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56. As students, we should __________(遵循) the rules and regulations of our school.

57. It is ___________(值得的) to spend the whole day in the forest.

58. The professor was ________(满意的) with the result of the experiment.
59. Genius is 10% ___________(灵感)and 90% perspiration.

60. So far, we have achieved many great __________ (成就).
61. They couldn’t afford to _______ (装备) their laboratories properly because of lack of money.
62. Doctor Smith got a call last night and was asked to d_______ a baby for a peasant’s family.
63. F__________ is the mother of success.
64. However great the difficulty is, we must try our best to o_________ it.

65. We have been told to show r________ for our elders.

56. observe    57. worthwhile   58. content   59. inspiration   60. achievements  

61. equip   62. deliver    63. Failure    64. overcome   65. respect


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


56. We’re all c______________ about her safety.

57. She is c______________ about dancing.

58. Air pollution is one of the problems that we can’t afford to i______________.

59. People aged from 13 to 19 are called t______________.

60. The ship sank on its long v______________ to Europe.

61. He had lost his i______________ card and was being questioned by the police.

62. The old man s______________ a bad backache after the accident happened.

63.Do you want to take the e______________ or use the stairs?

64.He appears to be doing nothing, but a______________ he is thinking of lots of things.

65. Judging from his a______________, he must be from North East of China next to each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


56. I can hardly r_____________ him since he wears a pair of thick glasses now.

57. Now you are poor at English, but if you try to do more listening and reading, you will make progress g_______________.

58. Let’s play badminton o______________ so that we can enjoy the fresh air and the sunshine.

59. Yushu was in r_____________ after the earthquake.

60. We were c______________ about the girl who got injured in the accident.

61. London Olympics is the big e_____________ of the year of 2012.

62. He is so d_____________ that once he makes up his mind, he will try to achieve his goal.

63. He liked Paris so much that he decided to s_____________ there.

64. The little girl was f_____________ by the sudden noise.

65. The new office building has been finished one month ahead of s_____________.

66. You had better buy the _____________(保险) for your new car.

67. He will _____________ (恢复) soon if he stays home and has a good rest.

68. Don’t rely too much on the weather _______________(预报).

69. Sometimes we will get burnt by the ______________( 蒸汽).

70. It’s quite natural for one to run away in a _______________(灾难)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


56. Every time I returned after an a___________ (缺席,不在), I felt stupid because I was behind the others.

57. Her a__________ (雄心,野心) is to become part of the national team for the next game.

58.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered s____________ (同情心) by a robot.

59. Also she felt her home wasn’t e__________ (优雅的,高雅的)enough for someone like Larry who wanted to improve his social position.

60. As he was not allowed to a__________ (陪伴,伴奏)her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her.

61. His attitude s__________(表明)that he haven’t heard of what you have said.

62. It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his t____________(天才,特殊能力)for writing became obvious.

63. I thought , at the time, that this was just a story but I w______________(目击,当场见到)it with my own eyes many times.

64. He tried hard to c__________ (安慰) the crying girl.

65. He aimed the arrow at the __________(靶子,目标),but failed.、


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


56. If what you are teaching doesn’t a            to your students, they will lose interest in it.

57. The Hope Project is s              by wealthy big companies, who hope to advertise their       companies or their products.

58. The height of the mountains v             from 1000 meters to over 2000 meters.

59. Some students think so many tests every week make them under a lot of s              .

60. I behaved badly yesterday and I am a            of myself now.

61.The film is a           from a novel with the same name.

62. After s             the water out of the skirt, she hung it in the sun.

63. He a               for this job, but was refused.

64. He worked very hard and e              his effort paid off in College Entrance Exam.

65. As we all know, smoking has many harmful e           on both smokers and non-smokers.

