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23.Today,we take washing machines for granted,but there was        before 1869.

A.anyB.noC.nothing D.None


科目:高中英语 来源:北大附属实验学校2009-2010学年高二下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

During his college years, Rogers spent his summer holidays at an Idaho logging camp (伐木场). When Roy, the manager, had to leave for a few days, he put Rogers in charge. "What if the workers refuse to follow my orders?" Rogers asked. He thought of Tony, a worker who was always giving the other men a hard time. "Fire them," Roy said. Then, as if reading Rogers’ mind, he added, "I suppose you want to fire Tony if you get the chance. I’d feel bad about that. Tony is the most reliable worker I’ve ever had. I know he complains a lot, but he comes first and leaves last. There has not been an accident on the hill where he works for eight years." Rogers took over the manager’s job the next day. He went to Tony and spoke to him, "Tony, did you know that I’m in charge today?" Tony didn’t show any respect or interest. "I was going to fire you because you once gave me a hard time, but I want you to know I’m not," he told Tony, adding what Roy had said. When Rogers finished, tears streamed down Tony’s face. That day Tony worked harder than ever before —and he smiled for the first time! Rogers went back to school after that summer. Twelve years later he met Tony again. He was in charge of one of the largest logging companies in the West. Rogers asked him how he managed to become so successful. Tony replied, "If it were not for that time you spoke to me back in Idaho, I would not be myself today. That one minute changed my whole life." Have you got one minute to appreciate someone? It can make a difference for a lifetime.
1. Which of the following statements about Tony is TRUE?
A. He didn’t care about his work.
B. He never showed respect to his co-workers.
C. Nobody liked Tony because of his bad temper.
D. He worked hard but he always complained.
2. The manager’s attitude towards Tony is _____.
A. strict      B. doubtful   C. satisfied      D. negative
3. Rogers changed his mind and didn’t fire Tony because _______.
A. Tony smiled at him
B. he learned more about Tony’s work
C. Roy didn’t give him the power to fire anyone
D. Tony didn’t give him a hard time anymore
4. What can we learn from Tony’s success?
A. It’s never too late to learn.           
B. Well begun is half done.
C. It’s necessary to work with a wise boss.
D. It’s important to recognize others’ good qualities.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广西桂林中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

At the beginning of my 8:00 a.m. class one Monday at UNLV(拉斯维加斯内华达大学), I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been. One young man said that his weekend had not been very good. The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful.
His question reminded me of something I’d read somewhere before: “Every morning when you get up, you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day,” I said to the young man. “I choose to be cheerful.”
“Let me give you an example,” I continued. “In addition to teaching here at UNLV, I also teach out at the community college in Henderson. One day a few weeks ago I drove to Henderson. I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive. But just then my car died. I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn’t turn over. So I put my flashers on, grabbed my books, and marched down the road to the college.”
“As soon as I got there, the secretary in the Provost’s office asked me what had happened. ‘This is my lucky day’, I replied, smiling.”
“Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?” She was puzzled, “What do you mean?”
“I live seventeen miles from here. I replied. My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway. It didn’t. Instead, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, within walking distance of here. I’m still able to teach my class, and I’ve been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class. If my car was meant to break down today, it couldn’t have been arranged in a more convenient fashion.”
【小题1】If you want to be cheerful you should ___________.

A.try to succeed in doing everythingB.try to please your boss every day
C.earn a lot of money by workingD.choose to be cheerful every day
【小题2】The underlined phrase “turn over” in the third paragraph means “________”
A.roll overB.work normallyC.stopped suddenlyD.move around
【小题3】According to this passage we can infer that the teacher’s car broke down ____.
A.near UNLVB.along the highway
C.near HendersonD.at the community college
【小题4】Which one of the following is TRUE?
A.The teacher taught not only at UNLV but also at the community college.
B.That was the teacher’s lucky day because the teacher liked walking.
C.The teacher always hoped that the car would break down often.
D.The young man was sad because his car broke down.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年广西南宁武鸣高中高二下学期段考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It is normal for parents to question their children's hairstyle or the clothes they wear. But today teenagers and their parents argue over something else: money.
Children are spending lots of it. Parents used to say to their children, "You're wearing that?" Now they say, "You paid how much for that?"
Children in the US today spend five times more money than their parents did when they were young.
So what are all these children buying? The list is long: ipods trainers(训练鞋), cellphones and jeans are typical items that children "have to" buy. And they will do anything to get them. They ask their parents over and over until they buy them.
But parents also need to take the blame for spending so much money. They want their children to have the best stuff. They end up competing with other parents over what their children have.
So no wonder children find it hard to learn the importance of saving money rather than spending it all the time.
And it's hard to save when companies use advertising and clever slogans to encourage young people to buy their products. They even encourage children to keep asking their parents for something until they get it.
Today, you don't even need to have money in order to buy something. Banks give out credit cards and loans all the time so people are saving less and less. We are used to there being lots of money around. And if you don't have much you can always borrow some.
But this hasn't always been the case. When our grandparents were young there was very little money and everyone had to save hard for things they bought. They only bought things they needed, not things they just wanted.
The older generation made the wise expression, "Money doesn’t grow on trees." This is as true now as it was 50 years ago. They give money a great deal of value. And we all have a lot to learn from them.
【小题1】The text mainly tells us ________.

A.divisions between teenagers and their parents
B.children's high consumption (消费) of products
C.what is popular among children at the moment
D.how to spend money wisely
【小题2】Parents are to blame for children's spending a lot of money because ________.
A.they encourage children to care about the latest fashion
B.their consumption habits set a bad example for children
C.they always give children too much pocket money
D.they do nothing to help children establish healthy consumption habits
【小题3】Nowadays people find it hard to save money because of all of the following reasons EXCEPT that ________.
A.banks provide credit cards and loans
B.advertisements draw people’s attention to new products
C.people have more money than in the past and saving is out of date
D.people's living standard has improved and they can buy what they want
【小题4】The saying "Money doesn't grow on trees." in the last paragraph is intended to tell us that ________.
A.the older generation understood how to teach children to save
B.in the past, people attached more importance to saving money
C.money has a great deal of value
D.money is not easily earned and people should be careful spending it


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省上饶市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解


Dear Customers,
I love slipping into a comfortable chair for a long read —as I relax into the chair,I also relax
into the author’s words,stories,and ideas.The physical book is so elegant that it disappears into
the background,and what remains is the author’s world.
Today,we at Amazon are excited to announce Mindle,a wireless,portable reading device with instant access to more than 90,000 books,magazines,and newspapers.
We’ve been working on Mindle for more than three years.Our top design objective was for
Mindle to disappear in your hands —to get out of the way —so you can enjoy your reading.We
also wanted to go beyond the physical book.Mindle is wireless,so whether you’re lying in bed or riding a train,you can think of a book,and have it in less than 60 seconds.No computer is needed—you do your reading directly from the device.
We chose the same wireless technology used in advanced mobile phones.But unlike mobile
phones,there are no monthly wireless bills,no service or data plans,and no yearly contracts.There
is no software to install.We want you to get lost in your reading and not in the technology.
Mindle uses a new kind of display called electronic paper.Sharp and natural with no strong
light,reading on Mindle is nothing like reading from a computer screen.Mindle weighs only 10.3
ounces —less than a paperback —but can carry two hundred books.
Enjoy learning about Mindle and many thanks!

60.This passage most probably is a(n)_________.
A.advertisement B.news story       C.lab report        D.letter of thanks
61.From the passage we learn that Mindle is a device(设备)which.
A.has neither wires nor weight B.is operated by a computer
C.disappears while you read      D.can find a book within one minute
62.With the device,the reader is able to      .
A.enjoy reading when driving a car   B.improve reading skills
C.gain access to free software       D.get rid of heavy books made of paper
63.Different from mobile phones,Mindle_________.
A.has a much more friendly screen   B.can work in the absence of electricity
C.doesn’t involve regular fees      D.is wireless and can be used anywhere


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届新疆乌鲁木齐市高一下学期期末考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

I'll be a photographer. I'm going to bring bits of Australia back home with me. I told myself this before, yet I feel so doubtful on this plane that's flying me thousands of miles away. I was so confident yesterday .But today I don't belong to this plane where men sit with briefcases reading newspapers. They're all adults.

I've never been out of the US. And now ,I'm traveling into Australia alone, a world I know nothing about. A part of me recognizes it as home.

I remember little about my mother, but I remember she had an Australian accent and golden hair. She wan fun and she would often take us to New Jersey beaches, where we would spend the whole day taking walks along the shore. My mom told me that in Australia, Christmas was always spent on the beach with friends and family, and everyone wore Santa hat with their bathing suits. It never got cold and bitter there. My mom was different and I was proud of her.

I don't know how she met my father. but after they met several years, they got married and moved into an apartment in New Jersey. Then I was born and we were a perfect family of three who went out to dinner and watched movies in the dark and loved each other.

I know things have been hard on my father since my Mom died years ago. It's hard for me, too, and I have to experience the wonderful place my mom grew up in and loved. My mom talked about Australia so much and now I have to see this place.

This is an adventure.

1.How did the author feel when he was on the plane?





2.The author traveled to Australia alone mainly because he wanted to__.

A.search his fortune there

B.find more about his mother

C.look for his grandparents there

D.find more about this wonderful place

3.The third paragraph is mainly concerned with__.

A.the author's first impression of Australia

B.the author's brief impression of his mother

C.the reason why the author loved his mother

D.the difference between his mother and father

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The author writes this passage to honor his mother.

B.The author decides to learn taking photos in Australia.

C.The author had a good time when his mother was still alive.

D.The author didn't like to live with his father after his mother died.

5.Where did the author most probably write this passage?

A.In America.

B.In Australia.

C.At home

D.On the Plane


