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2.My friend BJ Gallagher told me a great story recently,about her own experience with resentment (愤恨).She once worked as the training manager for a large newspaper,where she found the corporate culture extremely frustrating.The company was a hundred years old and their past success had blinded them to the need for change.Finally,after  butting heads with several senior executives many times,she left the company.But she found that she hadn't left her resentment,frustration,and anger behind when she resigned.
"I finally decided to write about my experiences and my feelings at the newspaper.I wanted to be rid of that company and those people,once and for all.So I wrote and I wrote.It wasn't just a story that poured out; it was a whole book!We called it A peacock in the Land of Penguins.I was the peacock and those newspaper executives were the penguins."
"It took me several more years to finally get over my negative emotions.Through a lot of soul-searching and reflection,I finally was able to let go of my resentment.I came to see that there was nothing personal in the way they treated me,and they were good people doing what they thought best for the company.I was the one who had made it personal.I thought they were making my life miserable on purpose."
"Finally,the time came when I decided to make amends (弥补) for the harsh,angry things I had said about the company.I invited my former boss to dinner and made my apology.It was a great healing process for me.I finally felt free of the resentment that had been eating me up."
"What was the final outcome?"I asked her.
"Gratitude,"she replied."Not only wasn't I resentful any more,I was grateful to the company.If I hadn't had those painful experiences,I would never have written a book.And the book became hugely successful-now published in 21languages; it transformed my business."

61.What made BJ Gallagher frustrated in the company?C
A.Unfair treatment by the senior executives.
B.The strict rules in the company.
C.The culture and tradition of the company.
D.Her low position in the company.
62.Why did BJ Gallagher write about her experiences and feelings at the company?C
A.To make peace with the executives.
B.To make suggestions to the company.
C.To express her anger.
D.To do soul-searching and reflection.
63.What does the underlined part"butting heads with"in Paragraph 1probably mean?A
A.Arguing with.              B.Working with.
C.Making friends with.       D.Spending time with.
64.All of the following statements are true except thatB.
A.When BJ Gallagher left the company,she felt upset
B.It was not long before BJ Gallagher got over her negative emotions
C.The book BJ Gallagher wrote had a great effect on her business
D.BJ Gallagher finally understood she herself was to blame for the resentment
65.BJ Gallagher finally felt grateful to the company becauseD.
A.she was forgiven by her former executives
B.she was accepted by the company again
C.she learned how to forgive others
D.her painful experiences there was valuable for her.

分析 作者的朋友因为一家报业的因循守旧而一气之下离开了公司,但她的怨气一直挥之不去,于是开始书写自己的经历但是,她最后意识到了自己的问题,并跟她以前的老板和解,从此她真正摆脱了心中的怨恨.

61.C  细节理解题.根据文章第一段第二句中的she found the corporate culture extremely frustrating和第三句中their past success had blinded them to the need for change可知公司因循守旧的文化令BJ Gallagher感到烦恼.
62.C  推理判断题.根据第一段最后一句But she found that she hadn't left her resentment,frustration,and anger behind when she resigned (辞职).及第二段前两句I finally decided to write about my experiences and my feelings at the newspaper.I wanted to be rid of that company and those people,once and for all.可知,BJ Gallagher虽然离开了公司,但她的怨气一直挥之不去,因此她决定通过写作来宣泄自己的怨气.
63.A 词义猜测题.根据倒数第三段第二句I invited my former boss to dinner and made my apology.和第一段讲的BJ Gallagher感到烦恼最终离开公司可知,作者的朋友应该是和上级意见不合,发生了争执.
64.B 推理判断题.根据第三段It took me several more years to finally get over my negative emotions.可知Gallagher花了几年的时间来恢复,故B不符合原文.
65.D  细节理解题.根据文章最后一段中的If I hadn't had those painful experiences,I never would have written a book.可知,BJ Gallagher在公司所经历的一切是有价值的,因此她感激公司.

点评 英语记叙文以描写叙述为主,主要描写人物、事件、地点、或过程.特点是,其主题往往潜伏在字里行间,没有直接地表白出来;文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼.描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开.阅读记叙文体应采取掠读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线.高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.There has been much discussion recently about reducing the weight of English in China's high-stake tests such as the national college entrance examination.It is argued by some applauding the recent change to reduce the importance of English in tests so that it will lead students to focus more on learning Chinese.The TV program Writing in Chinese has exposed the problem that students and the general public cannot write in Chinese as they used to do.
Some blame the design of the curriculum for giving English an equal or greater amount of emphasis,which might have contributed to the failure in teaching Chinese.But this is probably not a fair accusation since children in English speaking countries cannot spell either.
I doubt that studying English in itself hurts the study of Chinese.In fact,high achievers in English or another foreign language are more likely to be high achievers in Chinese.It has been proved many times in recent Chinese history that those capable of using a foreign language are also masters in their mother tongue.Qian Zhongshu,Lu Xun and Lin Yutang are just a few examples.
Another trend of thought for curriculum reform is related to the perception of"worth".It is true that English is one of the subjects that students do spend too much time on,with pitiful results.This makes some doubt if it is worth giving it priority.But this is not a sound argument either as students still need to study things that matter more to their future in spite of challenges learning English presents to them.
Improvements in Chinese language education should not be achieved by sacrificing another important subject.There should be a robust(健康的) foreign language education program,as a foreign language improves a student's future job prospects.Bashing(抨击) English education as a waste of time or using it as a goat for failures in Chinese education are both harmful tendencies.
To be constructive,we ought to start a dialogue on ways to make improvements in learning outcomes so that students'time learning English is spent more effectively.There are a few things that could improve English education,such as assessment design,learner motivation and teaching style,
I am sure there are many other areas where changes can greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of English learning.The public discourse at present is a little oversimplified.People are arguing for or against English having less weight in major tests,when the dialogue should be taken a step further,to the improvement of learning or teaching methods that may benefit the teaching of other subjects as well,Chinese included.

63.In paragraph 3 Qian Zhongshu,Lu Xun and Lin Yutang are mentioned toB.
  A.show respect for their capabilities of learning languages
  B.prove English and Chinese are not contradictory
  C.confirm the importance of learning English in China
  D.tell the readers English Education is to blame
64.According to the passage,which of the following statements is right?C
  A.The TV program Writing in Chinese is very popular at present.
  B.Good results of learning English are not worth so much time.
  C.Some are in favor of attaching less importance to English in exams.
  D.Sacrificing English can improve Chinese language education.
65.In the writer's opinion,what should be done to solve the argument?D
  A.Increasing time spent in learning Chinese.
  B.Increasing time spent in learning English.
  C.Reducing the weight of English in examinations.
  D.Improving the learning outcomes effectively.
66.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A
A.English education is still important in China.
B.Chinese education is more important in China.
C.English contributes to the failure in teaching Chinese              
D.Ways to make improvements in learning Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Some English idioms are difficult to understand.
--Exactly       you know the meaning of each word.(  )
A.if onlyB.even ifC.as ifD.now that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.At just six years old,Joey Kilpatrick is Australia's unofficial hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)champion after he hid in a bedroom cupboard for eight hours while playing his favorite game,causing a big rescue operation.
     The determined little boy's disappearing act led to a careful search,including nice police officers,five State Emergency Service volunteers,tracker dogs and almost all of the people of the town of Goombungee.
     His mother,Chris,says she called the police when Joey disappeared one afternoon after telling his older brother,Lachlan,14,that he was off to play hide-and-seek.
"I called the two boys for dinner,"Chris says."After about 20 minutes I started to worry,I was shouting to Joey,‘OK,we can't find you,time to come out!'"
     But there was no sign of her little boy.Within minutes of Chris calling the police,the policemen started one of the biggest ground searches in the town's history.
"I was really frightened.I rang my husband,Kris,who works out of town,and he immediately hit the road,calling me every 10 minutes."Chris recalls."They searched the house from top to bottom; everyone was out looking for him.When a neighbor asked if I'd checked the water tank,that's when reality hit.I was afraid."
    After hours of searching the town,confused(困惑的)police decided to search the house one more time.
"I just sat there waiting,"Chris says,"Then a strange feeling came over me,and I rushed into the bedroom and put my hand on a pile of blankets in the cupboard.As I pulled then out,there he was---asleep and completely not realizing what was going on!I've never held him in my arms so hard."
Senior officer,Chris Brameld,from Goombungee police,says he is glad that Joey's game had a happy ending:"When we realized he was safe,we agreed that it didn't get much better than that!"
    And young Joey promises that next time he won't be so intent(专注于) on finding the best hiding place."I want to say sorry to the policemen and to Mummy for scaring them,"he says,"I promise next time I'll hide where they can find me and I won't fall asleep!"
55.Why did the boy hide in a bedroom cupboard?C
A.He thought it was a good place to sleep
B.He wanted to start a big rescue operation
C.He didn't think he could be easily found there
D.He is Australia's unofficial hide-and-seek champion.
56.What did the boy's mother do when she couldn't find her son?B
A.She checked the water tank.
B.She called the police and her husband.
C.She turned to her neighbor for help.
D.She searched the town from top to bottom.
57.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.The boy felt very cold when he was found.
B.The boy knew clearly what was going on.
C.The mother usually hugged her boy very hard.
D.The mother was very grateful to find her boy.
58.How did the boy feel after he found out what had happened?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.when are you going off for your holiday?
My plane ______ at 9:20,so I must be at the airport by 8:20.(  )
A.took offB.has taken offC.is taking offD.would take off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.One determined student stepped off the traditional job for blind people in China,and now challenges a new life at university in Britain.Being a message therapist (按摩师)is a perfect job for many people with a visual disability,but for Zheng Jianwei,it was far from enough.
The 30-year-old former massage therapist gave up his hospital job in 2009to prepare for admission to graduate school.He took IELTS(雅思考试),the language-fluency test necessary for university admission in the UK,in 2012and scored 6.5points.He was the first blind examinee to take the IELTS in the Southeast Chinese region.After about four year's struggles,Zheng successfully gain an offer from the University of Essex in the United Kingdom and became a graduate student.
However,Zheng's path to graduate school was not easy."I can't take China's national entrance exam for graduate school,which doesn't provide study material(材料)for blind students,"he says.
He then turned to search for graduate school overseas.However,English became his nightmare.Zheng studied in spacial schools for visually challenged students since primary school,but foreign language was never a main subject.
Before giving up his job and learning English again in 2009,Zheng only knew the alphabet,a few words and some basic expressions."Learning English again in my late 20s is not easy,"he says.
It took him three years of intensive study to gain entrance to a graduate school overseas.Because of the lack of study material,Zheng needs to spend hours and days looking for textbooks for the visually disabled and copying them,while it may take only five minutes for a sighted person to order a plain English textbook from Amazon.
In his parents'eyes,Zheng has been a sensible,independent and decisive man from a young age.Zheng made all the major decisions by himself,including studying abroad and choosing majors."We just follow his decisions,"the mother says.

60.According to the first paragraph,a blind person in China is likely toB.
A.go abroad for graduate school         B.work as a message therapist
C.be far from pleased with life         D.enjoy a perfect job
61.It can be learned from the passage that the blind students in ChinaB.
A.can't take the national entrance exam to college
B.can find less study material than normal students
C.can never learn a foreign language well
D.can't afford the English textbooks for an entrance exam
62.Which of the following can match Zheng Jianwei's story?D
A.All mankind is created equal.        B.Many hands make light work.
C.Rome is not built in a day.          D.Nothing is impossible when mind is set.
63.It can be inferred from the passage that Zheng'sD.
A.parents have to follow any of his decisions
B.parents don't understand or care about him
C.visual disability meant a hopeless damage to him
D.mind is healthy though physically disabled.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.--What do you want ________ those old boxes?
--To put things in when I move to the new flat.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.--English is becoming so important.
--It's true.Many university classes are taught in English ______ the native language is not English.(  )
A.as ifB.what ifC.as long asD.even though


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The Chinese girl's father was familiar ________ French before.(  )

