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【题目】Researchers have found that most of our tiredness comes from our mental attitudes (心态). One of England’s doctors, J.A. Hadfield, says, 【1】 . In fact, tiredness of completely physical origin (缘由) is unusual.” So, remember -- the key to improved productivity is learning to relax. Here are some suggestions for you.

Relax form time to time

【2】 . It is said that if you want to master the art of relaxation, study the cat. Think about it. Have you ever seen a tired cat, or a cat with a nervous break-down? You will probably avoid this kind of feeling if you learn to relax as the cat does.


Remember that tensions (紧张状态) on the body produce aching shoulders and nervous feelings. Variety and movement keep you physically and mentally alive. The most interesting task can get boring if done for long periods of time, and the most comfortable chair isn’t comfortable if the worker must sit in it for hours.

Think at the end of the day

【4】 . And if you are tired, is it because of the mental work you’ve done, or the way you have done it? Generally, if you feel extremely tired at the end of the day, it’s quite likely been an inefficient (效率低的) day.

【5】 Then you can work with a new attitude the next day.

A. Think of a cat

B. Work less hard

C. Work in a comfortable position

D. This will help you form the habit of relaxing.

E. Make notes of what changes you need to make.

F. Ask yourself how tired you are at the end of the day.

G. The greater part of tiredness comes from mental attitudes.









【1】由第一个空所在段的内容Researchers have found that most of our tiredness comes from our mental attitudes (心态). 句意为研究者发现大多数疲劳来自于我们的精神态度可以推断出该博士讲话内容是疲劳较大的一部分是来自于我们的精神态度,故选G。

【2】由第二个空所在段的内容It is said that if you want to master the art of relaxation, study the cat. Think about it句意为据说如果你想要掌握放松的艺术,你就研究猫,并想想猫,可以推断出这一段讲的内容是思考一下猫,故选A。

【3】由第三个空所在段的内容 Remember that tensions (紧张状态) on the body produce aching shoulders and nervous feelings. Variety and movement keep you physically and mentally alive. 句意为记住:身体的紧张状态会导致肩膀痛以及紧张情绪,多样化的坐姿以及动作会使你身心保持活跃,可以推断出这一段讲的内容是在舒适的位子上工作,故选C。

【4】由第四个空前面的内容Think at the end of the day句意为在工作一天的最后想一想,以及该空后面的内容可以推断出这一段讲的内容是在一天的末尾,问问自己你有多累,故选F。

【5】由第五个空前面的标题Think at the end of the day句意为在工作一天的最后想一想,可以推断出第五段的内容是记下你需要作出的改变,并在第二天以一种新的态度工作,故选E。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】1 could just see a car in the distance, but I couldn't __________ what colour it was.

A. make out

B. look to

C. look out

D. take in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If you keep on your research, you'll _____ the result in time.

A. look out B. find out C. carry out D. pick out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My friend, Tom, left New York in 1976 and _____ since then.

A. hadn't been heard of

B. hasn’t been heard of

C. hasn't heard of

D. hadn't heard of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】At the age of seven I started taking violin lessons. I practiced half an hour every day, went to lessons once a week, and occasionally played in a group concert. Like most kids, I always thought practicing was boring. If my parents hadn’t been there to make me practice, I probably would have put down my violin and never have picked it up again.

I met Moira when I was 11 at an Irish music party. Moira hosted the party that night, playing the violin, singing and dancing. She made sure that everyone in the room got involved and had a great time. I immediately fell in love with the music she played and the energy that she brought to it. Just a few days after that party, I took my first lesson with Moira, and I continued taking lessons with Moira throughout middle school.

When I started playing the violin with Moira, playing music became something that I loved. She introduced me to so many types of music, from Irish to Old Time, to Cajun. Moira also taught me to play the guitar. Soon we started performing together and were shocked to discover that people actually wanted to hear us! When I began to play the violin, practicing was something that I did at home in my living room, but with Moira’s influence it quickly became something that I did everywhere. I played on street corners, at festivals, at the beach, at parties, at weddings, and late at night in my friends’ kitchens.

Moira took the music out to the classroom and brought it to life. Her passion(激情)was not only for playing music, but also for sharing it. My time with Moira allowed me to grow both musically and personally. I have met so many special people and had so many invaluable(无价的) experiences. Moira has proven to be the most important influence in my musical development, and also my invaluable friend.

【1】 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer had her violin lessons every day.

B. The writer disliked the kids who hated the violin.

C. The writer usually played music in school concerts.

D. At first the writer was not active in learning the violin.

【2】The passage didn’t say directly but we can learn that .

A. Moira was a good neighbor

B. the writer was a good singer

C. Moira was a good organizer

D. the writer was a music teacher

【3】What can we know from the last paragraph?

A. Moira didn’t like to play music in the classroom.

B. Moira helped the writer a lot with her personal life.

C. Moira had great influence on the writer’s life

D. Moira was very thankful for the writer’s support.

【4】What would be the best title for the passage?

A. My Way to Success. B. My Invaluable Friend.

C. My Middle School Life. D. How I learned the Violin.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】She the letter to all of us.

A. read about B. read for

C. read out D. read of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1 我不相信这些愚蠢的食谱。

I don't ______ all these silly diets.

2 这次争论的焦点集中于猎狐行为是否道德的问题上。

The debate ______ the morality of fox hunting.

3 父母不允许我晚上11点以后待在外面。

I am not ______ stay out after 11 o'clock in the evening by my parents.

4 这项证据与你先前所说的不一致。

This evidence is not ______ what you said earlier.

5 我们尽量让工作周期与睡眠交替进行。

We tried to periods of work ______ sleep.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is true that the first Olympic Games of modern times in 1896 were not open to women. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who gave new life to the Games, was very much a man of his time. He didn't like women showing up for the Games. But since this time, things have changed. History shows that the number of women participating in the Olympic Games has been increasing over the years since their first participation at the 1900 Olympic Games and especially in the last 30 years. This development is of social, political and cultural significance (意义.

The progress is the result of the cooperation of the entire Olympic Movement and of proper measures that the International Olympic Committee (IOC)International Sports Federations(ISFs)and National Olympic Committees ( NOCs) have taken. Especially in the last 20 years, the IOC has enlarged the women's program at the Olympic Games, in cooperation with IFs and the Organizing Commit-tees for the Olympic Games ( OCOGs). This development was further strengthened (巩固by the IOC's decision that all sports must have women's events. The IOC also started to work on increasing the number of women at leadership level in sports in 1981. Former President Juan Antonio Samaranch, who wanted to have women as IOC members, made a great contribution(贡献.

Many sports volunteers have worked to increase the number of women joining in the Olympic Games. This progress has been made also thanks to the strong determination of women from different countries of the world who have worked to make sure women are fully represented in all sports.

1The underlined part participating in in the first paragraph can be replaced by __________

A. getting close to

B. taking part in

C. calling for

D. taking over

2 According to the first paragraph, all of the following are true EXCEPT that __________.

A. women were not allowed to join in the 1896 Olympic Games

B. Baron Pierre de Coubertin was very famous when he was alive

C. many women have competed in the Olympic Games in the last 30 years

D. Baron Pierre de Coubertin tried his best to let women join in the Olympic Games

3 What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?

A. Why women were not allowed to join in the Olympic Games.

B. How more and more women were able to join in the Olympic Games.

C. What some organizations have done for women's rights.

D. What sports volunteers have done to enable women to join in the Olympic Games.

4 It is implied in the passage that __________.

A. women first performed in the Olympic Games about fifty years ago

B. it was IFs that decided to enlarge the women's program at the Olympic Games

C. Juan Antonio Samaranch didn't agree that women should be IOC members

D. women themselves worked very hard so that they could join in the Olympic Games


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】To his disappointment, his only daughter is hopelessly __________ computer games.

A. addicted to

B. due to

C. opposed to

D. owing to

