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【题目】Hamburgers, French fries,potato chips, popcorn, and pizza. There is no denying (否认) that these foods are tasty. But often, it’s the added salt that makes you desire them. Thus, US kids are eating too much salty food.

Table salt is about 40% sodium(). Our bodies need some sodium to work properly. But too much of it is not healthy. The salt bottle is to blame for just 11% of the sodium kids consume. The rest has been added to food before it even reaches the table. The following shows how much sodium is packed into a typical turkey-and-cheese sandwich.

A turkey sandwich can pack a big sodium punch. Add a teaspoon of mustard (芥末) and the total rises to 1,522 milligrams (mg). Kids aged 9 to 13 should get no more than 2,200 mg each day. This can raise blood pressure, which in turn can lead to heart problems. Today, 1 in 9 children has raised blood pressure. There’s good news though. Consuming less salt can lower blood pressure.

That, of course, is easier said than done. The more you eat salty foods, the more you develop a taste for them. The key to changing your diet is to start small. Small changes in sodium in foods are not usually noticed. Eventually, the effort will reset a kid’s taste buds (味蕾).

Bridget Murphy is a dietitian. She says kids can try adding spices to their food instead of salt. Eating fruits and vegetables and cutting back on packaged foods will also help.

Need a little inspiration? Murphy offers this tip: Focus on the immediate effects of a diet that is high in sodium. High blood pressure can make it difficult to be active. “ Do you want to think clearly and perform well in school?” she asks. “Do you want to run faster?”

Zerleen Quader, of the CDC, suggests reading nutrition labels. “It’s surprising how much the sodium content for the same food can vary by brand,” she says.

1Why do kids tend to eat too much salt?

A. Salt contains much sodium. B. The salt bottles are too big.

C. Salt makes foods delicious. D. Salt is necessary for their bodies.

2Where does most of the salt kids eat probably come from?

A. Family-cooked foods. B. Fruits and vegetables.

C. Bottles in the kitchen. D. Store-bought foods.

3How does added salt do harm to one’s health?

A. It makes one too active. B. It raises blood pressure.

C. It changes sodium in salt. D. It makes gaining weight easy.

4Which is a suggested way to reduce the intake of salt?

A. Replacing salt with spices. B. Eating without selection.

C. Eating less home-made food. D. Taking much exercise every day.







1细节理解题。根据第一段的But often, it’s the added salt that makes you desire them.可知很多食物之所以令人渴望去吃主要是因为它们里面所添加的盐。故选C。

2推理判断题根据第二段中的The salt bottle is to blame for just 11% of the sodium kids consume. The rest has been added to food before it even reaches the table.可知儿童所摄入的钠中只有11%来自家庭调料瓶而其余的都是在食物未到餐桌之前加入的。再结合第一段所列举的能引起儿童食欲的零食以及第三段的前两句我们可以推知儿童所摄入盐的大部分都来自商店所出售的食物。故选D。

3细节理解题。根据第三段中的This can raise blood pressure, which in tum can lead to heart problems.可知过量的盐可能使血压升高从而导致心脏病。故选B。

4细节理解题。根据第五段中的She says kids can try adding spices to their food instead of salt.可知,Bridget Murphy建议在食物中添加香料而不是盐这可以帮助儿童减少对盐的依赖。故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the woman plan to do?

A.Rent an apartment.

B.Have a business meeting.

C.Meet her wedding organizer.

2How late will the woman be for her appointment?

A.Five minutes.B.Ten minutes.C.At least fifteen minutes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How do you enter a room full of strangers? Do you walk right in full of confidence? Or do you try to slip in without being noticed? 1.

In life,we admire those who do their tasks confidently.We prefer people who appear to know what they are doing.But where does that confidence begin?

Developing self-confidence starts very early.Ifs parents’ role to get kids on the right track toward becoming confident people.2.That can be done by focusing on the child’s strengths.Parents should encourage their children to try new things and take risks.When children make mistakes,their parents should still let them know that they are loved.Children whose parents do these things will likely develop into confident adults.3 So what’s the solution?

With most things in life,practice makes perfect,and that is true of confidence skills.4.

Always hold your head high and look people in the eye.Answer questions clearly and confidently.

Focus on the things that you do well,and look for opportunities to use those abilities.

Prepare thoroughly for every project.You’ll approach the task more confidently knowing that you are ready.

5 It could be a good test score or a prize from a contest.Remind yourself that one success often leads to the next.

However,all humans fail at times,and you will too.Even with efforts to try all the above,you will never be perfect.But you can learn to love and accept yourself and live your life with confidence.

A. Keep in mind an item that reminds you of a recent success.

B. The more you practice them,the easier they will become.

C. The way you go into new situations show your level of self-confidence.

D. Our goal is to prepare students to go into the world with confidence.

E. To help that process,parents should always offer more praise than criticism.

F. Learning from mistakes helps you face the same situation later without fear.

G..But self-confidence still doesn’t come easily.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Great changes ______________________________ in our hometown in the past 20 years.


The teacher ______________________________________________ late.

3黄色的花朵总使他想起在乡下的童年。 (remind)

Yellow flowers always _______________________________________ in the countryside.


I saw her in the office this morning. She ____________________________________ without the doctor’s permission.

5他站在山顶欣赏大自然的美景。 (admire)

He stood on the top of the mountain _________________________________________ .

6他看上去很困倦,昨晚一定熬夜写论文。 (stay)

He looks sleepy. He must ________________________________ last night,writing the essay.


Don’t sit there ______________________. Come and help me with the table.

8天气许可的话,明天我会来的。 (permit)

I’ll come tomorrow, _______________________________ .

9这是一次小型的非正式的老同学聚会,你不必盛装打扮。 (dress)

It’s a small informal party among our old classmates--- you ___________________________.

10---那边可能是谁呢? ---有可能是我们的语文老师,他总穿红衣服。(be)

--- Who________________________ over there?

---It may be our Chinese teacher who is always dressed in red.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why is Tom going to Canada?

A. To run a businessB. To enjoy a holiday trip.C. To get together with his family.

2How does the woman feel about Tom?

A. Helpful.B. PitifulC. Anxious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Every city, in fact, can be felt by its warmth-not in terms of its natural climate but its human touch.

About twenty years ago, I arrived in Australia. Searching for a place in a map in the street, I was approached by an elderly man who asked “How are you? Are you lost? How can I help you?”, which really impressed and warmed me. Another time, as I was pushing my bike on the sidewalk one night, a young lady shouted to me: “Carry me please” and then jumped onto my bicycle. While we had a little chat, she got where she wanted and hopped off my bike with “Thanks, bye!” At that moment, I had a sense as much of pleasant surprise as of “being trusted”.

Still in Australia, two of my friends decided to hitch(搭便车)their way to Sydney in order to save money. A young driver stopped, and luckily he was also going to Sydney, so he let them in and even allowed them to drive while he went to sleep on the back seat. About eight hours later, they arrived and he woke up. Saying thanks to each other, they went their separate ways.

In my opinion, no matter how developed and advanced it is, if in general a place presents itself with a cold and indifferent(冷漠的)face to people, especially to strangers, even keeping them highly alert(警惕的)not to be cheated all the time, can perhaps hardly be classified as a land of civilization(文明). In a sense, the attitude towards strangers that the people have in the city mirrors its warmth.

1What do the words “human touch” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A. A certain temperature. B. Interpersonal communication.

C. Advanced ideas. D. Unique culture.

2What do the native people have in common?

A. Trustful and warm. B. Watchful and alert.

C. Cold and indifferent. D. Caring and guardless.

3Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. My Experience Abroad B. The Warmth of a City

C. A Land of Civilization D. Valuable Memories

4By what is a city’s civilization decided?

A. Its people’s self-guard sense.

B. Its fast development.

C. Its advanced equipment.

D. Its people’s attitude towards strangers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Last April, on a Sunday, we took one of our “nowhere” drives. My husband was quietly driving along a back road. I was occupied in the front passenger seat watching the scenery.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my husband was struggling to look out of my window. This frightened me, since his eyes should be on the road in front of him. I asked him what he was looking at out of the windows, and he quietly replied, “Nothing.”

After a few minutes, I looked over at my husband and noticed a tear running down his cheek. I asked him what was wrong. This time he told me, “I was just thinking about Pop and a story he had once told.” It had something to do with Pop, his friend from childhood, and I wanted to know the story, so I asked him to share it with me.

He said, “When I was about 8 years old, Pop and I were out fishing and he told me that the pine trees know when it is Easter.”

I had no idea what he meant by that, so I pressed him for more information.

He continued on... “The pine trees start their new growth in the weeks before Easter because spring is drawing near. If you look at the tops of the pine trees, you will see the yellow shoots(嫩芽). As the days get closer to Easter Sunday, the tallest shoot will branch off and form a cross. By the time Easter Sunday comes around, you will see that most of the pine trees will have small yellow crosses on all of the tallest shoots.”

I turned to look out of the window and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a week before Easter, and you could see all of the trees with the tall yellow shoots stretching to the sky.

The tallest ones shone in the sunlight like rows of tiny golden crosses. May you find your Easter season filled with beautiful golden crosses!

1How did the author feel when she found her husband looking outward while driving?

A. Curious.B. Calm.

C. Afraid.D. Excited.

2Why did the husband cry?

A. He saw something strange out of the window.

B. He was scolded by his wife for driving carelessly.

C. He was too frightened to drive the car on the road.

D. He thought of an old friend and was moved by his story.

3What can we infer from the text?

A. The author knew Pop’s story very well.

B. Pop was traveling together with the couple.

C. The author was amazed at the appearance of pine trees.

D. Pine trees have something to do with the origin of Easter.

4What does the author intend to tell us?

A. We should be careful while driving.

B. Pine trees are more beautiful before Easter.

C. Easter should be decorated with golden crosses.

D. Easter promises hope with the coming of spring.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I was sitting at the dinner table on a summer evening. Dinnertime ______ told me I should eat everything on my plate and then ask to be ______ from the table. As I took a(n)______ of meat, a tiny voice seemed to ______ into my ear: take that pork bone to Reds.

Reds was a neighborhood dog not ______ to anyone, but he went into our yards on a daily ______ for love and handouts. I had no ______ whether Reds was in our yard at the time, yet the voice was ______.

There was instant ______ inside my young head as to whether I should risk the ______ of getting up from the table before my plate was empty. Yet the voice continued,______ me to get up and look for Reds.

____ back my chair despite my parents’______ expressions, I walked through the kitchen and out of the back door. I did not see Reds, but I saw our garage, about twenty feet away, was on fire.

I ______ as I rushed back into the kitchen, pork in hand. “______ the fire department now---the garage is on fire!”

It seemed that one of my brothers had ______ into a minor fight with some older boys in the neighborhood that day. Although the boys never admitted to it despite a police ______, we believed they set the garage on fire after ______ oil around its walls.

____, we lived two blocks from the fire station, and the fire was ______ in time.

What was the whispering voice that told me to get up from the table and go outside? I will never know for sure, but I will always believe it was all because of a whispering angel.

1A. conditions B. suggestions C. guides D. rules

2A. kept B. put C. excused D. refused

3A. inspection B. bite C. step D. picture

4A. knock B. look C. turn D. whisper

5A. belonging B. going C. sticking D. holding

6A. nature B. point C. basis D. schedule

7A. choice B. demand C. intention D. idea

8A. primary B. insistent C. innocent D. weak

9A. explosion B. connection C. conflict D. understanding

10A. incidences B. functions C. purposes D. consequences

11A. urging B. holding C. experiencing D. requesting

12A. Carrying B. Dating C. Pushing D. Taking

13A. excited B. surprised C. nervous D. considerate

14A. terrified B. sighed C. screamed D. sniffed

15A. Go B. Call C. Operate D. Challenge

16A. stepped B. taken C. brought D. fit

17A. introduction B. investigation C. knowledge D. performance

18A. pouring B. picking C. recording D. lifting

19A. Hopefully B. Desperately C. Regretfully D. Thankfully

20A. put out B. sent out C. held up D. kept up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】There are all kinds of festivals throughout the world. Festivals are held 1 (satisfy) and please the ancestors, to honour some famous people or important events, and to express people’s 2(grateful) to the God 3 brings them a year of plenty. For example, Japanese observe Obon, 4 people go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. In India, October 2 is 5 national festival to honour Mohandas Gandhi who helped India become an 6(depend) country.

And in China the Spring Festival, which 7(celebrate) in January or February, is the most 8(energy) and important because it is a festival that looks forward to the coming of spring. Why are all these festivals everywhere? Because 9 the festivals, people can get together to eat, drink, have fun with each other 10 forget all the daily struggle and demands for a while.

