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13.It is certainly true that computers,cell phones and digital cameras have become part of our everyday life. (71)DWe are said to be living in the Information Age,a time of new discoveries and great changes.But is it really true that we are living in the Information Age?Has our life changed that much?Many of the things we do with computers,such as typing and sending mail,are things that we also did before.(72)G  
When we describe or talk about new inventions,we use words and ideas that we already know.(73)CThe words are useful,but they are not quite true.A computer does keep information in its memory,but that is clearly different from other kinds of storage.(74)FUsing familiar words makes it easier for us to understand the use of a new tool,but it may also make it more difficult for us to use the new invention in the best way.
(75)AIt is also about how we think about the world.Now that we are dev eloping new technology at such a high pace,the true challenge is to find new ways of using it.How will we use computers in the future?How will we use the Internet?The real function will only be known once we discover new ways of thinking about the technology.
A.Science is not just about electronics.
B.It's quite necessary for children to learn how to use the computer from the very start.
C.For example,when we want to explain how a computer works,we use words like"memory","store"and"cut and paste".
D.Anywhere we go,we can hear the ringing of a cell phone,the tapping of a keyboard or the clicking of a mouse.
E.With time going by,more inventions connected to computers will come into being.
F.We do cut and paste,but we don't use scissors or glue.
G.Has anything really changed except the tools we use?

分析 本文介绍了我们生活到处都是电子科技,但科技真的完全改变我们了吗?

解答 71-75DGCFA
71.D 根据前几句内容可知,手机到处都是,所以答案为D.
72.G 根据"But is it really true that we are living in the Information Age?Has our life changed that much?"这两个问句可知,此处为第三个问句.
73.C 第二段开头"When we describe or talk about new inventions,we use words and ideas that we already know"举例子,所以紧接着是另外一个例子.
 74.F 前句提到了电脑确有存储记忆的功能,但和其他方式不一样.
75.A"It is also about how we think about the world"这句话告诉我们,前句应该提到了电脑不仅仅是…

点评 选词填空题一定要根据上下文来判断空句应该填补什么内容,根据前后句的关键词来寻找选项中关键词相符的答案,根据文章内部逻辑关系来填空,需要学生通读全篇,了解各空句在文章中或段落中的作用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.-What are we visiting next Monday?
-A modern city that has appeared in _______ was a village ten years ago.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.I am still suffering from a fever.If I _____ the doctor's advice yesterday,I _____ from my illness.(  )
A.take; would recover
B.took; would recover
C.took; would have recovered
D.had taken; would have recovered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Many cities around the world today are heavily polluted.Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand (消费者需要) for environment friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem.One result is that millions of tons of glass,paper,plastic and metal container are produced,and these are difficult to get rid of.
However,today,more and more consumers are choosing"green"and demanding that the products they buy should be safe for the environment.Before they buy a product,they ask questions like these,"Will this shampoo damage the environment?""Can this metal container be reused or can it only be used once?"
A recent study showed that two out of five adults now consider the environment safety of a product before they buy it.This means that companies must now change the way they make and sell their products to make sure that they are"green",that is,friendly to the environment.
Only a few years ago,it was impossible to find green products in supermarkets,but now there are hundreds.Some supermarkets'products carry labels (标签) to show that the product is green.Some companies have made producing of clean and safe products their main selling points and emphasize (强调) it in their advertising.
The concern for a safer and cleaner environment is making companies rethink how they do business.No longer will the public accept the old attitude of"Buy it,use it,throw it away,and forget it."The public pressure is on,and gradually business is cleaning up its act.

72.It becomes clear from the passage that the driving force (动力) behind the green products isA.
A.public caring for the environment
B.companies'desire for bigger sales
C.new ways of doing business
D.rapid growth of supermarkets
73.Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Only the productive methods are the cause of the heavy pollution.
B.Manufactures made their products clean with cleaners.
C.In fact,it is the public who made the companies produce green products.
D.Not all the consumers would like green products.
74.The underlined word"it"in the fourth paragraph refers toD.
A.a selling pointB.the company name
C.a great demand for health foodsD.the producing of green products
75.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.Business and PeopleB.Business Goes Green
C.Shopping Habits Are ChangingD.Supermarkets and Green Products.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.In recent years some extreme weather events have arisen from global warming because of human activities,with studies indicating an increasing threat from extreme weather in the future.Scientists were certain that global warming is being caused mostly by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases and other human activities.
Its effects include warming global temperature,rising sea levels and expansion of deserts in the subtropics(亚热带).Warming is expected to be greater over land than over the oceans and greatest in the Arctic,with the continuing loss of glaciers,permafrost and sea ice.Other likely changes include more frequent extreme weather events including heat waves,droughts,heavy rainfall with floods,heavy snowfall and species extinction due to great change of temperature.Bad effects on humans include the threat to food security from decreasing crop yields and the loss of populated(住人的) areas because of rising sea levels.
Possible responses to global warming are reduction of emissions(排放),adaptation to its effects,building systems resilient to its effects,and possible future climate engineering.Most countries are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC),whose objective is to prevent dangerous climate change.It has adopted a range of policies designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to assist in adaptation to global warming.It is agreed that future global warming should be limited to below 2.0°C (3.6°F) relative to the pre-industrial level.
On 12November 2015,NASA scientists reported that human-made carbon dioxide continues to increase above levels that have not been seen in hundreds of thousands of years:currently,about half of the carbon dioxide released from the burning of fossil fuels remains in the atmosphere and is not absorbed by vegetation and the oceans.

28.What does the underlined word"resilient"mean?B
A.be easily damaged                  
B.be able to recover easily
C.can be bent easily                   
D.be difficult to change
29.Which of following is NOT mentioned as an effect of global warming?D
A.rising sea levels and expansion of deserts
B.more frequent extreme weather events
C.species extinction
D.increasing crop yields
30.Which of the following can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?A
A.It is likely for us to deal with global warming by reducing greenhouse gas emissions,adapting to its effects and climate engineering.
B.There is no solution to too much carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.
C.It is common that human-made carbon dioxide keeps on increasing greatly in the previous several centuries.
D.Future global warming should be limited to below 3.6°C.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

18.In those years of poverty,many classmates often couldn't bring good box meal to school,so did my deskmate,Mike.His meal was always the black fermented soybean(豆豉)(36)B mine was often ham and fried egg,(37)A different from his.Moreover,every time Mike would first (38)D the hair from his box meal and eat (39)A nothing had happened.This uncomfortable (40)A continued all along.
"Obviously his mother is so lousy(邋遢)that (41)C her hair drops in the meal."My classmates talked about it secretly.I felt it was too (42)B but I couldn't show that for the sake of his self-respect.So my impression on him began to (43)C greatly.
One day after school,he called me and said,"Would you like to go to my home (44)D you are free?"
Though (45)A,I found it awkward to refuse because this was his frist (46)A since we were in the same class. (47)B my friend,we arrived at a poor village located at the Seoul's steepest place.
"Mum,I (48)A my friend home."
Hearing Mike's excited voice,his aged mother (49)B door and appeared."My son's friend comes.Let me have a look."(50)C his mother,who had walked out of the door,was only (51)B the door's beam column(柱)with her hands.It (52)C that she was blind.
I felt sad without a (53)B.Mike's box meal was (54)D the fermented soybean every day,but it was his blind mother who carefully prepared for him.It was not only a lunch,but a mother's love even with the hair (55)B in it.

39.A.as ifB.even ifC.in caseD.if only
52.A.came aboutB.showed offC.turned outD.found out
54.A.as soonB.as wellC.as goodD.as usual


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Parents are often amazed at how fast their child grows and develops.New research has determined that the ability to quantify may develop much sooner than most parents realize.
Kristy vanMarle,professor of the University of Missouri,has determined that contrary to what previous studies have shown,infants(婴儿)are able to quantify substances(物质)-like sand or water-as early as 10months.As long as the difference between the two substances is large enough,infants will choose the larger amount,especially when it comes to food.
With the assistance of her team researchers,vanMarle tested the quantifying skills of babies by presenting them with two cups:one containing a small amount of food,and one containing a larger amount.Consistently,the babies chose the larger amount.
"Several studies throughout the last 15years have shown that infants are very good at telling how many objects they see; however,infants don't seem to count things like water or sand,"vanMarle said."What we're saying is that they can quantify substances; it's just much harder.The infants can see how much food goes into each cup and compare that in their memories.They decide which amount is larger,and they almost always select the larger one."
This information further refutes(驳斥)the long-held idea that babies"know nothing of the world,"vanMarle said.
"Since psychologists have begun studying infants with sensitive measures,we've discovered a lot of early abilities.I think for parents,it should be exciting to know that there's somebody in there that has some fundamental and basic knowledge of the world,and that knowledge is guiding their development,"vanMarle said.
In the future,vanMarle says this kind of study could be linked to a child's progress in math-related skills,although programs marketed to increase those abilities,such as"Baby Einstein,"still have mixed reviews when it comes to academic study.

66.The quantifying ability refers to the ability toC.
A.choose between different substances
B.get much knowledge of the world
C.describe the quantity of something
D.obtain math-related skills
67.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?B
A.The process of doing research.
B.The scientific findings.
C.The final choice of infants.
D.The observation of infants'behavior.
68.Babies choose the larger amount of foodD.
A.by saying numbers
B.with the help of parents
C.on personal preference
D.through their natural abilities
69.We can learn from the text thatD.
A.some parents don't care about their kids
B.people used to think the world is known to babies
C.little research has been done on infants
D.scholars disagree on baby-training programs
70.What's the best title of the text?A
A.Breakthrough in Baby Studies
B.Amazing Baby-training Ideas
C.Early Human Abilities
D.Unique Quantifying Methods.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.She         have left school,for her bike is still here.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.When I was small and my grandmother died,I couldn't understand why I had no tears.But that night when my dad tried to cheer me up,my laugh turned into crying.
So it came as no surprise to learn that researchers believe crying and laughing come from the same part of the brain.Just as laughing has many health advantages,scientists are discovering that so,too,does crying.
       Whatever it takes for us to reduce pressure is important to our emotional (情感的) health,and crying seems to work well.One study found that 85 percent of women and 73 percent of men report feeling better after crying.
       Besides,tears attract help from other people.Researchers agree that when we cry,people around us become kinder and friendly and they are more ready to provide support and comfort.Tears also enable us to understand our emotions better; sometimes we don't even know we're very sad until we cry.We learn about our emotions through crying,and then we can deal with them.
       Just as crying can be healthy,not crying---holding back tears of anger,pain or suffering---can be bad for physical health,Studies have shown that too much control of emotions can lead to high blood pressure,heart problems and some other illnesses.If you have a health problem,doctors will certainly not ask you to cry.But when you feel like crying,don't fight it.It's a natural---and healthy---emotional response (反应).
33.It can be inferred from the text thatD.
A.crying does more good to health than laughing     
B.there are two ways to keep healthy
C.crying and laughing play the same roles
D.emotional health has close connection with physical health
34.According to the author,which of the following statements is true?A
A.Fighting back tears may cause some health problems   
B.Crying is the best way to get help from others.
C.We must cry if we want to reduce pressure.
D.We will never know our deep feelings unless we cry.
35.What might be the most suitable title for the text?A
A.How to Keep Healthy
B.Power of Tears
C.A New Scientific Discovery
D.Why We Cry.

