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第四节 完成句子 根据所给汉语完成句子(共5小题,每题两空,每空限填一词;每空0.5分,满分5 分)

96. 没有必要怀疑他—他对别人诚实而善良, 这是众所周知的。

______ is no need to doubt him, for he is well known _______ his honesty and kindness to others.

97. 政府已经通过了一条法律,禁止人们向河里倾倒垃圾。

The government has ________a law which ________ people to dump waste into the river.

98.   老师发现她通过努力学习在英语考试中得了满分,因而表扬了她。

The teacher found she got full marks in the English exam _______ working hard, ________ praising her.

99.   没有什么比基于共同的情感和爱好的友谊更宝贵。

Nothing is ________ precious as friendship ________ on shared feelings and interests.

100.   为了帮助他, 学校让他边打工边读书。

________ help him out, the school made ________ possible for him to study while working.

96.There, for    97. passed ;  forbids  98.  by; thus   99. as; based   100. To, it


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省东乡县东铜学校09-10学年度高一下学期期中考试 题型:其他题

第II卷( 非选择题,满分35分)



1. What you said will have an ________ (影响) on our decision.

2. After years of war, the people long for (渴望) a lasting p________.

3. People’s lives in Iraq are always in danger, so they hope they could live ______  ______(平安).

4. 为了上课不迟到,他早上6:00就起床。

He got up at six o’clock in the morning______  _______  _______  ________be late for class.


Nelson Mandela_______  ________   _________   __________in making black people get the same rights as whit people.

6. 看上去似乎世界末日来临了。

_______  ___________   ___________   _______the world was at an end.


When she was______   ______ ,she always______   ______his teacher for help.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第II卷( 非选择题,满分35分)

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)


1. What you said will have an ________ (影响) on our decision.

2. After years of war, the people long for (渴望) a lasting p________.

3. People’s lives in Iraq are always in danger, so they hope they could live ______  ______(平安).

4. 为了上课不迟到,他早上6:00就起床。

He got up at six o’clock in the morning______  _______  _______  ________be late for class.


Nelson Mandela_______  ________   _________   __________in making black people get the same rights as whit people.

6. 看上去似乎世界末日来临了。

 _______  ___________   ___________   _______the world was at an end.


When she was______   ______ ,she always______   ______his teacher for help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


第一节:完成句子(共10小题每小题1 5分,满分15分)


71. Only if people of a11 the countries are united ________(我们才能解决)the existing problems in the world.(solve)

72. ____________(油漆成)red,the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive.(paint)

73. ____________(不会用)a computer makes it more difficult for him to do his academic research.(use)

74.The news _____________(房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at lower prices.(fall)

75.After she completes the project,she’ll have__________(没什么要担心的).(worry)

76.Mr. Johnson insisted that the problem worthy of attention_____________(讨论)at the meeting. (discuss)

77,My mother was so proud of all_____________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)

78.Last night’s 9 TV news said that by then the death of the missing people___________ (未证实)yet.(prove)  

79.It’s said that they have swum to the island from the continent,but they____________  (不可能做到)because the ocean in between is too wide.(do)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


第II卷  非选择题(满分35分)


第四部分  写作(共三节,满分35分)

第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


76. The proud man said he would rather ________ (挨饿) than beg for food.

77. To eat turkey on Thanksgiving is a ________ (传统) in America.

78. Smoking is ________ (有害) to people’s health.

79. The editor admitted the mistake and ________ (道歉).

80. Newton’s law of ________ (重力) explains why everything on earth falls to the ground.

81. Teaching children requires ________ (耐心) and understanding.

82. It is not polite to ________ (盯着看) at others.

83. To be ________ (诚实), it is one of the worst books I have ever read.

84. We all ________ (钦佩) her for her courage to save the children from the fire.

85. I could tell from her face that she was telling ________ (谎言).

