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                           ★★ ★ ★★

          Many authors Have become masters of a particular genre (类型) of fiction,but very few can claim to have had such an effect that they created a genre themselves. One such author is J. R. R. Tolkein. He created not only Middle Earth,the stage for his giant fantasy The Lord of the Rings,but also a whole genre of fantasy fiction.

          Tolkein's distinctive contribution was to create a wonderful world and populate it with wise wizards,bold (大胆自信的) knights,and a lot of other characters,including dwarfs. He also created his own contribution,the hobbit. Hobbits were small people,who had distinctive hairy feet. They were characterized by honest common sense and rather complex social lives. In his work,it is evidently the hobbits with whom Tolkein sympathized the most.

           What made Tolkein's  work so fascinating was that it was a perfectly realized work of fantasy. Every detail in his stories rang true. This is because Tolkein spent so much time working and thinking about Middle Earth. His later books showed clearly to what extent he had created this entire world,complete with detailed maps and even the languages of the main characters.

           It must be remembered that Tolkein was writing in a time when the First World War had just finished,and another was about to begin. In his book,he stressed the bravery and determination of the small people without whom victory was impossible. This was the lesson that Tolkein felt had to be learned from the horrors of the First World War 一 the decisions which shaped the fate of nations were made by the ruling class,but they were implemented (实施) by the common people of the country.

            Though his book brought him worldwide fame,Tolkein continued to live modestly at Oxford University,where he worked. He was a close friend of another great writer of his day,C. S.Lewis,who also taught there. However,while Lewis was more relaxed about his fame,Tolkein never really got used to it,and he was quite embarrassed by the admiration of many tourists who came to see him. 

9. What do we learn about ToIkein's  work?

   A. It was created in a hurry.

   B. It was part of his scientific research.

.   C. It was written to create new languages.

   D. It showed a complete period that seemed true.

10. What does Tolkein believe in?

   A. The great effects of war.

   B. The certainty of victory. 

   C. The decisions of the ruling class.

   D. The power of the common people.

11. What was the difference between Tolkein and Lewis?

   A. They had different opinions about travel.

   B. They worked at different universities.

   C. They responded differently to fame.

   D. They looked at modesty differently.

12. What is the main purpose of the text?

   A. To introduce Tolkein's work and life.

   B. To show Tolkein's important influences.

   C. To explain the concept of Middle Earth.

   D. To discuss the genre of fantasy fiction.

9. D 10. D 11. C 12. A



9. D. 细节理解题。根据第三段首句可知,托尔金的作品是现实生活的完美体现。

10. D. 推理判断题。根据第四段中的This was the lesson that Tolkein felt had to be learned from the horrors of the First World War — the decisions which shape the fate of nations are made by the ruling class,but they are implemented by the conmum people of the country 可知,托尔金相人民大众的力量。

11. C. 推理判断题。根据末段中的However,while Lewis was more relaxed about his fame,Tolkein never really got used to it,and he was quite embarrassed by the admiration of the tnany tourists who came to see him可知,托尔金和路易斯对待名声有着不同的态度。

12. A. 写作目的题。本文主要介绍了英国奇幻文学作享托尔金的作品和生活。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第27期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

            I remember when I first decided to join the choir. My mom had 21  it to me several times before,but I never thought I would actually join.22 inside of me clicked,however,on a September day in 2010. I was in the 23 with my mother when a woman whose daughter was in the choir started 24 us. The woman suggested I 25 ,and for some reason I still dont know,I was 26  and told my mother that when she drove me back.

             During the days leading up to my audition for the choir I was very 27 . My worst fear was singing in front of someone I didn't  know. I had many,many 28 . about auditioning,but I knew I couldnt back down. I was shaking when I first started 29  for the director of the choir,but I 30 to get through the song. To my 31  , I was accepted. Immediately,my 32  grew.

             I believe that being a 33  of the choir helped me greatly with the transition into high school. That summer,I learned that I had been 34  into the advanced choir.

             In high school,I’ ve become a monitor and a risk taker,and I absolutely credit that to my 35  with the choir. T ve become a much more social person,and 36 I still have shy sides to my personality,I'm  able to overcome them.

             Auditioning for the choir and 37 are the first true feeling of 38 I’ve had in life. I am 39 of myself for one of the first times. It is the 40 thing V ve ever done,and it has opened up so many doors in the area of performing arts and in the rest of my life.

21. A. drawn   B. mentioned   C. taught   D. lent

22. A. Nothing   B. Something   C. Anything   D. Everything

23. A. park   B. museum   C. car   D. classroom

24. A. listening to   B. talking to   C. working for   D. calling,on

25. A. join   B. refuse   C. contribute   D. concentrate

26. A. abandoned   B. visited   C. inspired   D. forgiven

27. A. positive   B. curious   C. poor   D. anxious

28. A. memories   B. shocks   C. reports   D. doubts

29. A. playing   B. dancing   C. writing   D. singing

30. A. learned   B. managed   C. expected   D. promised

31. A. surprise   B. disappointment   C. puzzlement   D. sorrow

32. A. patience   B. confidence   C. ambition   D. imagination

33. A. fan   B. director   C. worker   D. member

34. A. carried   B. reminded   C. accepted   D. attracted

35. A. service   B. pleasure   C. offer   D. experience

36. A. unless   B. when   C. although   D. because

37. A. getting in   B. coming back

    C. sitting down   D. reaching out

38. A. occasion   B. success    C. practice   D. rule

39. A. proud   B. tired   C. fond   D. afraid

40. A. easiest   B. funniest   C. best   D. cheapest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          When we communicate online,words sometimes just aren’t enough,says City University London Professor Adrian David Cheok.

          Now,he has a solution: researchers at his Mixed Reality Lab are coming up with ways to say words with a smell — developing cell phone apps and plug-ins that give off smells like flowers and food.

         “Smell is a very powerful- sense. It can cause an emotion or memory directly 一 before we logically think about it,” Cheok tells the Columbia Broadcasting System.

          The lab has already created technology able to send the smell of flowers to a loved one through texting — as long as the person has a little digital machine plugged into the (耳机塞孔) of his smart phone.

          The first application of this technology was the Hana Yakiniku plug-in released in Japan in 2013. It became available internationally on Amazon in February. The video marketing the Hana Yakiniku attachment presents funny digital smell solutions to common problems: a poor college student,for example,can now eat dinner with his iPhone and enjoy the smell of beef he can* t afford while eating rice for lunch. The plug-in attachment is sold at a reasonable price of about thirty-five dollars.

           The technology can be used in a range of commercial applications,from diet programs,advertising and health care,to recipes and personal communications.

          “You can send someone an online message with the smell of a flower,” Cheok says. “For our everyday communication,we want to be able to have a much wider range of experiences being communicated. Not just sending data or information,we want to share our experiences. ”

9. What is the purpose of Cheok's technology?

   A. To improve our sense of smell.

   B. To help us have a better memory.

   C. To help us enjoy better communication.

   D. To encourage us to use more words online.

10. The Hana Yakiniku plug-in was based on the design by.

   A. a Japanese company

   B. the Amazon company

   C. the Mixed Reality Lab

   D. the Columbia Broadcasting System

11. According to the text,Cheok's technology.

   A. will have many different uses

   B. will be on the market very soon

   C. is too expensive for most people

   D. is possibly harmful to earphone jacks

12. What does Cheok mainly tell us in the last paragraph?

   A. The influence of personal experiences.

   B. The importance of communication.

   C. The development of smart phones.

   D. The advantages of his invention.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



        Looking for a book to read? Here is a list of books you can choose from.

Breakfast Served Anytime by Sarah Combs 

        Breakfast Served Anytime is a must read. Gloria lives in Kentucky,recently lost her beloved grandma,and has to spend the summer before her senior year at a camp for gifted and talented kids. There,she meets a boy named Mason and some other new friends. Gloria and her new friends develop relationships,plan on their futures,and face childhood demons (恶魔) during one Kentucky summer.

How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Standiford 

       Beatrice and Jonah are two strange ducks at a Baltimore private school. They make a connection with each other that they can't seem to make with anyone else. When Jonah discovers a family secret,Beatrice helps him deal with it. When Beatrice's home life starts to fall apart,Jonah is there for her. While not a romantic love story,this novel is all about love. The bond between Beatrice and Jonah is beautifully described.

Beware the Wild by Natalie C. Parker

       Set in the tiny town of Sticks,Louisiana,it follows a teenage girl named Sterling whose brother Phineas disappears into the mysterious local swamp that all the townspeople fear. Not long after,a young woman named Lenora May appears and claims to be Sterling's sister. The only trouble is,Sterling is the only one confused by the story and the only one who can remember Phineas.

OCD (强迫性精神错乱)Love Story by Corey Ann Haydu

       The novel follows Bea and Beck. When the two meet at a support group for teenagers with OC   D. romance begins. But how will they fall in love when they have to use so much energy to fight off their cowpw&zo/is (强迫性冲动) ?Haydu handles the tricky topic cleverly and delivers a hopeful ending.

13. What is the book Breakfast Served Anytime mainly about?

   A. A girl's love for her grandma.

   B. Tips on developing new friendships.

   C. Problems some students have to face.

   D. A girl's time with others at a summer camp.

14. How to Say Goodbye in Robot would most probably attract those who want to read a story about .

   A. detection    B. adventure

   C. friendship   D. romantic love

15. Which book sounds full of mystery?

   A. OCD Love Story.

   B. Beware the Wild.

   C. Breakfast Served Anytime.

   D. How to Say Goodbye in Robot.

16. Whose book is a love story about two people with a rare disease?

   A. Natalie Standiford’ s.  B. Sarah Combs’.

   C. Natalie C. Parker's.     D. Corey Ann Haydu's.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Lauren Hill is my elder sister and she is my hero.

        She started to dream of 21 (play) college basketball when she was just a little girl. When she received an offer to play at Mount St. Joseph College,her dream seemed ready to come true. 22 (sad) , she developed brain cancer last year. She 23 (tell) she had only two years to live at most.

        It seemed Lauren would have to quit the team before she had her first practice. But she didn’t  want to give up. She kept 24 (push) herself to practice and stayed involved with the team. Her teammates fed off her energy and she fed off 25 (they) support.  

        Now as 26 freshman at Mount St. Joseph,my sister had her dream come true last week when she played in her teams opening game. In fact,she 27 (score) her teams first and last points of the day. So many people wanted to watch the game 28 they had to move it to a much 29 (large) stadium and the 10 ,000 seats sold out in one hour.

        Lauren's perseverawce (毅力) has now inspired millions of people around the world and has helped raise thousands of dollars 30 brain cancer research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            Ragtime (雷格泰姆音乐) is a unique f American music. Characterized both by its African--American syncopation (切分音) and European classical structure,ragtime,in its golden age from 1900 to 1918,was enjoyed by people of all races and backgrounds.

            Ragtime was first popular in the late 19th century. A

“rag” can have varied instrumentation,but usually it is written for piano. Earlier than recorded mug He was spread almost completely as sheet music which was performed by amateur pianists in cafes around the country. Public performances by ragtime composers were in short supply,but high demand. The first official ragtime hit was Scott Joplin,s Maple Leaf Rag,published in 1899. America was fascinated by this unique Composition.

            Today,Joplin is the most famous figurf in ragtime

I a smnreir.iate his compositions for the creative combination of folk rhythms and classical harmonies. He first showed great musical potential at a young age,and when his family moved to a new home in Texas,his mother worked long hours to earn enough money to buy a piano for him. His abilities were noticed by a German piano teacher who gave Joplin free lessons and taught him good classical techniques. Soon enough,Joplin became a skilled musician and began studying music composition at George Smith College in Sedalia,Missouri. After some years as a traveling musician,he eventually settled back in Sedalia and became a pianist at several popular men's clubs. It was during this period of his career that he composed his Maple Leaf Rag,the piano piece that brought him and ragtime itself national fame. .

             Ragtime has given way to jazz by the 1920s.Audio(声音的) recording was becoming popular at the same time. The piano was no longer required and jazz albums began playing in living rooms across the country. Like all folk music,though,jazz pays respect to ragtime by borrowing its style,rhythm,and mood.

5. What do we learn about ragtime?

   A. It is a kind of modem music. 

   B. It is mainly played on the piano.

   C. It was enjoyed in the form of recorded music.

   D. It was played by professional instrumentalists.

6. During his early years,Scott Joplin.

   A. moved from America to Germany

   B. received good musical education

   C. got little support from his family

   D. taught at George Smith College

7. Scott Joplin 's Maple Leaf Rag was created when.

   A. he worked as a pianist in Sedalia

   B. he became a traveling musician

   C. ragtime was in its golden age

   D. he first won national fame

8. We learn from the text that jazz .

   A. went into decline because of audio recording

   B. became popular thanks to live performances

   C. was replaced by ragtime in the 1920s

   D. was greatly influenced by ragtime


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 今天早上玛丽(Mary) 第一个到校。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. Mr. Smith is busy with the study he has no time for other activities.

   A. such; that   B. too; to

C. so; that   D. enough; to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



71. 也们决定明天结婚。

They decided to next year.

