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She had always wanted to be a famous actress, but _______ as a newspaper editor.

A. turned up          B. brought up         C. came up              D. ended up


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省省级示范高中名校高三联考试卷 题型:阅读理解

Hana al—Shaibani was born on August 27, 1942.She was the only girl in her family, having two older and two younger brothers.Her father, a politician and journalist, loved her and played a large role in shaping the woman she grew up to be.
In 1956, Iraq's Baath party started to grow in popularity.Its slogans declaring liberty, Arab socialism and unity attracted the younger generation, including Hana.Although she was only 14 years old, she turned member of the party-receiving her education with her political activities.During her university years, she worked for the Baath party during the day and attended classes in the evening.
In 1958, following the overthrow of Iraq's monarchy (君主政治) , Hana rose through the ranks and was chosen to lead the party's female members.She was just 16.Two years later, she was selected as one of three representatives of the Iraqi Baath party to attend the Arab National Baath Party Conference, held that year in Beirut.Still just a teenager, she had already achieved more than most women from her region could ever imagine.
As was known to everyone, she was determined and fearless.One of the most memorable family stories tells of the time in 1959 when she left the house to join an organization against the rule of the then prime minister, Abdel Karim Qassim.The atmosphere was tense and a number of the organisers would later be killed.But Hana was determined to attend.
Sensing trouble, she hid the gun and carried beneath her skirt as she walked down the stairs.Her father begged with her not to go.He explained that as a patriot he understood her sense of duty, but added that his love for her went beyond all else.Hana replied; "Papa, you were once a patriotic man and when you were called upon to fight, you did.Please understand, so that I may go with your blessing rather than without." Her father could not stop her.
【小题1】.The passage mainly talks about __    __.
A.the life of Hana al-Shaibani       
B.the achievement of Hana al-Shaibani
D.the sufferings Hana al-Shaibani has received
D.Hana al-Shaibani and her father
【小题2】.When Hana al-Shaibani joined the Baath party, __    __.

A.she had to abandon her studies
B.she became popular with the people
C.she attracted the younger generation
D.she was then only a student
【小题3】.From the third paragraph we can know that _     ___.
A.Hana stood up tor Iraq's monarchy totally
B.Hana was strongly against the old government
C.Hana defeated more women older than her
D.Hana was made Chairwoman of the party
【小题4】.The passage is developed in the order of ___     _.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省名校高三联考试题 题型:阅读理解

Hana al—Shaibani was born on August 27, 1942.She was the only girl in her family, having two older and two younger brothers.Her father, a politician and journalist, loved her and played a large role in shaping the woman she grew up to be.

In 1956, Iraq's Baath party started to grow in popularity.Its slogans declaring liberty, Arab socialism and unity attracted the younger generation, including Hana.Although she was only 14 years old, she turned member of the party-receiving her education with her political activities.During her university years, she worked for the Baath party during the day and attended classes in the evening.

In 1958, following the overthrow of Iraq's monarchy (君主政治) , Hana rose through the ranks and was chosen to lead the party's female members.She was just 16.Two years later, she was selected as one of three representatives of the Iraqi Baath party to attend the Arab National Baath Party Conference, held that year in Beirut.Still just a teenager, she had already achieved more than most women from her region could ever imagine.

As was known to everyone, she was determined and fearless.One of the most memorable family stories tells of the time in 1959 when she left the house to join an organization against the rule of the then prime minister, Abdel Karim Qassim.The atmosphere was tense and a number of the organisers would later be killed.But Hana was determined to attend.

Sensing trouble, she hid the gun and carried beneath her skirt as she walked down the stairs.Her father begged with her not to go.He explained that as a patriot he understood her sense of duty, but added that his love for her went beyond all else.Hana replied; "Papa, you were once a patriotic man and when you were called upon to fight, you did.Please understand, so that I may go with your blessing rather than without." Her father could not stop her.

1..The passage mainly talks about __     __.

    A.the life of Hana al-Shaibani       

    B.the achievement of Hana al-Shaibani

    D.the sufferings Hana al-Shaibani has received

    D.Hana al-Shaibani and her father

2..When Hana al-Shaibani joined the Baath party, __     __.

    A.she had to abandon her studies                          

B.she became popular with the people

    C.she attracted the younger generation                    

D.she was then only a student

3..From the third paragraph we can know that _      ___.

    A.Hana stood up tor Iraq's monarchy totally

    B.Hana was strongly against the old government

    C.Hana defeated more women older than her

    D.Hana was made Chairwoman of the party

4..The passage is developed in the order of ___      _.

    A.place            B.progress         C.time             D.space



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Hana al—Shaibani was born on August 27, 1942.She was the only girl in her family, having two older and two younger brothers.Her father, a politician and journalist, loved her and played a large role in shaping the woman she grew up to be.

In 1956, Iraq's Baath party started to grow in popularity.Its slogans declaring liberty, Arab socialism and unity attracted the younger generation, including Hana.Although she was only 14 years old, she turned member of the party-receiving her education with her political activities.During her university years, she worked for the Baath party during the day and attended classes in the evening.

In 1958, following the overthrow of Iraq's monarchy (君主政治) , Hana rose through the ranks and was chosen to lead the party's female members.She was just 16.Two years later, she was selected as one of three representatives of the Iraqi Baath party to attend the Arab National Baath Party Conference, held that year in Beirut.Still just a teenager, she had already achieved more than most women from her region could ever imagine.

As was known to everyone, she was determined and fearless.One of the most memorable family stories tells of the time in 1959 when she left the house to join an organization against the rule of the then prime minister, Abdel Karim Qassim.The atmosphere was tense and a number of the organisers would later be killed.But Hana was determined to attend.

Sensing trouble, she hid the gun and carried beneath her skirt as she walked down the stairs.Her father begged with her not to go.He explained that as a patriot he understood her sense of duty, but added that his love for her went beyond all else.Hana replied; "Papa, you were once a patriotic man and when you were called upon to fight, you did.Please understand, so that I may go with your blessing rather than without." Her father could not stop her.

60.The passage mainly talks about __     __.

       A.the life of Hana al-Shaibani                    

       B.the achievement of Hana al-Shaibani

       D.the sufferings Hana al-Shaibani has received

       D.Hana al-Shaibani and her father

61.When Hana al-Shaibani joined the Baath party, __     __.

       A.she had to abandon her studies             B.she became popular with the people

       C.she attracted the younger generation         D.she was then only a student

62.From the third paragraph we can know that _      ___.

       A.Hana stood up tor Iraq's monarchy totally

       B.Hana was strongly against the old government

       C.Hana defeated more women older than her

       D.Hana was made Chairwoman of the party

63.The passage is developed in the order of ___      _.

       A.place                   B.progress              C.time                   D.space


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We live in central Phoenix, near the canal. Every day I used to see a homeless old man and his scruffy little dog hanging out down there.

I would tell my husband we should give him food for the little dog. It wouldn't have been a problem; we have our own "mini farm" of animals! But he would say "OK!" and then blow the idea off because of our business.

Being in Phoenix, Arizona, you can just imagine how hot it gets here, but his winter was really chilly! I had just come from KFC with take-out food for dinner. As I was turning by the canal, the man and his dog were sitting right there all bundled up. Even the doggy had a coat on! Not even thinking about it, I pulled into the parking lot along the canal and piled up a plate of chicken with al the fixings for the man and his little buddy. I gave it to him with a soda and a bottle of water for the little dog. He said, "Thank you, sweetie. You are an angel." And there were tears welling up in his eyes! I told him he ws so welcome, and then went home.

When my husband dug into the KFC gag he asked, "Were you hungry, or what?" I told him what I did and he said, "Only you!" Then he told me I had done a good thing.

A few weeks later, we were walking along the canal and found the man walking to me, with his little dog. He asked whether I would mind adopting the dog. With tears in eyes, he said it had gotten too hard for him to care for the dog. He added that he was planning on heading to Washington State but his dog wouldn't have been up to it, so he hoped to give it to me. "Only you! In this city, you are the only person I can believe in!"

Now, every time I watch and pat the puppy lying near the fireplace, I will recall the old man's words and wish him good luck.

26. The author and her husband didn't kelp the old man at the beginning because _______

   A.they had a farm of animals to feed     B.they didn't have food even for themselves.

   C.they worked busily and often forget it.  D.they were unwilling to help a man with a dog.

27. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 3?

   A. She gave the old man some food on a cold day.

   B. She met the old man after finishing her dinner.

   C. She offered the old man nothing but chicken.

   D. She burst into tears after helping the old man.

28. What did the author's husband feel when she told him what she had done?

   A. Grateful.           B. Delighted           C. Indifferent          D. Disappointed

29. Whey did the old man hope to give the dog to the author?

   A. Because he knew thee author was also a dog lover.

   B. Because the author was the person he could trust.

   C. Because the author was the only person he knew.

   D. Because he believed that his dog liked the author.

30. What can we infer from the ending of the passage?

   A. The author refused the old man's request.     B. The author misses the old man and his dog.

   C. The author feels the old man was very lucky.  D. The author adopted the old man's dog.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Mary Kom from Manipur won the world women’s boxing championship thrice consecutively (三连冠)or in three straight years in the 46 kilogram category.She won her titles in Turkey in 2004,in Russia in 2005 and in Delhi in 2007.  

    How many of us know of the achievements of this powerhouse of punches who comes from a remote village in the northeastern state of Manipur.She is a known name,the best in her sport.But in India,many people would be surprised even to know that there is something called women’s boxing.

    Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom was born into a farming family in Kangathei village.Life was hard.For her father,who lived by farming,looking after the needs of three daughters and a son was not very easy.At school Mary Kom played football and took part in athletics,but boxing was her secret love.Her inspiration was the Manipuri boxer Dingko Singh who had made a name for himself in the country and abroad.She had al so heard of greats like Muhammad Ali.

    In 2000,the teenager had made up her mind.One day she went to the boxing coach at the local centre of the Sports Authority of India and said she wanted to take up boxing.The coach soon discovered that the small built girl had a tremendous fighting spirit.  

    Mary Kom insisted on going through the same training as the boys.In two weeks she had learnt all the basics.However,her family had no idea of the sport Mary Kom had got  into-boxing is seen as a boys’ game and forbidden to girls.That very year Mary Kom won a state championship title in Manipur.Her photograph appeared in the newspapers.Her secret was out and her father was very angry.   

1.In her ______year,she got the first world women’s boxing championship since she took up boxing.

A.third                    B.fourth                  C.fifth                    D.sixth

2.The third paragraph tells the background of Mary Kom in order to tell us ______.

    A.Mary Kom was a self--independent and determined girl

B.Mary Kom’s father didn’t give her any help 

    C.Mary Kom wasn’t fit to take up boxing

    D.how hard Mary Kom's childhood was

3.From this passage we can infer that ______.

A.Mary Kom took up boxing because of her family’s poverty

    B.Mary Kom took up boxing breaking through great resistance   

    C.Mary Kom’s family were in favour of her choice

    D.Mary Kom had quality to take up boxing

4.The most important quality to be a boxer is _____.

    A.a strong body                                          B.a small built body

    C.tremendous fighting spirit                           D.strong inspiration

5.This passage mainly tells us that ______.   

    A.how Mary Kom began to take up boxing

B.Mary Kom's way to success

    C.Mary Kom’s idea to be a boxer   

    D.Mary Kom’s difficulties to become a boxer

