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—The paint on the equipment ________ has to dry for another two days.

—Yes. I doubt if the painters have read the direction ________

  Aalso; still

  Byet; already

  Cstill; yet

  Deven; yet






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When three of my grandchildren acquired a half-grown dog I agreed to help them build a dog house. As we began the __1__, I knew that keeping them involved was going to be a __2__. Much of my energy was spent calling them back to the job and finding __3__ of the project that could be handled by small children. I held to my initial(最初的) determination that building this dog house was to be a (n) __4__  project.

Early in the project I had __5__ the grandkids that we would roast wieners(香肠) in the back yard __6__ we finished painting the dog house.__7__ three of the largest house-painting brushes I could find, I supervised (管理) the __8__ of our homemade structure. Kids and paint. How could I have __9__ the potential (潜在的) harm that such a combination can create?

After cleaning up the paint __10__-kids, brushes, carport(车棚)-I __11__ that we would probably eat earlier if we just asked Grandma to heat the wieners in water on the gas range. A pain of __12__ came over me as I realized I was trying to weasel(躲避) out of a(n)__13__ promise.

As Jamie, Jeffrey and Kimberley looked on, I built a first-class fire in our back yard pit, cut some roasting sticks, and prepared for the __14__ cooking event. When we __15__ eating I leaned back on the cool grass and __16__ the last remnants(残余) of our fire. Six-year-old Jeffrey was leaning back against my chest, and I began to think about what it meant to be a Grandpa.

The __17__ was broken when Jeffrey quietly reflected, “Know what Grandpa?” And without breaking his __18__ at the dying embers(灰烬) he continued, “This is the best day of my whole life.”

After a few moments of __19__ silence he glanced up and said, “Are you crying, Grandpa? You've got a __20__ on your cheek.”

Clearing my throat I explained that it must be from the smoke.

1. A. plan   B. question    C. project  D. problem

2. A. challenge  B. design        C. duty         D. job

3. A. all        B. parts         C. none         D. most

4. A. part-time  B. group         C. interesting  D. difficult

5. A. demanded   B. required      C. informed     D. promised

6. A. so long as   B. in order that  C. as soon as   D. even if

7. A. Selecting  B. Bringing      C. Washing      D. Arranging

8. A. building   B. moving        C. painting     D. cleaning

9. A. remembered        B. forgotten

C. regretted          D. prevented

10. A. colour      B. drops         C. mess         D. dirt

11. A. suggested   B. ordered       C. told         D. thought

12. A. wound      B. body         C. head         D. guilt

13. A. longer     B. bigger        C. better       D. earlier

14. A. indoor     B. outdoor       C. field        D. kitchen

15. A. began      B. finished      C. continued    D. liked

16. A. watched    B. made          C. raised       D. kept

17. A. fire       B. glass         C. silence        D. night

18. A. words      B. gaze          C. mind         D. attention

19. A. fixed      B. broken        C. mixed        D. continued

20. A. tear       B. grain         C. dirt           D. leaf


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考英语试题分类汇编——记叙文完形填空 题型:完型填空

I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She had an Unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking,   36   she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.
Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my   37  . She wanted to know how I thought we should   38   things. At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew   39   about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her   40  . It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to   41   them. She trusted me to complete things, so I completed them perfectly. She loved how   42   I was, so I began to show up to paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.
Mrs. Neidl's   43  that year was, "Try it. We can always paint over it   44  !"I began to take   45  . I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing--only things to be   46   upon. I learned to dip my brush into the paint and   47   create something.
The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was   48   in the program
as "Student Art Assistant" because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I   49   I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.
Being on that stage-design team   50   Mrs. Neidl changed me completely. Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought, but I also   51   a strong interest and a world I hadn't known existed. She taught me not to   52   what people think I should do: She taught me to take chances and not be   53  . Mrs. Neidl was my comforter when I was upset. Her   54   in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined   55  .
36. A. and           B. yet            C. so             D. for
37. A. opinion       B. impression     C. information     D. intention
38. A. make         B. keep           C. handle         D. change
39. A. anything       B. something      C. everything      D. nothing
40. A. questions      B. comments      C. explanations    D. remarks
41. A. hold          B. follow         C. evaluate        D. form
42. A. happy         B. lively          C. reliable        D. punctual
43. A. message       B. motto          C. saying         D. suggestion
44. A. again         B. more          C. instead         D. later
45. A. steps          B. control         C. charge         D. risks
46. A. improved      B. acted          C. looked         D. reflected
47. A. easily         B. carefully       C. confidently     D. proudly
48. A. introduced    B. recognized     C. identified      D. considered
49. A. confirmed     B. decided        C. realized        D. acknowledged
50. A. with          B. below         C. of             D. by
51. A. developed     B. discovered     C. took           D. fostered
52. A. accept        B. care           C. judge          D. wonder
53. A. bored         B. lazy           C. sad            D. afraid
54. A. trust          B. patience       C. curiosity       Do interest
55. A. accessible     B. enjoyable      C. possible        D. favorable


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届浙江省杭州二中高三上学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空

Birthdays often bring surprises. But this year’s surprise on the birthday of the great British playwright William Shakespeare is __21__ one of the most surprising.
On April 22, one day before his 441st birthday anniversary, experts __22__ that one of the most recognizable __23__ of William Shakespeare is a fake (赝品).
This __24__ that we no longer have a good __25__ of what Shakespeare looked like. “It’s very possible that many pictures of Shakespeare are unreliable because many of them are __26__ of this one,” said an expert from Britain’s National Portrait Gallery.
The _27_ comes after four months of testing. Experts from the gallery say the image — commonly known as the “Flower portrait” — was actually __28__ in the 1800s, two centuries __29_  Shakespeare’s death.
The art experts who work at the gallery say they used modern chemistry technology to __30__ the paint on the picture. These checks found traces (痕迹) of paint deep in the picture __31__ about 1814.
Shakespeare __32__ in 1616, and the date that appears on the portrait is 1609.
“We now think the portrait dates back to around 1818 to 1840. This was __33__ there was a new interest in Shakespeare’s__ 34__ ,” Tanya Cooper, the gallery’s 16th century curator (馆长) said.
The __35__ picture has often been used as a cover for __36__ of his plays. It is called the “Flower portrait” because one of its __37__, Desmond Flower, gave it to the Royal Shakespeare Company.
“There have always been __38__ about the authenticity (真实性) of the painting,” said David Howells, curator for the Royal Shakespeare Company.
“Now we know the truth, we can put the image in its proper place in the history of Shakespearean portraiture (画像技法),” he said.
Two other images of Shakespeare are also being studied as part of the investigation and the results will __39__later in May. But for now what Shakespeare really looked like will remain a __40__.

A.newsB.ideaC.design D.expression
A.looking backB.dating fromC.getting alongD.starting with
A.diedB.was bornC.succeededD.was buried
A.go aboutB.come outC.turn upD.break out


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江省高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Look, the paint is starting to come off ____ the wall is damp.

—Well, we'd better have the wall repainted some day.

A.when            B.where            C.if                D.once



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省普宁市20092010学年高一上学期必修三水平测试试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解


Ⅲ 阅读 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节  阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


A person has to be sixteen to drive, seventeen to see certain movies, and eighteen to vote. People can get terrific discounts on all sorts of stuff-provided they’re over sixty-five. Everywhere we look there are age limits that define what people can and can’t do. But creativity has no boundaries, no limitations. Anyone can invent. And they do. Inventors are popping up at the youngest ages.

Sitting in the car waiting for her mom to return from shopping, Becky decided she might as well try to finish her math homework. But it was growing dark and getting hard to see the paper.

“I didn’t have a flashlight, and I didn’t want to open the car door because then the whole car would light up.” recalled Becky. “So I thought it would be neat to have my paper light up somehow, and that’s when the idea came to me.”

It isn’t every day that a ten-year-old invents a product eagerly sought by several businesses, but that’s exactly what Becky Schroeder did when she created a tool that enabled people to write in the dark. Her invention? The Glo-sheet.

That night Becky went home, trying to imagine different ways of making her paper glow in the dark. She remembered all sorts of glow-in-the-dark toys-like balls and Frisbees-and wondered how they were made. She was determined to find a solution. So they very next day, Beck’s dad took her on an outing to the hardware store. They returned with a pail (桶) of phosphorescent paint. She took the paint and stacks of paper into the darkest room in the house-the bathroom. There, she experimented.

“I’d turn on the light, turn it off, turn it on,” said Becky. “My parents remember me running out the room saying ‘It works, it works! I’m writing in the dark!’ ”

She used an acrylic board and coated it with a specific amount of phosphorescent paint. She took a complicated idea and made it work rather simply. When the coated clipboard is exposed to light, it glows. The glowing board then illuminates or lights up the paper that has been placed on top. Two years after her initial inspiration, in 1974, Becky became the youngest female ever to receive a U.S. patent.

She didn’t actively market her Glo-sheet. She didn’t need to. The New York Times wrote an article about an incredible invention-patented by a twelve-year-old, and the inquiries and orders streamed in.

1. From Paragraph 1 , we can draw a conclusion that _________.

A. it is illegal for one to drive under sixteen

B. people enjoy privileges when over sixty-five

C. one is never too old or too young to invent

D. people hate the limitations that define our behavior

2. What caused Becky to invent Glo-sheet?

A. She was trying to do homework when it got dark.

B. She was having trouble with math problems.

C. She was trying to earn some money. 

D. She was working on a school project.

3. What is the meaning of the underlined words “phosphorescent paint” in paragraph 5?

A. paint that acts as a glue                                  B. paint that covers a mark

C. paint that becomes hard                                 D. paint that glows in the dark

4. What does it mean that Beck “didn’t actively market her Glo-sheet” according to paragraph 8?

A. She kept the original one for her own use.

B. Other people came to her for the Glo-sheet.

C. Becky’s father tried to sell the Glo-sheet.

D. She gave away patent to the government.

5. With which statement would Becky most likely agree?

A. Experience is needed to be a good inventor.

B. Only by inventing things can you know what people need.

C. Always try to sell patent rights to large companies. 

D. You never know what you can do unless you try.


