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11.Students taking the course _____to finish their homework with the help of computers.(  )
A.are encouragedB.have encouraged
C.are encouragingD.had been encouraged

分析 鼓励选择这门课程的学生在电脑的帮助下完成家庭作业.

解答 答案是A.本题考查被动语态.taking the course是现在分词答语作后置定语,Students和encourage是动宾关系,应该用被动语态,排除B、C;D项是过去完成时的被动语态,表示的是"过去的过去",但是句中不存在过去的过去,不能用过去完成时.故选A.

点评 本题考查被动语态,要分析主语和动词之间的关系,联系动词本身的特定用法;在掌握被动结构的基本形式"be/get+过去分词"的基础上理解不同时态的被动语态的结构,最后进行综合判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Some people learn a second language easily.Others have trouble learning a new language.How can you help yourself learn a new language,such as English?There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting.
The first step is to feel positive about learning English.If you believe that you can learn,you will learn.Be patient.You do not have to understand everything all at once.It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new.We can learn from our mistakes.In other words,do not worry about taking risks.
The second step is to practice your English.For example,write a diary every day.You will get used to writing it in English,and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English.Several weeks later,you will see that your writing is improving.In addition,you must speak English every day.You can practice with your classmates outside class.You will make mistakes,but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English.
The third step is to keep a record of your language learning.You can write this in your journal.After each class,think about what you did.Did you answer a question correctly?Did you understand something the teacher explained?Perhaps the lesson was difficult,but you tried to understand it.
You must be positive about learning English and believe that you can do it.It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements.You will enjoy learning English,and you will feel more confident in yourself.
66.To feel positive about learning English meansC.
A.if you are patient,you will learn
B.if you keep a record,you can improve
C.if you believe you can learn,you will learn
D.if you make mistakes,you can learn from your mistakes
67.When you learn English,you do not need toA.
A.understand everything all at once           
B.practice with your classmates outside class
C.write a diary regularly              
D.feel more confident in yourself
68.According to the passage,what is not helpful for you to enjoy learning English?
A.To communicate in English.
B.To worry about taking risks.
C.To make a record of the achievements.
D.To think about what has been done after each class.
69.What does the underlined word"journal"in Paragraph 4 mean?A
70.What is the main idea of this passage?D
A.It is very important to learn a second language.
B.Some people learn a second language easily while others do not.
C.Don't worry about making mistakes when learning a second language.
D.There are some ways to help you learn a second language more easily.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.--Do you think Mary will pass the exam this time?
-I think so.She_____for it for months.(  )
A.is preparingB.was preparing
C.has been preparingD.had been preparing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Obey the rule strictly,_______  _ you'll be published.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Do you really want to go on to higher education?
    This is the first question you must ask yourself and it is the most important at this major crossroads of your life.Many can advise you,but you alone face the consequences of this fundamental decision.
    Stop.Think about it.Be honest with yourself and be realistic.Do you want higher education because you really feel you will benefit from it-or are you drifting towards it in response to the expectations of your parents and friends?Conversely,are you being put off higher education by other people's prejudices?
    Don't commit yourself to any form of full-time higher education if you are not interested in any of the numerous courses available.Higher education is most uncomfortable and unsatisfying for those who have little interest in the subject they have chosen to study.
    It can be an advantage to have a clear idea about the kind of career you eventually want,because then you can choose a course most likely to equip you for your future.
    Don't worry if you have no ideas about a future career; but do find out what are the career implications of your choice of course.Broad prospects(前景)will be open to you whatever course you follow,provided you do well and have the right personal qualities.Don'ttypecast typecast typecast yourself or allow anyone else to do so.This particularly applies to girls.Girls are still subject to prejudices about courses which lead to careers traditionally labeled as"man's work".This is almost always unjustifiable and women are now working in all sorts of former male"preserves".
    Competition for places will be tougher in future but the total available will still be very large.
    Seek advice from your careers teacher,careers officer and parents--but it is you who must decide whether or not you want to go on to higher education.
42.You attitude towards going to higher education is most important becauseC
A.this is the moment in your life when you have to decide your future
B.the wrong attitude is likely to have very serious consequences
C.you will be the one affected by any decision you make
D.it is a time when you can get plenty of advice
43.A decision to continue studying should depend onA
A.the advantages you believe you will have from doing so
B.the career you are hoping to take up
C.advice from experienced people
D.family considerations
44.What advice is given about your future career plans?A
A.You should be aware of the career prospects of the course you take.
B.These must be definite before deciding on study subjects.
C.They should not influence your choice of study subjects.
D.Any course can prepare you for a suitable career.
45.If you"typecast"yourself,youD   
A.study only the subjects you are good at
B.are prepared to adopt any course of study
C.are influenced by your own personal interests
D.accept other people's views about what you should study.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Every day the boy,together with his classmates,______ to go to the playground and _____ football,____ themselves.(  )
A.are noticed; play; enjoyingB.is noticed; plays; enjoying
C.are noticed; plays; enjoysD.is noticed; play; enjoying


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-I counted sheep,I drank milk and I tried everything,but nothing helped.
-It seems you _____ too much recently.Try some sleeping pills.(  )
C.had workedD.have been working


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.She was seated quickly at the desk,her attention ______ on the smartphone.(  )
A.fixedB.fixingC.to fixD.to be fixed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.It is raining so hard.I think Tom is_______to come to our party.(  )

