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17.Xiaomi smartphone has _____ a good reputation for its high quality and low price among Chinese users.(  )

分析 小米手机在中国用户中因为它的高质量和低价格赢得好名声.

解答 答案D.
A项"失去";B项"吸引";C项"毁坏";D项"赢得";动词短语"win a good reputation for   赢得…的名声",根据句意"小米手机在中国用户中因为它的高质量和低价格赢得好名声."可知,D项符合语境,故选D.

点评 本题考查动词辨析.解答此类题目首先要读懂句意,理解每个选项动词的意思,然后根据上下文语境锁定合适的动词.平时要加强动词词汇量的积累.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

20.Proxemics (空间关系学) is the study of what governs how closely one person stands to another.People who feel close will be close,though the actual distances will vary between cultures.For Americans we can detect four main categories of distance:intimate (亲密的),personal,social and public.Intimate ranges from direct contact to about 45 centimeters.This is for the closest relationships such as those between husband and wife.Beyond this comes personal distance.This stands at between 45 and 80 centimeters.It is the most usual distance maintained for conversations between friends and relatives.Social distance covers people who work together or are meeting at social gatherings.Distances here tend to be kept between 1.30 to 2 meters.Beyond this comes public distance,such as that between a lecturer and his audience.
All cultures draw lines between what is an appropriate and what is an inappropriate social distance for different types of relationship.They differ,however,in where they draw these lines.Look at an international reception with representatives from the US and Arabic countries talking and you will see the Americans pirouetting (快速旋转) backwards around the hall pursued by their Arab partners.The Americans will be trying to keep the distance between themselves and their partners which they have grown used to regarding as"normal".They probably will not even notice themselves trying to adjust the distance between themselves and their partners,though they may have vague feeling that their Arab neighbors are being a bit"pushy".The Arab,on the other hand,coming from a culture where much closer distance is the pattern,may be feeling that the Americans are being"stand-offish".Finding themselves happier standing close to and even touching those they are in conversation with they will persistently pursue the Americans round the room trying to close the distance between them.
The appropriateness of physical contact varies between different cultures too.One study of the number of times people talking in coffee shops over a one-hour period showed the following interesting variations:London,0; Florida,2; Paris,10; and Puerto Rico 180.Not only does it vary between societies,however,it also varies between different subcultures within one society.Young people in Britain,for example,are more likely to touch and hug friends than are the older generation.This may be partly a matter of growing older,but it also reflects the fact that the older generation grew up at a time when touching was less common for all age groups.Forty years ago,for example,footballers would never hug and kiss one another on the field after a goal as they do today.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)
78.What govern the standing space between two persons in proxemics?Relationships
79.The underlined word"stand-offish"in Paragraph 2 most probably means"cold/distant/keeping others at arm's length/not easily getting along".
80.Why may Arabs pursue Americans in a conversation at an international reception?
Because they try to close the distance between them
81.What can be inferred from the last paragraph is that the appropriateness of physical contact also varies withtime.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-Do you think he will be put into prison?We are all concerned about him.
-The judge will ______ the case for lack of evidence.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.We are looking forward to the successful land of Shenzhou IX as ______after it circles in space for 13days.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Tom was lucky to ______ being punished,though he made such a big mistake.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Many media seem to _______ the wrong concept that being slim is being beautiful,so many teenagers are going on a diet blindly.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.           a room online in advance,we were shocked to be told on arrival that there was no room available!(  )
A.BookingB.BookedC.To bookD.Having booked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.In recent years in America,the mandatory sentencing(强制判刑) movement has really changed the US prison size.The mandatory sentencing movement typically stated the minimum number of prison years for certain crimes people committed.It swept the United States in the 1970s,driving the state prison population up from less than 200,000to about 1.4million today and made prisoning budgets the second-fastest-growing state expense,only second to Medic-aid.But the current sentencing reforms in a growing number of states are starting to reverse that trend-causing the prison population to decline by about 3.8percent since 2009.
Central to the state reforms is a relatively new and more complicated way of information analysis about the law-breaker-including criminal history,drug abuse(滥用) and instances of anti-social behavior-to assess the likelihood of that individual's committing a new crime.And by examining data,the states can revise policies to discourage them from going back to prison.
Many states have found that many people go back to prison not for committing new crimes but for technical mild violations(违反),like failing drug tests or abnormal behaviors due to mental problems.With that knowledge,these states have moved to less costly and more effective actions to replace jail stay.Today,they tend more to send these people for community service.
Some states are also jumping at what is known as the"justice reinvestment"approach,under which they channel significant sums of money into the existing programs on drug treatment and mental health,two main issues behind crimes for many law-breakers.
Despite the advantages of a risk-assessment approach,some states are still flying blind mainly because they don't have the resources to gather data.Moreover,a study has noted,handling high-risk and low-risk criminals in the same way is a big mistake,as"low risk individuals have an increased likelihood of committing crimes again when they receive treatment or services in the same programs as medium-and high-risk individuals."

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.The mandatory sentencing movement had greatly increased prison population throughstating a minimum number of prison years for certain crimes.
79.What is the essential content of today's sentencing reforms?Anew and more complicated way of criminal information analysis
80.What is many states'softer punishment for minor offences?communityservice.
81.Risk-assessment method is not adopted by all the states primarily because oflack of resources.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Everybody sits and waits in theshadeof the treeswhilethe family begins to wake up andmoveoff.

