank.

B.At a hotel.

C.In a clinic.

8.How long should Mrs Brown stay in bed?

A.Several hours.

B.A couple of days.

C.A few weeks.

9.What sickness has Mrs Brown caught?

A.A cough.

B.A cold.

C.A heart disease.


10.Why did the man think every girl would fall in love with him?

A.Because he was very clever.

B.Because he was a man of forty.

C.Because he was very handsome.

11.Why did the pretty girl dance with the man?

A.Because she loved him as soon as she saw him.

B.Because she knew him and liked dancing too.

C.Because she didn’t mind dancing with gentlemen.

12.What was the man feeling when he heard the girl’s answering?

A.Very sad.

B.Very happy.

C.Very embarrassed(难堪的).


13.What is he thought of if someone doesn’t return what he has borrowed in western countries?




14.Which of the following is NOT true in the west?

A.Things borrowed are surely expected to be returned.

B.You needn’t return but you should say sorry if something is broken.

C.It is better not to be borrower or a lender if possible.

15.What’s the purpose of this speech?

A.Talking about the importance of returning in the West.

B.Talking about the importance of borrowing in the East.

C.Talking about the difference of borrowing and lending between the West and the East.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省期末题 题型:听力题

1. What might prevent the woman buying the table?
A. Its quality.  
B. The price.  
C. Its design.
2. Who planted the trees?
A. The woman.  
B. Henry.  
C. Someone else.
3. What happened to the woman?
A. She got fired today.  
B. She got promoted last week.  
C. She was fooled by the man.
4. What did the man do?  
A. He gave the woman the wrong information.  
B. He put the sugar in the black container.  
C. He added salt to his coffee.
5. How long is a day on Mars?
A. Less than 24 hours.  
B. 24 hours and 37 minutes.  
C. 37 hours.

