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When I was 15, I announced to my English class that I was going to write my own books. All the students nearly fell out of their chairs, me. “Don’t be . Only geniuses (天才) can become writers,” the English teacher said sarcastically(讽刺地). “And you are getting a D this term.” I was deeply and I burst into tears.

That night I wrote a short, sad poem about unusual dreams and mailed it to the Capper’s Weekly newspaper. To my , they published it, and sent me two dollars. I was a paid writer! I showed my teacher and fellow students. They laughed again. “Just plain dumb luck,(纯属侥幸)” the teacher said. However, I’d tasted . I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written.

By the time I graduated from high school(with a C-minus average), I had scrapbooks filled with my published works. I never talked about my writing to my , friends or my family again. They were killers, and if people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their dreams.

Later, I wrote a book about what I understood and felt about life. It took me nine months, just like a(an) . I chose a publisher and wrote a letter, which : “I wrote this book myself, I you like it. Chapters(章节) 6 and 12 are my favourites. Thank you.” I mailed it without an envelope.

A month later, I a letter, and a request to start working on book. Crying Wind became a bestseller, and was translated into 15 languages. People ask what college I attended, what degrees I have, and what qualifications(品质) I have to be a writer. The answer is . I just write. I’m not a genius, and I’m not gifted. I just write. To all those who dream of , I’m shouting at you, “Yes, you ! Don’t listen to them!” Writing is easy. It’s fun, and anyone can do it.

1.A. listening to B. talking about C. laughing at D. looking at

2.A. silly B. discouraged C. shy D. pride

3.A. hurt B. cheated C. struck D. hit

4.A. regret B. surprise C. joy D. disappointment

5.A. success B. failure C. luck D. pain

6.A. parents B. headmasters C. publishers D. teachers

7.A. time B. hobby C. thought D. dream

8.A. baby B. plant C. animal D. boy

9.A. wrote B. read C. showed D. told

10.A. demand B. think C. hope D. suggest

11.A. accepted B. received C. signed D. kept

12.A. others B. the other C. other D. another

13.A. many B. none C. some D. few

14.A. success B. being famous C. writing D. being rich

15.A. must B. can C. need D. should



















1.All the students nearly fell out of their chairs同学们听到作者要写书,差点没从椅子上摔下来,根据“Only geniuses (天才) can become writers,”可知,老师和同学们都不相信作者能写书,根据第二段“They laughed again.”可知,同学们都嘲笑作者,故选C。

2.Don’t be . Only geniuses (天才) can become writers别傻了,只有天才能够成为作家,故选A。

3.I was deeply and I burst into tears听了老师说的话,作者很伤心,根据“burst into tears”可知,作者受到了很大打击,故选A。

4.they published it让作者感到惊讶的是,Capper’s Weekly newspaper.竟然出版了作者的诗,故选B。

5.However, I’d tasted . I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written.老师认为作者是运气好,但是作者认为自己尝到了成功的滋味,故选A。

6.I never talked about my writing to my 26 , friends or my family again.作者没有再跟老师、朋友、家人提起写作的事,前文出现的人物是作者的老师和同学们,故选D。

7.They were killers,...they must always choose their dreams作者把老师、同学、家人等不相信他的人看作“梦想杀手”,作者宁愿选择梦想,故选D。

8.It took me nine months”可知,这九个月就像是一个婴儿的孕育过程一样,故选A。

9.wrote a letter, which :作者在信中写到,故选A。

10.I you like it我希望你们能喜欢它,故选C。

11.I a letter, and a request作者收到了一封信和一个请求,故选B。

12. a request to start working on _book来信要求作者开始写另一本书,故选D。

13.I just write. I’m not a genius, and I’m not gifted. I just write.”可知,学历、品质这些东西作者都不具备,作者只是喜欢写作,故选B。

14.Writing is easy. It’s fun, and anyone can do it.”可知,这是作者对那些有着作家梦的人所说的话,故选C。

15.能够;C需要;D应该。Yes, you ! Don’t listen to them!这是作者对怀有作家梦的人说的话,“是的,你可以的!不要相信他人说的话!”故选B。



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北黄梅华宁高级中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1. is what a child who dislikes vegetables should do.(diet)


2. the present job, he decided to find a new one.(satisfy)


3.My sister met him at cinema yesterday afternoon, so he your lecture.(attend)我妹妹昨天下午在电影院看见了他,所以他不可能听你的讲座。

4. not on purpose that I found the missing wallet in the drawer.(accident)是偶然不是故意的,我发现我丢失的钱包在抽屉里。

5. and you will know the meaning of the word.(consult)


6.Teaching is one of the jobs ______________________________.(need)


7.Henry arrived in London by accident. The reason was at sea.(lose)


8.The new stadium being built will be as the present one.(large)


9.He gets up early in the morning, thus .(make)


10.It seemed that about it.(know)




科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏淮安涟水中学高一下第一次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Orlando Bloom was not a “good” student in school. Because of dyslexia, a reading and writing disorder (障碍), he struggled in many courses.

But Bloom says the dyslexia gave him the encouragement to overcome (克服) his difficulties.

In an interview with the Telegraph, the 32-year-old said the condition turned him into an ambitious person. “Because of the dyslexia, I always thought I had to work twice as hard as everyone else just to go the same distance,” he said. “That gave me a real kick as a kid and a lot of encouragement later on. In one sense, I guess that I'm grateful (感激的).”

Bloom is always preparing it thoroughly(充分地) when it comes to an audition (试镜) for a part. Perhaps this is what won him his role in the Lord of the Rings, a highly successful film trilogy (三部曲). “I really prepared it thoroughly for the audition and it's paid off,” he said.

It was the beginning of a fame that led to even greater success as a movie actor. But unlike some young people who aim for fame and fortune, Bloom believed an acting career “has been fulfilling (实现) his childhood fantasies”.

“Aged 9, I had this girlfriend and we used to have running races in the park to see who would be her boyfriend for the day. I wanted to be like Superman and fly in and rescue her. Once I realized Superman was an actor, I thought, ‘That's for me''.”

Bloom has always played special characters, like a knight (骑士) and a prince. It's difficult to picture him in everyman roles.

In October, Bloom was named Goodwill Ambassador (亲善大使) for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). His first task will be to film a documentary about the importance of clean water supplies.

In fact, Bloom started work for the UNICEF in 2007. On his first visit to Nepal, he was asked by students to take a small part in a play they were performing on local radio.

Personal record of Orlando Bloom

When he was nine years old

He wanted to be like Superman and fly in and _____1. his girlfriend. That's why he became an _____ 2..

When he was a student at school

_____ 3.of dyslexia, Bloom _____ 4. in many courses, which _____ 5.him to work twice as hard as everyone else. In a sense, dyslexia _____ 6.him overcome his difficulties.

When he chose to be an actor

Bloom is always well _____ 7. for auditions. Perhaps this is _____8. won him his role in the Lord of the Rings.

In 2007

Bloom started work for the UNICEF.

In this October

Bloom was _____ 9. Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. His first task will be to _____ 10.a documentary about the importance of clean water supplies.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏淮安涟水中学高一下第一次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ is required that every employee here be able to use a computer and speak good English.

A. Which B. What C. As D. It



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届广东从化第二中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配



下面是新书介绍, 请根据各段内容介绍,完成文章各题匹配。

A. Busy parents? Bored children? Do you want something educational to entertain your children while you do something else? This is the most popular book for the under-fives.

Wonderful stories and beautiful pictures. They are promised to be quiet when they open the book. What’s more, it is cheap.


B. Written by Bill Poole, CEO, president, and founder of Life Lead International, it is a good choice for your children. With an animated fable, the Journey to Newland storybook provides readers with a cast of memorable characters, a captivating story, and a common language to deal with difficult and often emotionally sensitive issues in negotiating change within their organizations.


C. Sorts out some misunderstandings and common confusions of the English language with practical savvy and occasional sass. The Word Book from Writers.com answers simple questions succinctly (is it discreet? or discrete? sensual or sensuous?). Other answers go a step further—with entertaining forays into the quirks and fascinations of English.


D. IELTS consists of four parts: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Listening is very important. Are you confident? Have you made well preparation? IELTS Listening is helpful for your preparation for IELTS, which is supposed to enable you to obtain an overall score.


E. As the world's most popular automotive magazine, Car and Driver informs and entertains people who like cars. It offers the highest quality vehicle tests in the business by applying a discerning eye to every car, pickup truck, van, and sport-utility vehicle that is marketed for consumers. The magazine also covers the latest developments in technology, which affect automobiles and driving.


F. Susan Weinschenk’s excellent ideas on making a perfect speech are so effective that once you own the book, you will become a good speaker. How to organize, how to resent, how to conquer your audience become so easy. Speakers will become confident with the guidance of the book.



1.Susan comes from China. As a middle school student, she wrote quite a lot of short stories, some of which were published in the newspaper. But sometimes she is confused when she comes across some words and phrases. She wants to find something to help her to sort out the misunderstandings and common confusions of the English language.

2.Arthur has been working in China for about two years. Now he needs a car, for he has to send his daughter to school before he goes to work. Before that he has to collect all kinds of information about cars so as to make a good choice.

3.Ron’s wife is in hospital. He has to take care of the four-year-old John and do all the housework. But John follows him all the time. Ron feels tired and he wants to find something suitable for John, which should be educational and cheap.

4.Li Ming tends to enter the training for IELTS for immigration purpose next term. But he is afraid that his listening is not good enough. He needs more special training on his listening to make well preparations for the IELTS.

5.Alice is now studying in China, and she is especially interested in making a speech. She is invited to make a speech to introduce IELTS for her new classmates next week. She needs a book to help her improve her speech.



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山西吕梁学院附属高级中学高一下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Low-Cost Gifts for Mother's Day

Gift No. I

Offer to be your mother's health friend. Promise to be there for any and all doctor's visits

whether a disease or a regular medical check-up. Most mothers always say "no need," another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit. The best part ? This one is free.

Gift No. 2

Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information. Put them all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. "Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother's life," Dr. Marie Savard said.

Gift No. 3

Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions. "Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep," Savard said. "We know that good sleep is very important to our health."

Gift No. 4

Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构) Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things -many of which are "green" - and then choose a meaningful charity from a list. When your mother gets the gift, she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

1.What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visits?

A. Take notes. B. Be with her.

C. Buy medicine. D. Give her gifts.

2.Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother’s sleep?

A. In Gift No. 1. B. In Gift No. 2.

C. In Gift No. 3. D. In Gift No. 4.

3.Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers to_____.

A. enjoy good sleep B. be well-organized

C. give others help D. bet extra support



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古高一下学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


Sean: What a fine day! Oh, I can spend all my free time 1. (read) on this balcony (阳台)on a fine day like this. I like it.

Jean: The balcony is very beautiful, but I don’t like the fact that it 2. (face) north.

Sean: Why? What’s wrong with its facing north?

Jean: You don’t know that 3. the balcony faces north, it will get cool in the summer, but too cold in the winter.

Sean: You don’t have to worry about that. We have the 4. (center) heating system in winter, don’t we?

Jean: Yes, we do. The best houses face south, anyway. In that case, we will enjoy the cool wind in the summer and the warm sunshine in the winter.

Sean: Oh, darling, I’m sorry, 5. we don’t have enough money for such a house.

Jean: Well, forget 6. . I was just talking. The nice environment of this apartment is good for our children. I am satisfied with it.

Sean: Thanks. And it’s convenient 7. you to go to work and go shopping.

Jean: You’re right. To our children, it’s also close to their school. That’s really

___8. (satisfy).

Sean: I’m most 9. (attract) by the price. You know it costs the least in Beijing.

Jean: The least? Are you sure? Do you know the developer?

Sean: I know little about the developer but I am sure this is the 10. (cheap) building here.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江安达高级中学高三上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








Mary Daniels is a student in England. This year she had a very interested

summer holiday. He travelled with fifteen others people to the Tuwenzori Mountains

in Africa. They went there to help make a road through a forest among two big towns.

“It was very difficult because of there was no water to drink and no shops that we

could buy food,” said Mary. “It was also very cold and wetter in the mountains. It is

one of the wettest place in the world.” Mary stays in the mountains for six weeks. It

was hard work, but she said it was best thing she had ever done. She is hoping to

return next year to do some more work there.



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修四第二单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—What made you so angry?

— .

A.To be made fun of

B.Being made fun of

C.Because he was made fun of

D.Because of being made fun of


