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Task III. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)

1. Yuan Longping was a farmer when he was young.

2. The super hybrid rice can produce 20% more of the crop without expanding the field.

3. Yuan Longping was determined to find ways to grow more rice as a young man.

4. Yuan Longping is now teaching his knowledge in many countries to get more honours.

5. The UN is more confident about getting rid of hunger in the world now.

6. Yuan Longping is trying to live a comfortable life.

7. Yuan Longping is now seeking to realise his dream of growing his rice around the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


       It's often hard to find family holidays that everyone will enjoy. Cruises (海上航游) can be fun,but may offer activities either for small children or adults,with not much for teenagers.

       Fifteen-year-old Josh Sandford and his 13-year-old sister Rowena took a cruise last year,on a ship called the Rega. ‘ Before we left,I'd spent ages looking at the brochure (宣传册) , and all the activities on offer,so I was really looking forward to it/ says Josh. 'When we got on,I could see they had activities that teenagers could join in,so we couldn't really say the brochure was wrong. But they were a bit boring — things like old movies we’d seen before. I wish there’d been somewhere for people my age to just hang out together. My parents really enjoyed it,but they were disappointed that we didn’t. 

     Josh's parents had almost decided they'd never take their family on a cruise again when they heard about some new cruises that were specially for families with teenagers. So earlier this year the Sandford family set off again,this time on a ship called the Flora. ^We did some tours organised by the Flora when the ship stopped in different ports (港口) ” says Josh. ‘We went off and explored some old ruins. I was worried it 'd  be boring,but I have to admit the mins were actually quite cool.

      ‘The biggest difference was the activities on board,though,like a great gym and two pools. There was a fantastic rock-climbing wall,too, although lots of the teenagers on board didn’ t seem to want to try it. Maybe they were too scared (害怕的) ,as it was really high. But my sister immediately managed to get all the way up it'so I just had to do the same!'

     Josh and Rowena’ s family had such a good time on their last cruise that they're thinking of going again 一 in fact,they re already saving up for it!

32. It seems that the Rega.

   A. provided wrong information in the travel brochure

   B. didn't offer satisfying activities for teenagers

   C. only provided activities suitable for adults

   D. didn’ t satisfy the needs of Josh's parents

33. After the trip on the Rega,Josh's parents

   A. considered giving up cruise holidays

   B. started to look for adventurous cruises

   C. found it hard to get along with teenagers

   D. decided they would never take children along

34. What did Josh think of the tours organised by the Floral

   A. He found them a little boring.

   B. He didn't think they were special

   C. He was surprised to find he enjoyed them.

   D. He was worried that his parents wouldn't love them.

35. What does the text mainly talk about?

   A. Teen cruises.                       B. Family holidays.

   C. Difficult teenagers.                  D. Special families.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Before January 2005,young girls couldn't play soccer in Katutura,a black township in Namibia,Africa. They had no soccer balls,no playing field,no shoes,and no leader. Each day,girls and boys gathered at the Nordkamp Center after school. Most of the boys would play soccer in a nearby dirt field while the girls remained at the center to jump rope of read books.

    Center director Mary Beth Gallagher loved soccer and knew that the girls would love it,too.So she organized a girls team with players under the age of 12.She knew it would be the youngest girls’ soccer team in the whole country. Because they had no other girls' teams to compete with,Mary Beth arranged(安排) matches against the boys’ teams. The boys were bigger and stronger, but the girls didn't back down.

    Soon news spread about the Nordkamp girls’team. An American soccer team from New York heard about them and immediately sent all their uniforms(制服) and shoes to their “soccer sisters". When the bright orange uniforms arrived,the Nordkamp girls danced happily.

     You look like pumpkins,” Mary Beth said.

     A girl's voice called out, “If we are pumpkins,we? re beautiful pumpkins/'

     With their new name the Pumpkins,the experienced team was ready for a big match.

     On December 1,2006,the Pumpkins gathered and walked in a big orange line to a field near the Nordkamp Center. Their first opposing(对抗的) team laughed at the young players,but they didn't laugh for long. They quickly found out just how good the Pumpkins were. The Pumpkins beat that first team and then the next. These girls became famous,and their story was also encouraging to others in Namibia.

25. Before January 2005,in Katutura .

   A. kids preferred jumping rope to soccer

   B. there was no girls’ soccer team

   C. boys had no place to play soccer .

   D. girls often played soccer with boys

26. As for the ide^ of girls playing soccer,Mary Beth might.

   A. think little of it

   B. be doubtful of it

   C. feel hopeful about it

   D. be uncertain about it

27. Why was the Nordkamp girls,team called the Pumpkins?

   A. Because of the color of its uniforms. 

   B. Because of the heights of its players. 

   C. Pumpkins are its players’ favorite food.

    D.always bring people good luck. 

 28. What can we leam from the girls,story?

   A. All time is no time when it is past.

   B. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

   C. Where there is a will,there is a way.

   D. Self-trust is the first secret of success


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

你校英文报“Great Women”栏目正面向全体学生征稿。请根据提示信息,用英语写一篇短文,介绍德国著名的女革命家 (revolutionist) 克拉拉.察特金(Clara Zetkin) 。

生卒年月:1857年7月-1933年6月 主要纟5历:1878年毕业后,当了家庭教师;


1891年创办妇女报纸《平等》(Equality) 并担任编辑(editor) ; 1910年建议将每年的3月8日定为国际妇女节。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

用括号内动词的正确形式(包括动 词-ing形式和不定式) 完成下面对话。

David: When did you begin 1. (study) English? 

Tony: When I was in high school. I continued 2. (study) it in college.

David: 3. (learn) a language takes a long time. Do you like studying English how? 

Tony: Yes. But I' m shy,and I avoid 4.(talk) in class.

David: You'11 never learn 5. (speak) if you don't practise.

Tony: But I'm afraid of 6. (make).mistakes.

David: You can 't help 7. (make) some mistakes. It's only natural. You can't expect 8. (be) perfect.

Tony: You,re right,of course. How about you? Do you enjoy 9.  (speak) English?

David: Yes. My English is not perfect,but I manage 10.  (communicate) when I need to.But I dislike 11.(do) homework. I

don't mind 12. (fill) in the blanks in a grammar exercise,but I hate 13. (write) compositions.

Tony: Me too. I always put off 14. (do) them until the night before. Also I need to refer to a dictionary many times to finish a composition.

David: When you leam more English,you will stop 15. (use) your dictionary so much.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

III. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空

(每个短语限用一次) 。

pick out,    star in,   cut off,     be content with

1. Don’t complain; you should what you have.

2. They have the water because they are repairing one of the main pipes.

3. You may any two books listed here.

4. Sarah missed her chance of the school play and felt sad. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. It's said that either your sister Susan or you(is / are) to be sent there.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. Her only brother was killed in a gun b.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. This food provides all the (营养) your dog needs.

