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【题目】Most children are ready to eat almost anything _____ is offered to them.




考查定语从句的关系词。句意:几乎大多数孩子乐意吃给他们的任何东西。分析句子可知,本句是限制性定语从句。其中anything 是先行词,anything在定语从句中做主语。关系副词When在定语从句做地点状语,what不能引导定语从句,只能引导名词从句。whichthat在定语从句都可做主语、宾语等,which一般指物,that在定语从句既可指人又可指物。但如果先行词是不定代词,如anything , nothing, everythingall等时,只能用that,不能用which。本句中的先行词是不定代词anything,只能用that。故本题选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Beijing Daxing International Airport, located on the capital's south side, 1(build)in less than five years at a cost of $17 billion. The airport was designed 2 the late Iraqi- British architect Zaha Madid and it is designed 3(handle) 72 million passengers a year.

Despite that, its builders say travelers will need to walk no more than 2,000 feet to reach any boarding gale.

The vast, star-shaped airport, 4 (lie) about 30 miles south of downtown Beijing, has 4 runways and 268 parking bays. It has a terminal area of 700, 000 square 5(meter). Given the distance from central Beijing, the new airport required a lot of investment to connect it to the capital. As6 matter of fact, when you add the cost of new road and rail links and other infrastructure(公共设施),the cost of the project hits $63 billion 7(total).

Beijing Capital Intentional Airport, 8 is the world's second busiest after Hartsfield- Jackson Atlanta International Airport, is nearing capacity (容量).The capital has a. 9(three) airport, Nanyuan, for domestic (国内的)flights, but the10( govern) says that it will close Nanyun Airport once Daxing Airport is in operation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I ______ (不同意) with Jack about what we ought to do.

2A ______ (直的) line is the shortest distance between two points.

3John is very ______ (可信赖的) — if he promises to do something he’ll do it.

4The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to ______ (埋藏) the dead.

5In my ______ (观点), it is about time we had new computers.

6Some lime after I left the boat, it ______ (下沉) into the bottom of the sea.

7She ______ (应受报答或惩罚) a reward for her efforts.

8This dictionary is available in ______ (电子的) form.

9I wish you wouldn’t ______ () your nails.

10Tom went to ______ (表演) on stage in England and India.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Chefs typically toss(抛)the frying food into the air from deep, rounded pans or woks before catching it again. Launching rice and its fixings allows a chef to cook it over really hot flames without burning. At times, temperatures in a pan can reach 1,200 Celsius. 1

Scientists found that the chefs relied on a specific pattern of motion. And they repeated those motions about three times a second. 2 At the same time the wok was rocked to and fro. The chefs used the edge of the stovetop as a fulcrum(支点)on which to balance as they rocked it.

Cooks use similarly complex patterns of movement to cook up other foods. 3

Scientists used a computer to simulate(模仿)the tracks of rice that would occur in a wok moved in various ways. Along the way, the scientists hit on some key coo king tips. The wok moved in various ways. Along the way, the scientists hit on some key cooking tips. The rocking and sliding motions shouldn’t be done at the same time. 4 Also, the wok’s movements should repeat rapidly. Moving the wok even faster could launch the rice higher. That might allow cooking at higher temperatures and perhaps a quicker meal.

5 Chefs at Chinese restaurants can struggle with shoulder pain, studies have shown. Rapidly shaking their heavy woks could be part of the problem. One solution might be a stir-frying robot. It could be built based on their new found results to take the weight off chefs’ shoulders.

A.But faster shaking may be hard on a cook.

B.To make fried rice like a professional, use science.

C.If they are, the rice won’t mix well and could burn.

D.Each repetition included sliding a wok back and forth.

E.Cooking is hard work that needs patience and perseverance.

F.The high temperature helps create the tastiest stir-fried food.

G.They will turn the pan quickly, for instance, to get smooth, flat egg cakes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 In January, 2017, snow began to fall across the Apennines. For days it came down, and the enormous drifts(雪堆)on the mountain grew taller by the hour.

In spite of the bad weather, Matrone and his wife decided to make the trip to the mountain resort and have an overnight getaway. Unfortunately, a small earthquake broke out that night, which caused an avalanche(雪崩). The avalanche gathered speed and size, grabbing rocks and trees and anything else in its way as it roared down the mountain.

The snow-and the weight of everything it had brought down the mountain with it swept the hotel from its foundation and sent everything flying more than 100 yards away. Matrone was trapped 30 feet beneath the snow and ruins, unable to move. Every time he came to life from faint, he dreamed of walking alongside his wife.

Eight hours later, the rescuers arrived, The search work went on slowly. Finally, more than 30 hours after the search began, they heard something astonishing: a woman crying for help. Adriana and her son were the first to be rescued alive.

Finding the survivors electrified the rescuers. They tunneled quickly in the ruins. The rescue team had been working nonstop for more than two days when they heard a voice. It was Matrone. The angled beams had created a cocoon that prevented Matrone from being crushed(压)to death. Those near him had not been so lucky.

Rescuers raised the concrete beams off Matrone’s limbs and lifted him out. It was some 60 hours since the avalanche. He was one of 11 people out of 40 to have survived. Soon after, he was airlifted to a hospital in a nearby town.

Five days after his rescue, Matrone was given the heartbreaking news that his wife had died. Her body had been found near where Matrone had been trapped. The angel who had appeared in his dreams had never left his side.

1What directly caused the hotel to be destroyed?

A.The snowfall.B.The earthquake.

C.The avalanche.D.The rocks and trees.

2What is the probable meaning of the underlined word “electrified” in paragraph 5?

A.Made people feel satisfied.

B.Made people feel excited.

C.Equipped people with electronics.

D.Supplied people with electricity.

3How long was Matrone trapped in the ruins?

A.More than 30 hours.B.About five days.

C.Less than 40 hours.D.About two and a half days.

4What can be the best title for this text?

A.A Narrow EscapeB.A Scary Night.

C.A Perfect RescueD.A Dawn Avalanche.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Have you ever seen a teenager or an adult riding a small bike? Perhaps it had posts sticking out from both sides of the wheels. 1

BMX(自行车越野) bikes have a lightweight frame and smaller wheels than other bikes. 2 The sport of BMX began when kids wanted to copy off-speed motorcycle race that were very popular. Today it is a sport with multiple disciplines.

3 It is an exciting, fast-paced event with off-road tracks, jumps and bends. Up to eight riders race at a time. BMX street riding takes BMX off the competitive stage, and into the city for some fun. The goal is to do as many creative tricks as possible in the environment. BMX park riding originated when people started using skate parks, empty pools or parking lots, discovering new ways to ride. Later, the style was recognized as a sport and parks were created specially for riders to practise in. Lastly, BMX flatland riding differs from all the rest. Flatland uses nothing but a flat surface where the rider balances and does dance-like tricks on the bike. 4 The posts are called pegs and they enable the rider to do more tricks. They can stand on them in flatland BMX or use them to grind(摩擦)or stall in other styles of BMX.

5 But in reality, it is a sport over 65 years old. Contests such as the X Games and the Summer Olympics are putting BMX back in the spotlight.

A.where did the thrilling sport start?

B.BMX racing is the original form of BMX.

C.They are designed to be fast and user - friendly.

D.It is more than a sport with multiple disciplines.

E.Today BMX is known as a sport for the risk-takers.

F.What you saw was likely not a children's bike, but a BMX bike!

G.Riders of this style of BMX use posts sticking out of their bike wheels.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Believe it or not, one of the most important communication skills is listening! 1, but if you don't listen carefully when others speak, you're losing out in a big way. Good communication requires not only speaking your piece, but the exchange of ideas is an essential component.

Many people fail to recognize the importance of improving listening skills in making friends. 2It's only natural—we all have a lot to say about ourselves and our interests, right? But asking questions of another person and then listening carefully is a good way to break the ice and make friends. And it's also an excellent way for you to learn something new.

3. Make a point of going and talking to the girl wearing a Save the Whales T-shirt. Although this person may be shy, try to draw her out of her shell. Ask her a question about the whale's plight(困境)and listen to what she says. It's likely you'll make a new friend as well as learn several new facts.

In the class that you're sure will put you to sleep, try listening closely to what the speaker is saying. Chances are good that you only find it dull because the speaker doesn't communicate well or you are simply not interested.4You'll not only find your listening skills improving, but you'll also benefit the speaker and probably receive a better grade!

5 Focus your mind on learning what others think and you'll gain a reputation as a great conversationalist. You'll not only make some new acquaintances, but you'll also be truly amazed at what you learn!

A.They usually tend to show kindness by talking warmly

B.Let's say you're at a party where you know few of the guests

C.So, asking questions in class can benefit students a lot academically

D.You may be the finest speaker around

E.In short, the best way to improve listening skills is to engage yourself in conversation

F.Ask a question that makes him want to clarify his point

G.They love to talk about themselves


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,请给你的外籍教师Mr. Smith写封邮件,建议以“Humans and wild animals”为主题开展一些英语课堂活动。邮件内容包括:








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Easy Ways to Get Over Your Laziness

Laziness appears for very specific reasons. Maybe we don’t know how to do the task. 1. Maybe we are just plain scared and our mindset needs adjustment. Whatever the cause, if laziness is interfering with your productivity, you must learn to overcome it. Here are several ways to overcome your laziness so you can reach your goals.

Make sure you’re not overwhelmed(不堪重负的).

Sometimes we freeze up when we’re overwhelmed by everything we have to do--we freeze up and don’t do anything at all. 2. If you have too much on your plate and no idea how you’re going to get it all done, it may be that you’re not lazy but overwhelmed.

Check your motivation.

Similarly, if you’re not motivated it is very easy to slip into what looks like laziness. 3. If it’s hard for you to stay connected to what motivates you, make up a list that you can consult when you need an extra push.


Your environment and the people around you matter. Are you in a space that makes it easy to stay organized and productive? Do the people around you spend more time complaining than following their passions? If you surround yourself with people who love what they do, and are creative and motivated, their enthusiasm will rub off on you. Make sure that your space gives you everything you need to work well.

Value your time.

5. Look at your to-do list and prioritize(优先)—you can do it in your head, on paper, or on a computer or phone-based planner. Just knowing where you are makes it harder for deadlines to sneak up on you and easier to work productively, even if it’s in short bursts.

A.Look at your surroundings.

B.To be productive we need to be motivated.

C.Make the most of the time you spend working.

D.So select just one thing at a time, do it, and ignore the rest.

E.Maybe we feel overwhelmed by everything we have to do.

F.We may procrastinate(拖延)because we are not sure what to do next.

G.Do you have realistic expectations on how much you are truly able to accomplish?

