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Task I. Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart below.

Wang Peng's restaurant

Yong Hui's restaurant

food and drink

barbecued mutton kebabs,1. pork,stir-fried vegetables,fried rice,mutton,beef,bacon,cola,2.

rice,3. vegetables,fruit,water




research discovery

serving too much 5.

serving too little fat,including not enough energy-giving food,becoming 6. quickly


making you feel fit and energetic,offering you discounts,giving you 7. all day

making yourself 8.


Task I. 1. roast   2. ice cream   3. raw 4. high   5. fat   6. tired

7. energy   8. thin

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第33期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

ask Ⅰ.Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的 正确形式。

    Celebrated across Thailand,the Songkran Festival is a holiday

61. welcomes the New Year

with a countrywide water fight. It is also celebrated in other Asian countries like Cambodia and Laos,but the

celebration in Thailand 62.(know) to be the most exciting.

    Songkran was at first a time to visit families,clean away the old year and bring in a fresh one. Many Thais cleaned away the old year by 63. (wash) their homes and any (佛像) around the house. They would collect the water that ran over the Buddhas and pour 64. onto the shoulders of family members for good lucjk.

    65. (final) the original purpose of the holiday became less important than the national water fight

66. (love) by Thais and foreigners today. The 67.(energy) people use whatever they can get their hands on and make each other wet with water.

     Every year,68. large number of tourists gather in Thailand to welcome the 69. (arrive)

of Songkran. If you plan 70. (visit) Thailand,the days of Songkran are a great time to get to know Thai traditions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. The salesgirl weighed the vegetable on the balan skilfully.

2. Riders need a good sense of balance.

3. We must keep a balance between spending and saving

4. The crown could balance a stick on the end of his nos (

5. He balanced the advantages and disadvantages of t\ -situation.


作名词时,意为••⑦天平(句1) (句2)


★作动词时,意为:①使(某物) 保持平衡(句4)②平衡,平稳(句5) 。


keep / lose one's balance 保持/失去平衡

balanced adj,平衡的 


  1. 他失去平衡,从自行车掉了下来。

2. 尽量保持工作和娱乐平衡。

3. 你能单脚站立多久?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. .两年前她靠做自由撰稿记者来维持生计。

She    as a freelance journalist

two years ago.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 1 hadn,t got much money on me but I gave them that I had.

2. 1 doubt that he will be able to arrive here on time.

3. He has made that clear that the meeting will be held tomorrow morning.

4. The weather was so awflil and that was because we didn't enjoy the day.

5. My first question was if Holmes had arrived yet.

6. She asked me if I knew whom had got the job.

7.I don't know what decision is worse,spending Christmas alone 6r

watching my friends get drunk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. If you want to take photos here,you (can/ should) ask permission or we might get into trouble.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV.选用方框内合适的选项完成下面对话(有两个多余选项) 。

   A. I'm looking forward to it.

   B. What can I do for you? c. Hang on,please.

   D. I'd love to.

   E. It's a pleasure.

   F. I think I've already got something scheduled.

Jack: Good morning. May I speak to Carl?

This is Jack.

Sophia: This is Sophia. 1. I'11 look for

Carl and tell him you are on the phone. Jack: OK. Thank you so much.

Sophia: YouJ re most welcome.

Carl: Carl speaking.

Jack: Hello,Carl. We’re planning to give a

dinner some day next week. Would you like to join US?

Carl: Well,2. When?

Jack: How about Thursday?

Carl: I'm afraid I can't make it on Thursday.

I'11 be busy preparing my lecture.

Jack: Are you free Friday?

Carl: Friday sounds good. 3. Thank

you for your invitation.

Jack: 4.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. They only give you a (n)   (折扣) if you buy more than a certain amount.

