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Long ago, there lived in Greece a learned man. He was so well-knownhis knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn from him. The great man(teach) his students whole-heartedly and answered their questions with great(patient).
One day, a student asked him, “My dear teacher, didn't you say you yourself have many more questions about things than we do?I think we students have far more than you.”
With a smile on his face, the teacher drew two circles, one as large as a big cake, the other smaller. Then he said, “Of course, I have learned much more. But it is wrong(think) a teacher has fewer questions than his students. Now, look at these two circles. The inside of the(big) one is my knowledge of things, and the inside of the smaller one is(your). Out of the circles is what is still unknown to us. Since mine is larger, I have to use the longer line to draw the bigger circle. That means I have more opportunities to face something(know). And that'sI myself have more questions than you do. The(much) you learn, the more questions you have. You will never learn enough, you know.”

【答案】for;taught;atience;But;to think;igger;your;unknow;why;more
(1)考查介词。 be well-known for因……而著名,故应填for。
(2)考查时态。 此处是并列谓语,和后面的and answered并列,可知用一般过去时态,故应填taught。
(3)考查名词。 great修饰名词,故应填patience。
(4)考查连词。 句意:我认为我们学生比你有更多的问题。和上句联系可知此处表示转折,故应填But。
(5)考查不定式。 此处it作形式主语,动词不定式做真正的主语,故应填to think。
(6)考查形容词。 根据前面的two circles可知后面是指“两个中更大的”,用the+比较级,故应填bigger。
(8)考查形容词。 根据句意可知“那意味着我有更多的机会去面对未知的东西”。故应填unknown。
(9)考查表语从句。 句意:那就是我为什么我自己比你有更多的问题。此处用why引导表语从句。
(10)考查固定句型。 the+比较级……,the+比较级……,固定句式“越……就越……”,故应填more。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In the back of our classroom stand some book shelves with various classics and magazines on them, making reading materials more __________ to the students.

A. systematic B. effective C. practical D. accessible


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Elias was a poor black worker in south Africa. The time he first met Nelson Mandel was a period of his life .he was twelve years old at that time. Nelson Mandel was a black lawyer to he turned for advice .Nelson offered(guide) to poor black people on their(illegal) problems. Elias needed Mandel's helphe had little education. The school he studied for only two years was three kilometers away .he had to drop out of school because his family couldn't pay the school feesthe bus fare .He couldn't read or write well .After trying hard, he got a job in a gold mine , he didn't have passbook to live in Johannesbug and he worried about he would become outwork.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】你的英国朋友Alice Bryant来信跟你谈论音乐的话题。请你根据以下要求,写一篇回信。谈谈你的看法。主要内容包括:
















科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A blocked airway(呼吸道) can kill someone in three to four minutes, but it can take more than eight minutes for an ambulance to arrive. So a simple procedure such as opening someone's airway can save their life while they're waiting for emergency medical help. This means you're more likely to give first aid to someone you know than a stranger.
There are many misconceptions (误解) surrounding first aid. Below are the ‘most popular' ones with details of what you should do.
You should put butter or cream on a burn. The only thing you should put on a burn is cold water — keep the butter for cooking. Put the affected area under cold running water for at least ten minutes.
The best way to treat bleeding is to put the wound under a tap. If you put a bleeding wound under a tap you wash away the body's clotting agents(凝血剂) and make it bleed more. Instead put pressure on the wound with whatever is available to stop or slow down the flow of blood. As soon as possible call 999. Keep pressure on the wound until help arrives.
Nosebleeds are best treated by putting the head back. If you put the head back during a nosebleed, all the blood goes down the back of the airway. Instead advise them to tilt(倾斜) their head forwards and ask the person to pinch(捏) the end of their nose and breathe through their mouth.
You need lots of training to do first aid. You don't — what you mostly need is common sense. You can learn enough first aid in a few minutes to save someone's life — whether it's from a book, attending a course or watching videos online.
Remember: anyone can save a life
(1)The most important point to save a person's life is to ensure ______.
A.his smooth breath
B.ambulances' arriving time
C.the quiet surroundings
D.emergency medical help
(2)If a person is burnt, what you should do immediately is to ______.
A.put some cream on the burn area
B.cook some butter for the burn
C.place the burn under cold running water
D.wash the affected area for a long time
(3)If a bleeding wound is put under a tap, what should happen?
A.It will help the bleeding stop at once.
B.It will help produce more clotting agents.
C.It will produce more pressure on the wound.
D.It will bleed more and hard to stop.
(4)The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.how to learn first aid by yourself
B.some misunderstanding about first aid
C.the importance of first aid
D.how to help medical team save a life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On a hot summer day in America, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. He dived into the cool water, Not 1that as he swam towards the middle of the lake, a crocodile (鳄鱼) was swimming toward him.
His mother2was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer. In great3she ran toward the water,4 to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy became 5 and made a U-turn to swim to his mother.6 it was too late. Just as he reached her, the 7reached him. From the shore, the mother 8 her little boy by the arms just as the crocodile snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war (拔河) between the 9The crocodile was much 10 than the mother, but the mother wouldn't11A farmer 12to drive by, heard their screams, raced from his truck, took aim and13 the crocodile.
14 after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His 15were extremely scarred (留下疤痕) by the attack of the animal. And, on his arms, were deep scratches (抓痕) where his mother's fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.
The newspaper reporter, who 16the boy, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his legs. And then, with obvious 17 he said to the reporter, “But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them 18my Mom wouldn't let go.”
Never judge another person's19, because you don't know 20 they were made.
(1)A.understanding B.imaging C.realizing D.balancing
(2)A.behind the house B.in the house C.in the lake D.on the shore
(3)A.fear B.anger C.sadness D.joy
(4)A.beating B.frightening C.screaming D.apologizing
(5)A.alarmed B.amazed C.calm D.hopeful
(6)A.Thus B.So C.Therefore D.However
(7)A.author B.hunter C.mother D.crocodile
(8)A.hugged B.stared C.grabbed D.combined
(9)A.two B.three C.scene D.journey
(10)A.fiercer B.stronger C.faster D.heavier
(11)A.cut down B.take chances C.go ahead D.let go
(12)A.happened B.predicted C.pretended D.bet
(13)A.gathered B.gained C.shot D.cut
(14)A.importantly B.beneficially C.surprisingly D.Fortunately
(15)A.arms B.legs C.fingers D.spot
(16)A.helped B.saved C.interviewed D.consulted
(17)A.pride B.satisfaction C.strength D.gratitude
(18)A.where B.because C.unless D.while
(19)A.appearance B.limit C.debt D.scar
(20)A.when B.how C.where D.as


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself

In all one's life lime it is oneself, that one spends the most time being with or dealing with. 1.

When you are going upwards in life you tend to overestimate yourself. It seems that everything you seek for is within your reach, 2 It’s likely that you think it wise for yourself to stay away from the outer world. Actually, to get a thorough understanding of oneself, you may as well keep the following tips in mind.

Gain a correct view of oneself.

You may look forward hopefully to the future but be sure not to expect too much, for dreams can never be fully realized. You may be courageous to meet challenges but it should be clear to you where to direct your efforts. 3


Whether you compare yourself to a towering tree or a blade of grass, a high mountain or a small stone, you represent a state of nature. 4 If you earnestly admire yourself you’ll have a real sense of self-appreciation.


In time of anger, do yourself a favor by releasing it in a quiet place so that you won't be hurt by its flames; in time of sadness, do yourself a favor by sharing it with your friends so as to change a bad mood into a cheerful one; in time of tiredness, do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep.

Get a full control of one's life.

Then one will find one’s life full of color and favor.

A. It has its own value.

B. Do oneself a favor when it's needed.

C. Do yourself a favor when you resist the attack of illness.

D. But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding of.

E. Especially if it is well within your reach, you are just too blind to see it.

F. When you are going downhill you tend to underestimate yourself for your own incompetence,

G. o long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself, there won’t be difficulties you can’t overcome.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1How long does the woman need the car?

A. For three weeks. B. For thirteen days. C. For three days.

2】【2Which car does the woman choose at last?

A. The silver one. B. The black one. C. The red one.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】These had shown pop music was here to stay, and that young people desperately wanted to listen to radio stations that played it. So the BBC decided to start up its own pop music radio station, Radio 1, and before long Radio Caroline disc jockeys were working there.

A. hopelessly B. very much

C. hardly D. unexpectedly

