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People lie all the time, but depending on how skilled they are, it can be difficult to determine when someone is lying to you. Do you know how to recognize the signs that someone is lying to you? Some of the signs are obvious while others are more subliminal(难以察觉的), but there are ways to catch someone in a lie, you just need to know what they are. 1.

1. Liars make false eye contact.

A person who is lying to you won’t make eye contact with you or they make too much eye contact. If a person is lying they may feel you are watching him and he will look down at the floor or away from your eyes. Some people try to stare you in the face deliberately. 2.

2.Liars avoid using contractions(缩略形式)

The liar will say “I did NOT notice that.” instead of “I didn’t notice that.”3.. Usually it ends up making the story a lot less believable.

3.Unnatural Body Language.

Liars often feel uneasy, turn away from the person to whom they are speaking, blink(眨眼) rapidly, smile less and have pitch changes in their tone of voice. They may cross their arms which is a sign of being “closed” or trying not to reveal too much information. 4.. They could touch parts of their face, an ear or a nose or play with keys or another item that they have in their hand.

.4.Liars provide additional information without being asked for it

5.The result is the more complicated the story is, the less believable it will be. You will have the feeling that nothing could be further from the truth.

A. This is an attempt by the liar to be absolutely clear what they mean.

B. Here are some easy ways to recognize liars and catch lies.

C. Sometimes people look unnatural when they are lying

D. They will get angry if you doubt their story

E. They seem to think that by telling their story in detail, you will find it more believable.

F. They try to change the subject or move the conversation in a different direction

G. In this way they feel like making eye contact will make what they are saying more believable.


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省唐山市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The latest target for TV advertisers is children in Asia. Asian families are getting smaller and wealthier, and Asian children are watching more and more TV. It is said that the average Hong Kong child sees about 25,000 TV advertisements a year.

To get the attention (and the money) of these young audiences, the advertisers use little actors. “The kids share the same feelings with someone from their own age group,” says one advertiser, “so this kind of advertisement is more effective. And, of course, the little actors earn big money.”

Not everyone is happy to see kids turned into buyers. “Advertising to children is wrong,” said Pasty Liang, “because its aim is to make them ask their parents for money to buy things. Also, many things advertised, such as toys, are silly and encourage violence. If a child buys them, he or she will learn nothing.” Some educators believe that if young people watch the ads, they will become more and more materialistic.

Some people even think it wrong to use little actors in TV advertisements. “It is illegal for kids to work in factories, so why are they allowed to work in ads? Also, considering the high salaries, it is bad for children to have too much money.” said Elvis Hu.

As an advertiser, J W Lu clearly has his own opinion about this. “It is nothing wrong with children earning a lot of money or asking their parents to buy things for them. Besides, kids buy toy to have fun, not to learn from.”

Anyway, governments are beginning to take action to protect children. An ad would not be allowed to appear on TV if it made children feel inferior (低人一等的) because they didn’t own the advertised product.

1.The advertisers use little actors so that ________.

A. the ads can attract young audiences

B. the little actors can earn big money

C. the kids will share the same feelings

D. people will see more TV advertisements

2.What does the underlined word “illegal” mean?

A. Not liked by the children.

B. Not allowed by the law.

C. Not accepted by the public.

D. Not agreed to by the parents.

3.Who thinks it all right for kids to earn money by acting in ads?

A. Elvis Hu. B. J W Lu.

C. Pasty Liang. D. Some educators.

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Little actors earn less money than adults.

B. Advertisers want children to learn from toys.

C. Some people are not for advertising to children.

D. Governments are taking action to protect advertisers.

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Little Actors or Adult Actors

B. How to Get Children’s Attention

C. Opinions about TV Advertisements

D. Children: New Target for TV Advertisements


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省徐州市2016-2017学年高二12.5周练英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Are you afraid ______? This type of anxiety can deeply disturb people’s enjoyment of social relationships.

A. of making fun of B. to be made fun of

C. of being made fun of D. to make fun of


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省分校2016-2017学年高一6月月考英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Music is the international language.The songs sung or playing by instruments are beautiful to people everywhere. Popular music in America is that every student likes. Students carry small radios with earphones, but listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. There are other kinds music that are important to Americans. One is called folk music, it tells stories about common life of Americans. Another is called western or country music, started by cowboys whom would sing to the cows they were watching out. Today, any music about the love between a country boy and his girl friend are called western or country music.


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省分校2016-2017学年高一6月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There is a story about a man who lost his legs and left arm in an accident. After the accident, only a finger and thumb on his right hand remained.

He was a brilliant, creative, and educated man. He had gained a lot of experience while traveling around the world, so he became very depressed after his accident. He was afraid that he would spend the rest of his life suffering and would no longer be able to spend his life in a meaningful way. Then, he realized that he still had partial function of his right hand and could still write even though it was very difficult. An idea occurred to him, “Why not write to other people who need encouragement?”

He wrote to the prison ministry about sending letters to the prisoners. The prison minister replied, “Writing to the prisoners is acceptable, but your letters will not be answered.”

Filled with excitement, the man knew he could write his letters. He began sending one-way messages of God’s love, hope, strength, and encouragement. He wrote twice a week, testing his strength and ability to the limit. He poured his heart and soul into his words and shared his experience, sense of humor, optimism, and faith.

It was difficult to write those letters, especially without hope of a reply. One day he received a letter from the prison ministry. It was a short note from the officer who monitored and checked the prison mail.

The letter said, “Please write on the best paper you can afford. Your letters are passed from room to room until they fall to pieces!”

No matter what circumstances life may present, we all have unique experiences, abilities, and God-given talents. We can discover ways to reach others who desperately need messages of encouragement and strength.

1.Before the man had the accident, he __________.

A. had toured around the world

B. had visited local prisons

C. had tried doing exercise to recover himself

D. had been friends with the prison minister

2.In order to live in a meaningful way, the man began to ________.

A. receive the school education

B. write to other people who needed encouragement

C. meet the people who were depressed

D. help other people who lost arms and legs

3.From the officer’s short note we are told that __________.

A. the man would be offered free paper to write letters on

B. some of the prisoners were not satisfied with his letters

C. the prisoners eagerly wanted to write back to the man

D. his letters were very popular among the prisoners

4.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Stories about a Humorous Person

B. Popularity of Special Letters

C. Special Letters of Encouragement

D. Relationship between Writers and Prisoners


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达




Dear Robert,











Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Imagine you got paid to go shopping,and could keep the things you bought with other people's money.Does this sound like a dream?Well,for some,like Amy Knott,from Chicago,this is their job.

Amy Knott is a mystery shopper.She is paid to visit a store,eat in a restaurant,go to a bank,stay in a hotel,get her hair cut,fill up her gas tank,or see a movie.She pretends to be an ordinary customer,but afterwards she writes a report about her experience,commenting on things like: How long did you wait in line?Was the flood hot?Did the cashier say "thank you"?Did the restroom have soap and tissue?This gives companies useful information about how they can improve their customer service.

So who can become a mystery shopper?You do not need any special qualifications or experience,but you need a good memory,an eye for detail,and good writing skills.When you apply for the job,instead of an interview,you will be asked to write about something like:"What was your best shopping experience?"

What is the pay like?For a 15-minute visit to a store,you might get $10 and the cost of what you buy.For a haircut,you might get $35 and the cost of the haircut.Most mystery shoppers do this job in their spare time,like Byron Jenner,who visits a restaurant on his lunch break every day and earns about $500 extra a month.But others, like Amy,make it their full-time career,and earn up to $40,000 a year.

"I love mystery shopping.I can't believe I actually get paid to have fun,"she says."For example,tonight my husband and I will go out,have a $150 dinner,go to stay at a luxury hotel,and I'll walk away with $300."

1.Amy Knott is paid to go shopping_______ .

A. to see whether the cashier says "thanks you"

B. to do a research for a company to improve its service

C. to comment on some things

D. to see whether the restroom has soap and tissue

2.Which of the following is Not the qualification for a mystery shopper?

A. A good memory. B. An eye for detail.

C. Good writing skills. D. Passing an interview.

3.How much does Byron Jenner earn as a mystery shopper a year?

A. $6,000. B. $40.000.

C. $420. D. $30,000.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省太原市2016-2017学年高二3月月考英语试卷 题型:单项填空

________he really means is ________he disagrees with us.

A. What … that B. That … what

C. What … what D. That … what


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Teachers suggest that parents_______ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.

A. not allow B. do not allow

C. mustn’t allow D. couldn’t allow

