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() 5. The frozen bowl and the ice-cubes were used again in the evening because it was quiet at night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


             Zora Neale Hurston proves to be a study in contrasts a black writer reaching a white audience,a woman struggling in a man's profession,an independent thinker living in a conformist(墨守成规的) era. Now,almost 50 years since her death,her hard work and great novels still have much to teach the modem audience. She overcame the challenges she faced and showed that determination makes anything possible.

              Hurston thought much of her deeply individualistic personality was developed because of the experience of growing up in Eatonville,Florida. The town was unique in that it was particularly hot in the summer,but mild at other times of the year. Hurston always said growing up in a community totally separate from the larger white society allowed her freedom and independence not available to everyone in the south.

              Hurston began her undergraduate studies at Howard University,but her obvious intelligence and talent soon earned her a scholarship to Barnard College in New York City. Moving north in the 1920s helped her get to know the Harlem Renaissance,a black cultural movement that produced exceptional achievements in literature,art,and music. Communicating with the likes of Langston Hughes,W.E. B. DuBois,Billie Holiday,and Duke Ellington,Hurston developed her skills as a writer and published lots of short stories and poems.

              Her most influential work grew out of her attempt to record the black experience. That novel,called Their Eyes Were Watching God,was about three generations of a family living in Eatonville. Her interesting representation of the southern dialect caused her Harlem Renaissance contemporaries to look down upon the work for what they saw as its spread of inaccurate patterns. Hurston,however,remained true to her project,believing that the accuracy of her representation would finally win over the political pressures her peers forced her to accept.

              History has shown that Hurston was right. Modem critics admire her authentic(真实的) and skillful representation of the language as well as her realistic description of daily life in the early twentieth century. She is universally considered as one of the best writers of her era and ranked with Toni Morrison,Maya Angelou,and Alice Walker as one of the most important African-American writers of all time.

6. Hurston grew up in a town where .

   A. a larger white society existed

   B. all the four seasons were like spring

   C. the black people could enjoy much freedom

   D. the black people had no chance to get. an education

7. What happened to Hurston after she moved north?

   A. She changed her political attitude.

   B. She decided to give up her studies.

   C. She developed an interest in literature.

   D. She was warmly welcomed by the white.

8. At her times,Hurston's works were .

   A. special in the way they were published

   B. not popular with the general audience

   C. mostly written in standard English

   D. good examples of African history

9. What can we learn from Hurston's story?

   A. It's easy to be wise after the event.

   B. Where there is a will,there is a way.

   C. A good beginning makes a good ending.

   D. In time of danger,one's mind works fast.

10. What does the text mainly discuss?

   A. The origins of a black cultural movement.

   B. A very influential African-American novel.

   C. A famous African-American female writer.

   D. The struggle between the white and the black.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



                       Is your teen ready for a job?

             Your teenager comes home from school and declares he wants to take a part-time job. He says he needs money for CDs,clothes and to buy his own car. How do you talk with your child to help him make the right choice about taking a job?

              36 But there are risks you must assess.

              Here are some benefits. A teenager's job can teach work skills that will serve him well in college and prepare him for careers in adulthood. 37 Furthermore,earning money will enable him to buy things he wants and will provide an opportunity for learning responsible money management.

              38 Working more than 13 to 20 hours a week

is associated with (与…有联系) lower grades.Teens who work too many hours find it difficult to keep up extracurricular(课外的)activities and social relationships. Some studies have found that teens who work long hours are more likely to be involved in such risky activities as using illegal drugs or alcohol.

               Therefore,parents should offer indirect guidance. 39 Visit the job site and meet the boss,so you know the work situation and the boss knows you,re watching. Consider limiting his work hours at first,letting him work more only when he makes sure his school work and social life aren’t suffering. 40 Jobs that relate to his career interests or that would expose him to a wider range of career options are ones that should be especially considered.

   A. However,there are still some disadvantages.

   B. Help him look for better jobs as time goes on.

   C. The part-time job may affect his studies at school.

   D. Nearly every teen can benefit from job experience.

   E. If your child takes a job,you need to watch how it's going.

   F. Parents should ban work on school nights,limiting it to weekends.

   G. Besides,he can build confidence,develop a sense of responsibility and feel more independent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task I. Read the text and All in the blanks in the chart.

Problems: snakes near the house; removing them without 1. them

Before catching  Preparations: researching their 2. to find the easiest solution

Three findings a. removing their habitat  b. trapping them  c. 3. them and removing them

Three attempts a. Putting a bowl over the snakes’ habitat with 4. The on the top

b. Using the same method in the evening

Result: The snakes were 5. but still tried to bite.

c. Repeating the second procedure,but using a(n) 6.

Patent application Criteria a. 7. invention

Examination a. different from others  b. 8. claim  c. published 18 months later


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor. (P21


① 本句是一个主从复合句。

② Only修饰状语从句位于句首,故主句采用部分倒装结构。

③ after引导时间状语从句;主句是can you say ... an inventor,其中say后跟由that引导的从句。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



                A weather map is an important tool for geographers. A series of three or four maps presents a continuous picture of weather changes. Weather forecasters are able to determine the speed of air masses and fronts; to determine whether a pressure area is deepening or becoming shallow and whether a front is increasing or decreasing in intensity (强度) .They are also able to determine whether an air mass is keeping its original characteristics or taking on those of the surface over which it is moving. Thus,a most important function of the map is to show a general picture of conditions in the atmosphere at a given time.

                All students of geography should be able to interpret a weather map accurately. Weather maps contain a large amount of information about weather conditions existing at the time of observation over a large geographical area. They reveal in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Bureau issues information about approaching storms,floods,frosts and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it issues a 30-day “out-look” which is a rough guide to weather conditions likely to occur over broad areas of the United States. These 30-day outlooks are based upon an analysis of the upper air levels which often set the stage for the development of air masses,fronts,and storms.

                Much effort is being made today to achieve more accurate weather predictions. With the use of electronic instruments and earth satellites,big gains have taken place recently in recognizing and tracking storms over regions which have few meteorological stations(气象台). A lot of experiments are also in progress for weather modification(人工改变天气) studies. But the limitations of weather modification have produced few results except in the seeding(撒干冰) of super cooled,upslope mountainous winds which have produced additional rainfall on the windward(上风的) side of mountain ranges.

6. Paragraph 1 mainly deals with .

   A. the functions of weather maps

   B. the work of weather forecasters

   C. the importance of weather forecast

   D. the relationship among weather elements

7. What's the advantage of using weather maps?

   A. It uses electronic instruments.

   B. It enables man to control the weather.

   C. It gives general information about climate.

   D. It offers much information about the weather.

8. The 30-day forecast is determined by examining.

   A. air masses           B. upper air levels

   C. satellite reports    D. changing fronts

9. At the present time,experiments are being performed in .

   A. 30-day outlooks

   B. controlling storms

   C. controlling weather

   D. accurate weather predictions

10. Artificial rainfall has been most successful in the .

   A. lake areas

   B. grasslands

   C. western slopes of mountains

   D. windward sides of mountains


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 一Do you have any idea they are coming?

—Probably Friday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. My father a few minutes each day to do some exercises nowadays.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. It's only   (时间问题) before they bring out their own version of the software.

