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20.If people eat natural poisons by mistake,they ________ go to hospital without delay.(  )

分析 如果人们误吃了天然的毒素,他们必须立刻去医院.

解答 答案是D.本题考查情态动词must的用法;情态动词must表示"必须;肯定;偏要",本题中表示"必须去医院",所以答案选择D.would表示"过去常常;会";can表示"可能;能力;许可等";may表示"可以;也许;祝愿等",可见A、B和C均不符合题意.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


注意:1.词数 120-150.
2.参考词汇:道德 morality.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

The hares once gathered together and complained about the dangers on all their sides.Lacking the strength and the courage to fight against their enemies,such as man and wolves,they were determined to end their miserable lives.Desperately,they rushed towards a neighboring pool,intending to drown themselves.
On the bank were sitting a number of frogs,who,when they heard the noise of the hares as they ran,jumped into the water together quickly and hid themselves in the depths.
Then one of the older hares who was wiser than the rest cried out to his companions,"Stop,my friends,take heart; don't let us destroy ourselves after all:see,here are creatures who are afraid of us,and who must,therefore,be still more timid (胆小的) than us."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Americans who volunteer for the Peace Corps get a chance to help improve lives in developing countries.They also get a chance to learn more about the world,and about themselves.This week this program is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
President John Kennedy established the Peace Corps soon after he took office in 1961.It was the time of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.The new program gave Americans a chance to answer the call to service that the president made in his inaugural(就职的)speech."Ask not what your country can do for you,"he said."Ask what you can do for your country."Kennedy told Peace Corps volunteers that America's image in the countries where they were going would depend largely on them.
On August 30th,1961,the first group of 51 Peace Corps volunteers arrived in Accra,Ghana,to serve as teachers.They had agreed to work for almost no pay.They would spend two years in Ghana helping its people and learning the reality of life in a developing country.Most of the volunteers had just completed college.About half of them taught English or health care.In the 50 years since then,more than 200,000 Americans have served as Peace Corps volunteers.They have worked in 139 countries.
The Peace Corps is a government agency that was created to promote world peace and friendship.There are three goals:First,to help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.Second,to help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the people served.And,third.to help promote a better understanding of other people on the part of Americans.
Today,the Peace Corps has more than 8,000 volunteers and trainees in 77 countries.They work in agriculture,economic development,education,the environment and health care.Some work in programs related to youth development.
Sixty percent of current Peace Corps volunteers are women.The average age of a volunteer is 28.But the ages of Peace Corps volunteers range from 18 to 86.Some Americans join the Peace Corps after they retire.Today seven percent of volunteers are over the age of 50.And 19 percent are members of minority groups.
46.Volunteers for the Peace Corps canD.
A.improve their abilities by learning in some developed countries
B.travel to many foreign countries to learn more about the world
C.have an opportunity to help all the people in developing countries
D.contribute to lives in developing countries and develop themselves
47.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?C
A.Volunteers served as teachers to work for no pay in Accra,Ghana.
B.Kennedy established the Peace Corps before he took office in 1961.
C.Most of the volunteers of the first group had just graduated from college.
D.America's image in the foreign countries depends completely on volunteers.
48.The fourth paragraph is mainly aboutB.
A.what the Peace Corps is and its steps
B.why the Peace Corps was created and what are its goals
C.what role the Peace Corps play in daily life
D.How the Peace Corps was created and its aims
49.According to the text,volunteers and trainees assist in the following aspects EXCEPTA.
A.industry             B.environment      C.education        D.health care
50.What can we learn from the last paragraph?D
A.Most of the volunteers for the Peace Corps are women.
B.Few minority groups joined the Peace Corps.
C.Half of the retired volunteers joined the Peace Corps.
D.People of different ages take an active part in the Peace Corps.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.One trip for their Jack Russell terrier in a plane's cargo hold was enough to convince Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel that owners needed a better option to get their pets from one city to another.
On Tuesday,the first flight for the husband-and-wife team's Pet Airways,the first-ever all-pet airline,took off from Republic Airport in Farmingdale,N.Y.
All commercial airlines allow a limited number of small pets to fly in the cabin.Others must travel as checked bags or in the cargo hold-a dark and sometimes dangerous place where temperatures can vary wildly.
Binder and Wiesel used their consulting backgrounds and business  savvy  to start Pet Airways in 2005.The last four years have been spent designing their fleet of five planes according to new four-legged requirements,dealing with FAA regulations and setting up airport schedules.
The two say they're overwhelmed with the response.Flights on Pet Airways are already booked up for the next two months.
Pet Airways will fly a pet between five major cities-New York,Washington,Chicago,Denver,and Los Angeles.The﹩250one-way fare is comparable to pet fees at the largest U.S.airlines.
For owners the big difference is service.Dogs and cats will fly in the main cabin of a Suburban Air Freight plane,retooled and lined with carriers in place of seats.Pets (about 50on each flight) will be escorted to the plane by attendants that will check on the animals every 15 minutes during flight.The pets are also given pre-boarding walks and bathroom breaks.And at each of the five airports it serves,the company has created a"Pet Lounge"for future fliers to wait and sniff before flights.
A trip from New York to Los Angeles,for example,will take about 24 hours.On that route,pets will stop in Chicago,have a bathroom break,play time,dinner,and bunk for the night before finishing the trip the next day.
Amanda Hickey of Portland,Ore.is one of the new airline's first customers.Her seven-year-old terrier-pinscher mix Mardi and 2-year-old puggle Penny are taking their first flight soon.
Hickey said the service was a welcome alternative to flying her dogs in cargo when she transplants them from her soon-to-be Denver home to Chicago to stay while she and her fiance travel to Aruba to get married.
"For a little bit more money,I have peace of mind,"she said.

45.Jack Russell is probablyC.
A.a baby
B.a little boy
C.a pet
D.the couple's child
46.Which would be the best title for the passage?A
A.The first-ever all-pet airline hits skies.
B.A better option to get their pets from one city to another.
C.Flights on Pet Airways.
D.Alysa Binder and Dan Wiesel.
47.Which of the following is the service that are designed for the pets on the flight?B
a.The pets are given pre-boarding walks and bathroom breaks.
b.The attendants will check on the animals every 15minutes during flight.
c.Attendants will send the pets to the plane.
d.The pets can take a walk on the plane freely.
e.At each of the five airports it serves,there is a"Pet Lounge"for future fliers to want and sniff before flights.
A.a.b.c.d  B.a.b.c.e   C.b.c.d.e   D.a.b.d.e
48.What does the underlined word"savvy"in the fourth paragraph probably mean?D
A.fund   B.information  C.knowledge   D.mind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.After two hours'journey,hisstrength (力气)gave out at last.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.I read the book many times in order to get the full __________ from its pages.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.-I wonder why he has been acting so strangely these days.
-Recent pressure(压力) at work may ______ his behavior.(  )
A.make forB.account forC.change forD.stand for

