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UNICEF says more than 3,700 children across West Africa have lost one or both parents to Ebola. Doctors Without Borders Axelle Vandoornick said, “The growing number of Ebola orphans is a crisis of its own. There are many orphans. This is again when we talk about crisis in a crisis; this is one of the consequences at a social level. There are more and more orphans.”
Child care services in Sierra Leone are almost non-existent. Ministry of Health Social Services officer Doris Mansare is in charge of running Kailahun's first Ebola orphanage. She said, “It's difficult for us to find family members, so this short-term care center was established to basically insure that we get the children from the treatment center, those that are cured from the Ebola virus and also those that are with their parents, but then are negative. We bring them to the short-term care center for three or four days, then they are reunited with family members at their separate locations. These three siblings were living alone after both parents died of Ebola. Their village rejected them. We have children who are unaccompanied and living alone in their family home, about 50 of such children, who are living alone.”
Vandoornick said. “It can be hard to find surviving family. Ebola is wiping out entire families because the infection inside the families is the highest. A mother kissing her child, a father taking his daughter in his arms, and when you have one suspected case in one family, soon after we have basically all members of the family.”
The fate of many of these children is unclear. Some of their parents are still sick, kept in isolation at one of Sierra Leone's Ebola case management centers. Doris Mansare said she hopes the new center will help the growing number of orphans, but she worries about their future. “We are having more orphans, more unaccompanied children and children will become vulnerable in the future; some will not be able to cope with the care givers where we place them, and what can happen is that it will lead to other child protection issues like they becoming street children,” said Doris Mansare. Vandoornick hopes there will be many child care centers set up across Sierra Leone.
(1)What’s the best title of this passage?
A.The Children in West Africa.
B.The Orphans in West Africa.
C.The Children Suffered from Ebola in West Africa.
D.Ebola in West Africa.
(2)What do you think of child care services in Sierra Leone?
A.They are helpful.
B.They are considerate.
C.They are in good condition.
D.They are in bad condition.
(3)The meaning of the underlined word siblings in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to____________.
A.brothers and sisters
B.brothers or sisters
(4)What is the fate of the children suffered from Ebola in West Africa?
A.They have a bright future.
B.They have an uncertain future.
C.They are isolated.
D.They are promising.
(5)What does Vandoornick hope to do for the children suffered from Ebola in West Africa?
A.Donating more money.
B.Setting up more child care centers.
C.Adopting the children.
D.Finding their parents.

【解析】(1)根据Paragraph 1中的“UNICEF says more than 3,700 children across West Africa have lost one or both parents to Ebola. ”以及下文多次提到受埃博拉病毒影响的儿童的生存状况可知应选答案C。
(2)根据Paragraph 2中的“Child care services in Sierra Leone are almost non existent. ”说明塞拉利昂的儿童关爱机构几乎不存在,状况很差,形同虚设,故选答案D。
(3)根据Paragraph 2 中的“These three siblings were living alone after both parents died of Ebola. ”可知在父母死于埃博拉病毒后这三个兄弟姐妹独自生活,故选答案A。
(4)根据Paragraph 4中的“The fate of many of these children is unclear. Some of their parents are still sick, kept in isolation at one of Sierra Leones Ebola case management centers.” 可知答案选B。
(5)根据Paragraph 5中的“Vandoornick hopes there will be many child care centers set up across Sierra Leone.” 可知答案选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】With all her time _____ the experiment, she had no time to spend with her family.
A.devote to do
B.devoted to doing
C.devoting to doing
D.is devoted to do


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A father is very worried about his son, acts like a coward. So his father paid a visit to the master and (ask) him to train his son.
The master said, “I promise I'll be able to train your child into real man in three months.”
Three months later, his father came (pick) the child. The master arranged a match the child and his coach to show the three-month training result.
At Round One, the child was knocked down and fell to the ground. He stood up to meet the challenge. But he was knocked down again, and once again he stood up to fight... this (repeat) six times.
The master asked his father, “Do you think your child's (perform) is that of a man?” The father said, “I feel ashamed for ! I never expected that he would be so weak after three (month) training.” The master said, “I don't agree with you, and I regret you only see the surface of things. You have not seen the courage and perseverance in your son. This is the very spirit of a man!”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Pop idols are celebrities who burn brighter than regular stars. If a star is someone you can recognize on the street, an idol is someone who will cause a stir at a public appearance.

Without fans, an idol is just an ordinary person, like you and me. As Reese Witherspoon once said while announcing the Oscar for best make-up, movie stars look just like people in documentaries(纪录片) if you see them without make-up.

I was once invited to a private party where about half of the guests were stars and the other half entertainment reporters. Guess what? The good-looking ones were the reporters because they tend to be young, and they glow without make-up.

Some idols are born; some are made. Most idols are created by a machine called the entertainment industry. They may have some charms and talent, but not enough to become famous. They are the raw material out of which a star, or even an idol, is made. An army of behind-the-scenes assistants will hype(炒作) or even make up their virtues and hide their shortcomings.

Paris Hilton is the kind of star who possesses no real talent but yet is quite well-known. This is the result of endless hype. If you are thrust into the limelight often enough, you can become a celebrity without having any talent.

Television contest shows create a much fairer more transparent platform where young people can compete and showcase their talent. The soap opera is another platform for idol making. These drama

series are long, giving an actor much needed exposure. The actors and actresses are always well-lit, made up and beautifully dressed. Now all they need is some good dialogue from the scriptwriter(编 剧).

1Which of the following statements agrees with the writer’s viewpoint?

A. Most idols are born.

B. The entertainment industry is more popular.

C. Many stars are often good looking

D. Pop idols are not as pretty as you think.

2Why does the writer use the example of Paris Hilton?

A. To show that hype is an important element in making a star.

B. To indicate that Paris Hilton is very famous.

C. To prove a star often lacks talent.

D. To show a star is popular because of the acting skills.

3What does the writer think of the television contest show?

A. More practical. B. More formal. C. More equal. D. More competitive.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I am always nervous when I get an email from my parents with "FYI(For Your Information)". My parents are in their late 70s, and while they are quite healthy for their ages, I worry about what messages they are going to give me.

I got such an email in September from my father. He sent an email from my cousin who told that her father, my uncle Reese, had passed away. The news made my mind go blank though I have met him less than a dozen times in my life, because Reese was the first of my parent’s siblings(兄弟姐妹) to die, and I was simply not ready for that.

The memorial service was set in Florida, and I quickly decided I needed to go. I needed to be there for my father, and I needed to go for myself. Reese is about nine years older than my father, and I started to do the math in my head. I know that doesn’t make sense, but I will do anything to reason that I still have a lot of time before I will be in my cousin’s shoes.

Reese’s memorial service was small with only family and perhaps a dozen of his friends. The funeral was attended by an even smaller number, and then, the family gathered at a nearby bar to look at old photographs found among Reese’s possessions when he died.

As we drove back to the Orlando International Airport, I thought about how I am not sure what my parents want, not only in their memorial services, but also how they want to be remembered and where they want to be laid to rest. These are going to be difficult conversations, but I know I need to have them. Maybe not right now, but we do need to open the discussion at some point. It may feel too early, but I trust my parents will know that when adult children raise these questions, we do it out of love to honor their lives and their wishes.

1Why do emails with “FYI” make the author uneasy?

A. She’s too busy to read those emails.

B. She dislikes her parents’ nonstop talking.

C. She’s afraid to get bad news about her parents.

D. They often bring unpleasant news.

2How did the author feel about the email from her cousin?

A. Disappointed. B. Shocked. C. Confused. D. Annoyed.

3What do we know from the third and fourth paragraphs?

A. Not many people attended the funeral.

B. A get-together was held at home.

C. Reese’s friends didn’t appear.

D. The author hesitated to go to Florida.

4What does the author decide to do after the funeral?

A. Have a talk with her parents about death.

B. Express her love for her parents bravely.

C. Value her parents’ wishes.

D. Get everything ready for her parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A new football competition,Man V Fat,has been organize recently in England.1 (judge) from the name, it is easy to guess that players can only join if they are fat. They can only win when they score or lose 2(pound) after each game.So,the aim of this competition is 3(get) overweight men to do regular exercise.

Jay Ali,a bank manager,4(find) it a brilliant idea.He said,“I don’t want to go to weight loss classes in 5almost all participants are women.And I don’t want to play football with my friends who are all 6 (fat)than me,so this gives me the perfect opportunity to exercise with guys who are the same7 me.Here,no one judges me,so I don’t have to get8(embarrass)”.Mr Shanahan from Staffordshire shared the same opinion,“I took part in the competition after getting fed up with weight loss classes which were 9(main) filled with women.”

10 seems that this football competition has offered overweight men an effective way to lose weight.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The reality is not beautiful as we thought. If you choose only to complain and escape, it will always follow you wherever you go. But if you decide to be strong, the1 (hard) will turn out to be a fortune on 2 new hopes will arise. For me, small dose of hope is enough.

When I was in my first year in my high school, I hit a stretch where every area of my life was a disaster. I felt hopeless and alone, and more 3 ( depress) than I knew was possible. I have no idea about my future.

One day, I was walking from class across campus to catch my bus home head down, fighting tears of total despair, 4 an old man came down the sidewalk toward me. Embarrassed at5 (see) such an emotional mess, I turned my head away and hoped to hurry past. I felt he’d walk on by,6 he moved until he was directly in front of me. That time, I thought he was a strange man who got on 7 (I) nerves. But, to my surprise, I looked up and found him smiling. Looking into my eyes, this stranger spoke8 a quiet voice, “What is wrong will pass. You are going to be ok, just hang on” He then, smiled again and 9 (walk) away.

I can not explain the impact of that man’s unexpected kindness and unconditional caring! He gave me one thing I had lost 10 (complete): hope.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Peter,
I'm glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well……
Best wishes,
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We discuss the issue of when to help a patient die. Doctors of our generation are not newcomers to this question. Going back to my internship(实习)days, I can remember many patients in pain, sometimes in coma(昏迷), with late, hopeless cancer. For many of them, we wrote an order for heavy medication—morphine(吗啡)by the clock. This was not talked about openly and little was written about it. It was essential, not controversial.
The best way to bring the problem into focus is to describe two patients whom I cared for. The first, formerly a nurse, had an automobile accident. A few days later her lungs seemed to fill up; her heart developed dangerous rhythm disturbances. So there she was: in coma, on a breathing machine, her heartbeat maintained with an electrical device. One day after rounds, my secretary said the husband and son of the patient wanted to see me. They told me their wife and mother was obviously going to die; she was a nurse and had told her family that she never wanted this kind of terrible death, being maintained by machines. I told them that while I respected their view, there was nothing deadly about her situation. The kidney(肾) failure she had was just the kind for which the artificial kidney was most effective. While possibly a bit reassured, they were disappointed. Here was the head surgeon seemingly determined to keep everybody alive, no matter what.
Within a few days the patient's pacemaker(起搏器) could be removed and she awoke from her coma. About six months later, the door of my office opened and in walked a gloriously fit woman. After some cheery words of appreciation, the father and son asked to speak to me alone. As soon as the door closed, both men became quite tearful. All that came out was, "We want you to know how wrong we were."
The second patient was an 85-year-old lady whose hair caught fire while she was smoking. She arrived with a deep burn; I knew it would surely be deadly. As a remarkable coincidence there was a meeting for discussion going on at the time in medical ethics(道德). The speaker asked me if I had any sort of ethical problem I could bring up for discussion. I described the case and asked the students their opinion. After the discussion, I made a remark that was, when looking back, a serious mistake. I said, "I'll take the word back to the nurses about her and we will talk about it some more before we decide." The instructor and the students were shocked: "You mean this is a real patient?" The teacher of ethics was not accustomed to being challenged by actuality. In any event, I went back and met with the nurses. A day or two later, when she was making no progress and was suffering terribly, we began to back off treatment. Soon she died quietly and not in pain. As a reasonable physician, you had better move ahead and do what you would want done for you. And don't discuss it with the world first. There is a lesson here for everybody. Assisting people to leave this life requires strong judgment and long experience to avoid its misuse.
(1)In the early days when a patient had got a deadly, hopeless illness, _____.
A.doctors used to ask the patient to go back home and wait for death
B.doctors would write all their treatment plan on the patient's medical record
C.doctors would talk about their treatment plan openly
D.usually doctors would inject more morphine into the patient to end his life
(2)In the second paragraph, why were they disappointed?
A.Their wife and mother was going to die.
B.They doctor didn't do as they asked to.
C.Their wife and mother had to receive a kidney transplant.
D.The doctor scolded them for their cruelty
(3)At the meeting, the author discussed with the students_____.
A.how to help patients end their lives
B.the importance of mercy killing
C.the relationship between mercy killing and ethics
D.the case about an old lady
(4)The author suggested that doctors_____ before they assist a patient in killing himself.
A.discuss it with the others first
B.make sure there is no other choice left
C.be required to do so first by the patient
D.give the patient enough morphine
(5)Which of the following can best describe the author?

